Reimagining Food Systems for Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation, and Social Justice

Lead Research Organisation: University of Essex
Department Name: Law


Globalised food production under low-cost fossil fuels has led to economic growth and human wellbeing, yet is also implicated in climate change and food insecurity risks for vulnerable groups which hold profound implications for human rights including to life, food, health, water and sanitation, culture, and self-determination. Not only a lack of, but also poorly designed and implemented climate change mitigation and adaptation schemes can lead to human rights violations, particularly for marginalised groups. The Reimagining Food Systems for Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation, and Social Justice project (RFS) will apply a human rights lens to the development and implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies related to food systems. This lens will anchor policies, programs and strategies in a system of rights and corresponding obligations under International Human Rights Law to empower right-holders to participate in policy formulation and enhance accountability.

The RFS project is participatory and marshals the knowledge, skills, and experiences of Indigenous, riparian, and low-income populations, especially women; the work of Myera Group Inc - an indigenous led corporate body in Canada; and global researchers. This research will identify existing global, national and local challenges affecting food systems, and develop community assessment tools to support the develop Food Systems for Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation, and Social Justice.

The RFS vision is decentralized and applicable to local, circular economies in the context of local knowledge, culture and traditions and human rights. The RFS promotes sound nutrition, healthy child development, brings consumers closer to their food sources and repairs agriculture's relationships with land and water to restore ecosystem health.


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