The impact of Mid-Ocean Ridges on the Ocean's Iron cycle
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Southampton
Department Name: Sch of Ocean and Earth Science
Photosynthesis by marine phytoplankton provides energy to higher trophic levels (such as fish and marine mammals), as well as contributing to the partitioning of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the ocean. Iron is essential for phytoplankton growth as it is required for a number of important enzymes that participate in both photosynthesis and respiration. In contrast with terrestrial systems, iron is present at very low concentrations (less than 1 iron atom to every billion water molecules) in the open ocean. Thus phytoplankton photosynthesis is limited by iron over large parts of the ocean. This iron deficiency has important ramifications for the earth system since phytoplankton photosynthesis is an important means by which the ocean regulates global climate.
Mid-ocean ridges are an important source of iron with estimates suggesting that ridge-derived iron makes up 25-75% of global ocean iron stocks. These mid-ocean ridges are the deep-sea mountain ranges that form a single global mid-ocean ridge system throughout the world's ocean, making it the longest mountain range in the world. At these ridges, new magma mixes with seawater and is exhaled as a high temperature fluid. While this ridge fluid has been noted to be a large source of iron to the deep-sea, the far field influence of this iron depends on its retention in dissolved forms by ocean chemistry. Our recent work shows that iron from mid-ocean ridges appears to have a much longer lifetime than previously thought and be exported up to 4000km away from the ridge.
Despite the emerging role for ridge-derived iron, we do not understand its impact on deep ocean iron stocks, as well as how iron is mixed into surface waters to drive biological activity. We have highlighted that understanding the fate of ridge-derived iron and its ultimate influence on the ocean requires more information on the quantity and chemical form of iron supplied by ridges (e.g. dissolved or particles) and how these change with distance from source. To do this we need to appraise the role of small organic molecules called ligands and so-called iron nanoparticles, which have been invoked to control the lifetime of ridge-derived iron. Accounting for the specificity of iron within hydrothermal systems is key to constraining its wider impact. In addition, recent work by our colleagues has shown that interactions between the deep ocean tide and the ridge itself can elevate rates of physical mixing. If increased vertical mixing typifies mid-ocean ridges it implies that these regions may also exhibit efficient transfer of iron to surface waters. Given the ubiquity of mid-ocean ridges, the synergistic combination of these phenomena may be key to the large-scale supply of iron to surface waters.
Sampling and measurement of iron at very low concentrations in seawater is challenging and the applicants are among the few research groups in the world who are able to do this reliably. Our group is at the forefront of representing the role of iron is global ocean models, which are crucial tools for assessing larger scale impacts on biological productivity. This project will participate in a NERC funded research cruise where scientists with expertise in measuring mixing and other macronutrients will be studying the nutrient and carbon pump over mid-ocean ridges. This proposal will therefore benefit from these measurements and will add value to this cruise by determining the associated role for iron.
Overall, this project will provide state of the art observational and modelling constraints on two important aspects of the ocean iron cycle: 1) How does the ocean ridge impact physical mixing of iron to the surface and 2) what chemical processes control the large scale influence of the iron directly supplied by mid-ocean ridges. Ultimately we will be able to address the broader question of how the amount and chemical form of iron from mid-ocean ridges can influence phytoplankton growth in the open ocean.
Mid-ocean ridges are an important source of iron with estimates suggesting that ridge-derived iron makes up 25-75% of global ocean iron stocks. These mid-ocean ridges are the deep-sea mountain ranges that form a single global mid-ocean ridge system throughout the world's ocean, making it the longest mountain range in the world. At these ridges, new magma mixes with seawater and is exhaled as a high temperature fluid. While this ridge fluid has been noted to be a large source of iron to the deep-sea, the far field influence of this iron depends on its retention in dissolved forms by ocean chemistry. Our recent work shows that iron from mid-ocean ridges appears to have a much longer lifetime than previously thought and be exported up to 4000km away from the ridge.
Despite the emerging role for ridge-derived iron, we do not understand its impact on deep ocean iron stocks, as well as how iron is mixed into surface waters to drive biological activity. We have highlighted that understanding the fate of ridge-derived iron and its ultimate influence on the ocean requires more information on the quantity and chemical form of iron supplied by ridges (e.g. dissolved or particles) and how these change with distance from source. To do this we need to appraise the role of small organic molecules called ligands and so-called iron nanoparticles, which have been invoked to control the lifetime of ridge-derived iron. Accounting for the specificity of iron within hydrothermal systems is key to constraining its wider impact. In addition, recent work by our colleagues has shown that interactions between the deep ocean tide and the ridge itself can elevate rates of physical mixing. If increased vertical mixing typifies mid-ocean ridges it implies that these regions may also exhibit efficient transfer of iron to surface waters. Given the ubiquity of mid-ocean ridges, the synergistic combination of these phenomena may be key to the large-scale supply of iron to surface waters.
Sampling and measurement of iron at very low concentrations in seawater is challenging and the applicants are among the few research groups in the world who are able to do this reliably. Our group is at the forefront of representing the role of iron is global ocean models, which are crucial tools for assessing larger scale impacts on biological productivity. This project will participate in a NERC funded research cruise where scientists with expertise in measuring mixing and other macronutrients will be studying the nutrient and carbon pump over mid-ocean ridges. This proposal will therefore benefit from these measurements and will add value to this cruise by determining the associated role for iron.
Overall, this project will provide state of the art observational and modelling constraints on two important aspects of the ocean iron cycle: 1) How does the ocean ridge impact physical mixing of iron to the surface and 2) what chemical processes control the large scale influence of the iron directly supplied by mid-ocean ridges. Ultimately we will be able to address the broader question of how the amount and chemical form of iron from mid-ocean ridges can influence phytoplankton growth in the open ocean.
Planned Impact
Who: Immediate beneficiaries of 'The impact of mid-ocean ridges on the Ocean's iron cycle' will be (i) researchers interested in processes governing the cycle of iron in the ocean, how this links to the large scale cycling of carbon and ocean biogeochemistry; (ii) climate modellers who need to parameterise the iron cycle and, in particular, account for how changes in climate modify vertical fluxes of iron to surface waters; (iii) policy makers and civic leaders who will benefit from a greater understanding on the factors governing the potential removal of carbon from the atmosphere and its long-term storage; (iv) public outreach school children, high school and college students, teachers and the general public interested in understanding big questions in science.
One of the greatest challenges facing oceanographers is communicating oceanography to non-scientists, school children, careers advisers and policy makers. Explaining the importance of iron in the ocean where it comes from and how iron limits microscopic phytoplankton to non-specialists is challenging but vitally important if we are to recruit students into oceanography, convince the public that it is worthwhile funding and increase awareness of the sensitivity of the ocean to climate change.
Engaging with Policy makers and civic leaders: Tagliabue will engage with policy makers, civic leaders and the wider community through the Research Centre for Marine Sciences ( at Liverpool. Lohan will work with access public engagement specialists Public Policy@Southampton at the University of Southampton; a team of senior researchers with expertise in building links with key decision makers from the private, public and third sector. Public Policy@Southampton will support the team to plan activities to engage with policy makers through a dedicated consultancy service.
Our new model of hydrothermal iron supply and cycling will have impact the sensitivity of regional productivity and air-sea CO2 exchanges to variations in climate and will therefore be of interest to groups in the UK (e.g. the Met Office) and internationally with the development of earth system models for the next IPCC report.
Public Outreach: Our main focus is to engage with school children, high school and college students and the general public. Our aim is to emphasise the importance of the role the ocean plays in limiting the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and how iron is integral to this process. We will create a series of four short accessible videos.
1. 'Iron in the Ocean' will focus on illuminating how the ocean iron cycle functions and how it interacts with biological activity.
2. 'Measuring the iron' will be a short documentary style film focused on the methods used to measure iron at sea.
3. 'An Iron Journey' will demonstrate the transport of hydrothermal iron on the mid Atlantic ridge until it eventually is mixed into surface waters in the Southern Ocean.
4. 'Iron and Carbon' will illustrate how biological production can regulate atmospheric CO2 levels and how modifying rates of production by changing iron supply impacts CO2.
These video outputs will be distributed via YouTube and through relevant Southampton and Liverpool websites and open days. Both GEOTRACES ( and SCOR ( have expressed enthusiasm for embedding our video outputs in their websites. SCOR will provide $1000 and will ensure it reaches a world-wide audience.
These video outputs will be shown to invited policy makers and civic leaders via future events organized by both institutions.
Summary of Resources: We request 3 months support for Dr Heath (UoL) to implement the Pathways to Impact, and develop the animations and films proposed. Funds for Co-I Heath to travel to one of the project meetings in Southampton to obtain material for the videos are requested. Funds are also requested for the public policy unit at University of Southampton.
One of the greatest challenges facing oceanographers is communicating oceanography to non-scientists, school children, careers advisers and policy makers. Explaining the importance of iron in the ocean where it comes from and how iron limits microscopic phytoplankton to non-specialists is challenging but vitally important if we are to recruit students into oceanography, convince the public that it is worthwhile funding and increase awareness of the sensitivity of the ocean to climate change.
Engaging with Policy makers and civic leaders: Tagliabue will engage with policy makers, civic leaders and the wider community through the Research Centre for Marine Sciences ( at Liverpool. Lohan will work with access public engagement specialists Public Policy@Southampton at the University of Southampton; a team of senior researchers with expertise in building links with key decision makers from the private, public and third sector. Public Policy@Southampton will support the team to plan activities to engage with policy makers through a dedicated consultancy service.
Our new model of hydrothermal iron supply and cycling will have impact the sensitivity of regional productivity and air-sea CO2 exchanges to variations in climate and will therefore be of interest to groups in the UK (e.g. the Met Office) and internationally with the development of earth system models for the next IPCC report.
Public Outreach: Our main focus is to engage with school children, high school and college students and the general public. Our aim is to emphasise the importance of the role the ocean plays in limiting the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and how iron is integral to this process. We will create a series of four short accessible videos.
1. 'Iron in the Ocean' will focus on illuminating how the ocean iron cycle functions and how it interacts with biological activity.
2. 'Measuring the iron' will be a short documentary style film focused on the methods used to measure iron at sea.
3. 'An Iron Journey' will demonstrate the transport of hydrothermal iron on the mid Atlantic ridge until it eventually is mixed into surface waters in the Southern Ocean.
4. 'Iron and Carbon' will illustrate how biological production can regulate atmospheric CO2 levels and how modifying rates of production by changing iron supply impacts CO2.
These video outputs will be distributed via YouTube and through relevant Southampton and Liverpool websites and open days. Both GEOTRACES ( and SCOR ( have expressed enthusiasm for embedding our video outputs in their websites. SCOR will provide $1000 and will ensure it reaches a world-wide audience.
These video outputs will be shown to invited policy makers and civic leaders via future events organized by both institutions.
Summary of Resources: We request 3 months support for Dr Heath (UoL) to implement the Pathways to Impact, and develop the animations and films proposed. Funds for Co-I Heath to travel to one of the project meetings in Southampton to obtain material for the videos are requested. Funds are also requested for the public policy unit at University of Southampton.

