Zinc, Iron and Phosphorus co-Limitation in the Ocean (ZIPLOc)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Sch of Ocean and Earth Science


Phytoplankton are microscopic plants that live in the sunlit surface ocean. Phytoplankton fix carbon dioxide and use essential nutrients such as nitrate, phosphate and trace metals, such as zinc and iron, via photosynthesis, to produce organic matter. In doing so, marine phytoplankton provide energy to higher trophic levels, such as fish and marine mammals, as well as contribute to the distribution of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ocean.

Over 40% of the ocean consists of vast remote ecosystems known as subtropical gyres, which are typified by warm surface waters and extremely low nutrient concentrations. Indeed, the activity of phytoplankton is often suppressed by the lack of nutrients. However, due to their vast areal extent, subtropical gyres have a significant impact on the way the ocean cycles carbon and nutrients. This means that any future changes in the activity of subtropical systems will have important impacts on marine resources and how the ocean interacts with the climate and the Earth System.

Our present understanding of how phytoplankton activity in the gyres will change in the future in response to climate change is that there will be an overall reduction in the supply of all essential nutrients due to changes in ocean circulation, causing a decline in phytoplankton activity. However, this simplified view ignores both the natural and anthropogenic addition of nitrogen to surface waters, which enhance stocks of nitrate relative to phosphate. In the subtropical North Atlantic, the natural addition of nitrogen via nitrogen fixation causes phosphate to limit phytoplankton growth. In the subtropical North Pacific, recent observations show that the addition of anthropogenic nitrogen via combustion and fertilisers are causing the North Pacific to be driven from a nitrate to a phosphate limited ecosystem.

The on-going addition of nitrogen to the subtropical gyre systems from continued anthropogenic sources implies that phosphate scarcity will become an increasing problem over the coming decades. At present, phytoplankton are thought to adapt to phosphate scarcity by producing enzymes that allow them to acquire phosphate from the more abundant pools of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP). As such, the oceanographic community typically assumes phosphate limitation of phytoplankton activity to be unimportant.

In contrast to this prevailing view, our team have found that the ability of phytoplankton to acquire phosphate from DOP can be regulated by the supply of zinc. Zinc is a trace metal that is essential for phytoplankton, but has never before been shown to play such a fundamental role in controlling phytoplankton growth. Much attention has been placed on how the trace metal iron interacts with nitrate and phosphate in the subtropics, but there is now an explicit need to better understand the role of zinc and its interaction with other nutrient cycles and phytoplankton. Our initial work suggests that by controlling the impact of phosphate scarcity, zinc may be the ultimate arbiter of how subtropical gyre ecosystems evolve.

Our goal is to combine a field study to the subtropical gyre North Atlantic and use novel techniques to measure how zinc and phosphorus control biological activity. We will then use the latest modelling tools to explore our observations further over decadal timescales and other ocean basins. The North Atlantic gyre is typified by low phosphate and zinc and is therefore an ideal natural laboratory in which to understand how zinc availability may shape future subtropical gyre ecosystems. Our ambitious proposal has the potential to produce a step change in our understanding of how subtropical gyre ecosystems respond to ongoing climate change. Our team combines world leaders in the observation and modelling of nutrients and phytoplankton biological activity and is therefore uniquely placed to deliver this crucial scientific insight.

Planned Impact

Who: Immediate beneficiaries of ZIPLOc will be the oceanographic research community interested in the cycling of nutrients and trace metals, biogeochemical models and climate change. We believe policy makers and civic leaders will benefit from a greater understanding of the interaction between the ocean and atmosphere via pollution and climate change studies. Most importantly, we wish to engage with school children, high school and college students, teachers and educators and the general public interested in understanding big questions in science. This last group will be the main focus of this pathways to impact.

One of the greatest challenges facing oceanographers is communicating the subject of oceanography to non-scientists, school children, careers advisers and decision makers. Explaining the importance of microscopic phytoplankton and nutrient limitation to non-specialists is challenging but vitally important if we are to recruit students into oceanography, convince the public that it is worthwhile funding oceanography and increase awareness of the sensitivity of the ocean to climate change.

How: We will disseminate our research to the oceanographic research community through publications and presentations at academic meetings (e.g. Challenger Society, ALSO Ocean Sciences conference). We will engage with policy makers, civic leaders and the wider community through the Research Centre for Marine Sciences (www.liv.ac.uk/climate); Mahaffey sits on the Steering Group which has held previous events such as 'Briefing on the Science of Climate Change'.

