Extension of the Breathe-London air quality network into the Covid-19 post-lockdown and recovery periods
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Cambridge
Department Name: Chemistry
The overarching aim of this proposal is to deliver critical insights into the impacts on air quality following the UK's immediate and medium-term response to the global Coronavirus pandemic using the Breathe-London (BL) air quality network, and to create a unique observational dataset (NO2, NOx, PM and CO2 at 100 London sites) for the next critical periods of the Covid-19 recovery. The urgency stems from the fact that the BL network, which began operation in October 2018, is due to end on July 31st 2020, and the Greater London Authority, due to current constraints, has not yet established a follow-on network. This application responds to the recent decision by the Clean Air Fund (CAF) to extend the operation of the core components of the BL network to the end of November but not the additional network QA/QC or the COVID-19 specific analysis and interpretation activities which are the focus of this proposal (see CAF letter of support). This proposal will exploit this unique opportunity to create a fully validated dataset to the end of April 2021, covering the next phase of the Covid-19 recovery, the recently introduced 2nd lockdown, and the winter and spring period 2020/21.
Secondly, it will provide critical additional analysis, including source apportionment and emission index quantification, and data assimilation to improve emission inventories during the recovery phase where unprecedented changes in pollutant sources are occurring. The methodologies and techniques have wide applicability for air quality monitoring, analysis and policy beyond London and would inform similar issues elsewhere in the UK.
Secondly, it will provide critical additional analysis, including source apportionment and emission index quantification, and data assimilation to improve emission inventories during the recovery phase where unprecedented changes in pollutant sources are occurring. The methodologies and techniques have wide applicability for air quality monitoring, analysis and policy beyond London and would inform similar issues elsewhere in the UK.
People |
Roderic Jones (Principal Investigator) |
Description | Results from the extension showed that recovery to the pre-pandemic levels of air pollution in the form of NOx occurred as the primary sources of pollution (traffic flow) returned to near normal levels. For PM, where the predominant sources were non local to London, the changes were less marked and more influenced by periodic fluctuations in meteorological conditions. Results also showed how the assimilation of such measurements into suitable models provides substantial insights into the apportionment of different sources of air pollution, providing policy relevant information for the mitigation of poor air quality. Overall the extension allowed the whole process of Covid related reductions in traffic and aviation levels and the gradual return to near normal levels to be monitored effectively. Several papers documenting these changes in NOx, PM and CO2, and for assimilation of measurements into models are in preparation. The project was an excellent showcase of the value of using low cost air quality sensors, the co-location with CO2 for emission ratio estimation and the combination with models for assimilation of data to refine emission inventories. Combining this with the behavioural perturbation associated with Covid lockdown and recovery has created a unique set of data for a range of future studies. |
Exploitation Route | The project was an excellent showcase of the value of using low cost air quality sensors, the co-location with CO2 for emission ratio estimation and the combination with models for assimilation of data to refine emission inventories. Combining this with the behavioural perturbation associated with Covid lockdown and recovery has created a unique set of data which is effectively a replicable template for a range of future studies in other locations. |
Sectors | Environment Transport |
Description | Develop methodology for commercial deployment of low cost sensor networks. |
First Year Of Impact | 2020 |
Sector | Environment |
Impact Types | Policy & public services |
Description | Air quality networks using mobile phone infrastructure |
Organisation | Vodafone |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Implementation of advanced analysis techniques for air quality networks |
Collaborator Contribution | Vodafone is exploring the use of using their mobile phone infrastructure to host air quality sensor networks. CERC is contributing data assimilation techniques to link measurements to emission inventories |
Impact | Liaison with Scottish Government/SEPA for initial deployment |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Created website for activity (https://breathelondonpilot.org/) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | - |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | https://breathelondonpilot.org/ |