Proximity to Discovery 2014 - The University of Manchester
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Manchester
Department Name: UNLISTED
Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.
Technical Summary
The MRC Proximity to Discovery scheme awards universities funds to help develop new collaborations, and ways of exchanging knowledge and skills. The awards can be used to support activities that promote the value of academic-industry partnership, and enhance academic and industry researchers’ understanding of each other’s needs and capabilities. This may be through people exchanges, creation of technology demonstrators, showcase events, commercialisation workshops and ‘entrepreneurs in residence’ schemes. Such exchanges of knowledge and skills will boost the most fruitful collaborations between UK universities and life science companies.
- University of Manchester (Lead Research Organisation)
- Apical (Collaboration)
- IMAGEN BIOTECH (Collaboration)
- Hip Impact Protection Limited (Collaboration)
- Mapmyhealth Ltd (Collaboration)
- TIYGA Health Ltd (Collaboration)
- Biorelate Ltd (Collaboration)
- AssessPatients Ltd (Collaboration)
- Docobo (United Kingdom) (Collaboration)
- Biogelx (Collaboration)
- New Charter Housing Trust (Collaboration)
- Bristol-Myers Squibb (Collaboration)
- Philips Research Cambridge (Collaboration)
- Precision Acoustics Ltd (Collaboration)
- Cochlear Ltd. (Collaboration)
People |
Luke Georghiou (Principal Investigator) |

Lawrence, K.
Chondroprotection by urocortin involves blockade of a non-selective cation channel: Novel, exploitable pathways for the treatment of osteoarthritis?
in Arthritis & Rheumatology

Boulton, E.
in International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
Description | 2D Materials for Next Generation Healthcare Technologies (2D Health) Graphene |
Amount | £5,200,000 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/P00119X/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2016 |
End | 09/2021 |
Description | ESRC Impact Acceleration Account |
Amount | £22,428 (GBP) |
Organisation | University of Manchester |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start |
Description | Collaboration between Chris Ward and Imagen Biotech Ltd |
Organisation | Imagen Biotech |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The research team comprises of a principal investigator and a full time research fellow. The research fellow is seconded to the company on a full time basis for 6 months. The research team are providing access to novel stem cells and the associated academic and technical expertise. This also includes the provision of AD-affected neurons and healthy neurons from additional patient samples for use in the company high throughput screening facilities. The University will support the company to expand their client base in the field of AD drug screening. |
Collaborator Contribution | The company has contributed staff time, equipment and consumables. The company is contributing estates and indirect costs associated with hosting the secondee for 6 months on a full time basis. This includes assess and training in proprietary automated high throughput screening platform and associated expertise, as well as access to compound libraries. Further training in quantitative pharmacology, compound drug screening processes and the regulatory environment will be provided. Time will be devoted to preparing joint funding applications. |
Impact | Novel potential therapeutic compounds for Alzheimer's Disease have been identified and are being research further. Spin out was formed during the project (with £25k investment fund), with the PDRA now Director of Research at the company. Partnership agreement signed between spin out and company. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Collaboration between Christine Bundy and Celgene |
Organisation | Bristol-Myers Squibb |
Department | Celgene |
Country | United States |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The research includes a principal investigator contributing 0.1 FTE and a research associate at 0.2 FTE during the 6 month project. The research team has been Involved in a retrospective and prospective study of a new small molecule drug, offering expertise in patient experiences of living with psoriasis and managing it using a range of medication types, including pioneering quantitative and qualitative psychological studies to understand how psoriasis treatment outcomes should be evaluated. |
Collaborator Contribution | The company has contributed staff time, travel expenses and industry expertise. The project includes discussions of an innovative model of partnership in health care, beyond the usual medical perspective and incorporating the broader psychological perspective, could form the basis for future industry partnerships. This proposed collaboration may offer a more sustainable research possibility through ways to increase intelligence about other Dermatology Centres who may be interested in future research and consultancy collaboration. |
