Improved models of West Antarctic glacial isostatic adjustment through new crustal motion data
Lead Research Organisation:
Durham University
Department Name: Geography
This project addresses the current uncertainty in the present-day contribution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to global sea level rise. These estimates are primarily derived from space geodetic (altimetry or time-variable gravity) measurements, with time-variable gravity data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission the only technique capable of determining ice mass balance for the entire ice sheet. Estimates of ice mass change from the total mass change (observed by GRACE) are, however, severely limited due to the large discrepancies between contemporary models of Antarctic glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). Indeed, recent published estimates of ice mass change for West Antarctica are swamped by this uncertainty. Global Positioning System (GPS) time series offer important constraints on GIA and, indeed, GPS have been installed in a few of the critical locations. However, the current network of GPS sites in West Antarctica, whilst useful in discriminating between major differences in contemporary GIA models, is too sparse to provide the constraints required to significantly reduce the GIA uncertainty in the GRACE signal / for that a high spatial resolution of GPS sites is required. In particular, the southern Antarctic Peninsula/Ronne Ice Shelf contains a very large GRACE signal, but the current GPS station density there is too sparse to unambiguously determine the origin of the gravity change. Further rock outcrops suitable for additional data collection are available in this region and installing new, more densely spaced, continuous sites would provide the required constraints. Here, we propose to develop improved models of West Antarctic GIA through newly collected long-term GPS data, thereby allowing us to compute new accurate and precise estimates of ice mass contributions to sea level rise from West Antarctica. These results are of direct relevance to NERC's draft strategy (2007-2012) to expand on existing knowledge of the fundamental driving forces and feedbacks of the Earth system through prioritising plans to investigate how the cryosphere responds to global change.

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Exploring the Last Continent - An Introduction to Antarctica

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A community-based geological reconstruction of Antarctic Ice Sheet deglaciation since the Last Glacial Maximum
in Quaternary Science Reviews

Bradley S
Low post-glacial rebound rates in the Weddell Sea due to Late Holocene ice-sheet readvance
in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Jones R
Impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on cosmogenic surface-exposure dating
in Quaternary Science Reviews

King MA
Lower satellite-gravimetry estimates of Antarctic sea-level contribution.
in Nature

Koulali A
GPS-Observed Elastic Deformation Due to Surface Mass Balance Variability in the Southern Antarctic Peninsula
in Geophysical Research Letters

Matsuoka K
Antarctic ice rises and rumples: Their properties and significance for ice-sheet dynamics and evolution
in Earth-Science Reviews

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Increased ice loading in the Antarctic Peninsula since the 1850s and its effect on glacial isostatic adjustment
in Geophysical Research Letters

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Late Holocene relative sea levels near Palmer Station, northern Antarctic Peninsula, strongly controlled by late Holocene ice-mass changes
in Quaternary Science Reviews

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Widespread low rates of Antarctic glacial isostatic adjustment revealed by GPS observations ANTARCTIC GLACIAL ISOSTATIC ADJUSTMENT
in Geophysical Research Letters
Description | Measured a high resolution pattern of uplift in southern Antarctic Peninsula Modelling showed that uplift pattern is not consistent with current understanding of past ice loading or Earth structure in this region. |
Exploitation Route | Relevant to understanding mass balance measurements in this part of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. |
Sectors | Environment |
Description | We contributed to the calculation of a value for sea level rise from ice sheets reported in Shepherd et al in Science which was widely referred to in IPCC AR5. |
First Year Of Impact | 2012 |
Sector | Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice |
Impact Types | Societal Policy & public services |