Clinical outcome modelling of rapid dynamics in acute stroke with joint-detail, continuous, remote, body motion analysis
Lead Research Organisation:
King's College London
Department Name: Imaging & Biomedical Engineering
Stroke - still the second commonest cause of death and principal cause of adult neurological disability in the Western World - is characterised by rapid changes over time and marked variability in outcomes. A patient may improve or deteriorate over minutes, and the resultant disability may range from an obvious complete paralysis to subtle, task-dependent incoordination of a single limb. Unlike many other neurological disorders, stroke can be exquisitely sensitive to prompt and intelligently tailored treatment, rewarding innovation in the delivery of care with real-world, tangible impact on patient outcomes. Optimal treatment therefore requires both detailed characterisation of the patient's clinical picture and its pattern of change over time.
Arguably the most important aspect of the patient's clinical picture - body movement - remains remarkably poorly documented: quantified only subjectively and at infrequent intervals in the patient's clinical evolution. The combination of artificial intelligence with high-performance computing now enables automatic extraction of a patient's skeletal frame resolved down to major joints, like that of a stick-man, to be delivered simply, safely, and inexpensively, without the use of cumbersome body worn markers. Central to this technology is patient privacy, with the skeletal frame extracted in real time, ensuring no video data, from which patients can be identified, to be stored or transmitted by the device.
Here we propose to use MoCat, our prototype motion categorisation system, to study the rapid dynamics of acute stroke, seamlessly embedded in the clinical stream. It can robustly determine the skeletal frame despite variations in patient size, clothing or presence of bed covering, and continuously monitor body motion at a short distance from the patient without need for extraneous wires or cables. Consequently, each bed on the hyperacute stroke unit will have its own dedicated device installed that will not interfere with the day-to-day activities on the ward. By quantifying the change in motor deficit over time we shall examine the relationship between these trajectories with clinical outcomes and develop predictive models that can support clinical management and optimise service delivery.
Past work has shown the pattern of injury to the brain from a stroke impacts on the future outcome of the patient. We will therefore create models that combine our new body motion measures, with brain scans obtained routinely as part of the hyper acute stroke pathway. In this way we not only aim to improve the accuracy of our predictions, but also examine the relationship between the pattern of stroke brain injury and motor recovery.
This project is aligned with a large-scale, Wellcome-funded, collaborative programme of translational research with the aim of creating a foundational framework for complex modelling of clinical and imaging data to predict outcomes in acute stroke.
Arguably the most important aspect of the patient's clinical picture - body movement - remains remarkably poorly documented: quantified only subjectively and at infrequent intervals in the patient's clinical evolution. The combination of artificial intelligence with high-performance computing now enables automatic extraction of a patient's skeletal frame resolved down to major joints, like that of a stick-man, to be delivered simply, safely, and inexpensively, without the use of cumbersome body worn markers. Central to this technology is patient privacy, with the skeletal frame extracted in real time, ensuring no video data, from which patients can be identified, to be stored or transmitted by the device.
Here we propose to use MoCat, our prototype motion categorisation system, to study the rapid dynamics of acute stroke, seamlessly embedded in the clinical stream. It can robustly determine the skeletal frame despite variations in patient size, clothing or presence of bed covering, and continuously monitor body motion at a short distance from the patient without need for extraneous wires or cables. Consequently, each bed on the hyperacute stroke unit will have its own dedicated device installed that will not interfere with the day-to-day activities on the ward. By quantifying the change in motor deficit over time we shall examine the relationship between these trajectories with clinical outcomes and develop predictive models that can support clinical management and optimise service delivery.
Past work has shown the pattern of injury to the brain from a stroke impacts on the future outcome of the patient. We will therefore create models that combine our new body motion measures, with brain scans obtained routinely as part of the hyper acute stroke pathway. In this way we not only aim to improve the accuracy of our predictions, but also examine the relationship between the pattern of stroke brain injury and motor recovery.
This project is aligned with a large-scale, Wellcome-funded, collaborative programme of translational research with the aim of creating a foundational framework for complex modelling of clinical and imaging data to predict outcomes in acute stroke.
Technical Summary
Stroke is characterised by rapid temporal dynamics and marked functional heterogeneity, with early changes in the dynamics of upper limb recovery shown to be predictive of longer-term functional outcomes. Optimal stroke care therefore requires both detailed characterisation of the functional deficit and a high-resolution index of its rate of change. While such high-definition clinical supervision could be delivered, it would require close to a 1:1 staff/patient ratio, and could not be standardised with formal, objective models of the relation between outcomes and clinical features.
