Predicting life history traits for data-poor ray species

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Sch of Natural & Environmental Sciences


NERC : Ellen Barrowclift-Mahon : NE/S007431/1


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Description Placement/secondment fro PhD student Ellen Barrowclift-Mahon 
Organisation Simon Fraser University
Department Department of Biological Sciences
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This project was initiated when (see below) acted as the external examiner for one of my other PhD students. During subsequent meetings we discussed and made plans for additional collaboration which resulted in the current project. This has established an international, interdisciplinary collaboration between the two research groups at universities in the UK and Canada where different approaches, skills, and expertise can be utilised to tackle shared national and global challenges. This project paves the way for future collaborative research and exchange of doctoral students, establishing a mutually-beneficial partnership between the home and host universities. The exchange scheme further fosters global citizenship for both the intern and host researchers that will benefit both Canada's and the UK's approach to global challenges and therefore future research undertaken.
Collaborator Contribution Professor Nick Dulvy, Simon Fraser University, will be hosting the placement. PhD student Ellen Barrowclift-Mahon will be based in the host supervisor's research group's office space for the duration of the placement. Training support will be given by the host supervisor and researchers in order to develop the intern's modelling skills, engage with data resources, and meet project objectives. Mentorship and supervision will be maintained through regular meetings (every two weeks) with the host supervisor as well as a weekly lab meeting to gain input from the wider research group. Researchers include collaborators on a National Science Foundation (NSF) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded project working to reconstruct full life history profiles for data-limited populations: Nathan Pacoureau (postdoctoral researcher at host university), Holly Kindsvater (Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech University), Cat Horswill (postdoctoral researcher at University of Glasgow) and Jason Matthiopolis (Professor at University of Glasgow). Placement interaction will be based on a clear, proven training plan already in place as part of the awarded NSERC grant, which enables students/postdocs to make fundamental scientific contributions that underpin solutions to global environmental challenges.
Impact The start of the secondment ahs been delayed due to the covid-19 pandemic. To date only preparatory work has been conducted by constructing an initial database. The full implementation of the project will be not be possible until the current covid-19 travel restrictions are lifted and PhD student can travel to the partner institution.
Start Year 2020
Description Placement/secondment fro PhD student Ellen Barrowclift-Mahon 
Organisation Simon Fraser University
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This project was initiated when (see below) acted as the external examiner for one of my other PhD students. During subsequent meetings we discussed and made plans for additional collaboration which resulted in the current project. This has established an international, interdisciplinary collaboration between the two research groups at universities in the UK and Canada where different approaches, skills, and expertise can be utilised to tackle shared national and global challenges. This project paves the way for future collaborative research and exchange of doctoral students, establishing a mutually-beneficial partnership between the home and host universities. The exchange scheme further fosters global citizenship for both the intern and host researchers that will benefit both Canada's and the UK's approach to global challenges and therefore future research undertaken.
Collaborator Contribution Professor Nick Dulvy, Simon Fraser University, will be hosting the placement. PhD student Ellen Barrowclift-Mahon will be based in the host supervisor's research group's office space for the duration of the placement. Training support will be given by the host supervisor and researchers in order to develop the intern's modelling skills, engage with data resources, and meet project objectives. Mentorship and supervision will be maintained through regular meetings (every two weeks) with the host supervisor as well as a weekly lab meeting to gain input from the wider research group. Researchers include collaborators on a National Science Foundation (NSF) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded project working to reconstruct full life history profiles for data-limited populations: Nathan Pacoureau (postdoctoral researcher at host university), Holly Kindsvater (Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech University), Cat Horswill (postdoctoral researcher at University of Glasgow) and Jason Matthiopolis (Professor at University of Glasgow). Placement interaction will be based on a clear, proven training plan already in place as part of the awarded NSERC grant, which enables students/postdocs to make fundamental scientific contributions that underpin solutions to global environmental challenges.
Impact The start of the secondment ahs been delayed due to the covid-19 pandemic. To date only preparatory work has been conducted by constructing an initial database. The full implementation of the project will be not be possible until the current covid-19 travel restrictions are lifted and PhD student can travel to the partner institution.
Start Year 2020