HydrOlogical cYcle Understanding vIa Process-bAsed GlObal Detection, Attribution and prediction (Horyuji PAGODA)
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Reading
Department Name: Meteorology
PAGODA will focus on the global dimensions of changes in the water cycle in the atmosphere, land, and oceans. The overarching aim is to increase confidence in projections of the changing water cycle on global-to-regional scales through a process-based detection, attribution and prediction. The scientific scope prioritises themes 2,1,3,4 in the AO, adopting a focus on climate processes to extend our understanding of the causes of water source/sink uncertainty at the regional scale, which is where GCMs show huge variations concerning projected changes in precipitation, evaporation, and other water related variables. This model uncertainty is closely linked to shifts in large-scale circulation patterns and surface feedback processes, which differ between models. Furthermore, even where models agree with each other (for example, the suggested trend towards wetter winters and drier summers in Europe, connected to storm tracks and land surface processes), consistency with the real world cannot be taken for granted. The importance of quantitative comparisons between models and observations cannot be overstated: there is opportunity and urgent need for research to understand the processes that are driving changes in the water cycle, on spatial scales that range from global to microscopic, and to establish whether apparent discrepancies are attributable to observational uncertainties, to errors in the specification of forcings, or to model limitations. PAGODA will achieve its scientific objectives by confronting models with observations and reconciling observations, which possess inherent uncertainty and heterogeneity, with robust chains of physical mechanisms - employing model analysis and experiments in an integral way. Detection and attribution is applied throughout, in an iterative fashion, to merge the understanding from observations and models consistently, in order to isolate processes and identify causality. PAGODA is designed to focus specifically on the processes that govern global-to-regional scale changes in the water cycle, particularly on decadal timescales (the timescale of anthropogenic climate change). It addresses processes in the atmosphere, land and oceans, and brings together experts in climate observations, climate models, and detection and attribution. It seeks to exploit important new opportunities for research progress, including new observational data sets (e.g. ocean salinity reanalysis, TRMM and SSMIS satellite products, long precipitation records), new models (HadGEM3 & new capabilities for high resolution simulations), and the new CMIP5 model inter-comparison and to develop new methodologies for process-based detection, attribution and prediction.
- University of Reading (Lead Research Organisation)
- NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research (Collaboration)
- Columbia University (Collaboration)
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (Collaboration)
- Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) (Collaboration)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Collaboration)
- Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Collaboration)
- Max Planck Society (Collaboration)
- Stockholm University (Collaboration)
- German Climate Computing Center (Collaboration)
- Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (Collaboration)
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Collaboration)
- CERFACS (Collaboration)
- European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting ECMWF (Collaboration)
- National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) (Collaboration)
- UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD (Collaboration)
- Meteorological Office UK (Collaboration)
- University of Melbourne (Collaboration)
- Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (Collaboration)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Collaboration)
- Rossby Centre (Collaboration)
- Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) (Collaboration)
- Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences (IC3) (Collaboration)
- University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Project Partner)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Project Partner)
- Environment and Climate Change Canada (Project Partner)
- Met Office (Project Partner)
Chalmers N
Aerosol contribution to the rapid warming of near-term climate under RCP 2.6
in Geophysical Research Letters
Collins M
Quantifying future climate change
in Nature Climate Change
De Souza Custodio M
Impact of increased horizontal resolution in coupled and atmosphere-only models of the HadGEM1 family upon the climate patterns of South America
in Climate Dynamics
Demory M
The role of horizontal resolution in simulating drivers of the global hydrological cycle
in Climate Dynamics
Dong B
Dominant role of greenhouse-gas forcing in the recovery of Sahel rainfall
in Nature Climate Change
Dong B
Variability of the North Atlantic summer storm track: mechanisms and impacts on European climate
in Environmental Research Letters
Dong B
Preferred response of the East Asian summer monsoon to local and non-local anthropogenic sulphur dioxide emissions
in Climate Dynamics
Hegerl G
Challenges in Quantifying Changes in the Global Water Cycle
in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
John V
Clear-sky biases in satellite infrared estimates of upper tropospheric humidity and its trends
in Journal of Geophysical Research
Lavers D
Winter floods in Britain are connected to atmospheric rivers UK WINTER FLOODS AND ATMOSPHERIC RIVERS
in Geophysical Research Letters
