CoccoTrait: Revealing Coccolithophore Trait diversity and its climatic impacts

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Geographical Sciences


Thanks to tiny organisms called phytoplankton, the ocean plays a crucial role in regulating atmospheric CO2 and hence our climate. Phytoplankton are primary producers and use CO2 and light to grow. Despite being tiny, they grow in enormous quantities in the ocean, making them one of the most important primary producers of the planet. One marine phytoplankton, the coccolithophores, are particularly important because they take up CO2 and calcify simultaneously. Calcification is also vital because it changes the ocean's ability to take up CO2. Coccolithophores calcify beautifully ornamented plates of distinctive shapes. Each shape occupies a different ocean region, proving that morphology is critical at controlling coccolithophore distribution and contribution of the ocean CO2 uptake. About 250 species of coccolithophore live in the ocean, showing a variety of morphology, cell size and calcite content. However, most studies of coccolithophores rely on a single species. This species is the most abundant but one of the smallest and least calcified coccolithophore species; hence it is not representative of the coccolithophore community as a whole.

CoccoTrait aims to re-assess the role of coccolithophore in our climate system by including a fuller appreciation of its biodiversity. We will take advantage of new data that describe coccolithophore's main traits (e.g., size, morphology, calcite content) and apply combined statistical and mechanistic methods to address two goals:

(1) Defining the key species that characterise coccolithophore biodiversity. Not all species matter, so it is critical to identify the ones that matter the most for the carbon cycle. To do that, we will use trait-based ecology, which recognises groups of species with similar traits and functions, allowing us to study complex biological systems in a simple yet meaningful way.

(2) Determining the influence of coccolithophore diversity on the ocean carbon cycle and how it will change with climate change. Once we identify the critical coccolithophore species, we will estimate how much they contribute to ocean carbon productions and vary with climate change. Coccolithophores are already impacted by ocean warming and acidification, changing which species influence the ocean carbon cycle. We will use state-of-the-art modelling to assess their global contribution to modern and future climate.

The project combines statistical and mechanistic methods, which is unique in studying marine plankton ecology but essential to accurately estimate the climatic impacts of ocean biodiversity. We will validate this approach with coccolithophore, showing the potential to fully represent the complex ecology of other plankton to map their role in the climate system.


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Title Cellular morphological trait dataset for extant coccolithophores from the Atlantic Ocean 
Description The Cellular morphological trait dataset for extant coccolithophores from the Atlantic Ocean is a reference dataset for morphological traits from extant coccolithophores (calcifying marine plankton group), including cell-specific data for coccosphere and cell size, coccolith size, number of coccoliths per cell, and morphometric-based cellular calcite estimates. The dataset also includes ancillary information about the sample and taxonomic identification. The dataset contains observations from 1074 individual coccolithophore cells representing 61 species from 25 genera. Samples were obtained during the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) 14 cruise that sailed between the Faulkland Islands and the UK in 2004. Measurements were taken from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, which are archived on Zenodo at doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10571820. A description of the parameters included in the dataset can be found in the file "Descriptor- Cellular morphological trait dataset for extant coccolithophores from the Atlantic Ocean". Two additional supporting files are included with this dataset: "3. Coccolith size, coccolith calcite and cellular calcite in collapsed Umbellosphaera coccospheres" contains measurements of coccolith size (CL) and associated coccolith calcite (PIC) for 20 collapsed Umbellosphaera coccospheres. This data was used to derive an adjustment to coccolith length applied to coccolith length measured on intact Umbellosphaera coccosphere measurements to account for the wide variety of coccolith sizes present on individual coccospheres. "4. Sensitivity of cellular calcite contetn to uncertainties in coccolith size, number of coccoliths per cell and shape factors" contains re-calculations of cellular calcite data using uncertainties of ±5-30% on coccolith size (CL) and species-specific shape factor (Ks) and variations of ±2 coccoliths and ±5 coccoliths for the number of coccoliths per cell (CN) for coccospheres of Gephyrocapsa mullerae, Umbilicosphaera hulburtiana, Syracosphaera spp., and Discosphaera tubifera. Extensive description of the methodology related to this dataset can be found in the associated manuscript: Rosie M. Sheward, Alex J. Poulton, Jeremy R. Young, Joost de Vries, Fanny M. Monteiro, Jens O. Herrle. "Cellular morphological trait dataset for extant coccolithophores from the Atlantic Ocean" to be submitted to Scientific Data. Correspondence should be directed to: Rosie M. Sheward, 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Cellular morphological trait dataset for extant coccolithophores from the Atlantic Ocean 
Description The Cellular morphological trait dataset for extant coccolithophores from the Atlantic Ocean is a reference dataset for morphological traits from extant coccolithophores (calcifying marine plankton group), including cell-specific data for coccosphere and cell size, coccolith size, number of coccoliths per cell, and morphometric-based cellular calcite estimates. The dataset also includes ancillary information about the sample and taxonomic identification. The dataset contains observations from 1074 individual coccolithophore cells representing 61 species from 25 genera. Samples were obtained during the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) 14 cruise that sailed between the Faulkland Islands and the UK in 2004. Measurements were taken from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, which are archived on Zenodo at doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10571820. A description of the parameters included in the dataset can be found in the file "Descriptor- Cellular morphological trait dataset for extant coccolithophores from the Atlantic Ocean". Two additional supporting files are included with this dataset: "3. Coccolith size, coccolith calcite and cellular calcite in collapsed Umbellosphaera coccospheres" contains measurements of coccolith size (CL) and associated coccolith calcite (PIC) for 20 collapsed Umbellosphaera coccospheres. This data was used to derive an adjustment to coccolith length applied to coccolith length measured on intact Umbellosphaera coccosphere measurements to account for the wide variety of coccolith sizes present on individual coccospheres. "4. Sensitivity of cellular calcite contetn to uncertainties in coccolith size, number of coccoliths per cell and shape factors" contains re-calculations of cellular calcite data using uncertainties of ±5-30% on coccolith size (CL) and species-specific shape factor (Ks) and variations of ±2 coccoliths and ±5 coccoliths for the number of coccoliths per cell (CN) for coccospheres of Gephyrocapsa mullerae, Umbilicosphaera hulburtiana, Syracosphaera spp., and Discosphaera tubifera. Extensive description of the methodology related to this dataset can be found in the associated manuscript: Rosie M. Sheward, Alex J. Poulton, Jeremy R. Young, Joost de Vries, Fanny M. Monteiro, Jens O. Herrle. "Cellular morphological trait dataset for extant coccolithophores from the Atlantic Ocean" to be submitted to Scientific Data. Correspondence should be directed to: Rosie M. Sheward, 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description ECOGEM is the first Earth System model to include a trait-based type ecosystem model so can account for changes in marine ecosystem structure with climate change of the past. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact THe model has just been developed but we expect lots of applications on investigating the interaction between climate changes, and evolution of the marine ecosystem. 
Description Coccolithophore diversity 
Organisation Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Department Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigating the function of calcification in coccolithophores and their diversity using the innovative MIT-Darwin approach; Supervising a PhD student (Joost de Vries) on modelling coccolithophore diversity
Collaborator Contribution Providing laboratory and in-situ measurements; expertise on latest Darwin model development
Impact Multi-disciplinary: Observations vs. modelling Biology, Chemistry and Physics of the ocean 2 international workshops 1 paper: Monteiro FM, L Bach, C Brownlee, T Tyrrell, J Young, M Gutowska, P Bown, U Riebesell, A Poulton, S Dutkiewicz, A Ridgwell. Calcification in marine phytoplankton: Physiological costs and ecological benefits. Science Advances, 2 (7), e1501822 1 NERC standard grant proposal funded: An unexpected requirement for silicon in coccolithophore calcification: physiological, ecological and evolutionary implications, 2017-2022, Co-I 1 NERC PhD student: Joost de Vries to start in October 2018 on modelling coccolithophore diversity with MBA as CASE partner
Start Year 2012
Description Coccolithophore diversity 