Recent advances in deep learning-assisted modelling of ordinary video data have enabled the real-world extraction of detailed body motion information, resolved down to major joints, without body-worn devices and robust to large variations in body characteristics, dress and environmental context. My clinical and engineering collaborators have developed an inexpensive miniaturised device-MoCat-that combines in analysing body motion the richness and anatomical detail of a clinician with the objectivity and automatic deployability of a machine, in real time, within real-world clinical environments. Crucially, MoCat does not store or transmit video data, preserving patient privacy, and does not require any alteration to current care pathways (e.g. addition of body markers) or major changes to a hospital's digital or estate infrastructure, rendering it readily deployable throughout the NHS and beyond.
We propose to deploy MoCat on the Hyperacute Stroke Unit at King's College Hospital. We shall quantify (1) within high-dimensional predictive models, the relationship between trajectories of motor deficits at different time scales and clinical outcomes of interest and actionable care pathway deviations; and (2) within high-dimensional lesion-deficit anatomical inferential models, the relation between trajectories of motor deficits at different temporal scales and stroke lesion patterns.
Recent advances in deep learning-assisted modelling of ordinary video data have enabled the real-world extraction of detailed body motion information, resolved down to major joints, without body-worn devices and robust to large variations in body characteristics, dress and environmental context. My clinical and engineering collaborators have developed an inexpensive miniaturised device-MoCat-that combines in analysing body motion the richness and anatomical detail of a clinician with the objectivity and automatic deployability of a machine, in real time, within real-world clinical environments. Crucially, MoCat does not store or transmit video data, preserving patient privacy, and does not require any alteration to current care pathways (e.g. addition of body markers) or major changes to a hospital's digital or estate infrastructure, rendering it readily deployable throughout the NHS and beyond.
We propose to deploy MoCat on the Hyperacute Stroke Unit at King's College Hospital. We shall quantify (1) within high-dimensional predictive models, the relationship between trajectories of motor deficits at different time scales and clinical outcomes of interest and actionable care pathway deviations; and (2) within high-dimensional lesion-deficit anatomical inferential models, the relation between trajectories of motor deficits at different temporal scales and stroke lesion patterns.
Planned Impact
A successfully delivered project has the potential to revolutionise the management of patients with acute stroke, rendering objectively measurable the rich and rapidly-varying clinical features of this critical in-patient population, while illuminating the fundamental neuroanatomical mechanisms of rapid behavioural dynamics following focal injury to the brain. While our focus is on measures of immediate and major clinical and operational relevance in stroke care, access to an entirely new class of clinical parameter - the dynamics of continuous, joint-resolved motion - opens a myriad of possibilities across hyperacute stroke care to long-term rehabilitation. The research proposal has the potential to benefit patients, therapists, clinicians, academics, and service managers.
The system will enable continuous monitoring of the dynamics of motor dysfunction in acute stroke, facilitating better disease progression modelling. Understanding stroke dynamics will enable us accurately to estimate the course of recovery, facilitating the development of alerting systems that both detect new clinical events and identify deviations from expected patterns of clinical evolution. If adding motion information to predictive models achieves better clinical outcome predictions, we shall enhance patient stratification, enabling us to anticipate the management needs of patients, for example identifying those that could benefit from early discharge from hospital. Identifying the anatomical correlates of rapid dynamics in motor function in stroke will contribute to our understanding of the motor brain, not just in the context of stroke, but more broadly in relation to functional plasticity and neural redundancy. Clinically embedded motion capture naturally facilitates the development of interactive, game-like rehabilitation paradigms that can automatically adapt to the changing needs of the patient.
At a broader level, the research will generate significant new data which will be of interest to those involved in kinematics and modelling human motion. Our models can be used to inform future work exploring motor recovery in other disease process, such as traumatic brain injury, through a process known as transfer learning.
Collaboration with physiotherapists and occupational therapists will inform the development process, help guide the clinical relevance to short and long-term rehabilitation and facilitate the future adoption of these new measures into routine clinical practice. A presentation to the clinical therapists has been held to introduce the project and foster future engagement, with a series of future discussions planned to facilitate feedback on end-user experience.