Impact | Project is still in early stage so yet to realise outputs. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Collaboration between Emma Stanmore, Hip Impact Protection and New Charter Housing Trust |
Organisation | Hip Impact Protection Limited |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Principal Investigator 0.05 FTE, Research Fellow 3 weeks and Research Associate 5 weeks. Through the provision of meetings, workshops and focus groups, the research team have provided academic, clinical and user feedback for development of a novel hip protection device which will inform future trials. A network has been established to facilitate rapid uptake of the product which will reduce its price, and add to its facilities. |
Collaborator Contribution | Hip Impact Protection have contributed staff time, travel expenses and equipment (hip protection devices). New Charter Housing Trust have contributed staff time, travel expenses and facilities to host workshops. Both companies have devoted resources to apply to joint funding initiatives for follow on activities. |
Impact | Article drafted but not yet submitted for the 'International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care'. Title to be confirmed, first named author Elizabeth Boulton, UoM and last author Emma Stanmore. Joint research proposal submitted to NHS England (SBRI funding scheme - short-listed but unsuccessful) and a further separate project involving New Charter Housing Trust successfully funded by ESRC IAA (Developing and feasibility testing a gamified 'app' for transformative learning to prevent slips, trips and falls among the over 65s - Stanmore and Dewick (Co-PIs) £22,428) Oldham CCG have agreed to support a feasibility trial of the novel hip protectors via a Dragons Den call attended by Hip Impact Protection Ltd. Research protocol and literature review developed in preparation for future bids. Invited to present at the The Health Services Research UK (HSRUK) Symposium held in Nottingham on 13-14 July, 2016. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Collaboration between Emma Stanmore, Hip Impact Protection and New Charter Housing Trust |
Organisation | New Charter Housing Trust |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Principal Investigator 0.05 FTE, Research Fellow 3 weeks and Research Associate 5 weeks. Through the provision of meetings, workshops and focus groups, the research team have provided academic, clinical and user feedback for development of a novel hip protection device which will inform future trials. A network has been established to facilitate rapid uptake of the product which will reduce its price, and add to its facilities. |
Collaborator Contribution | Hip Impact Protection have contributed staff time, travel expenses and equipment (hip protection devices). New Charter Housing Trust have contributed staff time, travel expenses and facilities to host workshops. Both companies have devoted resources to apply to joint funding initiatives for follow on activities. |
Impact | Article drafted but not yet submitted for the 'International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care'. Title to be confirmed, first named author Elizabeth Boulton, UoM and last author Emma Stanmore. Joint research proposal submitted to NHS England (SBRI funding scheme - short-listed but unsuccessful) and a further separate project involving New Charter Housing Trust successfully funded by ESRC IAA (Developing and feasibility testing a gamified 'app' for transformative learning to prevent slips, trips and falls among the over 65s - Stanmore and Dewick (Co-PIs) £22,428) Oldham CCG have agreed to support a feasibility trial of the novel hip protectors via a Dragons Den call attended by Hip Impact Protection Ltd. Research protocol and literature review developed in preparation for future bids. Invited to present at the The Health Services Research UK (HSRUK) Symposium held in Nottingham on 13-14 July, 2016. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Collaboration between Helen Brooks and AssessPatients Ltd |
Organisation | AssessPatients Ltd |
Country | Ireland |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The research team comprises of two investigators (0.5 FTE for 6 months and 20 week contribution) and a full time research associate. Their contribution working towards a specification and prototype for an interactive, user-friendly care plan has involved the delivery of four working groups with a range of stakeholders (including industry representatives, mental health service users, carers, mental health professionals and other key informants) and will include user stories describing practical events and scenarios. Time has been contributed to prepare future funding follow on projects. |
Collaborator Contribution | The company has contributed staff time, travel expenses and equipment to the project. They have provided expertise in ehealth applications and improving care programme performance metrics to support better financial, care effectiveness and people care governance. Staff time has allowed the research team to learn about industrial research priorities and models of engagement for future collaborations, including future funding, research and implementation partnerships. |
