Quantification of uncertainty within systems pharmacology to optimise personalised therapy
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Liverpool
Department Name: Mathematical Sciences
The proposed research will demonstrate how the quantification of uncertainty within theoretical pharmacology models can be used to optimise personalised therapy. The current one-dose-fits-all viewpoint, dosing for the 'average' human and empirical derivations of dosing regimens are clearly not sufficient to effectively treat a diverse population. Personalised medicine, with the determination of treatment plans influenced by genetic factors and historical cases of toxicity, represents a step towards improving clinical outcomes. However, when an individual is deemed not suitable for treatment with the standard medicine/dose based on pharmacogenetics, an alternative must be found which is likely to either be costlier, less effective or potentially toxic. This scenario can be improved by having a greater understanding of both the mechanisms of toxicity in subpopulations and a proper quantification of risk and efficacy. Mathematical and statistical tools can help to improve the understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity, optimise treatment (e.g. alternative dosing regimens, multidrug administration, assess alternative medicine strategies) and communicate the risk of suggested therapy based on uncertainty in the model simulations. To develop and test this proposed quantitative framework during the fellowship, two exemplar drugs will be studied based on adverse reactions in anticoagulation therapy. Warfarin will be used to develop and validate the framework, while the newer direct anticoagulants (e.g. dabigatran, rivaroxaban), whose metabolism and toxicity pathways are less well characterised, will be used for more predictive research. Statistical techniques will be applied to define and quantify uncertainties within model output and define risk when translating to optimised treatment strategies incorporating different genetic and non-genetic factors associated with variability in drug-induced adverse reactions. The integration of applied mathematics and statistics comprises a potentially exciting new field bringing two modelling approaches together to better quantify uncertainty and inform industrial drug development and therapy.
Technical Summary
The research programme I propose for the fellowship focuses on the important scientific health theme of stratified medicine. The ability to accurately determine how to optimise therapy or even develop a drug is highly dependent on the accuracy of the predictive information being supplied. Proper quantification of the uncertainty associated with this information is therefore paramount when being potentially used for important diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The ability to detect toxicity, including idiosyncratic responses, within individuals of populations, rather than the prediction for an idealised 'average' person, would be a significant step change in current approaches and could therefore potentially offer significant impacts to public health. The mechanistic nature of the modelling methodology in this proposed programme therefore makes the research ideally suited for applications within the priority area of stratified medicine. Specifically, distinct drug responses within a population can be simulated with the identification of a perturbation in an underlying biological process. The mechanistic model allows for direct manipulation of this part of the drug-response pathway. Furthermore, information regarding the prevalence of a given subgroup through pharmacogenetic data analysis would allow the prediction of the likelihood of that response. The integration of these mechanistic mathematical approaches with statistics and uncertainty quantification techniques significantly improves upon current mathematical models by employing rigorous methods to understand, communicate and minimise unwanted variation (modelling-related uncertainty) whilst preserving and exploiting wanted variation (inherent population variability).
Planned Impact
The key aim of this research programme is to develop my skills in statistical methods so that I can improve the predictivity and impact of mechanistic-based models used within pharmacology and toxicology to optimise personalised therapy. The integration of applied mathematics techniques, used to develop mechanistic models of potential drug dosing and toxicity, with statistical tools and analysis, used to quantify uncertainty, comprises a potentially exciting new field bringing two different modelling approaches together to better inform industrial drug development, testing, regulation and therapy. A key novel application area is the incorporation of uncertainty information within alternative treatment strategies coupled to PBPK models. The additional complexity of multiscale heterogeneity within these systems will present a challenge to the current methods of uncertainty quantification and could therefore open up new opportunities for method development, which would form the basis of new research. Additionally, I anticipate that the novelty of this proposed work, coupled with its importance within pharma, will lead to a number of high profile publications as well as industrial impact.
People |
Joseph Leedale (Principal Investigator / Fellow) |

Kelly RA
Modelling changes in glutathione homeostasis as a function of quinone redox metabolism.
in Scientific reports

Kyffin JA
Preparation of Primary Rat Hepatocyte Spheroids Utilizing the Liquid-Overlay Technique.
in Current protocols in toxicology

Leedale J
In silico-guided optimisation of oxygen gradients in hepatic spheroids
in Computational Toxicology

Leedale J
Mathematical modelling and statistical analysis of indocyanine green and other biomarkers of hepatic function and drug-induced liver injury
in Computational Toxicology

Leedale JA
Multiscale modelling of drug transport and metabolism in liver spheroids.
in Interface focus

Leedale JA
Mathematical modelling of oxygen gradients in stem cell-derived liver tissue.
in PloS one