Organisation Heriot-Watt University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigating the function of calcification in coccolithophores and their diversity using the innovative MIT-Darwin approach; Supervising a PhD student (Joost de Vries) on modelling coccolithophore diversity
Collaborator Contribution Providing laboratory and in-situ measurements; expertise on latest Darwin model development
Impact Multi-disciplinary: Observations vs. modelling Biology, Chemistry and Physics of the ocean 2 international workshops 1 paper: Monteiro FM, L Bach, C Brownlee, T Tyrrell, J Young, M Gutowska, P Bown, U Riebesell, A Poulton, S Dutkiewicz, A Ridgwell. Calcification in marine phytoplankton: Physiological costs and ecological benefits. Science Advances, 2 (7), e1501822 1 NERC standard grant proposal funded: An unexpected requirement for silicon in coccolithophore calcification: physiological, ecological and evolutionary implications, 2017-2022, Co-I 1 NERC PhD student: Joost de Vries to start in October 2018 on modelling coccolithophore diversity with MBA as CASE partner
Start Year 2012
Description Coccolithophore diversity 
Organisation Marine Biological Association
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigating the function of calcification in coccolithophores and their diversity using the innovative MIT-Darwin approach; Supervising a PhD student (Joost de Vries) on modelling coccolithophore diversity
Collaborator Contribution Providing laboratory and in-situ measurements; expertise on latest Darwin model development
Impact Multi-disciplinary: Observations vs. modelling Biology, Chemistry and Physics of the ocean 2 international workshops 1 paper: Monteiro FM, L Bach, C Brownlee, T Tyrrell, J Young, M Gutowska, P Bown, U Riebesell, A Poulton, S Dutkiewicz, A Ridgwell. Calcification in marine phytoplankton: Physiological costs and ecological benefits. Science Advances, 2 (7), e1501822 1 NERC standard grant proposal funded: An unexpected requirement for silicon in coccolithophore calcification: physiological, ecological and evolutionary implications, 2017-2022, Co-I 1 NERC PhD student: Joost de Vries to start in October 2018 on modelling coccolithophore diversity with MBA as CASE partner
Start Year 2012
Description Coccolithophore diversity 
Organisation Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Science
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigating the function of calcification in coccolithophores and their diversity using the innovative MIT-Darwin approach; Supervising a PhD student (Joost de Vries) on modelling coccolithophore diversity
Collaborator Contribution Providing laboratory and in-situ measurements; expertise on latest Darwin model development
Impact Multi-disciplinary: Observations vs. modelling Biology, Chemistry and Physics of the ocean 2 international workshops 1 paper: Monteiro FM, L Bach, C Brownlee, T Tyrrell, J Young, M Gutowska, P Bown, U Riebesell, A Poulton, S Dutkiewicz, A Ridgwell. Calcification in marine phytoplankton: Physiological costs and ecological benefits. Science Advances, 2 (7), e1501822 1 NERC standard grant proposal funded: An unexpected requirement for silicon in coccolithophore calcification: physiological, ecological and evolutionary implications, 2017-2022, Co-I 1 NERC PhD student: Joost de Vries to start in October 2018 on modelling coccolithophore diversity with MBA as CASE partner
Start Year 2012
Description Coccolithophore diversity 
Organisation National Oceanography Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigating the function of calcification in coccolithophores and their diversity using the innovative MIT-Darwin approach; Supervising a PhD student (Joost de Vries) on modelling coccolithophore diversity
Collaborator Contribution Providing laboratory and in-situ measurements; expertise on latest Darwin model development
Impact Multi-disciplinary: Observations vs. modelling Biology, Chemistry and Physics of the ocean 2 international workshops 1 paper: Monteiro FM, L Bach, C Brownlee, T Tyrrell, J Young, M Gutowska, P Bown, U Riebesell, A Poulton, S Dutkiewicz, A Ridgwell. Calcification in marine phytoplankton: Physiological costs and ecological benefits. Science Advances, 2 (7), e1501822 1 NERC standard grant proposal funded: An unexpected requirement for silicon in coccolithophore calcification: physiological, ecological and evolutionary implications, 2017-2022, Co-I 1 NERC PhD student: Joost de Vries to start in October 2018 on modelling coccolithophore diversity with MBA as CASE partner
Start Year 2012
Description ECOGEM 
Organisation University of California, Riverside
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Originating the idea; provide expertise in modelling marine ecosystem and paleoclimate
Collaborator Contribution UCRiverside provides expertise in GENIE development; UoSouthampton developed the new Earth system model combining cGENIE with the Darwin model
Impact 3 published papers: 1. Grigoratou, M, Monteiro, FM, Schmidt, DN, Wilson, JD, Ward, BA & Ridgwell, A 2018, 'A trait-based modelling approach to planktonic foraminifera ecology' Biogeosciences Discussions, vol. 2018, pp. 1-36. 2. Wilson, JD, Monteiro, F, Schmidt, D, Ward, B & Ridgwell, A 2018, 'Linking Marine Plankton Ecosystems and Climate: A New Modeling Approach to the Warm Early Eocene Climate' Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 3. Ward, B, Wilson, JD, Death, R, Monteiro, F, Yool, A & Ridgwell, A 2018, 'EcoGEnIE 1.0: plankton ecology in the cGEnIE Earth system model' Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 4241-4267.
Start Year 2016
Description ECOGEM 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Originating the idea; provide expertise in modelling marine ecosystem and paleoclimate
Collaborator Contribution UCRiverside provides expertise in GENIE development; UoSouthampton developed the new Earth system model combining cGENIE with the Darwin model
Impact 3 published papers: 1. Grigoratou, M, Monteiro, FM, Schmidt, DN, Wilson, JD, Ward, BA & Ridgwell, A 2018, 'A trait-based modelling approach to planktonic foraminifera ecology' Biogeosciences Discussions, vol. 2018, pp. 1-36. 2. Wilson, JD, Monteiro, F, Schmidt, D, Ward, B & Ridgwell, A 2018, 'Linking Marine Plankton Ecosystems and Climate: A New Modeling Approach to the Warm Early Eocene Climate' Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 3. Ward, B, Wilson, JD, Death, R, Monteiro, F, Yool, A & Ridgwell, A 2018, 'EcoGEnIE 1.0: plankton ecology in the cGEnIE Earth system model' Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 4241-4267.
Start Year 2016
Description Foraminifera diversity 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Provide modelling expertise of MIT-Darwin approach
Collaborator Contribution Provide foraminifera observations Develop novel model of foraminifera diversity within the MIT-Darwin model
Impact Multi-disciplinary: Model vs. Observations Supervising Maria Grigoratou, PhD student, on modelling foraminifera diversity using the MIT-Darwin model (started in October 2015)
Start Year 2014