Impact | An abstract has been accepted at QRMH Conference 2016. (Helen Brooks1, Penny Bee1, Kelly Rushton1, Richie Bowden2 and Karina Lovell1. (1) EQUIP, University of Manchester (2) Assesspatients. The collaborative production of an online mental health care plan.) |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Collaboration between Helen Hawley-Hague and TIYGA Health Ltd |
Organisation | TIYGA Health Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The research team comprises of a principal investigator at 5% FTE and a research associate at 40% FTE for the duration of the 6 month project. They will support TIYGA Health to develop a smartphone App to acquire rich behavioural contextual data around falls. This will allow more personalised interventions that will increase the likelihood of timely preventative action, e.g. reduction of sedentary behaviour. This will include an interactive workshop with health/social care professionals and older people, to showcase TIYGA Health's existing applications and establish professionals' needs, older peoples'willingness to allow behavioural data to be captured and preferences for types of data capture. Time will also be devoted to securing joint follow on funding. |
Collaborator Contribution | The company is contributing staff time, travel expenses and equipment to the project. The company will provide industrial and technical expertise to the collaboration. This included timely data capture, using mobile and cloud technology and knowledge of data reporting. |
Impact | Invitation to East Midlands Falls Symposium as keynote speaker on smart technology for falls prevention. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Collaboration between Jordi Bella and Biogelx |
Organisation | Biogelx |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Discussions regarding how technologies of each party could combine for collaboration |
Collaborator Contribution | Discussions regarding how technologies of each party could combine for collaboration |
Impact | Joint application submitted with company as CoI for MRC CiC funding, as a result of P2D funded meetings. |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | Collaboration between Kevin Munro and Cochlear Europe |
Organisation | Cochlear Ltd. |
Country | Global |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Two professors at 5% FTE for the duration of the 9 month project and a full-time research assistant. In addition to working with international leaders in research and clinical services, Manchester has contributed state-of-the art test (integrated) clinical and research facilities, including a suite of bespoke sound booths for adults and children with hearing loss. The research team will provide an evidence base for hearing device technology including development of: (i) a generic prescription method for BCHA amplification characteristics, (ii) an objective prescription verification method for BCHAs, (iii) a core outcome set. |
Collaborator Contribution | The company has contributed staff time, equipment and travel expenses. Other contributions include: - Access to state-of-the art technology and research platforms - A long-term partnership with a commitment to supporting joint research activities - Provision of a consultancy service for later-stage clinical trials with the income used to fund our programme of discovery research. |
Impact | A systematic review of the management of unilateral hearing loss in children has been completed. A paper is being prepared for publication. Specialised hearing lab set up with industrial partner with custom built technologies. Pilot study and focus group. Core outcome set developed. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Collaboration between Lis Cordingley and Mapmyhealth Ltd |
Organisation | Mapmyhealth Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The research team comprises of a principal investigator (0.05 FTE) and a research associate (0.2 FTE) to developed a digital theory-based intervention which supports people with psoriasis to broaden their understanding and improve physical and psychological outcomes. The research team will contribute their existing expertise in novel research methods and patient engagement and will deliver user focus groups to explore how an eHealth platform could be used to share essential information between patient and practitioner. |
Collaborator Contribution | The company is contributing staff time and travel expenses and bring experience of developing online platforms for use by patients and practitioners in other long-term conditions to the partnership. They offer expertise in implementing digital platforms within the NHS and will explore potential for new and creative ways of working, understand the potential for digital exploitation and the practicalities involved in developments of this type, such as: financial planning and costings; integration with NHS portals and recording systems; privacy and security. |
