Understanding the mechanisms of cone opsin mediated disease to develop new therapies
Lead Research Organisation:
Department Name: Institute of Ophthalmology
Cone photoreceptors are the light sensitive cells at the back of the eye that enable us to see fine detail in daylight and perceive colour. We have three types of cone photoreceptors, red, green and blue, that enable us to perceive a spectrum of colours. The genes that encode the light sensing molecules for the red and green photoreceptors, called cone opsin genes, are very similar and close together in the human genome which makes them prone to genetic faults that cause different forms of visual loss or progressive blindness. Currently there are no treatments for these blinding conditions.
Through the discovery of these genetic faults, we have found that 'skipping' of important parts of the genes is a common cause of disease. Now we have discovered the genetic faults, we want to understand how these genes are switched on in cones and how the genetic faults impair cone photoreceptor function and structure. This will be achieved by state-of-the-art-techniques using patient stem cells to form a 'retina in a dish'. We will then use our 'retina in a dish' to test a new custom-designed potential therapeutic approach in this experimental system to see if we can silence this disease mechanism and restore normal cone opsin gene expression and function. Our genetic studies to determine the faults in the cone opsin genes in our patient cohort will provide an accurate diagnosis that we can correlate with the pattern of visual loss for earlier disease detection, and to identify the optimal window for potential therapeutic intervention. This study will pave the way to advance treatment of cone-opsin mediated blinding disease.
Through the discovery of these genetic faults, we have found that 'skipping' of important parts of the genes is a common cause of disease. Now we have discovered the genetic faults, we want to understand how these genes are switched on in cones and how the genetic faults impair cone photoreceptor function and structure. This will be achieved by state-of-the-art-techniques using patient stem cells to form a 'retina in a dish'. We will then use our 'retina in a dish' to test a new custom-designed potential therapeutic approach in this experimental system to see if we can silence this disease mechanism and restore normal cone opsin gene expression and function. Our genetic studies to determine the faults in the cone opsin genes in our patient cohort will provide an accurate diagnosis that we can correlate with the pattern of visual loss for earlier disease detection, and to identify the optimal window for potential therapeutic intervention. This study will pave the way to advance treatment of cone-opsin mediated blinding disease.
Technical Summary
Mutations in the long-wavelength (LW) and middle-wavelength (MW) cone opsin genes are associated with a wide range of visual defects including red-green color vision deficiency, blue cone monochromacy and X-linked cone dystrophy. Advances in our understanding of the genetic basis of disease has revealed that different genetic mechanisms underlie the spectrum of cone photoreceptor defects, with different effects on cone photoreceptor viability and function. We have shown that interchange haplotypes are a common cause of disease, resulting in aberrant splicing and exon 3 skipping in vitro. The interchange haplotypes abolish Exonic Splice Enhancer (ESE) motifs and create Exonic Splice Silencer (ESS) motifs. Here, we will use the mini-gene constructs we have created for each disease associated interchange haplotype to test the potential of antisense oligonucleotides (AONs) to suppress exon 3 skipping and restore normal splicing of the cone opsin genes. We will create models of the human retina with LW and MW cone opsin mutations in genomic and cellular context by differentiating patient derived iPSC organoid optic cups. Using these models, we plan to define the number of cone opsin genes expressed in a human retina, investigate the effect of interchange haplotypes on the extent of mis-splicing and mutant opsin protein products, and test the most successful AONs from the mini-gene assay on human cone photoreceptors. We will correlate the context and consequence of mutations with the variable phenotypic spectrum of disease, to assess if cone photoreceptor survival, or the rate of photoreceptor loss and functional deterioration, correlates with cone opsin genotype. This knowledge is important for selecting the target cone opsin genes and context of mutations most likely to respond to a therapeutic intervention for potential restoration of visual function in patients with cone opsin mutations.
Planned Impact
Currently there are no effective treatments for BCM and X-linked cone dystrophy caused by mutations in the cone opsin array. A molecular diagnosis for patients is a pre-requisite for considering any gene directed therapeutic approach. Correlation of genotype with deep phenotype data for cone opsin conditions will address the fundamental questions of how cone preservation varies between individuals, how this relates to genotype, and the progressive nature of these disorders, helping to establish the natural history of disease and identifying the optimal time to intervene. The main criterion for identifying suitable subjects for trials of rescuing cone photoreceptors is based on the structural integrity of the cones, so this study will inform on selecting the context of mutations most likely to respond to a gene directed therapeutic intervention for potential restoration of visual function in patients with cone opsin mutations.
Due to the evolution of trichromatic colour vision, animal models for these conditions are lacking, and appropriate models need to be established to explore disease mechanisms and to test potential therapeutic approaches. The development of patient iPSC derived organoid optic cups as models of disease outlined in this proposal, will advance our understanding of cone-opsin mediated disease, and as pre-clinical disease models will pave the way to explore potential treatments with translational potential, such as the AON strategy outlined in this application and potentially other therapeutic approaches, such as AAV mediated gene therapy. Our investigation is likely to have wider impact due to the fact that strategies directed at rescuing cones and developing relevant outcome metrics are relevant to all inherited retinal disorders, where preservation/restoration of cone function is also the primary therapeutic goal. We envisage that the data generated will be of direct relevance to other academic researchers, clinicians and pharmaceutical companies with an interest in developing therapies for other inherited retinal diseases.
The information gained will also be fundamentally important for understanding LCR driven expression of cone opsin genes in the array and the consequence of splicing defects caused by interchange haplotypes in a human retina. Our study will, for the first time, define the disease mechanism and the consequence of splicing defects caused by interchange haplotypes in the developing human retina. Broader and long term impact is also possible from data generated based on RNA-seq analysis of the developing optic cups, such as identifying transcriptional networks that govern photoreceptor subtype differentiation (rod, S-cone and L/M cone), and cone photoreceptor mosaic patterning in the developing human retina. Impact will be realised through the engagement and disseminated plans highlighted in the Communications Plan.
Due to the evolution of trichromatic colour vision, animal models for these conditions are lacking, and appropriate models need to be established to explore disease mechanisms and to test potential therapeutic approaches. The development of patient iPSC derived organoid optic cups as models of disease outlined in this proposal, will advance our understanding of cone-opsin mediated disease, and as pre-clinical disease models will pave the way to explore potential treatments with translational potential, such as the AON strategy outlined in this application and potentially other therapeutic approaches, such as AAV mediated gene therapy. Our investigation is likely to have wider impact due to the fact that strategies directed at rescuing cones and developing relevant outcome metrics are relevant to all inherited retinal disorders, where preservation/restoration of cone function is also the primary therapeutic goal. We envisage that the data generated will be of direct relevance to other academic researchers, clinicians and pharmaceutical companies with an interest in developing therapies for other inherited retinal diseases.
The information gained will also be fundamentally important for understanding LCR driven expression of cone opsin genes in the array and the consequence of splicing defects caused by interchange haplotypes in a human retina. Our study will, for the first time, define the disease mechanism and the consequence of splicing defects caused by interchange haplotypes in the developing human retina. Broader and long term impact is also possible from data generated based on RNA-seq analysis of the developing optic cups, such as identifying transcriptional networks that govern photoreceptor subtype differentiation (rod, S-cone and L/M cone), and cone photoreceptor mosaic patterning in the developing human retina. Impact will be realised through the engagement and disseminated plans highlighted in the Communications Plan.
- UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (Lead Research Organisation)
- UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD (Collaboration)
- Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (Collaboration)
- BCM Families Foundation (Collaboration)
- Medical College of Wisconsin (Collaboration)
- University of Washington (Collaboration)
- UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS (Collaboration)

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Structural Variants Create New Topological-Associated Domains and Ectopic Retinal Enhancer-Gene Contact in Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa
in The American Journal of Human Genetics

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Missense variants in the X-linked gene PRPS1 cause retinal degeneration in females.
in Human mutation

Hardcastle AJ
Translational Retinal Research and Therapies.
in Translational vision science & technology

Patterson EJ
Foveal Cone Structure in Patients With Blue Cone Monochromacy.
in Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Patterson EJ
Comparing Retinal Structure in Patients with Achromatopsia and Blue Cone Monochromacy Using OCT.
in Ophthalmology science

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Residual Cone Structure in Patients With X-Linked Cone Opsin Mutations.
in Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Wissinger B
The landscape of submicroscopic structural variants at the OPN1LW/OPN1MW gene cluster on Xq28 underlying blue cone monochromacy.
