EXHALE: EXploiting new understanding of Heterogeneous production of reactive species from AIRPRO: Links to haze and human health Effects
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Leeds
Department Name: Sch of Chemistry
EXHALE will conduct targeted research following on from major findings during the APHH-China phase-1 AIRPRO field campaigns which found that pollutant chemistry is more complex than expected, particularly during the so-called haze events when loadings of particulate matter (PM) were high. Large concentrations of the hydroxyl radical (OH) were observed in both summer and winter, including during haze events, which was unexpected. OH controls the atmospheric lifetime of most trace gases and the formation of secondary pollutants such as ozone and secondary organic aerosols (SOA), and HONO was found to be the dominant OH precursor in Beijing. However, detailed models were unable to fully account for HONO, OH and other radicals, especially during the polluted haze events.
EXHALE will quantify heterogeneous sources of nitrous acid (HONO) and radicals at aerosol surfaces using particulate matter (PM) collected on filters from Beijing ambient aerosol by our Chinese collaborators at Peking University (PKU), including during haze events. The filter samples will be analysed off-line by a variety of analytical methods to determine the composition of the PM, which is known to be highly complex. The filter samples will be sent to Leeds, and the extract from these filters will be used to generate aerosols in the laboratory, and the HONO and radical production rates determined using an illuminated aerosol flow-tube apparatus equipped with a very sensitive detector for HONO, HO2 or RO2 radicals. The production rates will be determined as a function of atmospheric variables and parameterised, and used as input into a box model, constrained to detailed measurements made during the AIRPRO campaigns. The box model will use the detailed Master Chemical Mechanism, and will evaluate the impact of the heterogeneous production processes on radical levels and rates of ozone production, a secondary pollutant harmful to health.
The newly determined production rates will also be used in large-scale regional models, initially for Beijing but then for other Chinese mega-cities, to quantify the impact of heterogeneous production towards regional episodes of ozone and secondary organic aerosol. We will use publically available data from the Chinese air quality monitoring network (>1000 locations), and together with additional data from our Chinese partners, will use regional simulations to scale up implications of these sources, and translate the results across China.
EXHALE consists of a UK-Chinese consortium with complementary expertise and capabilities in both experimental and modelling aspects of atmospheric science. At Leeds there is experimental expertise in the ultra-sensitive measurement of radicals and HONO and aerosol uptake/production of reactive species, and expertise in modelling of gas-phase and aerosol chemical and physical processes on a range of scales using box, regional and global models. At PKU there is expertise in sampling of ambient aerosol and detailed off-line analysis of the composition of Beijing aerosol. The project benefits from collaboration with other Chinese scientists working on urban air pollution in other mega-cities. Towards the end of the EXHALE project, and together with our collaborators at PKU, we will organise a 2-day stakeholder workshop in Beijing to discuss the results from EXHALE and the wider implications for air pollution and its control. In conjunction with our project partners at Shanghai Jiao Tong University we will organise a summer school in 2020 in Shanghai, primarily aimed at PhD students and early career researchers, and to be taught by the EXHALE investigators and our Chinese collaborators and project partners.
EXHALE will quantify heterogeneous sources of nitrous acid (HONO) and radicals at aerosol surfaces using particulate matter (PM) collected on filters from Beijing ambient aerosol by our Chinese collaborators at Peking University (PKU), including during haze events. The filter samples will be analysed off-line by a variety of analytical methods to determine the composition of the PM, which is known to be highly complex. The filter samples will be sent to Leeds, and the extract from these filters will be used to generate aerosols in the laboratory, and the HONO and radical production rates determined using an illuminated aerosol flow-tube apparatus equipped with a very sensitive detector for HONO, HO2 or RO2 radicals. The production rates will be determined as a function of atmospheric variables and parameterised, and used as input into a box model, constrained to detailed measurements made during the AIRPRO campaigns. The box model will use the detailed Master Chemical Mechanism, and will evaluate the impact of the heterogeneous production processes on radical levels and rates of ozone production, a secondary pollutant harmful to health.