The development of new joint motion features requires specialist knowledge regarding what aspects of motion are influential to patient performance, and an understanding of how to parametrise these complex motions numerically, constrained by the limits of the available technology. By establishing links between the clinical therapists and engineers, feature development can benefit from close discussions between the two.
We will present our work at the Clinical Research Network South London Stroke Specialty Group meeting as well as at local Neurology and Medical Grand round meetings at the Trust to raise the profile of the project amongst a wider audience interested in rehabilitation and motor recovery.
The system will enable continuous monitoring of the dynamics of motor dysfunction in acute stroke, facilitating better disease progression modelling. Understanding stroke dynamics will enable us accurately to estimate the course of recovery, facilitating the development of alerting systems that both detect new clinical events and identify deviations from expected patterns of clinical evolution. If adding motion information to predictive models achieves better clinical outcome predictions, we shall enhance patient stratification, enabling us to anticipate the management needs of patients, for example identifying those that could benefit from early discharge from hospital. Identifying the anatomical correlates of rapid dynamics in motor function in stroke will contribute to our understanding of the motor brain, not just in the context of stroke, but more broadly in relation to functional plasticity and neural redundancy. Clinically embedded motion capture naturally facilitates the development of interactive, game-like rehabilitation paradigms that can automatically adapt to the changing needs of the patient.
At a broader level, the research will generate significant new data which will be of interest to those involved in kinematics and modelling human motion. Our models can be used to inform future work exploring motor recovery in other disease process, such as traumatic brain injury, through a process known as transfer learning.
Collaboration with physiotherapists and occupational therapists will inform the development process, help guide the clinical relevance to short and long-term rehabilitation and facilitate the future adoption of these new measures into routine clinical practice. A presentation to the clinical therapists has been held to introduce the project and foster future engagement, with a series of future discussions planned to facilitate feedback on end-user experience.
The development of new joint motion features requires specialist knowledge regarding what aspects of motion are influential to patient performance, and an understanding of how to parametrise these complex motions numerically, constrained by the limits of the available technology. By establishing links between the clinical therapists and engineers, feature development can benefit from close discussions between the two.
We will present our work at the Clinical Research Network South London Stroke Specialty Group meeting as well as at local Neurology and Medical Grand round meetings at the Trust to raise the profile of the project amongst a wider audience interested in rehabilitation and motor recovery.

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Machine learning-enabled multitrust audit of stroke comorbidities using natural language processing.
in European journal of neurology

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Machine-learning algorithm in acute stroke: real-world experience.
in Clinical radiology

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Metabolomic and gut microbiome profiles across the spectrum of community-based COVID and non-COVID disease.
in Scientific reports
Description | Penelope and Eugene Rosenberg Award |
Amount | £9,996 (GBP) |
Organisation | Kings Health Partners |
Sector | Hospitals |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 06/2020 |
End | 07/2021 |
Title | Motion Analysis in Simulated Clinical Environments |
Description | A rich dataset of video samples depicting common ward-based activities within a simulated hospital setting, performed by trained clinical staff. Each task was recorded simultaneous from two different perspectives, with colour, depth and active infra-red data collected. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2024 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Development of a model to transform depth data into a greyscale image, enabling the application of exisiting human pose estimator models trained on RGB/colour data. Development of a flexible framework for the generation of targeted synthetic data for fine-tuning pose estimation models to adapt to challenging poses in unusual settings, such as healthcare. |
Description | BMEIS-KCH |
Organisation | King's College London |
Department | Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Obtaining HRA and REC approvals for conducting the project within the stroke unit hospital environment. Obtaining local NHS Trust approvals (reserach, estates, stroke department) Co-ordinating installation of IT network infrastructure for MoCat devices with local NHS IT department Securing funding for the procurement of hardware and infrastructure setup costs Collection of pilot data from the MoCat device, for the development of segmentation models Curation of clinical datasets for the development of intracerebral haemorrhage phenotyper, cerebral anomaly detector, and inctracerebral vessel segmentation models, and clinical guidance regarding imaging interpretation and model development. Support of the AIDE/FLIP project development, using intracerebral haemorrhage phenotyper as prototype model. Provided clinical guidance regarding output, and design of data information, along with UAT process. Participation in the QMS process of AIDE/FLIP roll-out. Clinical expertise regarding interpretation of neuro radiological reports, stroke pathway, and stroke management Curation of imaging data for "general" neuroradiology abnormality detection model |
Collaborator Contribution | Engineering expertise: development of motion categorisation (MoCat) device hardware Computer science expertise: building of segmentation and motion categorisation models (software) for deployment on the mocat hardware. Design/creation and validation of intracerebral haemorrhage phenotyper, cerebral anomaly detector, and intracerebral vessel segemetation models |
