Extending the scale of marine biodiversity research: spatial models of the European macrobenthos
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Sheffield
Department Name: Animal and Plant Sciences
Many of the threats facing marine biodiversity, from climate change to overfishing, occur over very large areas, yet most of our knowledge of marine ecology is derived from rather small-scale studies. To address this mismatch, there is therefore a pressing need to find ways to scale up local knowledge so that we can gain a better understanding of how biodiversity is distributed at scales relevant to international environmental policy. An important first step in this direction has already been taken, through efforts to pool the results of local surveys into regional biodiversity databases. For instance, data on the distribution of all kinds of organisms living in the sediment at the bottom of the sea (so-called benthic species) throughout Europe have been gathered together, from the Arctic in the north to the Mediterranean in the south. Much of Europe's biodiversity is to be found among such underappreciated groups, and our principle aim is to use this huge database to gain a better understanding of how these very diverse species are distributed over this very large area. Back on dry land, ecologists have developed a range of methods to address such questions. We plan to use a method applied so far only to the analysis of vegetation surveys at rather small scales, which uses a simple a geometric process to predict how a given number of individual organisms are likely to be distributed between all samples in the survey. This process can be applied across species, and produces a series of predictions regarding the large-scale distribution of biodiversity, such as the number of species expected to be observed in a given area, and the relative numbers of common and rare species. This approach will be really useful when applied to the European benthic species for two reasons. First, a general agreement with the predictions of the theory is useful in determining the general principles responsible for the patterns of biodiversity that we observe. Second, perhaps more importantly, the way in which our observations differ from the theoretical predictions can go a long way towards explaining which kinds of features present in real life but not in the theory (for example, biological differences between species) are actually important in terms of the spatial distribution of biodiversity. We can again draw on ecological theory to make predictions about the biological characteristics likely to be important in this respect - for instance, we expect that the population structure of species which produce larvae that drift in the plankton will differ from species in which offspring develop in direct proximity to the adults. But biology is not the only thing likely to influence patterns of diversity. As another example, we expect patterns to differ in areas which are heavily impacted by human activities - for instance, we know that benthic communities can be significantly affected by certain kinds of commercial fishing, particularly trawling - compared with areas which are relatively more pristine. As part of our project, we plan to collect data from the literature on both the biology of the species in our database, and on features of the environment (including human impacts) in different areas, to allow us to test such hypotheses. Although in general we know much more about terrestrial than marine biodiversity, some of the questions we can address with new marine databases have actually proved very difficult to test on land. Our results will therefore be of great interest to all ecologists working on large scale patterns of biodiversity. By establishing a collaboration between a university department dominated by the study of terrestrial ecology and a leading marine institute, we will be in an enviable position to communicate the results of our work to as wide an audience as possible. As well as extending the scale of marine biodiversity research, then, we hope also to expand the horizons of marine and terrestrial ecologists.

Tyler E
Extensive gaps and biases in our knowledge of a well-known fauna: implications for integrating biological traits into macroecology
in Global Ecology and Biogeography

Webb T
Life history mediates large-scale population ecology in marine benthic taxa
in Marine Ecology Progress Series
Description | A major aim of this project was to combine information on the regional-scale distribution of marine species with knowledge of their biological characteristics to address questions such as: Which kind of species occur where? What kind of biological characteristics enable species to become widespread? We collated information on the distribution and biology of nearly 600 species of bottom-dwelling invertebrates from the North Sea, and found that species which can grow to large sizes show a different kind of spatial distribution when compared to smaller species: they tend to be more evenly distributed across their range, whereas small species are more clustered. Results like these suggest that a species' biology can affect its geographic distribution within a relatively uniform environment in a predictable way. This means that the macroecology of an entire assemblage will depend on the relative proportions of species displaying different collections of biological traits. In other words, in order to understand large-scale patterns in marine biodiversity, we really need to have some idea of what it is that the component species actually do. This requires basic biological information across the range of species co-occurring across a set of sites. We also found, however, in an extended analysis of nearly 1000 species of common UK marine fish and invertebrates (probably the best-known marine fauna in the world) that this basic knowledge simply doesn't exist for the majority of species. We have 'good' biological knowledge of only around 1 in 10 of these species (many of them fish), and effectively no knowledge of 1 in 5 UK marine species. |
Exploitation Route | Our dependence on marine ecosystems is becoming ever clearer. Efforts to put a monetary value on the ecosystem services provided by the marine environment remain controversial, but it is undeniable that we benefit enormously from the seas. The maintenance of these ecosystem services is at the forefront of efforts to mitigate against some of the consequences of past and ongoing human activities. For instance, plans for enormous offshore wind farms, as well as for the creation of substantial Marine Conservation Zones, are well advanced in the UK. The importance of aquaculture is increasing as fast as wild fisheries are depleted. Vast geoegineering schemes no longer seem quite so far-fetched. Between unintentional environmental change, and concerted efforts to reverse such change, all we can say for certain about biodiversity is that it will be affected somehow. What remains unclear is the role that biodiversity plays in the provision of this suite of services. The ecosystem is composed of communities of coexisting species, and it follows that all the different biological traits expressed by different species will interact to produce ecosystem-level properties - including those functions that we value highly. From this, it becomes clear that understanding which species occur where, and how they live their lives - which biological traits they possess - is fundamental both to understanding the functioning of ecosystems, and predicting the consequences of different kinds of environmental change. Our work feeds into this process of predicting the consequences of different management decisions on biodiversity and human wellbeing, which is of considerable importance for marine planning policy. This knowledge can be put to use in developing better models of the spatial distribution of marine organisms, highly relevant to marine spatial planning, designing marine conservation zones, and so on. The route to this is through our peer-reviewed publications feeding in to future research. |
Sectors | Environment |
Description | Our work demonstrating the importance of considering the biological traits of marine species in understanding their regional distributions and likely responses to environmental change, and highlighting the paucity of such information in public databases, has fed directly in to an EU initiative, EMODnet (bio.emodnet.eu). In particular, our work was featured in the first EMODnet species attributes workshop, which is designing priorities for the addition of attributes (i.e., species traits) to global databases such as the World Register of Marine Species. These data will be openly available to the research community. |