Participation of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 346 (Asian Monsoon)
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Southampton
Department Name: Sch of Ocean and Earth Science
During the 2-month period of IODP Expedition 346, the PI consistently contributed to shipboard paleomagnetism studies averaging ~8 hours per day. His work involved making shipboard sampling and measurement plans, processing shipboard data, creating figures and tables (for report and shipboard presentations), and writing and editing weekly reports, site reports and summaries.
Planned Impact
The timely processing and analysis of shipboard palaeomagnetism data played a critical role in establishing initial shipboard age models for many sites drilled during the expedition, and was essential to the success of the expedition.
People |
Chuang Xuan (Principal Investigator) |

Tada R.
High-resolution and high-precision correlation of dark and light layers in the Quaternary hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea recovered during IODP Expedition 346
in Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

Xuan C
Integrated Pliocene-Pleistocene magnetostratigraphy and tephrostratigraphy of deep-sea sediments at IODP Site U1424 (Yamato Basin, Japan Sea)
in Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
Description | During the 2-month period of IODP Expedition 346, the PI consistently contributed to shipboard paleomagnetism studies averaging ~8 hours per day. His work involved making shipboard sampling and measurement plans, processing shipboard data, creating figures and tables (for report and shipboard presentations), and writing and editing weekly reports, site reports and summaries. |
Exploitation Route | ?The timely processing and analysis of shipboard palaeomagnetism data played a critical role in establishing initial shipboard age models for many sites drilled during the expedition, and was essential to the success of the expedition. |
Sectors | Education Environment |
Description | Reconstruction of ultra-high resolution geomagnetic variations from deep-sea sediments |
Organisation | Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology |
Country | Japan |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Conduct high-resolution paleomagnetic measurements on synthetic samples, lake sediments from UK, and marine sediments recovered by IODP Expedition 346 to the Japan Sea. The measurements were conducted on a superconducting rock magnetometer at the University of Southampton. I also conducted research at AIST together with my collaborator Dr Hirokuni Oda, supported by a JSPS visiting fellowship. |
Collaborator Contribution | Design and build tools to accurately measure response functions of superconducting rock magnetometers, which are used to restore higher resolution paleomagnetic signal. Conduct paleomagnetic measurements of sediment thin sections on a superconducting magnetic microscope. |
Impact | Oda, H., Kawai, J., Miyamoto, M., Miyagi, I., Sato, M., Noguchi, A., Yamamoto, Y., Fujihira, J., Natsuhara, N., Aramaki, Y., Masuda, T., Xuan, C., 2016. Scanning SQUID microscope system for geological samples: system integration and initial evaluation. Earth Planets Space 68. Oda, H., Xuan, C., Yamamoto, Y., 2016. Toward robust deconvolution of pass-through paleomagnetic measurements: new tool to estimate magnetometer sensor response and laser interferometry of sample positioning accuracy. Earth, Planets and Space 68, 1-13. Xuan, C., Oda, H., 2015. UDECON: deconvolution optimization software for restoring high-resolution records from pass-through paleomagnetic measurements. Earth, Planets and Space 67, 183. Oda, H., Xuan, C., 2014. Deconvolution of continuous paleomagnetic data from pass-through magnetometer: A new algorithm to restore geomagnetic and environmental information based on realistic optimization. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 15, 3907-3924. |
Start Year | 2015 |
Title | UDECON: deconvolution optimization software for restoring high-resolution records from pass-through paleomagnetic measurements. |
Description | The rapid accumulation of continuous paleomagnetic and rock magnetic records acquired from pass-through measurements on superconducting rock magnetometers (SRM) has greatly contributed to our understanding of the paleomagnetic field and paleo-environment. Pass-through measurements are inevitably smoothed and altered by the convolution effect of SRM sensor response, and deconvolution is needed to restore high-resolution paleomagnetic and environmental signals. Although various deconvolution algorithms have been developed, the lack of easy-to-use software has hindered the practical application of deconvolution. Here, we present standalone graphical software UDECON as a convenient tool to perform optimized deconvolution for pass-through paleomagnetic measurements using the algorithm recently developed by Oda and Xuan (Geochem Geophys Geosyst 15:3907-3924, 2014). With the preparation of a format file, UDECON can directly read pass-through paleomagnetic measurement files collected at different laboratories. After the SRM sensor response is determined and loaded to the software, optimized deconvolution can be conducted using two different approaches (i.e., "Grid search" and "Simplex method") with adjustable initial values or ranges for smoothness, corrections of sample length, and shifts in measurement position. UDECON provides a suite of tools to view conveniently and check various types of original measurement and deconvolution data. Multiple steps of measurement and/or deconvolution data can be compared simultaneously to check the consistency and to guide further deconvolution optimization. Deconvolved data together with the loaded original measurement and SRM sensor response data can be saved and reloaded for further treatment in UDECON. Users can also export the optimized deconvolution data to a text file for analysis in other software. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2015 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | The associated paper has been accessed close to 1000 times since its publication, and has been cited three times. Many colleagues have started using UDECON for their research. |
URL | |