The newly determined production rates will also be used in large-scale regional models, initially for Beijing but then for other Chinese mega-cities, to quantify the impact of heterogeneous production towards regional episodes of ozone and secondary organic aerosol. We will use publically available data from the Chinese air quality monitoring network (>1000 locations), and together with additional data from our Chinese partners, will use regional simulations to scale up implications of these sources, and translate the results across China.
EXHALE consists of a UK-Chinese consortium with complementary expertise and capabilities in both experimental and modelling aspects of atmospheric science. At Leeds there is experimental expertise in the ultra-sensitive measurement of radicals and HONO and aerosol uptake/production of reactive species, and expertise in modelling of gas-phase and aerosol chemical and physical processes on a range of scales using box, regional and global models. At PKU there is expertise in sampling of ambient aerosol and detailed off-line analysis of the composition of Beijing aerosol. The project benefits from collaboration with other Chinese scientists working on urban air pollution in other mega-cities. Towards the end of the EXHALE project, and together with our collaborators at PKU, we will organise a 2-day stakeholder workshop in Beijing to discuss the results from EXHALE and the wider implications for air pollution and its control. In conjunction with our project partners at Shanghai Jiao Tong University we will organise a summer school in 2020 in Shanghai, primarily aimed at PhD students and early career researchers, and to be taught by the EXHALE investigators and our Chinese collaborators and project partners.
Planned Impact
Urban air pollution is a severe problem in China, with hazes impacting the lives of ~500 million people. The exposure to pollutant concentrations above World Health Organisation guidelines during these haze events has led to increases in asthma and other respiratory problems, with high PM2.5 levels linked to an increase in risk of cancer and premature death. Large uncertainties still remain relating to the chemistry, transformation and removal rate of pollutants, particularly during haze events, meaning our ability to predict short-term pollution episodes in Beijing and other mega-cities in China, and to understand the longer term impact of mitigation measures is compromised. The wider findings of EXHALE will feed into air quality forecast and control mitigation strategies to improve the lives and health of Chinese citizens, through collaboration with our Chinese partners and by feeding into existing funded projects focussed on providing solutions for mitigating air quality degradation in China.
The results from EXHALE will be communicated to the wider scientific community via publication in high quality journals and presentations at international conferences. As detailed in the Pathways to Impact, we plan a number of engagement/communication events in China, which include a stakeholder workshop in Beijing, a training Summer School in Shanghai, and a policy brief which will be widely disseminated (for example by our Insurance company contact, AIA). Using these activities we will communicate the results of EXHALE and raise awareness to a range of stakeholders in China.
The research will be used by numerical modellers who can exploit the new data on fundamental chemical processes. This will impact sectors in China and elsewhere reliant on accurate representations in models of the fate and impact of emissions (natural and human related) in the atmosphere. These include air quality and climate policy legislators, industry, insurance companies, government advisory bodies, environment and health authorities (local and regional), and pollution forecasters. Outcomes from the modelling activities in EXHALE will inform our ability to robustly assess the health benefits of emission mitigation policies, and provide recommendations for model process improvements. Our Chinese collaborators at PKU, in particular Professor Tong Zhu, who advises the Chinese government on air quality issues, are well placed to ensure that the results and recommendations from EXHALE reach persons in positions of influence.
The PDRA in this project, as well as the visiting PhD student from PKU (Qi Zou) and visiting partner from SJTU (Yue Zhao) will benefit from using a wide range of instrumentation (lasers, optics, vacuum and gas handling, data acquisition, electronics) and modelling tools, and by working with expert investigators will receive advanced technical training and enhance their skills base considerably. The PDRA will have the opportunity to strengthen their presentation skills through communicating their research widely, both locally and to the international research community. The investigators are active within professional societies, for example the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the activities within this project will be publicised by engagement with these professional bodies. The research will also be communicated to the wider public through talks in Schools, Café Scientifique and through the media (investigators have experience and contacts with national newspapers, local media and BBC TV).