Description | We found that traditional climate models are unable to simulate the global hydrological cycle, in particular the transport of water vapour from the sea to the land, with sufficient fidelity. As we study the problem with high-resolution Global Climate Models, this fidelity increases, until our simulation starts to reproduce the observed strength of the hydrological cycle. This has prompted a number of other studies, funded under a different grant (EU-H2020 PRIMAVERA), which tested our finding in a multi-model context (published in Vanniere et al. 2018). The same result was found, which makes our original finding robust. |
Exploitation Route | They already have, as indicated above, as part of the EU-H2020 PRIMAVERA programme. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Education Environment Financial Services and Management Consultancy |
URL | https://research.reading.ac.uk/meteorology/people/pier-luigi-vidale/ |
Description | PAGODA outputs have been used in our work with the insurance industry, in particular to study storm risk and how this affects potential losses in the sector. PAGODA science has been used in teaching at national (NCAS Climate Modelling) and international (E2SCMS) Summer Schools. |
First Year Of Impact | 2013 |
Sector | Education,Financial Services, and Management Consultancy |
Impact Types | Cultural Economic |
Description | Contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 5th Assessment |
Geographic Reach | Multiple continents/international |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Impact | The IPCC fifth assessment provides a clear and up to date view of the current state of scientific knowledge relevant to climate change. The report to which PAGODA contributed will form the basis of climate change policy for the next five years. |
URL | http://www.ipcc.ch/ |
Description | COPERNICUS |
Amount | ÂŁ370,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | European Commission |
Sector | Public |
Country | European Union (EU) |
Start | 01/2016 |
End | 12/2018 |
Description | Horizon 2020 |
Amount | € 15,000,000 (EUR) |
Organisation | European Commission |
Sector | Public |
Country | European Union (EU) |
Start | 11/2015 |
End | 10/2019 |
Description | ENES-2 / IS-ENES2 / ESIWACE |
Organisation | Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences (IC3) |
Country | Spain |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | The collaboration via the various European Network activities have funded a post-doctoral researcher here at Reading. Moreover, the collaboration has enabled a secretariat in Paris that helped organise and run three European Earth System Modelling Summer Schools, which were held in 2012, 2014 and 2016. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners contributed development time for the School materials, notes, etc. as well as a substantial amount of supercomputing time for running and analysing the Summer School modelling experiments. Further, each partner contributed 5-6 of post-doctoral demonstrators who came to the School for the duration (10 days each edition) and circa 20 lecturers, who came to the School for one day each. |
Impact | A number of new modelling environment tools have been developed by the collaboration, which are shared by the partners with their home institutions (research and operational centres). Further particulars on the ENES/ESIWACE web sites. For the UK, and this grant in particular, a modified ocean-atmosphere coupled (OASIS) has enabled us to exploit parallelism on Archer and the Met Office supercomputer. This is an extremely valuable contribution, as previously we were unable to perform large simulations in coupled mode, as the coupler did not scale. With regards to the Schools specifically, we have developed joint notes, scripts, etc., which guide the students in performing and analysing experiments. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | ENES-2 / IS-ENES2 / ESIWACE |
Organisation | German Climate Computing Center |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | The collaboration via the various European Network activities have funded a post-doctoral researcher here at Reading. Moreover, the collaboration has enabled a secretariat in Paris that helped organise and run three European Earth System Modelling Summer Schools, which were held in 2012, 2014 and 2016. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners contributed development time for the School materials, notes, etc. as well as a substantial amount of supercomputing time for running and analysing the Summer School modelling experiments. Further, each partner contributed 5-6 of post-doctoral demonstrators who came to the School for the duration (10 days each edition) and circa 20 lecturers, who came to the School for one day each. |
Impact | A number of new modelling environment tools have been developed by the collaboration, which are shared by the partners with their home institutions (research and operational centres). Further particulars on the ENES/ESIWACE web sites. For the UK, and this grant in particular, a modified ocean-atmosphere coupled (OASIS) has enabled us to exploit parallelism on Archer and the Met Office supercomputer. This is an extremely valuable contribution, as previously we were unable to perform large simulations in coupled mode, as the coupler did not scale. With regards to the Schools specifically, we have developed joint notes, scripts, etc., which guide the students in performing and analysing experiments. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | ENES-2 / IS-ENES2 / ESIWACE |
Organisation | Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace |
Country | France |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The collaboration via the various European Network activities have funded a post-doctoral researcher here at Reading. Moreover, the collaboration has enabled a secretariat in Paris that helped organise and run three European Earth System Modelling Summer Schools, which were held in 2012, 2014 and 2016. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners contributed development time for the School materials, notes, etc. as well as a substantial amount of supercomputing time for running and analysing the Summer School modelling experiments. Further, each partner contributed 5-6 of post-doctoral demonstrators who came to the School for the duration (10 days each edition) and circa 20 lecturers, who came to the School for one day each. |
Impact | A number of new modelling environment tools have been developed by the collaboration, which are shared by the partners with their home institutions (research and operational centres). Further particulars on the ENES/ESIWACE web sites. For the UK, and this grant in particular, a modified ocean-atmosphere coupled (OASIS) has enabled us to exploit parallelism on Archer and the Met Office supercomputer. This is an extremely valuable contribution, as previously we were unable to perform large simulations in coupled mode, as the coupler did not scale. With regards to the Schools specifically, we have developed joint notes, scripts, etc., which guide the students in performing and analysing experiments. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | ENES-2 / IS-ENES2 / ESIWACE |
Organisation | Max Planck Society |
Department | Max Planck Institute for Meterology |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | The collaboration via the various European Network activities have funded a post-doctoral researcher here at Reading. Moreover, the collaboration has enabled a secretariat in Paris that helped organise and run three European Earth System Modelling Summer Schools, which were held in 2012, 2014 and 2016. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners contributed development time for the School materials, notes, etc. as well as a substantial amount of supercomputing time for running and analysing the Summer School modelling experiments. Further, each partner contributed 5-6 of post-doctoral demonstrators who came to the School for the duration (10 days each edition) and circa 20 lecturers, who came to the School for one day each. |
Impact | A number of new modelling environment tools have been developed by the collaboration, which are shared by the partners with their home institutions (research and operational centres). Further particulars on the ENES/ESIWACE web sites. For the UK, and this grant in particular, a modified ocean-atmosphere coupled (OASIS) has enabled us to exploit parallelism on Archer and the Met Office supercomputer. This is an extremely valuable contribution, as previously we were unable to perform large simulations in coupled mode, as the coupler did not scale. With regards to the Schools specifically, we have developed joint notes, scripts, etc., which guide the students in performing and analysing experiments. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | PRACE-UPSCALE |
Organisation | Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) |
Country | Belgium |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We ported the Hadley Centre Global Climate model we co-developed under the JWCRP umbrella to the HLRS Cray supercomputer in Stuttgart (Germany). |
Collaborator Contribution | PRACE provided the funding (worth 6 million Euros) to pay for the High-Performance Computing needed to support our project UPSCALE |
Impact | Over 20 peer-reviewed publications, and more are upcoming. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | CERFACS |
Country | France |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences (IC3) |
Country | Spain |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting ECMWF |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace |
Country | France |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | Max Planck Society |
Department | Max Planck Institute for Meterology |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | Meteorological Office UK |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | National Oceanography Centre |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | Rossby Centre |
Country | Sweden |
Sector | Learned Society |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute |
Country | Netherlands |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | Stockholm University |
Country | Sweden |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | PRIMAVERA/HighResMIP |
Organisation | University of Oxford |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | PI for PRIMAVERA, additionally acting as one of the main partners and as Scientific Coordinator |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributing models and data to PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP (as part of CMIP6) |
Impact | Collaboration just started, but a few papers already submitted, particularly the HighResMIP protocol. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Partnership on high-resolution climate modelling |
Organisation | Meteorological Office UK |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Co-development of high-resolution global climate models has enabled us to: a) win several grants, nationally and internationally, each worth from hundreds of thousands of pounds to millions of pounds. b) win supercomputing time at supra-national level (see PRACE entry) c) win industry support valued in hundreds of thousands of pounds |
Collaborator Contribution | Co-development of high-resolution global climate models has enabled us to: a) win several grants, nationally and internationally, each worth from hundreds of thousands of pounds to millions of pounds. b) win supercomputing time at supra-national level (see PRACE entry) c) win industry support valued in hundreds of thousands of pounds |
Impact | Over 60 peer-reviewed papers. |
Description | US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group |
Organisation | Columbia University |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We formed a working group to study hurricanes and typhoons in a range of high-resolution global climate models. This required accessing a number of high-profile simulations for common analysis, sharing tools, but also generating a number of new simulations to study the robustness of the climate change response of hurricanes in the climate system. A number of joint publications have emerged in a special issue of the Journal of Climate. |
Collaborator Contribution | Each partner contributed simulation data, analysis tools and PDRA time. A few partners provided supercomputing time. Columbia provided storage space for joint analysis. |
Impact | A special issue of the Journal of Climate was published in 2015. We are co-authors in three of those papers. A synthesis paper (Walsh et al.) appeared in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary, in that some of the papers address societal issues, particularly around the area of predictability and civil protection. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group |
Organisation | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Country | Japan |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | We formed a working group to study hurricanes and typhoons in a range of high-resolution global climate models. This required accessing a number of high-profile simulations for common analysis, sharing tools, but also generating a number of new simulations to study the robustness of the climate change response of hurricanes in the climate system. A number of joint publications have emerged in a special issue of the Journal of Climate. |
Collaborator Contribution | Each partner contributed simulation data, analysis tools and PDRA time. A few partners provided supercomputing time. Columbia provided storage space for joint analysis. |
Impact | A special issue of the Journal of Climate was published in 2015. We are co-authors in three of those papers. A synthesis paper (Walsh et al.) appeared in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary, in that some of the papers address societal issues, particularly around the area of predictability and civil protection. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group |
Organisation | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Country | United States |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | We formed a working group to study hurricanes and typhoons in a range of high-resolution global climate models. This required accessing a number of high-profile simulations for common analysis, sharing tools, but also generating a number of new simulations to study the robustness of the climate change response of hurricanes in the climate system. A number of joint publications have emerged in a special issue of the Journal of Climate. |
Collaborator Contribution | Each partner contributed simulation data, analysis tools and PDRA time. A few partners provided supercomputing time. Columbia provided storage space for joint analysis. |
Impact | A special issue of the Journal of Climate was published in 2015. We are co-authors in three of those papers. A synthesis paper (Walsh et al.) appeared in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary, in that some of the papers address societal issues, particularly around the area of predictability and civil protection. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group |
Organisation | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We formed a working group to study hurricanes and typhoons in a range of high-resolution global climate models. This required accessing a number of high-profile simulations for common analysis, sharing tools, but also generating a number of new simulations to study the robustness of the climate change response of hurricanes in the climate system. A number of joint publications have emerged in a special issue of the Journal of Climate. |
Collaborator Contribution | Each partner contributed simulation data, analysis tools and PDRA time. A few partners provided supercomputing time. Columbia provided storage space for joint analysis. |
Impact | A special issue of the Journal of Climate was published in 2015. We are co-authors in three of those papers. A synthesis paper (Walsh et al.) appeared in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary, in that some of the papers address societal issues, particularly around the area of predictability and civil protection. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group |
Organisation | Meteorological Office UK |
Department | Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | We formed a working group to study hurricanes and typhoons in a range of high-resolution global climate models. This required accessing a number of high-profile simulations for common analysis, sharing tools, but also generating a number of new simulations to study the robustness of the climate change response of hurricanes in the climate system. A number of joint publications have emerged in a special issue of the Journal of Climate. |
Collaborator Contribution | Each partner contributed simulation data, analysis tools and PDRA time. A few partners provided supercomputing time. Columbia provided storage space for joint analysis. |
Impact | A special issue of the Journal of Climate was published in 2015. We are co-authors in three of those papers. A synthesis paper (Walsh et al.) appeared in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary, in that some of the papers address societal issues, particularly around the area of predictability and civil protection. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group |
Organisation | NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We formed a working group to study hurricanes and typhoons in a range of high-resolution global climate models. This required accessing a number of high-profile simulations for common analysis, sharing tools, but also generating a number of new simulations to study the robustness of the climate change response of hurricanes in the climate system. A number of joint publications have emerged in a special issue of the Journal of Climate. |
Collaborator Contribution | Each partner contributed simulation data, analysis tools and PDRA time. A few partners provided supercomputing time. Columbia provided storage space for joint analysis. |
Impact | A special issue of the Journal of Climate was published in 2015. We are co-authors in three of those papers. A synthesis paper (Walsh et al.) appeared in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary, in that some of the papers address societal issues, particularly around the area of predictability and civil protection. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group |
Organisation | National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | We formed a working group to study hurricanes and typhoons in a range of high-resolution global climate models. This required accessing a number of high-profile simulations for common analysis, sharing tools, but also generating a number of new simulations to study the robustness of the climate change response of hurricanes in the climate system. A number of joint publications have emerged in a special issue of the Journal of Climate. |
Collaborator Contribution | Each partner contributed simulation data, analysis tools and PDRA time. A few partners provided supercomputing time. Columbia provided storage space for joint analysis. |
Impact | A special issue of the Journal of Climate was published in 2015. We are co-authors in three of those papers. A synthesis paper (Walsh et al.) appeared in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary, in that some of the papers address societal issues, particularly around the area of predictability and civil protection. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group |
Organisation | National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration |
Department | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) |
Country | United States |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | We formed a working group to study hurricanes and typhoons in a range of high-resolution global climate models. This required accessing a number of high-profile simulations for common analysis, sharing tools, but also generating a number of new simulations to study the robustness of the climate change response of hurricanes in the climate system. A number of joint publications have emerged in a special issue of the Journal of Climate. |
Collaborator Contribution | Each partner contributed simulation data, analysis tools and PDRA time. A few partners provided supercomputing time. Columbia provided storage space for joint analysis. |
Impact | A special issue of the Journal of Climate was published in 2015. We are co-authors in three of those papers. A synthesis paper (Walsh et al.) appeared in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary, in that some of the papers address societal issues, particularly around the area of predictability and civil protection. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group |
Organisation | University of Melbourne |
Country | Australia |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We formed a working group to study hurricanes and typhoons in a range of high-resolution global climate models. This required accessing a number of high-profile simulations for common analysis, sharing tools, but also generating a number of new simulations to study the robustness of the climate change response of hurricanes in the climate system. A number of joint publications have emerged in a special issue of the Journal of Climate. |
Collaborator Contribution | Each partner contributed simulation data, analysis tools and PDRA time. A few partners provided supercomputing time. Columbia provided storage space for joint analysis. |
Impact | A special issue of the Journal of Climate was published in 2015. We are co-authors in three of those papers. A synthesis paper (Walsh et al.) appeared in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary, in that some of the papers address societal issues, particularly around the area of predictability and civil protection. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | E2SCMS Summer School |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | This is an Earth System Modelling School that combines national experiences in a number of European countries, via our ENES/ENES2 network of experts. The School offers post-graduate students the opportunity to learn about and work with three state-of-the-art Earth System Models and teaches the students to work together in experimental design and analysis, finally coming together in a mini-IPCC conference where their results are presented and discussed. A strong element of the School is community building, and many of the students do stay connected while developing their careers. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2010,2012,2014 |
URL | https://verc.enes.org/community/schools/3rd-e2scms |
Description | NCAS Climate Modelling Summer School |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | The NCAS Climate Modelling Summer School seeks to transmit all knowledge and expertise formed while developing advanced models of the Earth System to the new generation of scientists. The School brings together senior and early career scientists, who are at the core of new technological and scientific advances in this area, with students who may want to start a career in this area. This is done hands-on, working on state-of-the-art models, during two-week laboratory sessions. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2007,2009,2011,2013,2015 |
URL | https://www.ncas.ac.uk/index.php/en/climate-modelling-summer-school |