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Description | Assessment of genotype-phenotype relationship for blue cone monochromacy |
Amount | £171,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | BCM Families Foundation |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United States |
Start | 04/2019 |
End | 06/2021 |
Description | Investigation of LW/MW cone opsin disease and therapy in retinal organoids |
Amount | £100,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Fight for Sight |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 08/2021 |
End | 08/2024 |
Title | Differentiation of patient derived iPSC to 3D retinal organoids and testing potential therapies for retinal diseases |
Description | We have recruited genotyped patients with specific disease causing variants in different genes for differentiation of iPSCs to 3D retinal organoids. Fibroblasts were cultured from skin biopsies, and reprogrammed to iPSC. Protocols for differentiation to 3D retinal organoids have been established, and different types of potential therapies have been tested in these human disease models; read through drugs, AONs and AAV gene augmentation |
Type Of Material | Model of mechanisms or symptoms - in vitro |
Year Produced | 2020 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | These methods are established in our lab, and other labs, but this is the first time they have been applied to study mechanism of disease for photoreceptor cell death and for testing gene augmentation as a therapy for this specific patient group with a different form of X-linked disease. This research will inform future studies of human retinal organoid models for different retinal diseases. |
URL | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221367112030179X?via%3Dihub |
Title | chromatin capture Low-C sequencing |
Description | applied Low-C to 3D retinal organoid models to investigate consequence of structural variants |
Type Of Material | Technology assay or reagent |
Year Produced | 2020 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | The worlds first topological domain map in human retinal tissue |
Description | Blue Cone Monochromacy Families Foundation, USA |
Organisation | BCM Families Foundation |
Country | United States |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | I am PI on a successful grant awarded to UCL by the founder of the Blue Cone Monochromacy Families Foundation, USA, with co-PIs Prof Michel Michaelides and Prof Joe Carroll This award (£171,101 for 2 years) is titled; "Assessment of genotype-phenotype relationship for blue cone monochromacy" This award has enabled a talented postdoctoral fellow who we collaborate with, Dr Emily Patterson, to move from Prof Joe Carroll's lab in the USA to UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, where she will develop her career in this field. Dr Patterson will be performing deep phenotyping on our patient group with different cone opsin mutations, including; i) using SD-OCT to obtain to obtain 3-dimensional images of the retina in patients, to measure thickness, reflectivity and integrity of retinal layers and assess differences across mutations with longitudinal assessment of disease progression/stability. ii) AOSLO to obtain diffraction-limited images of the retina in the living eye to visualise individual photoreceptor cells and to quantify various mosaic metrics for functioning rods, functioning cones, and non-functioning cones. iii) Establish reliable methods and baseline measurements of visual function using psychophysical and colour vision tests such as AVOT to accurately determine the degree of retained of retained visual function tests to assess residual color vision along the protan, deutan and tritan axes. The award supports salary for Dr Emily Patterson and patient imaging costs. The success of this award was based on our track record of collaboration and research excellence on retinal diseases due to mutations in the cone opsin genes, and the MRC project grant award, so that we have critical mass in the highly specialised study of clinical aspects of these conditions using state of the art imaging and visual assessment platforms. |
Collaborator Contribution | This award has enabled a talented postdoctoral fellow who we collaborate with, Dr Emily Patterson, to move from Prof Joe Carroll's lab in the USA to UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, where she will develop her career in this field. |
Impact | This award has enabled a talented postdoctoral fellow who we collaborate with, Dr Emily Patterson, to move from Prof Joe Carroll's lab in the USA to UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, where she will develop her career in this field. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Hi-C and Cut and Tag seq of retinal organoids |
Organisation | Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | The unexpected research outcome of discovering a new genomic mechanism for X-linked retinal disease has led us to an experimentally driven hypothesis that these inter-chromosomal insertions lead to tissue specific dysregulation of a linear and circular RNA. We built the hypothesis and experimental evidence, and have differentiated patient iPSC to 3D retinal organoids. |
Collaborator Contribution | New collaboration with Prof Stefan Mundlos lab in Berlin for Xq inter-chromosomal insertions, Hi-C and Cut&Tag sequencing of patient iPSc derived 3D retinal organoids to determine how altered genomic architecture dysregulates gene expression on the X-chromosome and causes retinal degeneration. The Mundlos lab will provide expertise in Hi-C and Cut&Tag sequencing. |
Impact | Experiments underway |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | UK Inherited Retinal Disease Consortium |
