Establishment of the Eddystone Institute

Lead Research Organisation: University of Plymouth
Department Name: Office of the Vice-Chancellor


Plymouth boasts an internationally leading and highly innovative marine science community comprising the University of Plymouth, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and the Marine Biological Association. These institutions have a long history of collaborating across a range of marine research programmes. Collectively they provide an exceptional critical mass of expertise, together with high quality education and training, and specialist facilities relevant to marine science and technology.

Plymouth has attracted a range of key marine and maritime industries, as well as the largest Science Park in south-west England. Plymouth City Council's Oceansgate initiative is facilitating the co-location of maritime industry with this scientific expertise. Oceansgate provides access to specialist research capabilities and the opportunity to exchange knowledge to create a world-class hub for maritime and marine industries, with consequent opportunities for research, innovation and production in a collaborative environment. Their close proximity facilitates the creation of a novel marine research and innovation 'campus' that is place-based and strengthens the alliance of coastal marine science, innovation and technology activities. The establishment of The Eddystone Institute in Plymouth will capitalise upon an unparalleled set of research and innovation strengths and assets that are globally recognised.

The Eddystone Institute (EI) will allow Plymouth to position itself more effectively to help deliver the government's Industrial Strategy, and respond to the evolving consolidated remit of UKRI. The EI will be strongly aligned with NERC, BBSRC and DEFRA strategies, as well as the FCO-BEIS Science Innovation Network (SIN). The EI will deliver high impact and relevant internationally-competitive science, bringing much-needed high quality jobs into the region to help stimulate the local economy. Working directly with innovation centre partners, such as the Plymouth Science Park and Oceansgate, as well as major maritime companies (e.g. Fugro, Thales, Babcock, Sonardyne, MSubs), the EI will encourage industry to access the world-class scientists and facilities in Plymouth, expedite knowledge exchange, and provide entrepreneurial guidance for scientists, as well as early stage ventures.


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Description The funding from NERC has been used to appoint an interim Director of Marine Research Plymouth (previously the Eddystone Institute) and an MoU was signed in June 2021 between UoP, PML and MBA to launch MRP. A governance structure has been developed to run MRP and relevant committees established to support its establishment. We are now developing marketing for the MRP brand. A permanent Director is currently being identified who will take over the reins and start delivering the project. The NERC funding, coulee with monies from the three partners has been crucially in moving this project ahead.
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Environment,Other
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Description Establishment of Marine Research Plymouth (MRP) in partnership with Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the Marine Biological Association and the University of Plymouth 
Organisation Marine Biological Association
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution During the last 12 months we have been establishing Marine Research Plymouth (MRP) as a partnership through which the marine and maritime research community in Plymouth can enhance its global reputation. We have now produced a Memorandum of Understanding that will underpin this arrangement and establish how MRP will operate. This is due to be signed in March 2021 by the Directors of PML and MBA and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Plymouth. This will be followed by a launch event later in the year to which NERC will be invited.
Collaborator Contribution All partners (PML/MBA/UoP) have worked on the development of the MoU. Subgroups have been established including and International Group, and a Marketing and Communications Group to assist in furthering the partnership and providing appropriate visibility on a national and global scale. The project has been co-ordinated by Dan Laffoley who has been employed on the grant to deliver its objectives.
Impact The collaboration focuses on Marine and Maritime although thee maybe some cross disciplinary activity in due course.
Start Year 2021
Description Establishment of Marine Research Plymouth (MRP) in partnership with Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the Marine Biological Association and the University of Plymouth 
Organisation Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution During the last 12 months we have been establishing Marine Research Plymouth (MRP) as a partnership through which the marine and maritime research community in Plymouth can enhance its global reputation. We have now produced a Memorandum of Understanding that will underpin this arrangement and establish how MRP will operate. This is due to be signed in March 2021 by the Directors of PML and MBA and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Plymouth. This will be followed by a launch event later in the year to which NERC will be invited.
Collaborator Contribution All partners (PML/MBA/UoP) have worked on the development of the MoU. Subgroups have been established including and International Group, and a Marketing and Communications Group to assist in furthering the partnership and providing appropriate visibility on a national and global scale. The project has been co-ordinated by Dan Laffoley who has been employed on the grant to deliver its objectives.
Impact The collaboration focuses on Marine and Maritime although thee maybe some cross disciplinary activity in due course.
Start Year 2021