First detailed synchronous sediment-concentration and velocity data for submarine turbidity currents
Lead Research Organisation:
Department Name: Science and Technology
Submarine sediment density flows ("turbidity currents") and rivers on land are volumetrically the most important processes for moving sediment across our planet. However, submarine flows are more episodic and are typically more violent (with speeds of up to 20m/s) than river floods. Moreover, a single submarine flow is capable of transporting ten times the annual sediment load from all of the world's rivers combined. Submarine flows are important because they produce many of the world's most extensive and voluminous sedimentary deposits, both on the modern sea floor and in the ancient rock record, but also because they can break seafloor cables that now carry over 95% of global data traffic (that underpin our daily lives through the internet and financial markets). Ancient submarine flows created subsurface rock sequences that contain many of our largest oil and gas reserves. Submarine flows carve canyons, which are deeper than the Grand Canyon, through processes that are still poorly understood, and flows within canyons play a key role in supplying organic carbon and nutrients to benthic ecosystem (that include important diversity hotspots) in the deep sea.
The most remarkable aspect of submarine density flows is how difficult they are to monitor directly, and how few observations we presently have of such flows in action. This paucity of direct observation provides a stark contrast to the information available for other major sediment transport processes. Changes in the frontal speed of submarine flows have been measured in just five locations, mainly through indirect evidence provided by the timing of sequential underwater cable breaks. Their vertical velocity profile has only ever been measured in three locations and never with sampling rates more frequent than one per hour. No flow has been monitored along its full path, which is of key importance because flows evolve considerably in character along that path.
To produce a fundamental step-change in our understanding of submarine flows we need to directly monitor active flows along their entire flow path. Until this is achieved, our understanding of the flow character and its spatial evolution will remain limited. This project will provide by far the most detailed monitoring data yet collected for submarine flows: be the first that places constraints on both dilute and dense near-bed flow components, be the first data set that spans the full flow path, and be the first data set to link measurements of flow processes and the resulting deposit character in such an environment.
We aim to conduct a large-scale collaborative program to document and understand sediment transport processes occurring within Monterey Canyon offshore California during an 18-month period in 2014-16, in collaboration with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) and US Geological Survey (USGS). Such international collaboration is essential for spreading the cost of this ambitious work. MBARI are providing the project with access to a series of innovative tools for monitoring flows that MBARI have designed, built and field tested over the last decade; a contribution worth over $10 Million. This includes aBenthic Instrument Nodes for their Monterey Ocean Observing System that will provide the first high frequency (every 2 to 30 seconds rather than hourly) measurements of 3D velocity, temperature, salinity and density profiles from such flows. MBARI also provide access to the research vessels and ROVs necessary for equipment deployment and servicing during this 18 month period, as MBARI is located at the head of the canyon. MBARI and USGS will place further monitoring equipment in the canyon as part of the project that is worth a further $1.5 Million. Moreover, the MBARI and USGS bear the risk for the loss of all of their equipment. NERC bears a small fraction of the total cost and risk for this unique field experiment, which therefore represents exceptional value for money.
The most remarkable aspect of submarine density flows is how difficult they are to monitor directly, and how few observations we presently have of such flows in action. This paucity of direct observation provides a stark contrast to the information available for other major sediment transport processes. Changes in the frontal speed of submarine flows have been measured in just five locations, mainly through indirect evidence provided by the timing of sequential underwater cable breaks. Their vertical velocity profile has only ever been measured in three locations and never with sampling rates more frequent than one per hour. No flow has been monitored along its full path, which is of key importance because flows evolve considerably in character along that path.
To produce a fundamental step-change in our understanding of submarine flows we need to directly monitor active flows along their entire flow path. Until this is achieved, our understanding of the flow character and its spatial evolution will remain limited. This project will provide by far the most detailed monitoring data yet collected for submarine flows: be the first that places constraints on both dilute and dense near-bed flow components, be the first data set that spans the full flow path, and be the first data set to link measurements of flow processes and the resulting deposit character in such an environment.