Our main focus is to engage with school children, high school and college students and the general public. We will invite a Merseyside schoolteacher on the research cruise in summer 2017. This opportunity will be advertised through MerseySTEM (http://www.merseystem.co.uk, Mahaffey is a MerseySTEM Ambassador). The teacher will be involved in the following activities:

1. The Cruise Experience: we will produce a short film that documents the living and working conditions aboard ship including the journey, weather, food, ship operations and general environment.

2. Video diary and blog: the teacher will record a daily video diary which will be advertised on a blog via news stories reported by the University Corporate Communications', via the University's social media channels and MerseySTEM website.

3. The Science behind the Research: this video will be a comprehensive animation to explain the interaction between the atmosphere, chemistry and biology that underpins the research questions in ZIPLOc. We will incorporate footage to describe large-scale ocean circulation, the existence of nutrient poor open ocean gyres and how phytoplankton live in 'extreme environments' of the open ocean. Moreover, we will emphasise fundamental theories in biology linked to biological diversity and enzyme activity that may be present on the A-level Biology syllabus, for example.

4. The Resource Toolkit: the toolkit will contain media clips, still photographs, diagrams and animations extracted from the raw material and end products created for (2) and (3) which will be accessible via the outreach pages on websites of the University of Liverpool, MerseySTEM and Challenger Society. These toolkits will be freely available to school teachers and students.

Milestones: Success of this impact plan will be measured by the degree of interaction with the during the cruise via the blog, the number of talks given to schools using the resources generated, You Tube analytics and measurement of hits on websites.

Summary of Resources: We request 3 months support for Dr Andy Heath to implement the Pathways to Impact, and funds for audio-visual equipment to be used by the school teacher at sea and funds for travel and subsistence for the schoolteacher to participate in the research cruise, including funds for a sea survival course, medical and personal protection equipment.


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publication icon
Artigue L (2020) Water mass analysis along 22 °N in the subtropical North Atlantic for the JC150 cruise (GEOTRACES, GApr08) in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers

Description Initial findings clearly show how iron inputs to the surface ocean result in high levels of alkaline phosphate activity which is used to indicate phosphate stress in the ocean. In addition, zinc also up regulates alkaline phosphatase activity. We sampled over a large gradient of iron concentrations which impacted upon nitrogen fixation rates, phytoplankton community structure. There is a narrow band of iron and phosphate concentrations which result in the highest rates of nitrogen fixation.
Using novel proteomic techniques we have shown that zinc and cobalt limit alkaline phosphate activity in the Western Atlantic while iron limits alkaline phosphate activity in the Eastern Atlantic. The results clearly show how zonal gradients in trace metals and phosphate concentrations can impact upon how phytoplankton take up phosphate and the role that trace metals have upon this.
Exploitation Route Using traditional biogeochemical techniques can enable you to probe correlations between rates and concentrations but they do not allow you to state who (what species of phytoplankton) is driving these process nor why. By combing the above two approaches with proteomics approaches enables the you to know what species is driving the processes.
Sectors Chemicals


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Nitrogen fixation in the Arctic Ocean
Amount £1,002,418 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/T001240/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2023 
End 07/2025
Description The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021 (IDP2021) is the third release of publicly available data products from the international GEOTRACES programme, and contains trace element and isotope (TEI) data reported before the end of 2020 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Our data was included in this large international dat product which is freely available to all researchers. It contains trace elements that serve as micronutrients, tracers of continental sources to the ocean (e.g., aerosols and boundary exchange), contaminants (e.g., Pb and Hg), radioactive and stable isotopes used in paleoceanography and a broad suite of hydrographic parameters used to trace water masses, as well as, it provides biological data. It is regularly used by biogeochemists and climate modellers. 
URL https://www.geotraces.org/geotraces-intermediate-data-product-2021/
Title Single colony metaproteomes of Trichodesmium from samples collected in North Atlantic surface waters during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT39-05 in March of 2018 
Description Single colony metaproteomes of Trichodesmium from samples collected in North Atlantic surface waters during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT39-05 in March of 2018. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://hdl.handle.net/1912/26302
Description Proteomics determination at WHOI 
Organisation Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We collected samples onboard research cruise along 22oN in the sub-tropical ocean. We determined the dissolved and soluble concentrations of iron, zinc and cobalt. These measurements provided the background concentrations in seawater and in the bioassay experiments carried out at sea.
Collaborator Contribution Dr. Mak Satio at WHOI, hosted a PhD student in his laboratory and thought her the necessary skills to determine the absolute protein concentration using novel mass spectrometry-based protein measurements (proteomics) to enable direct measurement of biogeochemical enzymes as well as biomakrers of nutrient stress. This involved 1x 3 month and 1 x 2 month stay at WHOI. Dr. Satio provided all the analyses time.
Impact This work is currently been written up for 2 publications, one led by a PhD student and one by the PI. These will be submitted in the next 2 months.
Start Year 2018