Mason C
A systems toxicology paracetamol overdose framework: accounting for high-risk individuals
in Computational Toxicology
Description | Defining drug delivery into and across the oral mucosa using a tissue engineering and mathematical modelling approach |
Organisation | University of Sheffield |
Department | School of Clinical Dentistry Sheffield |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Conceptualisation of collaborative projects, design and development of mathematical models, analysis of models and identifying and writing funding applications. |
Collaborator Contribution | Conceptualisation of collaborative projects, provision of experimental data, connections with supportive industrial partners and identifying and writing funding applications. |
Impact | Publications are planned and funding applications have been submitted (NC3Rs Project Grant (accepted*); and EPSRC mathematical sciences small grant (rejected)). This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between mathematics and biology with applications in clinical medicine. *NC3Rs Project Grant. Project title: "Defining drug delivery into and across the oral mucosa using a tissue engineering and mathematical modelling approach". |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | In silico modelling of circadian rhythms and COVID-19 |
Organisation | University of Liverpool |
Department | Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Conceptualisation of collaborative projects, design and development of mathematical models, analysis of models, co-supervision of PDRA, writing grant proposals and publications. |
Collaborator Contribution | Conceptualisation of collaborative projects, provision of experimental data, co-supervision of PDRA, writing grant proposals and publications. |
Impact | 1. Preparation of review article for a special issue in Frontiers (current title: "Circadian rhythms in COVID-19: harnessing the power of chronotherapy and in silico modelling for optimizing therapeutics and vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus"). 2. Submission of grant proposal for UKRI-BBSRC Covid-19 Agile Response Call (approved). Project title: "Circadian rhythms in the light of COVID-19: Formulating optimal time-of-day regimens for antiviral drugs using human 3D models and in silico modelling"). |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Mathematical modelling of hepatic function and drug-induced liver injury |
Organisation | University of Edinburgh |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Conceptualisation of collaborative projects, design and development of mathematical models, analysis of models and dissemination of project results. |
Collaborator Contribution | Conceptualisation of collaborative projects, provision of experimental data, hosting collaborative meetings in Edinburgh and dissemination of project results. |
Impact | Multi-disciplinary publication in Computational Toxicology: J.A. Leedale, C.L. Mason, N. Brillant, S.D. Webb and J.W. Dear. "Mathematical modelling and statistical analysis of indocyanine green and other biomarkers of hepatic function and drug-induced liver injury." Computational Toxicology. 16: 100134 (2020). The disciplines involved were applied mathematics and toxicology. Further publications are planned. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Modelling interactions between the circadian clock, cellular proteins and pharmacokinetics |
Organisation | University of Liverpool |
Department | Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Conceptualisation of collaborative projects, design and development of mathematical models, analysis of models and co-supervision of PDRA. |
Collaborator Contribution | Conceptualisation of collaborative projects, provision of experimental data and co-supervision of PDRA. |
Impact | 1. Acquisition of pump priming funding from the EPSRC Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare (EP/N014499/1) for the project, "The role of non-canonical NRF2 signalling in circadian clock regulation" (£18,614.41). 2. Acquisition of pump priming funding from the EPSRC Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare (EP/N014499/1) for the project, "The role of nuclear protein lamin A in circadian clock regulation: implications for laminopathies" (£3,634.84). 3. Acquisition of 12-month EPSRC funding for a Research Assistant at the University of Liverpool for the project, "Coupling circadian rhythms with drug metabolism: a new tool for studying chronopharmacokinetics" (~£100,000.00). 4. Publications are planned and further funding applications have been submitted. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Modelling the microenvironment in human liver spheres from pluripotent stem cells |
Organisation | University of Edinburgh |
Department | MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Explored the relationship that exists between liver sphere function and oxygen gradients. The optimisation of the experimental system, using mathematical modelling, is highly applicable to improving the relevance and functionality of stem cell derived liver spheroid systems. This work explored some often-understated features and mechanisms of traditional spheroid systems such as the importance of cell-specific oxygen uptake, media volume, spheroid size, and well dimensions that lead to asymmetry in the distribution of oxygen within the microtissue. These mathematically optimised models are necessary in order to provide the foundation for improved physiological and toxicological research liver functionality both in vitro and in vivo. Experimental data was used to parameterise partial differential equations (PDEs) describing the diffusion and consumption of oxygen within the stem cell derived liver spheres. These PDEs were used to demonstrate how the in vitro experiments can be optimised (e.g. by varying cell seeding density, media volume, incubator O2 etc) to recapitulate the hepatic sinusoidal oxygen gradients within the PSC spheres. Sensitivity analyses were performed in order to identify critical components of the in vitro system that regulate key physiological features. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partner hosted a week-long meeting in Edinburgh between the collaborative team to formulate a research vision and programme of activities with direct access to the laboratory allowing for useful first-hand insights, essential for the mathematician to effectively visualise modelling concepts. The partner also carried out experiments including expansion and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells. Post stem cell differentiation, multicellular spheroids were characterised to assess the quality and efficiency of the in vitro derived product. |
Impact | 1. Acquisition of pump priming funding from the EPSRC Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare (EP/N014499/1) for the project, "Modelling the microenvironment in human liver spheres from pluripotent stem cells" (£5,000.00). 2.Multi-disciplinary publication in PLOS ONE: Leedale JA, Lucendo-Villarin B, Meseguer-Ripolles J, Kasarinaite A, Webb SD, Hay DC (2021) Mathematical modelling of oxygen gradients in stem cell-derived liver tissue. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0244070. https://doi.org/10.1371/ journal.pone.0244070 The disciplines involved were applied mathematics and regenerative medicine. 3. Further publications and funding applications are planned. |
Start Year | 2019 |