González-Santana D
The unaccounted dissolved iron (II) sink: Insights from dFe(II) concentrations in the deep Atlantic Ocean.
in The Science of the total environment

González-Santana D
Variability in iron (II) oxidation kinetics across diverse hydrothermal sites on the northern Mid Atlantic Ridge
in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Lohan M
Oceanic Micronutrients: Trace Metals that are Essential for Marine Life
in Elements

Tagliabue A
Mechanisms Driving the Dispersal of Hydrothermal Iron From the Northern Mid Atlantic Ridge
in Geophysical Research Letters

Urban E
The Importance of Bottom-Up Approaches to International Cooperation in Ocean Science: The Iron Story
in Oceanography

Wang W
Biogeochemical cycling of chromium and chromium isotopes in the sub-tropical North Atlantic Ocean
in Frontiers in Marine Science

Wang W
Fractionation of iron and chromium isotopes in hydrothermal plumes from the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
in Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Description | We sampled 6 known vent sites (Lucky Strike, Menez Gwen, Rainbow, Lost City, TAG) along the mid-Atlantic Ridge in 2017/2018. At each vent site we observed a hydrothermal plume where the iron concentrations were much higher than background seawater. At TAG for example dissolved iron concentrations were ~ 100 nM compared to 0.6 nM in background seawater. We used He isotopes as a tracer (He is primordial and formed at the vents) for the hydrothermal plume and observed different He:Fe ratios at each vent site depending upon the underlying geology of the vents. We found that over a small spatial scale very large variations in He:Fe ratios. As both He and iron were sampled from 2 different systems we used a new method whereby we determined the manganese concentration from both systems to enable us to estimate the He concntrations for where we had iron samples. We observed transport of dissolved and particulate iron from the TAG vent field out into the abyssal ocean. This transport is not conservative but is a significant source of iron to the abysall ocean. Mixing over the vent sites can increase the dissolved iron concentration throughout the water column. We used iron isotopes to fingerprint the iron supply from these vents. At the Rainbow vent site we observed the most negative isotopic signal ever recorded due to presence of reduced (Fe II) concentrations. Using XFAS at the Diamond light facility we showed that the iron released from hydrothermal vents is stabilized by carbon when enables this iron to be transported away from he vents into the abysall ocean. The exchange between the dissolved and particulate phases occurs as this iron is transported away from the vents out into the deep ocean. |
Exploitation Route | Still to early to say. |
Sectors | Chemicals Environment Government Democracy and Justice |
Title | GEOTRACES IDP 2021 |
Description | The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021 (IDP2021) is the third release of publicly available data products from the international GEOTRACES programme, and contains trace element and isotope (TEI) data reported before the end of 2020 |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Our data was included in this large international dat product which is freely available to all researchers. It contains trace elements that serve as micronutrients, tracers of continental sources to the ocean (e.g., aerosols and boundary exchange), contaminants (e.g., Pb and Hg), radioactive and stable isotopes used in paleoceanography and a broad suite of hydrographic parameters used to trace water masses, as well as, it provides biological data. It is regularly used by biogeochemists and climate modellers. |
URL | |