Climate Responses to Aviation NOx Emissions (CRANE)
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Reading
Department Name: Meteorology
The context of the work: Theme 1.2 - "Better understanding the formation of nitrogen oxides emissions from aircraft and their climate impact" and "increasing understanding over the future net nitrogen oxides effect, and whether it is likely that this will switch from warming to cooling". Radiative forcing of climate is the concept by which effects are quantified. Prior research has shown that aviation 'net NOX' radiative forcing (RF) may switch from positive to negative, in the future. Aviation NOx emissions cause complex changes in atmospheric composition, resulting in positive (from short-term ozone) and negative (from reduced background methane, stratospheric water vapour, background ozone and nitrate aerosol) stratospheric-temperature adjusted radiative forcings (SARF). Positive and negative forcings are interpreted, to a first order, as warming and cooling, respectively. However, the temperature responses may not be linearly additive , and may be spatially and hemispherically variable, such that a global mean net NOx SARF may be an inadequate indicator of mitigation responses. A recent assessment of the climate impact of aircraft NOx presented a 'Net NOx response' from many model experiments. To estimate the effective radiative forcing (ERF) - an improved measure of the RF concept - only one model estimate of the 'efficacy' of aircraft-induced ozone and methane perturbations was available, making this last adjustment in the assessment significant but highly uncertain. Efficacy of aircraft NOx forcings are the focus of this novel work.
The challenge that this project addresses: to estimate the global pattern of temperature response and improve the poorly-characterised ERF:RF ratio resulting from aviation NOx emissions for present and future scenarios of aviation and background emissions.
The aims are as follows:To perform improved research so that aircraft engine manufacturers can make better informed decisions on the requirement or otherwise, for improved combustor design for reduced NOx emissions.
To characterise the net NOx response of aviation and improve the quantification of the ERF effect
To determine the global and hemispheric temperature responses of the ERFs induced by aviation scenarios.
The objectives are as follows:
To perform new model calculations of aviation NOx effects on atmospheric composition and calculate ERF with two state-of-the-art Earth System Models (UKESM, WACCM/CESM2) for current and future scenarios.
Chemistry simulations will be performed with realistic emissions fields, so as not to encounter non-linearity problems.
The resultant composition fields will be used, amplified to overcome signal-to-noise problems, to force a climate model to determine changes in global mean surface temperature response. Using a coupled ocean-climate model, the full climate response and its time evolution will be calculated.
The potential applications and benefits are:
The project will benefit industry, policy makers and regulators in making better informed decisions as to whether future NOx regulation for climate through ICAO is likely to be required or not. The basic principles of ERF and temperature response will be elucidated (TRL1) and produce a Technology Concept (TR2) of how engine manufacturers might consider the necessity of NOx reduction in future combustor design. The scientific advances will benefit the research community in better characterising the ERF and temperature responses of small perturbations to the climate system, and methodologies over attribution of sectoral responses to emissions.
The challenge that this project addresses: to estimate the global pattern of temperature response and improve the poorly-characterised ERF:RF ratio resulting from aviation NOx emissions for present and future scenarios of aviation and background emissions.
The aims are as follows:To perform improved research so that aircraft engine manufacturers can make better informed decisions on the requirement or otherwise, for improved combustor design for reduced NOx emissions.
To characterise the net NOx response of aviation and improve the quantification of the ERF effect
To determine the global and hemispheric temperature responses of the ERFs induced by aviation scenarios.
The objectives are as follows:
To perform new model calculations of aviation NOx effects on atmospheric composition and calculate ERF with two state-of-the-art Earth System Models (UKESM, WACCM/CESM2) for current and future scenarios.
Chemistry simulations will be performed with realistic emissions fields, so as not to encounter non-linearity problems.
The resultant composition fields will be used, amplified to overcome signal-to-noise problems, to force a climate model to determine changes in global mean surface temperature response. Using a coupled ocean-climate model, the full climate response and its time evolution will be calculated.
The potential applications and benefits are:
The project will benefit industry, policy makers and regulators in making better informed decisions as to whether future NOx regulation for climate through ICAO is likely to be required or not. The basic principles of ERF and temperature response will be elucidated (TRL1) and produce a Technology Concept (TR2) of how engine manufacturers might consider the necessity of NOx reduction in future combustor design. The scientific advances will benefit the research community in better characterising the ERF and temperature responses of small perturbations to the climate system, and methodologies over attribution of sectoral responses to emissions.