DfE Applying Behavioural Insights to Education

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: School of Education


I am applying for the DfE Applying Behavioural Insights to Education Fellowship. My proposed research also aligns well with the Ofsted Improving Outcomes Education Research Fellowship. Education is a vital pillar of society, with the power to transform the lives of individuals and communities, and I am excited to use my expertise and passion for education to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing educators and learners. I aim to work towards more effective and equitable education policies and practices through the application of behavioural insights to education. I believe that this fellowship presents a unique opportunity to apply research and evidence to inform strategic education policymaking, shape the country's educational landscape, and ultimately improve outcomes for children and young people.

Participating in the policy fellowship program will enable me to gain valuable experience in providing high-quality advice to senior leaders and Ministers in a timely manner. As an experienced researcher, from my previous work with academic and non-academic collaborators, I can offer insights into knowledge exchange within the Government host department. Through the fellowship, I expect to conduct research that will inform policy decisions by examining existing and emerging evidence on education standards and behaviours, conducting evidence-based horizon scanning exercises, and challenging the development of assumptions based on credible evidence. Where possible, I also plan to conduct primary research with stakeholders using innovative research methods to understand the drivers of education behaviours and co-design innovative solutions. Furthermore, as an ONS-SRS accredited researcher with the necessary training and expertise, I also aim to analyze large-scale datasets to identify factors associated with education behaviour and decision-making and provide policy advice to generate new insights of relevance.

I hope to gain valuable experience in providing high-quality advice to senior leaders and Ministers in a timely manner. Additionally, I am eager to gain an understanding of government ways of working and policy-making processes, particularly in how research and evidence are utilised and embedded in policymaking. I am also eager to disseminate findings and publish research outputs as academic or policy papers, support capacity development in mixed methods research by designing and organising workshops, and participate in evidence-based future thinking exercises. I firmly believe that this fellowship provides an excellent opportunity to gain proximity to topical policy and delivery decisions at a national scale, inform, influence, and understand sector ways of working to help deliver research more effectively.

In conclusion, I believe that the DfE Applying Behavioural Insights to Education Fellowship offers a fantastic platform for me to contribute to education policymaking, expand my professional network, and establish myself as an expert in the utilisation of administrative data to inform evidence-based policy and practice. I would be honoured to have the opportunity to participate in the program and contribute to enhancing the lives of children and learners across the country.


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