The results from EXHALE will be communicated to the wider scientific community via publication in high quality journals and presentations at international conferences. As detailed in the Pathways to Impact, we plan a number of engagement/communication events in China, which include a stakeholder workshop in Beijing, a training Summer School in Shanghai, and a policy brief which will be widely disseminated (for example by our Insurance company contact, AIA). Using these activities we will communicate the results of EXHALE and raise awareness to a range of stakeholders in China.
The research will be used by numerical modellers who can exploit the new data on fundamental chemical processes. This will impact sectors in China and elsewhere reliant on accurate representations in models of the fate and impact of emissions (natural and human related) in the atmosphere. These include air quality and climate policy legislators, industry, insurance companies, government advisory bodies, environment and health authorities (local and regional), and pollution forecasters. Outcomes from the modelling activities in EXHALE will inform our ability to robustly assess the health benefits of emission mitigation policies, and provide recommendations for model process improvements. Our Chinese collaborators at PKU, in particular Professor Tong Zhu, who advises the Chinese government on air quality issues, are well placed to ensure that the results and recommendations from EXHALE reach persons in positions of influence.
The PDRA in this project, as well as the visiting PhD student from PKU (Qi Zou) and visiting partner from SJTU (Yue Zhao) will benefit from using a wide range of instrumentation (lasers, optics, vacuum and gas handling, data acquisition, electronics) and modelling tools, and by working with expert investigators will receive advanced technical training and enhance their skills base considerably. The PDRA will have the opportunity to strengthen their presentation skills through communicating their research widely, both locally and to the international research community. The investigators are active within professional societies, for example the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the activities within this project will be publicised by engagement with these professional bodies. The research will also be communicated to the wider public through talks in Schools, Café Scientifique and through the media (investigators have experience and contacts with national newspapers, local media and BBC TV).

Conibear L
The contribution of emission sources to the future air pollution disease burden in China
in Environmental Research Letters

Conibear L
Statistical Emulation of Winter Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations From Emission Changes in China.
in GeoHealth

Conibear L
Sensitivity of Air Pollution Exposure and Disease Burden to Emission Changes in China Using Machine Learning Emulation.
in GeoHealth

Silver B
Pollutant emission reductions deliver decreased PM<sub>2.5</sub>-caused mortality across China during 2015-2017
in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Song H
Influence of aerosol copper on HO<sub>2</sub> uptake: a novel parameterized equation
in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Dyson J
Impact of HO 2 aerosol uptake on radical levels and O 3 production during summertime in Beijing
in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Conibear L
Emission Sector Impacts on Air Quality and Public Health in China From 2010 to 2020.
in GeoHealth

Reddington CL
Air Pollution From Forest and Vegetation Fires in Southeast Asia Disproportionately Impacts the Poor.