We aim to conduct a large-scale collaborative program to document and understand sediment transport processes occurring within Monterey Canyon offshore California during an 18-month period in 2014-16, in collaboration with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) and US Geological Survey (USGS). Such international collaboration is essential for spreading the cost of this ambitious work. MBARI are providing the project with access to a series of innovative tools for monitoring flows that MBARI have designed, built and field tested over the last decade; a contribution worth over $10 Million. This includes aBenthic Instrument Nodes for their Monterey Ocean Observing System that will provide the first high frequency (every 2 to 30 seconds rather than hourly) measurements of 3D velocity, temperature, salinity and density profiles from such flows. MBARI also provide access to the research vessels and ROVs necessary for equipment deployment and servicing during this 18 month period, as MBARI is located at the head of the canyon. MBARI and USGS will place further monitoring equipment in the canyon as part of the project that is worth a further $1.5 Million. Moreover, the MBARI and USGS bear the risk for the loss of all of their equipment. NERC bears a small fraction of the total cost and risk for this unique field experiment, which therefore represents exceptional value for money.
Planned Impact
Networks of sea floor cables have considerable strategic importance because they now carry of 95% of global data traffic, including the internet and financial markets. It is important to understand submarine flow dynamics and triggers because such flows can break multiple cables. This is one of the few ways to seriously disrupt internet connections to large areas, as multiple breaks prevent mitigation by rerouting traffic on adjacent cables. Submarine pipelines and sea floor infrastructure used to recover oil and gas reserves in locations worldwide are worth many millions of dollars. Talling will disseminate results through presentations at the annual plenary session of the International Cable Protection Committee that is already funded by his Royal Society Industry Fellowship.
Submarine flows deposited layers of sandstone that hold strategically important subsurface petroleum reserves, both in the UK North Sea and worldwide. It is essential to understand submarine flows in order to predict the location, shape and extent of the sandstone layers more accurately; in order to recover the oil and gas reserves most effectively. Talling leads the UK Turbidite Architecture and Processes (UK-TAPS) industry consortium that has involved many of the major oil and gas companies since 2002. Project results will be disseminated to this audience through invited presentations and by presentations at the AAPG annual conference in 2016 (which will be paid for by industry through UK-TAPS).
Submarine flows in canyons also play a key role in the distribution of benthic habitats and ecosystem dynamics, through transport of organic carbon and nutrients, and their episodic erosion of the sea floor. These flows may also play a key role in transport and eventual burial of organic carbon in the deep ocean. For instance, terrestrial organic carbon burial on the Bengal Fan may exceed CO2 draw down due to silicate weathering in the Himalayas. Our work will be of interest to biologists and organic geochemists. Special sessions at AGU and EGU will disseminate project results to benthic ecologists and those interested in the export of organic carbon.
We will develop a web site aimed at a general audience outlining state of the art understanding of submarine flows, illustrated by project results. This website will be linked to relevant project updated Wikipedia entries. We will maintain a twitter feed on the project and collect video diaries which will be formatted for schools. Links will be exploited in Hull at The Deep (~250,000 visitors a year) where a large University of Hull hydrodynamics flume facility is based. A proposal for an exhibition on deep sea canyons and turbidity currents ('under water mud avalanches') will be organised and led by Parsons. Project results will also feature in future displays at the Monterey Bay Aquarium (1.8 Million annual visitors) in California
Submarine flows deposited layers of sandstone that hold strategically important subsurface petroleum reserves, both in the UK North Sea and worldwide. It is essential to understand submarine flows in order to predict the location, shape and extent of the sandstone layers more accurately; in order to recover the oil and gas reserves most effectively. Talling leads the UK Turbidite Architecture and Processes (UK-TAPS) industry consortium that has involved many of the major oil and gas companies since 2002. Project results will be disseminated to this audience through invited presentations and by presentations at the AAPG annual conference in 2016 (which will be paid for by industry through UK-TAPS).
Submarine flows in canyons also play a key role in the distribution of benthic habitats and ecosystem dynamics, through transport of organic carbon and nutrients, and their episodic erosion of the sea floor. These flows may also play a key role in transport and eventual burial of organic carbon in the deep ocean. For instance, terrestrial organic carbon burial on the Bengal Fan may exceed CO2 draw down due to silicate weathering in the Himalayas. Our work will be of interest to biologists and organic geochemists. Special sessions at AGU and EGU will disseminate project results to benthic ecologists and those interested in the export of organic carbon.
We will develop a web site aimed at a general audience outlining state of the art understanding of submarine flows, illustrated by project results. This website will be linked to relevant project updated Wikipedia entries. We will maintain a twitter feed on the project and collect video diaries which will be formatted for schools. Links will be exploited in Hull at The Deep (~250,000 visitors a year) where a large University of Hull hydrodynamics flume facility is based. A proposal for an exhibition on deep sea canyons and turbidity currents ('under water mud avalanches') will be organised and led by Parsons. Project results will also feature in future displays at the Monterey Bay Aquarium (1.8 Million annual visitors) in California

