Cross-disciplinary research for Discovery Science

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Grantham Institute for Climate Change


The Grantham Institute will convene a panel to allocate the NERC Cross-disciplinary research for Discovery Science funding to one or more activities via an internal, competitive funding call. The supported activities will be chosen based on their novelty and extent of cross-disciplinary collaboration, and their potential impact.


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Title Virtual nature tools 
Description The proposal requested funds to develop innovative robotic, deep learning, and analytic solutions aimed at addressing major environmental challenges on a global scale. It aimed to serve as a basis for larger funding applications by initiating research experiments and forums involving a diverse team of researchers across faculties. Three main themes were explored: transitioning to zero pollution, addressing one health and food security concerns, and developing virtual nature tools. These themes were discussed in online forums. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The proof-of-concept projects were conducted at Imperial's Silwood Park Campus, leveraging its biodiversity resources and research facilities (sound recording of soil activity), in Africa (sound detection of agricultural pests in coconut palm trees) or in South Kensington (AI detection of animal behaviour).