Impact | A funded extension has been granted to an existing NIHR award worth approx. £75k to incorporate materials generated during the P2D project into a larger workstream. |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | Collaboration between Partha Mandal and Apical Ltd |
Organisation | Apical |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The research team comprises of a principal investigator and research associate at 40% FTE for the duration of the 6 month. Their contribution includes a survey and workshop to investigate how a revolutionary technology that detects gesture, pose, trajectory and identity without the need for video can be applied to the benefit of elderly /infirm people to detect abnormal and normal movements and to trigger alarms or actions without the need for the person to press anything or make abnormal movements to identify issues. This includes: - understanding and refining the behavioural detection algorithms for the elderly application - project development in conjunction with OEMS packaged solutions for care homes and private residences - a demonstration system for academic and industry review |
Collaborator Contribution | The company has contributed staff time, equipment and travel expenses. They will provide industrial and technological expertise to develop the technology and explore further opportunities for collaboration. |
Impact | The project is at an early stage so has yet to realise any outputs. |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | Collaboration between Paul Townsend and Biorelate |
Organisation | Biorelate Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Staff time and travel expenses for meetings to discuss opportunities for future collaborations. This includes primary analysis of experimental data in association with the recently funded MRC Stoller Biomarker Discovery Centre. |
Collaborator Contribution | Biorelate have contributed staff time and travel expenses, including the unique data and text mining capabilities to explore Ca2+ homeostasis in disparate degenerative diseases. |
Impact | Papers: 1. Greenhough J, Papadakis, ES, Cutress, RI, Townsend, PA, Oreffo, ROC, Tare, RS.. Regulation of osteoblast development by Bcl-2-associated athanogene-1 (BAG-1). Accepted, Scientific Reports (NPG). 2. Larkin, SET, Johnston, HE, Jackson, TR, Jamieson, DG, Roumeliotis, TI, Mockridge, CI, Michael, A, Manousopoulou, A, Papachristou, EK, Brown, MD, Clarke, NW, Pangha, H, Aukim-Hatie, CL, Cragg, MS, Townsend, PA. Detection of candidate biomarkers of prostate cancer progression in serum; a depletion-free 3D LC/MS quantitative proteomics pilot study. Accepted, Br J Cancer. 3. Owens, GL, Lawrence, KM, Jackson, TR, Sayan, BS, Crosbie, E, Kitchener, H, Townsend, PA. Urocortin suppresses endometrial cancer cell migration via CRFR2 and its system components are differentially modulated by estrogen. Accepted, Cancer Medicine. 4. Vougas, K, Jackson, TJ, Polyzos, A, Liontos, M, Johnson, EO, Townsend, PA, Gorgoulis, VG. Deep Learning and Association Rule Mining for Predicting Drug Response in Cancer. In Review, Nature Communications. 5. Johnston, HE, Carter, MJ, Cox, KL, Dunscombe, M, Manousopoulou, A, Garbis, SD, Townsend, PA, Cragg, MS. Integrated cellular and plasma proteomics reveals common and systemic signatures in contrasting B-cell cancers. In review, PLoS Biology. 6. Lawrence, KM, Jackson, TR, Baylie, R, Bruhn-Olszewska, B, Locke, IC, Board, T, Richardson, SR Townsend, PA. Chondroprotection by urocortin involves blocking a non-selective cation channel: Novel, exploitable pathways for the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis? In review, Scientific Reports (NPG). Grants obtained and applied for: Discovery to Proximity award. "SWATH-MS, Association Rule Mining and Deep Learning for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis" £34,000, funded - MRC CiC. PT role: PI and primary author with Dr Thomas Jackson Precision Medicine approaches to prostate cancer - a biomarker cohort study. £80,000, funded Male Uprising in Guernsey (MUG) Charity. PT role: PI and primary author with Professor Tony Whetton. Other outputs: We held 3 events - 2 in Manchester and 1 in Southampton which included Manchester, and external partners from Southampton, Westminster, Wrightington Hospital and Biorelate. . These helped to train 2 post docs (Kevin Lawrence and Tom Jackson) in the approach taken and 1 PhD student (Rebecca Jones). VC seed funding obtained by Biorelate as result of this project. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Collaboration between Robert Clarke and Precision Medicines Ltd |