Impact | Upgrade of wired IT network infrastructure within the Stroke Unit of King's College Hosptial |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | MoCat-KCH Stroke Therapies |
Organisation | King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (NCH) |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | In discussion with the stroke therapy, and occupational therapy resaerch leads, a battery of standardised stroke outcome measures was collated for use on all patients on the stroke unit. Creation of structured electronic proformas to help simplify data collection and improve consistency Togther the occuaptional therapist lead, educational sessions were held to train the therapy team in a variety of outcome measure assessments |
Collaborator Contribution | Conducting standardised upper limb therapy asessments and cognitive screening assessments on the stroke unit. Clinical assessment of patients and review of upper limb status, c.f. shoulder subluxation |
Impact | Agreement of a core set of therapy assessments to be conducted on all stroke patients on the stroke unit. Update to local hospital practice regarding cognitive screening Poster acceptance (ESOC 2022) |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | UCL-KCL-KCH: pose estimation |
Organisation | University College London |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Curation of pilot 2D and 3D video for the development of a behaviour a classification model, and a technique to generate artificial datasets for the training of pose estimation models. Preparation of multi-camera angle dataset within simulated clinical environmets. Development of stand-alone RGB-depth camera system (mocat). Installation of RGB-depth camera system within clinical environment. |
Collaborator Contribution | Development of platform to create synthetic RGB images for training pose estimation models. This platform permits control of person and environment variables, to increase the avialable data in under-represented groups/scenarios within training data. Expertise on behaviour modelling and prediction. |
Impact | Development of 2D pose estimation model trainined only on synthetic data. Development of simulated clinical environment dataset |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | CRN South London Stroke Specialty Group Meeting |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | A presentation of the Clinical outcome modelling of rapid dynamics in acute stroke study to NHS Trusts in the South of London. The presentation discussed the project's objectives, the hardware and the process of setting up such a system within a clinical NHS environment. Raised awareness of the study and facilitated conversations surrounding the potential additional applications of the hardware/system |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Patient group workshop |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Patients, carers and/or patient groups |
Results and Impact | A workshop held within the hospital for patients, relatives, and staff members to discuss and raise awareness of a potential new project exploring the the use of human body motion analysis to improve our understanding of the recovery process following an acute stroke. The presentation generated questions and discussion aferwards, with the audience interested in the potential study and how the study could help future patients. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Presentation on the MoCat project at a local Educational meeting |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | A presentation and discussion was held at the local department educational meeting to talk about a future project exploring human body motion in acute stroke patients. Audeince members included therapists, nursing staff, and clinicians. The presentation garnered a lot of discussion about potential applications/collaborations regarding the study. Requests to discuss possible directions and collaborations were made following this presentation. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
Description | Stroke Rehabilitation and MoCat presentation |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | A presentation introducing the research project using the MoCat device was given to the local stroke physiotherapy and occupational therapy teams. The interactive presentation was attended by therapists, and nursing staff. The presentation covered information relating to how the device and research would integrate with their current daily activities, and the broad aims of parameterising human motion to develop new clinical tools. An A&Q session was held after the presentation with discussions about potential applications of the motion parameters to physio and occupational therapy. Following the presentation, conversations relating to standardising therapy assessments which could later feed into the MoCat project were subsequently organised. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
Description | Workshop to introduce and discuss the Stroke reserach collaboration between King's College Hospital and KCL |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Patients, carers and/or patient groups |
Results and Impact | A presentation introducing the collaboration between King's College London, and King's College Hospital, with respects to the artificial inteligence (AI) centre and their reserach ambitions in stroke medicine. Secondary to the restrictions in place relating to the covid-19 pandemic, the talk was only open to current in-patients and their relatives. Using the clinical stroke pathway as a familiar framework for the audience, an introduction into how the proposed AI study would integrate with current workflows was presented. After the presentation, a Q&A was held with enthusiastic participation from the audience discussing the scale of the data being used, the types of outcomes/questions the reserach hoped to answer and data security. The audience was welcoming of the reserach project, and were reassured by the close collaboration between the NHS and the academic institution. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |