Maximising lasting impact for recent (fisheries), current (anthropogenic noise) and future (Cabot Institute) research programmes.
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Bristol
Department Name: Biological Sciences
I am strategically positioned to work with Bristol research groups to maximise impact
from recent, current and future NERC-funded projects.
I will spend 70% of my time developing and delivering KE strategies for my own
- Marine Fisheries and Climate Change
- Anthropogenic Noise and Marine Ecosystems
To achieve my defined objectives, I have established partnerships with policy makers,
industry, professional bodies and management, allowing me to explore economic and
policy implications of existing research, identify important future research questions,
and communicate economic opportunities and scientific findings to end-users.
With experience from these case studies, and gained training in KE (10% of my time),
I will spend 20% of my time working throughout the University as an ambassador of
impact. I will develop strategies and build networks for KE with research groups within
the Cabot Institute for Interdisciplinary Environmental Research, an initiative involving
~300 academics and ~400 external partners
from recent, current and future NERC-funded projects.
I will spend 70% of my time developing and delivering KE strategies for my own
- Marine Fisheries and Climate Change
- Anthropogenic Noise and Marine Ecosystems
To achieve my defined objectives, I have established partnerships with policy makers,
industry, professional bodies and management, allowing me to explore economic and
policy implications of existing research, identify important future research questions,
and communicate economic opportunities and scientific findings to end-users.
With experience from these case studies, and gained training in KE (10% of my time),
I will spend 20% of my time working throughout the University as an ambassador of
impact. I will develop strategies and build networks for KE with research groups within
the Cabot Institute for Interdisciplinary Environmental Research, an initiative involving
~300 academics and ~400 external partners
People |
Stephen Simpson (Principal Investigator / Fellow) |

Simpson SD
Continental shelf-wide response of a fish assemblage to rapid warming of the sea.
in Current biology : CB

Simpson S
Ocean acidification erodes crucial auditory behaviour in a marine fish
in Biology Letters

Simpson S
Never say never in a noisy world--commentary on Gagliano's 'green symphonies'
in Behavioral Ecology

Greenstreet S
Redundancy in metrics describing the composition, structure, and functioning of the North Sea demersal fish community
in ICES Journal of Marine Science

Huijbers CM
A test of the senses: fish select novel habitats by responding to multiple cues.
in Ecology

Spencer M
Region-wide changes in marine ecosystem dynamics: state-space models to distinguish trends from step changes
in Global Change Biology

Holles S
Boat noise disrupts orientation behaviour in a coral reef fish
in Marine Ecology Progress Series

Nagelkerken I
Who's hot and who's not: ocean warming alters species dominance through competitive displacement.
in The Journal of animal ecology

Wale MA
Size-dependent physiological responses of shore crabs to single and repeated playback of ship noise.
in Biology letters

Parmentier E
The influence of various reef sounds on coral-fish larvae behaviour.
in Journal of fish biology
Related Projects
Project Reference | Relationship | Related To | Start | End | Award Value |
NE/J500616/1 | 31/08/2011 | 31/08/2012 | £104,780 | ||
NE/J500616/2 | Transfer | NE/J500616/1 | 31/08/2012 | 30/12/2014 | £118,469 |
Description | Crab foraging and antipredator behaviour is disrupted by ship noise: Wale M, Simpson SD, Radford AN (In Press) Playback of ship noise negatively affects foraging and anti-predator behaviour in shore crabs. Animal Behaviour Boat noise affects orientation behaviour in coral reef fish: Holles S, Simpson SD, Radford AN, Berten L, Lecchini D (In Press) Boat noise disrupts orientation behaviour in a coral reef fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series Ship noise affects metabolic rate in crabs: Wale M, Simpson SD, Radford AN (In Press) Size-dependent physiological responses of shore crabs to single and repeated playback of ship noise. Biology Letters 9:20121194. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2012.1194 Ocean acidification affects auditory response in fish: Simpson SD, Munday PL, Wittenrich ML, Manassa R, Dixson DL, Gagliano M, Yan HY (2011) Ocean acidification erodes crucial auditory behaviour in a marine fish. Biology Letters 7:917-920. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0293 Recent warming has fundamentally affected European fisheries: Simpson SD, Jennings S, Blanchard JL, Schön P-J, Johnson MP, Sims DW, Genner MJ (2011) Continental shelf-wide response of a fish assemblage to rapid warming of the sea. Current Biology 21:1565-1570. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2011.08.016 |
Exploitation Route | Newspaper and magazine articles, TEDx Talk, Online GCSE resources (Digital Explorer), Presented to European Parliament (European Commission DG Environment News Alert Service) Developing policy and commercial modelling tools to manage marine noise. |
Sectors | Construction Education Energy Environment Transport |
URL | |
Description | I was contracted by Marine Scotland to measure salmon hearing (I am the only UK licensed operation that can do this) to determine range of impact of piledriving noise to underpin policy decisions about when and where construction can occur. This Project was completed and the report is due to be published by Marine Scotland Science in the next month (April 2016). |
First Year Of Impact | 2012 |
Sector | Construction,Education,Energy,Environment |
Impact Types | Economic |
Description | 2 x NERC Business Internships |
Amount | £30,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Natural Environment Research Council |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2013 |
End | 09/2013 |
Description | Ecosystem-Level Impacts of Marine Noise |
Organisation | Marine Scotland Science (MSS) |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | I organised a 3-day workshop for academics, industry, policy, NGOs to explore ecosystem-level impacts of marine noise. The outcomes of this meeting included 2 NERC Business Internships, a NERC-TSB KTP Proposal, a NERC Large Grant pre proposal, a NERC KE project proposal, directly contracted science (e.g. with Marine Scotland), a postgraduate network (marinenoisenetwork) and a collaborative approach to studying noise at the Narec windfarm site. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Digital Explorer |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | I provided an interview on our work for an online GCSE Sustainable Fisheries module. This modeule has been used by 100s of schools reaching 10,000s of students. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2012 |
URL | |
Description | Future of the Oceans |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | TEDx Talk I have received many emails commenting favourably on this talk and received several invitations to give further talks on this subject. I currently have a Pew Marine Conservation Fellowship application under review following on the same topic. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2012 |
URL | |
Description | Ocean acidification reduces fishes' ability to respond to sound. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Media (as a channel to the public) |
Results and Impact | Ocean acidification work presented to MEPs: Science for Environment Policy (2013) Ocean acidification reduces fishes' ability to respond to sound. European Commission DG Environment News Alert Service. Issue 320, 7 March 2013. I have now built a lasting interaction with the Australian Government to further explore impacts of OA and noise on reef fish. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2013 |
URL | |