Organisation | Precision Acoustics Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The research team comprises of a principal investigator and a research fellow at 40% FTE for the duration of the 9 month project. The research team will contribute IHC detection kit, patient samples and processing, and mice experiments, working towards the development of predictive biomarkers to personalise treatment with PgR antagonists (PgRAs). Time will also be devoted to addressing reviewers comments to a recent Innovate UK joint application. |
Collaborator Contribution | The company is contributing £2,000 in direct financial contribution, as well as staff time, travel expenses, equipment and consumables. The company will offer industrial expertise and technical knowledge to increase understanding of the role of PgR inhibition in breast cancer stem cells. The partnership will benefit from the company's knowledge of clinical trials. Time will also be devoted to addressing reviewers comments to a recent Innovate UK joint application. |
Impact | Unsuccessful Biomedical Catalyst application submitted. To be resubmitted. |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | Collaboration between Sonja Kotz, Philips Research and Docobo |
Organisation | Docobo |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Five researchers have contributed 2% FTE academic time and a post-doctoral research has contributed 2.5 days a week including secondments to both companies. The multidisciplinary research team from UoM (School of Psychological Sciences, School of Computer Science, and the Centre for Imaging Sciences) has offered varied insights and skills into product development in aid of neurodegenerative diseases and wellbeing in ageing. This includes: - Access to expert and non-expert participant panels for product testing and gathering feedback. - Expertise of the researcher in behavioural and psychophysical testing for collecting objective data and feedback. - Identification commercialisation opportunities via increased knowledge of the University's research portfolio. |
Collaborator Contribution | The companies have hosted the secondee on site and have contributed staff time, In support of the project the companies have offered: - New insights into the healthcare industry and smartphone technology - Expertise in developing smartphone apps - Technical support on the research project from the industrial partners - Access to a wider variety of facilities for product development |
Impact | Multidisciplinary research team (School of Psychological Sciences, School of Computer Science, and the Centre for Imaging Sciences) 1 joint workshop between UoM, Philips and Docobo. 1 video to promote project. KTP application in discussion. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Collaboration between Sonja Kotz, Philips Research and Docobo |
Organisation | Philips Research Cambridge |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Five researchers have contributed 2% FTE academic time and a post-doctoral research has contributed 2.5 days a week including secondments to both companies. The multidisciplinary research team from UoM (School of Psychological Sciences, School of Computer Science, and the Centre for Imaging Sciences) has offered varied insights and skills into product development in aid of neurodegenerative diseases and wellbeing in ageing. This includes: - Access to expert and non-expert participant panels for product testing and gathering feedback. - Expertise of the researcher in behavioural and psychophysical testing for collecting objective data and feedback. - Identification commercialisation opportunities via increased knowledge of the University's research portfolio. |
Collaborator Contribution | The companies have hosted the secondee on site and have contributed staff time, In support of the project the companies have offered: - New insights into the healthcare industry and smartphone technology - Expertise in developing smartphone apps - Technical support on the research project from the industrial partners - Access to a wider variety of facilities for product development |
Impact | Multidisciplinary research team (School of Psychological Sciences, School of Computer Science, and the Centre for Imaging Sciences) 1 joint workshop between UoM, Philips and Docobo. 1 video to promote project. KTP application in discussion. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Focus groups with end users in sheltered housing facilities |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Patients, carers and/or patient groups |
Results and Impact | Five focus group events were held between April and November 2015, in sheltered housing facilities with 101 participants to gather views regarding the Fall-Safe hip protectors and the Fall-Safe Assist integrated system. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2015 |
Description | Focus groups with healthcare professionals (Manchester City Council, CMFT, Pennine Care) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Engagement with health professionals (Manchester City Council/Central Manchester Foundation Trust, Pennine Care) and commissioners with regards to the potential utility of smart technology for falls prevention. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2015,2016 |