in GeoHealth
Description | We have discovered that nitrous acid is emitted from filter samples of aerosol collected in central Beijing. We have found that the rate of production is a function of NOx levels. Related work also performed looking at HONO production from photo-catalytic surfaces shows a rate of production also dependent upon NOx, which was modelling successfully, and which led to a paper. |
Exploitation Route | Quantification of the HONO production rate will allow models to investigate the importance of photochemistry on the surface of aerosols to be evaluated. |
Sectors | Environment |
Description | AerosoL heterogeneous Processing as a source of oxidants in Cold winter Atmospheres: application to Alaska and UK (ALPACA-UK) |
Amount | £633,352 (GBP) |
Funding ID | NE/W00609X/1 |
Organisation | Natural Environment Research Council |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 06/2022 |
End | 07/2025 |
Description | UK-China Collaboration to Optimise net zero Policy options for Air Quality and health (COP-AQ) |
Amount | £506,042 (GBP) |
Funding ID | 2021GRIP02COP-AQ |
Organisation | Natural Environment Research Council |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 11/2021 |
End | 03/2022 |
Title | Supplementary Data - Air Pollution from Forest and Vegetation Fires in Southeast Asia Disproportionately Impacts the Poor |
Description | Estimates of the impacts of air pollution from vegetation and forest fires on public health in Southeast Asia. The data file contains disease burden estimates (number of premature deaths and disability-adjusted life years) from long-term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations and ambient ozone (O3) concentrations simulated by the WRF-Chem air quality model for each country in Southeast Asia. Results are shown for three model simulations (one simulation with all pollution sources included (control), one simulation with fire emissions excluded, and one simulation with all pollution sources and particulate fire emissions scaled upwards by a factor 1.5). Also contained in the data file are simulated annual-mean, population-weighted, ambient PM2.5 concentrations and annual-mean, population-weighted, daily maximum 8-hour O3 concentrations for each country. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | https://archive.researchdata.leeds.ac.uk/844/ |
Title | Supplementary Data - Regional policies targeting residential solid fuel and agricultural emissions can improve air quality and public health in the Greater Bay Area and across China |
Description | Air pollution exposure is a leading public health problem in China. The majority of the air pollution disease burden is from fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure, with smaller contributions from ozone (O3) exposure. Recent emission reductions have reduced PM2.5 exposure. However, levels of exposure and the associated risk remain high, some pollutant emissions have increased, and some sectors lack effective emission control measures. We quantified the potential impacts of policy scenarios on |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | http://archive.researchdata.leeds.ac.uk/808/ |
Title | Supplementary Data - Statistical emulation of winter ambient fine particulate matter concentrations from emission changes in China |
Description | The trained emulators per grid cell in China that predict ambient fine particulate matter concentrations from emission changes in five anthropogenic sectors. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | http://archive.researchdata.leeds.ac.uk/831/ |
Title | Supplementary Data: Sensitivity of Air Pollution Exposure and Disease Burden to Emission Changes in China using Machine Learning Emulation |
Description | The trained emulators per grid cell in China that support the findings of this study. The emulators predict ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) concentrations from emission changes in five anthropogenic sectors. The README.txt file explains how to open and use these emulators. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | https://archive.researchdata.leeds.ac.uk/957/ |
Description | Collaboration EXHALE |
Organisation | Peking University |
Country | China |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | As part of EXHALE there is a partnership with Peking University, Shanghai Shao Tong University and Nanjing University. |
Collaborator Contribution | PKU are taking filter samples for us, and analysing them, and sending samples to Leeds. SJTU are hosting a summer school as part of EXHALE Nanjing are providing access to Chinese air quality data. |
Impact | No publications or other outputs yet, but the summer school is being organised for 2019. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Nanjing collaboration |
Organisation | Nanjing University (NJU) |
Country | China |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | As part of EXHALE there is a partnership with Peking University, Shanghai Shao Tong University and Nanjing University. |
Collaborator Contribution | PKU are taking filter samples for us, and analysing them, and sending samples to Leeds. SJTU are hosting a summer school as part of EXHALE Nanjing are providing access to Chinese air quality data. |
Impact | No outputs yet |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | SJTU Collaboration |
Organisation | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Country | China |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | As part of EXHALE there is a partnership with Peking University, Shanghai Shao Tong University and Nanjing University. |
Collaborator Contribution | PKU are taking filter samples for us, and analysing them, and sending samples to Leeds. SJTU are hosting a summer school as part of EXHALE Nanjing are providing access to Chinese air quality data. |
Impact | No outputs yet. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Atmospheric Chemistry Summer School |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | As part of the EXHALE project we participated in a summer School, with the local organisation provided by Shanghai Shao Tong University. We (myself, the co-Is on the project and the PDRA on the project) delivered lectures as part of the summer School. Participation was from students across China and South East Asia. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
URL | http://sese.sjtu.edu.cn/en/news/view/396 |