Azpiroz-Zabala M
A general model for the helical structure of geophysical flows in channel bends

Azpiroz-Zabala M
Newly recognized turbidity current structure can explain prolonged flushing of submarine canyons.
in Science advances

Azpiroz-Zabala M
A general model for the helical structure of geophysical flows in channel bends

Azpiroz-Zabala M
A General Model for the Helical Structure of Geophysical Flows in Channel Bends
in Geophysical Research Letters

Bailey L
Preconditioning by sediment accumulation can produce powerful turbidity currents without major external triggers
in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Clare M
Lessons learned from the monitoring of turbidity currents and guidance for future platform designs
in Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Clare M
Direct monitoring of active geohazards: emerging geophysical tools for deep-water assessments
in Near Surface Geophysics

Gwiazda R
Near-Bed Structure of Sediment Gravity Flows Measured by Motion-Sensing "Boulder-Like" Benthic Event Detectors (BEDs) in Monterey Canyon
in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface

Hage S
Direct Monitoring Reveals Initiation of Turbidity Currents From Extremely Dilute River Plumes.
in Geophysical research letters

Hage S
Turbidity Currents Can Dictate Organic Carbon Fluxes Across River-Fed Fjords: An Example From Bute Inlet (BC, Canada)
in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Heerema C
What determines the downstream evolution of turbidity currents?
in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Hizzett J
Which Triggers Produce the Most Erosive, Frequent, and Longest Runout Turbidity Currents on Deltas?
in Geophysical Research Letters

Maier K
Sediment and organic carbon transport and deposition driven by internal tides along Monterey Canyon, offshore California
in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers

Maier K
Linking Direct Measurements of Turbidity Currents to Submarine Canyon-Floor Deposits
in Frontiers in Earth Science

Paull CK
Powerful turbidity currents driven by dense basal layers.
in Nature communications

Pope E
Which earthquakes trigger damaging submarine mass movements: Insights from a global record of submarine cable breaks?
in Marine Geology

Pope E
Controls on the formation of turbidity current channels associated with marine-terminating glaciers and ice sheets
in Marine Geology

Symons W
Large-scale sediment waves and scours on the modern seafloor and their implications for the prevalence of supercritical flows
in Marine Geology

Talling P
Key Future Directions For Research On Turbidity Currents and Their Deposits
in Journal of Sedimentary Research

Talling P
On the triggers, resulting flow types and frequencies of subaqueous sediment density flows in different settings
in Marine Geology

Talling P
Detailed monitoring reveals the nature of submarine turbidity currents
in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

Wolfson-Schwehr M
Time-Lapse Seafloor Surveys Reveal How Turbidity Currents and Internal Tides in Monterey Canyon Interact With the Seabed at Centimeter-Scale
in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
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NE/K011480/1 | 08/05/2014 | 29/06/2016 | £347,799 | ||
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Description | Turbidity currents are arguably the most important process for moving sediment across our planet. These often powerful flows break seafloor telecommunications cables, which now carry over 95% of global data (including the internet). We have provided the first detailed and direct measurements of velocity and sediment concentration in turbidity currents using novel technology. This project placed over 50 sensors in 9 moorings in Monterey Canyon, and the whole array recorded the most powerful turbidity currents yet. The final set of moorings and data were recovered in April 2017. This work recently featured on BBC 5 live, BBC world service and will form the basis for a display at the Natural History Museum. |
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Impact Types | Societal |
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Sector | Public |
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Organisation | Natural Environment Research Council |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
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Description | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute |
Organisation | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute provided and managed 34 separate cruises, using their state of the art RPOVs and AUVs. This contribution was several times that of the NERC Grant. It resulted in by far the most ambitious monitoring of a submarine canyon anywhere in the world. |
Collaborator Contribution | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute provided and managed 34 separate cruises, using their state of the art RPOVs and AUVs. |
Impact | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute provided and managed 34 separate cruises, using their state of the art RPOVs and AUVs. It involved marine geology and geohazards, and development of cutting edge offshore technology. |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | Sensor loaned to Science Museum in London |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | There has been considerable interest in these powerful and enigmatic underwater flow. Our past monitoring work in Monterey Canyon was a lead article on the BBC Science website, and featured on BBC 5 live, Inside Science and World Update. We also loaned one of our 'smart boulders' (sensors that record their motion when moved by underwater avalanches to the Science Museum, who displayed it in London. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |