Transfer of enabling high power Ka-band design capability to Industry
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Strathclyde
Department Name: Physics
This proposal will transfer knowledge, expertise and experience gained under PPA/F/S/2001/00656, 'Gyro-Amplifiers for high-field-gradient accelerators and industrial applications' to industry. This activity will build upon existing skills in industry which are currently underutilised due to a lack of the necessary expertise and experience. A relatively small investment of time and assistance is required to allow industry personnel to full exploit their capabilities. Strathclyde University is uniquely placed to provide this assistance as a leading research team in the field with an excellent track record both in research and teaching. Our experience in teaching postgraduate candidates from industry as well as academic backgrounds will greatly facilitate the knowledge transfer activities, while our research background provides us with a pre-existing code suite read for industry use. We also have well developed remote teaching experience using video conferencing. This allows us to efficiently update industry expertise and modelling capability to full exploit the most recent advances in simulation code development. We will verify the transfer of design capability to industry with the co-design of a Gyro-TWA interaction region for operation in the Ka-band frequency range. This design will then be validated by the construction and test of a Ka-band Gyro-TWA helically corrugated interaction region. The aim is to demonstrate world leading UK capability in a new atmospheric window. This capability is of interest for several defence applications as well as for use in high resolution RaDAR and space RaDAR. The new capability can also be applied in the areas of future high gradient particle accelerator structures and plasma diagnostics. We will build increased information transfer capability and develop computer simulation model transfer paths between research providers and industrial partners facilitating future co-operative ventures and reducing the time and costs associated with future knowledge transfer activities.