Organisation | University of Leeds |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The prevalence of retinal disease caused by mutations in the cone opsin genes is poorly understood, largely due to the fact that the majority of mutations are intractable by exome and genome sequencing and specific molecular genetic investigation is required. I am the lead PI in London (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital) for the UK Inherited Retinal Disease Consortium, a funded collaboration (Retina UK, £340,400) of 4 centres that also includes Manchester (led by Prof Graeme Black), Oxford (led by Prof Susan Downes) and Leeds (led by Prof Chris Inglehearn) with the aim of determining the cause of disease in patients who are genetically unsolved. We are actively involved in performing the specific molecular tests and sequencing required to identify and confirm cone opsin mutations as the cause of disease in patients and families in this extended UK cohort. |
Collaborator Contribution | Recruitment of unsolved cases and families for investigation of cone opsin mutations |
Impact | Multidisciplinary - Molecular genetics and clinical phenotyping |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | UK Inherited Retinal Disease Consortium |
Organisation | University of Manchester |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The prevalence of retinal disease caused by mutations in the cone opsin genes is poorly understood, largely due to the fact that the majority of mutations are intractable by exome and genome sequencing and specific molecular genetic investigation is required. I am the lead PI in London (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital) for the UK Inherited Retinal Disease Consortium, a funded collaboration (Retina UK, £340,400) of 4 centres that also includes Manchester (led by Prof Graeme Black), Oxford (led by Prof Susan Downes) and Leeds (led by Prof Chris Inglehearn) with the aim of determining the cause of disease in patients who are genetically unsolved. We are actively involved in performing the specific molecular tests and sequencing required to identify and confirm cone opsin mutations as the cause of disease in patients and families in this extended UK cohort. |
Collaborator Contribution | Recruitment of unsolved cases and families for investigation of cone opsin mutations |
Impact | Multidisciplinary - Molecular genetics and clinical phenotyping |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | UK Inherited Retinal Disease Consortium |
Organisation | University of Oxford |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The prevalence of retinal disease caused by mutations in the cone opsin genes is poorly understood, largely due to the fact that the majority of mutations are intractable by exome and genome sequencing and specific molecular genetic investigation is required. I am the lead PI in London (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital) for the UK Inherited Retinal Disease Consortium, a funded collaboration (Retina UK, £340,400) of 4 centres that also includes Manchester (led by Prof Graeme Black), Oxford (led by Prof Susan Downes) and Leeds (led by Prof Chris Inglehearn) with the aim of determining the cause of disease in patients who are genetically unsolved. We are actively involved in performing the specific molecular tests and sequencing required to identify and confirm cone opsin mutations as the cause of disease in patients and families in this extended UK cohort. |
Collaborator Contribution | Recruitment of unsolved cases and families for investigation of cone opsin mutations |
Impact | Multidisciplinary - Molecular genetics and clinical phenotyping |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | collaboration with USA |
Organisation | Medical College of Wisconsin |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | In collaboration with Prof Joe Carroll (Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) and Profs Maureen Neitz and Jay Neitz (University of Washington, Seattle, Washington) we have selected a UK and US (U of Washington) genotyped patient cohort for cross-comparison (UCL/MEH and Wisconsin) of deep phenotyping using confocal adaptive-optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy and optical coherence tomography UK patients we have genetically solved were recruited to this study, and deep phenotyping was performed by Michel Michaelides at Moorfields |
Collaborator Contribution | Profs Maureen and Jay Neitz recruited genotyped patients to this study, and deep phenotyping was performed by Prof Joe Carroll |
Impact | Joint publication of research findings, PMID:30128495 Multidisciplinary - Genetics and state-of-the art imaging |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | collaboration with USA |
Organisation | University of Washington |
Department | Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | In collaboration with Prof Joe Carroll (Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) and Profs Maureen Neitz and Jay Neitz (University of Washington, Seattle, Washington) we have selected a UK and US (U of Washington) genotyped patient cohort for cross-comparison (UCL/MEH and Wisconsin) of deep phenotyping using confocal adaptive-optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy and optical coherence tomography UK patients we have genetically solved were recruited to this study, and deep phenotyping was performed by Michel Michaelides at Moorfields |
Collaborator Contribution | Profs Maureen and Jay Neitz recruited genotyped patients to this study, and deep phenotyping was performed by Prof Joe Carroll |
Impact | Joint publication of research findings, PMID:30128495 Multidisciplinary - Genetics and state-of-the art imaging |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Retina UK Annual Meeting |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Patients, carers and/or patient groups |
Results and Impact | Patients, carers, charitable organisations living and working with inherited retinal diseases |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |