Illuminating strongly interacting matter
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Physics and Astronomy
The work will give new information addressing fundamental gaps in our understanding of the structure of the nucleon (proton and neutron) and strongly interacting matter using the world's most intense energy tagged photon beams of appropriate wavelength (delivering ~1 billion polarised photons per second). The photon probe is an ideal way to investigate the structure of matter as its interaction is well understood and it probes the whole volume of the object under study. Nucleons are composite structures made of 3 much lighter particles called quarks, which exist in a sea of virtual gluons and quark-antiquark pairs. This system can be excited into a number of very short lived excited states which can be detected from their subsequent decay back to a nucleon via the emission of mesons. The spectrum of these excited states and their properties are fundamental observables reflecting the dynamics of the nucleon's internal constituents. Despite being studied for decades in various experiments information on the mass, lifetime and photon coupling of the known excited states have been obtained only with large uncertainties for many parts of the spectrum. For example the lifetime of the second excited state of the proton is only known to 50% accuracy. Some excited states only show up inconsistently in different theoretical analyses of the same experimental data and many 'missing' excited states predicted by quark models are not yet observed.This situation is particularly disappointing given the recent advances in theoretical descriptions of the spectra, such as first predictions from Lattice QCD. We will obtain unique new data to constrain the structure of the nucleon utilising polarised photon beams with (i) polarised neutron targets in which the spin of the target nucleons an be oriented in a chosen direction with respect to the beam (ii) measurement of the transfer of polarisation from the photon to the recoiling nucleon(s) in photoreactions. The first aspect utilises new HD target technology while the latter uses the Edinburgh nucleon polarimeter which employs a novel and highly cost-effective design to measure the polarisation of nucleons with a large angular acceptance. The polarimeter will enable the long sought 'complete measurement' of experimental observables in meson photoproduction from the nucleon. This will be a real milestone in the field, providing sufficient experimental constraints to allow a model independent analysis for the first time in the extraction of the fundamental excitation spectrum. We will also carry out world's first measurements of polarisation transfer in deuterium photodisintegration using the Edinburgh nucleon polarimeter. Polarisation transfer provides the most sensitive information on whether the appropriate degrees of freedom in the reaction process are the nucleon or the underlying quark structure of the deuteron. This will be the benchmark measurement to address intriguing indications of this transition at unexpectedly low photon energies. Finally, we will obtain important new information on how nucleons combine to make nuclei by accurately measuring the size of neutron skins. Neutron skins with thicknesses of up to ~1/3 of a neutron diameter are predicted to exist for heavy nuclei, and accurate measurement would give long sought constraints on the poorly established density dependence of the asymmetry parameter for neutron rich matter. This asymmetry parameter fixes the scale of the binding energy penalty for moving away from symmetric matter (equal numbers of protons and neutrons) and has fundamental consequences for neutron star physics including establishing the feasibility of cooling mechanisms and constraining mass-radius relationships. The size of the skin is also a crucial constraint on modern theoretical descriptions of the nucleus, which we will challenge by determining the change in skin thickness when the neutron number increases for a fixed proton number.
- University of Edinburgh (Lead Research Organisation)
- Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Collaboration)
- University of Glasgow (Collaboration)
- University of Messina (Collaboration)
- Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Collaboration)
- University of Basel (Collaboration)
- National Institute for Nuclear Physics (Collaboration)
- University of Padova (Collaboration)
- Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres (Collaboration)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Collaboration)
- Tel Aviv University (Collaboration)
- Old Dominion University (Collaboration)
- University of New Hampshire (Collaboration)
- Ohio State University (Collaboration)
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Collaboration)
- University of Sassari (Collaboration)
- Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology (Collaboration)
- Thomas Jefferson University (Collaboration)
- Moscow Institute for Nuclear Research (Collaboration)
- University of Ferrara (Collaboration)
- Hampton University (Collaboration)
- George Washington University (Collaboration)
- Norfolk State University (Collaboration)
- University of Virginia (UVa) (Collaboration)
- Sapienza University of Rome (Collaboration)
- University of Pavia (Collaboration)
- University of Genoa (Collaboration)
- Forschungszentrum Jülich (Collaboration)
- University of Pennsylvania (Collaboration)
- University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (Collaboration)
- Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (Collaboration, Project Partner)
- University of Bari Aldo Moro (Collaboration)
- Florida International University (FIU) (Collaboration)
- Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Collaboration)
- University of Rome Tor Vergata (Collaboration)
- University of Catania (Collaboration)
- Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) (Collaboration)
- University of Richmond (Collaboration)
- Ohio University (Collaboration)
- University of Bonn (Collaboration)
- University of Giessen (Project Partner)
- University of California, Los Angeles (Project Partner)
- INFN (Italy) (Project Partner)

Morrow S
Exclusive ?0 electroproduction on the proton at CLAS
in The European Physical Journal A

Aznauryan I
Electroexcitation of nucleon resonances from CLAS data on single pion electroproduction
in Physical Review C

Unverzagt M
Determination of the Dalitz plot parameter $ \alpha$ for the decay $ \eta$ ? 3 $ \pi^{0}_{}$ with the Crystal Ball at MAMI-B
in The European Physical Journal A

Nasseripour R
Photodisintegration of He 4 into p + t
in Physical Review C

Prakhov S
Measurement of the slope parameter a for the ? ? 3 p 0 decay with the Crystal Ball detector at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI-C)
in Physical Review C

Middleton DG
Investigation of the exclusive 3He(e,e' pn)1H reaction.
in Physical review letters

Dugger M
p + photoproduction on the proton for photon energies from 0.725 to 2.875 GeV
in Physical Review C

Prok Y
Moments of the spin structure functions g 1 p and g 1 d for 0.05 < Q 2 < 3.0 GeV 2
in Physics Letters B

Maj A.

Starostin A
Search for the charge-conjugation-forbidden decay ? ? ? p 0
in Physical Review C
Description | Our group carried out an extensive research programme at the world's leading electron and photon beam facilities at MAMI, Germany and the Thomas Jefferson National Lab (JLAB), USA. The programme tackles fundamental questions in nuclear physics and hadron physics (the physics of particles interacting via the strong interaction). The Edinburgh particle identification detector, supported by this grant, was key to the majority of measurements at MAMI during this period. We also developed further new equipment, the Edinburgh Recoil Polarimeter, which allowed the first large acceptance measurement of the spin direction of nucleons. Some physics highlights from our programme are described below. Nuclear Physics: We obtained the first accurate measurement of a neutron skin for a nucleus using an electromagnetic probe. Neutron skins are predicted to form on heavy nuclei which have an excess of neutrons over protons. The properties of the skin, how large it is and how diffuse its surface, provide powerful constraint on theories of the nucleus and also on the basic properties of neutron matter. The new results have direct implications for neutron stars with the size of the neutron skin giving new constraints on the radii of neutron stars and their possible cooling mechanisms. The result was selected for a physics synopsis in Physical Review Letters Our group coauthored work at JLAB showing how the transparency of the nuclear medium to protons is lower than expected from traditional mean-field theoretical calculations and consistent with the renormalisation expected from the effects of short range correlations between the nucleons. Further work showed the first evidence for scale invariance in a typical nucleus. This is important information to map the transition from nucleon degrees of freedom to partonic (quarks and gluons) in the nucleus. We also coauthored work which gave some of the first indications for a long sought effect, colour transparency, This transparency is predicted from the theory of the strong interaction (QCD), where hadrons produced with sufficiently high 4-momentum transfer (corresponding to the quarks being close together) can pass through nuclear matter with dramatically reduced interactions. This work produced the first measurement of the expansion time for a hadron - of the order of 10^-24 seconds, which is a fundamental measurement for QCD. Hadron Physics: The grant supported a significant expansion of the experimental database available to establish the excitation spectrum of the nucleon. In recent years using advanced computer arrays it has become possible for the first time to calculate the excitation spectrum directly from the theory describing the force between the quark components of the nucleon (QCD). Therefore the spectrum of nucleon excited states is a fingerprint to test the validity of the theory in describing the matter making up the visible universe. We developed a new detector concept which provided the first large acceptance measurement of the spin direction of nucleons produced in photo reactions, an crucial development in the world programme. The first results from the Edinburgh Nucleon Polarimeter were published in Physical Review Letters. We published a further letter exploiting our new technique for identifying Kaon mesons. Excited states of the nucleon which decay via Kaons provide powerful information for the theoretical analyses. Our precision results allowed models in which the quarks inside the nucleon pair off (di-quark models) to be disfavoured. We coauthored further publications at MAMI and JLAB where decay channels of nucleon excited states to double-meson decays, three-meson decays and decays involving strange quarks were obtained. In 2012 the world data were used in a global theoretical analysis which resulted in 6 new excited states being listed in the particle data group listings. This process will be repeated in the future using the latest data. We also developed a new proposal to establish the excitation spectrum of nucleons containing strange quarks (cascades) which was approved to run at the upgraded JLAB in the future. Further work gave the most accurate determination to date of the form factor of the eta meson, giving new constraints on its structure. Measurements of the photo production of pion mesons near to the energy threshold for the reaction provided unique data to challenge Chiral Perturbation Theories, which link directly to QCD. |
Exploitation Route | The neutron skin work provides constraint on the nuclear equation of state which will be used not only by nuclear theorists but also theorists developing models of neutron star structure, cooling and gravitational wave emission. Our published work on lead already gives important new constraints on the size and shape of the neutron skin. This has already been used by nuclear theorists to constrain the models of the nucleus. The data under analysis on the evolution of the skin across an isotopic chain will enable further selectivity in nuclear models and in determining the equation of state. Ongoing and future space based X-ray measurements of neutron stars will provide complimentary information on the equation of state, at higher densities than our nuclear measurements. Our data will be used in future combined neutron star and nuclear determinations. The neutron skin measurements and their constraint on the equation of state have direct impact on gravitational wave emission in neutron star mergers. The constraints on the equation of state for neutron matter give access to key parameters such as the tidal polarisability of stars which influences the gravitational wave emission. Our development of the Edinburgh Nucleon Polarimeter have attracted significant interest from other facilities and we are discussing future possibility and collaboration to transfer our method there. We have already carried out a proof of principle analysis to apply the method at Jefferson Laboratory which we aim to publish in 2018/2019. Our method for Kaon identification has been adopted by the BGO-OD collaboration at Bonn and significantly enhanced the achievable physics programme. We are also working with researchers in laser-plasma based particle acceleration, where the method may provide a novel way to overcome the difficulties of measuring the production of high energy photons (100's MeV). As the intensity of laser-plasma sources increases non-linear QED effects are expected to produce significant quantities of these high energy photons. A new idea based on our Kaon detection method may provide a way to measure these, even in the intense environment created by the ultra-short beam pulse. We are developing this work in collaboration with colleagues at the plasma research institute at the University of York. We recently won STFC impact acceleration funding to develop this idea, as the short duration beams from laser-plasma accelerators may have benefits in delivering next generation flash radiotherapy and open up the possibility for achievable treatments at higher photon/electron energies. |
Sectors | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Education Healthcare Other |
URL | |
Description | The particle detector simulations and analysis techniques developed for the Edinburgh nucleon polarimeter formed the basis of a new idea for improving the quality of PET medical imaging. This received STFC Follow on funding (ST/K002937/1) and a patent application is currently being filed. The new technique has the potential to improve PET image quality by giving a new way to characterise and remove the effects of photon scatter in the patient and the PET apparatus. The idea stated above led to an InnovateUK award and industrial collaboration with Kromek Ltd. This aims to prototype a commercial device using the methodology developed during this grant (and the following group consolidated grant) |
First Year Of Impact | 2012 |
Sector | Education,Healthcare |
Impact Types | Cultural Societal Economic |
Description | EU framework 7 |
Amount | £10,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | European Commission |
Sector | Public |
Country | European Union (EU) |
Start | 05/2012 |
End | 10/2014 |
Description | Innovate UK |
Amount | £832,655 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/P034276/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2017 |
End | 03/2019 |
Description | Proof of principle fund. |
Amount | £20,410 (GBP) |
Funding ID | MKT14/1523/TEC1102685 |
Organisation | University of Edinburgh |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 07/2014 |
End | 02/2015 |
Title | Kaon identification technique |
Description | Developed a new analysis technique which allows the identification of Kaon mesons (mesons containing a strange quark). The technique allows identification to be obtained without expensive, large tracking systems and magnetic fields. |
Type Of Material | Improvements to research infrastructure |
Year Produced | 2012 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | The method was used to provide data which did not support a strong role for di-quark synamics in the excitation spectrum of the nucleon (CrystalBall@MAMI). The method was since transferred to the BGO-OD@ELSA experiment where it has significantly expanded the scope of the physics programme. It is also being applied to develop detector systems for use with laser-plasma based accelerators. |
Title | Large acceptance nucleon spin polarimetry |
Description | Developed a new method for the measurement of the spin polarisation of nucleons with large acceptance. This is a cost effective solution and the method primarily exploits new software analysis techniques. |
Type Of Material | Improvements to research infrastructure |
Year Produced | 2014 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | New experimental programme made possible at MAMI. Provides crucial data to determine properties of the nucleon. Will also provide key data to constrain the existence of 6-quark states. In discussions regarding implementation at other nuclear and hadron physics facilities. |
Title | SAID partial wave analysis model |
Description | The model is used to analyse photo meson production from the nucleon. The data produced using the Edinburgh polarimeter led to a revision in the optimum parameterisation of the photo coupling used in these studies. |
Type Of Material | Computer model/algorithm |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | The world programme of measurements to establish the excitation spectrum of the nucleon will be analysed using the more favoured photo coupling parameterisation |
URL | |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | George Washington University |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | Hampton University |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Department | National Institute for Nuclear Physics - Torino |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Department | National Laboratories of the South |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | Ohio University |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | Old Dominion University |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Country | Canada |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | Sapienza University of Rome |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Country | United States |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of Bari |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of Catania |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of Ferrara |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of Genoa |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of Glasgow |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of New Hampshire |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of Padova |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of Rome Tor Vergata |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BDX Dark Matter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of Sassari |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contribution to the development and writing of the proposal. Research and development for detector arrays and systems to be used in the experiment |
Collaborator Contribution | Experimental proposal development |
Impact | Proposal developed and submitted to Programme Advisory Committee at Jefferson Lab. Cited in Science news as important next generation experiment for dark matter searches. The project has attracted dark matter researchers from the UK and USA to the experiment at Jefferson Lab so in some sense is multi-disciplinary |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | BGO-OD collaboration |
Organisation | Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology |
Country | Russian Federation |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Watts is an invited member of the steering committee for the BGO-OD collaboration. Contributed to the development of the scientific programme. New particle detection methods pioneered by our group (described in were adopted and enhanced the achievable programme. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners will provide the experimental equipment and beam line. |
Impact | Programme will start in 2015 |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | BGO-OD collaboration |
Organisation | Moscow Institute for Nuclear Research |
Country | Russian Federation |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Watts is an invited member of the steering committee for the BGO-OD collaboration. Contributed to the development of the scientific programme. New particle detection methods pioneered by our group (described in were adopted and enhanced the achievable programme. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners will provide the experimental equipment and beam line. |
Impact | Programme will start in 2015 |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | BGO-OD collaboration |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Department | National Institute for Nuclear Physics - Torino |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Watts is an invited member of the steering committee for the BGO-OD collaboration. Contributed to the development of the scientific programme. New particle detection methods pioneered by our group (described in were adopted and enhanced the achievable programme. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners will provide the experimental equipment and beam line. |
Impact | Programme will start in 2015 |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | BGO-OD collaboration |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Department | National Laboratories of the South |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Watts is an invited member of the steering committee for the BGO-OD collaboration. Contributed to the development of the scientific programme. New particle detection methods pioneered by our group (described in were adopted and enhanced the achievable programme. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners will provide the experimental equipment and beam line. |
Impact | Programme will start in 2015 |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | BGO-OD collaboration |
Organisation | Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) |
Country | Russian Federation |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Watts is an invited member of the steering committee for the BGO-OD collaboration. Contributed to the development of the scientific programme. New particle detection methods pioneered by our group (described in were adopted and enhanced the achievable programme. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners will provide the experimental equipment and beam line. |
Impact | Programme will start in 2015 |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | BGO-OD collaboration |
Organisation | University of Basel |
Country | Switzerland |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Watts is an invited member of the steering committee for the BGO-OD collaboration. Contributed to the development of the scientific programme. New particle detection methods pioneered by our group (described in were adopted and enhanced the achievable programme. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners will provide the experimental equipment and beam line. |
Impact | Programme will start in 2015 |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | BGO-OD collaboration |
Organisation | University of Bonn |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Watts is an invited member of the steering committee for the BGO-OD collaboration. Contributed to the development of the scientific programme. New particle detection methods pioneered by our group (described in were adopted and enhanced the achievable programme. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners will provide the experimental equipment and beam line. |
Impact | Programme will start in 2015 |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | BGO-OD collaboration |
Organisation | University of Messina |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Watts is an invited member of the steering committee for the BGO-OD collaboration. Contributed to the development of the scientific programme. New particle detection methods pioneered by our group (described in were adopted and enhanced the achievable programme. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners will provide the experimental equipment and beam line. |
Impact | Programme will start in 2015 |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | BGO-OD collaboration |
Organisation | University of Pavia |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Watts is an invited member of the steering committee for the BGO-OD collaboration. Contributed to the development of the scientific programme. New particle detection methods pioneered by our group (described in were adopted and enhanced the achievable programme. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners will provide the experimental equipment and beam line. |
Impact | Programme will start in 2015 |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | BGO-OD collaboration |
Organisation | University of Rome Tor Vergata |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Watts is an invited member of the steering committee for the BGO-OD collaboration. Contributed to the development of the scientific programme. New particle detection methods pioneered by our group (described in were adopted and enhanced the achievable programme. |
Collaborator Contribution | Partners will provide the experimental equipment and beam line. |
Impact | Programme will start in 2015 |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | Forward Tagger Collaboration at CLAS12, Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Department | National Institute for Nuclear Physics - Genova |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We lead the development and construction of the fast timing hodoscope, a new particle ID system to operate close to the electron beamline at the Thomas Jefferson National Lab in the USA (JLAB). We carried out the detailed simulations necessary to establish the design and carried out the prototype testing to detail its performance. The UK contribution to the hodoscope construction funding is the only outstanding component, and is a central part of the JLab PPRP application currently under consideration. We are spokespersons for the flagship experiment using the device (MesonEx) with the CLAS12 detector at Jefferson Lab. This will be the first experiment following the JLAB upgrade (2016) with 120 days of beamtime. The experiment has the potential to be a discovery experiment for the long sought hybrid mesons. We contributed significantly to the writing of the proposal and carried out many of the computer simulations which established the suitability of CLAS12 for meson spectroscopy. We have developed new electronic readout boards which provide amplified analogue outputs from state of the art Silicon Photomultipliers (Hamamatsu S10362-33-100C). We have designed optical fibre coupling systems to connect the particle detectors to the SiPM. Use latest technology Flash-Analogue to Digtal Convertors (ADC) negating the requirement of traditional Time to digital convertor (TDC) systems. |
Collaborator Contribution | JMU have collaborated on the hodoscope design - specifically the design of the optical fibre routing and supports. INFN (Genoa) played important role in the development and testing of the readout electronics (amplifier boards for SiPM light sensors). NSU and JMU succesfully won funding from the NSF to contribute to the hodoscope construction costs. University of Glasgow will develop slow control infrastructure and contribute to the gain monitoring systems for the hodoscope. Edinburgh PI, PDRA's and students have been funded by overseas visitor funds from INFN. |
Impact | MesonEx proposal: JLAB Exp-11-005. Approved for 120 days beamtime. Scheduled for start of operation with CLAS12. Forward Tagger Technical Design Report: PPRP application for UK contribution to Forward Tagger: STFC grant No. ST/M001571/1. All collaborators applications succesful (INFN, Italy and NSF, USA) Publicity |
Start Year | 2009 |
Description | Forward Tagger Collaboration at CLAS12, Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | Norfolk State University |
Department | Physics |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We lead the development and construction of the fast timing hodoscope, a new particle ID system to operate close to the electron beamline at the Thomas Jefferson National Lab in the USA (JLAB). We carried out the detailed simulations necessary to establish the design and carried out the prototype testing to detail its performance. The UK contribution to the hodoscope construction funding is the only outstanding component, and is a central part of the JLab PPRP application currently under consideration. We are spokespersons for the flagship experiment using the device (MesonEx) with the CLAS12 detector at Jefferson Lab. This will be the first experiment following the JLAB upgrade (2016) with 120 days of beamtime. The experiment has the potential to be a discovery experiment for the long sought hybrid mesons. We contributed significantly to the writing of the proposal and carried out many of the computer simulations which established the suitability of CLAS12 for meson spectroscopy. We have developed new electronic readout boards which provide amplified analogue outputs from state of the art Silicon Photomultipliers (Hamamatsu S10362-33-100C). We have designed optical fibre coupling systems to connect the particle detectors to the SiPM. Use latest technology Flash-Analogue to Digtal Convertors (ADC) negating the requirement of traditional Time to digital convertor (TDC) systems. |
Collaborator Contribution | JMU have collaborated on the hodoscope design - specifically the design of the optical fibre routing and supports. INFN (Genoa) played important role in the development and testing of the readout electronics (amplifier boards for SiPM light sensors). NSU and JMU succesfully won funding from the NSF to contribute to the hodoscope construction costs. University of Glasgow will develop slow control infrastructure and contribute to the gain monitoring systems for the hodoscope. Edinburgh PI, PDRA's and students have been funded by overseas visitor funds from INFN. |
Impact | MesonEx proposal: JLAB Exp-11-005. Approved for 120 days beamtime. Scheduled for start of operation with CLAS12. Forward Tagger Technical Design Report: PPRP application for UK contribution to Forward Tagger: STFC grant No. ST/M001571/1. All collaborators applications succesful (INFN, Italy and NSF, USA) Publicity |
Start Year | 2009 |
Description | Forward Tagger Collaboration at CLAS12, Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | Thomas Jefferson University |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We lead the development and construction of the fast timing hodoscope, a new particle ID system to operate close to the electron beamline at the Thomas Jefferson National Lab in the USA (JLAB). We carried out the detailed simulations necessary to establish the design and carried out the prototype testing to detail its performance. The UK contribution to the hodoscope construction funding is the only outstanding component, and is a central part of the JLab PPRP application currently under consideration. We are spokespersons for the flagship experiment using the device (MesonEx) with the CLAS12 detector at Jefferson Lab. This will be the first experiment following the JLAB upgrade (2016) with 120 days of beamtime. The experiment has the potential to be a discovery experiment for the long sought hybrid mesons. We contributed significantly to the writing of the proposal and carried out many of the computer simulations which established the suitability of CLAS12 for meson spectroscopy. We have developed new electronic readout boards which provide amplified analogue outputs from state of the art Silicon Photomultipliers (Hamamatsu S10362-33-100C). We have designed optical fibre coupling systems to connect the particle detectors to the SiPM. Use latest technology Flash-Analogue to Digtal Convertors (ADC) negating the requirement of traditional Time to digital convertor (TDC) systems. |
Collaborator Contribution | JMU have collaborated on the hodoscope design - specifically the design of the optical fibre routing and supports. INFN (Genoa) played important role in the development and testing of the readout electronics (amplifier boards for SiPM light sensors). NSU and JMU succesfully won funding from the NSF to contribute to the hodoscope construction costs. University of Glasgow will develop slow control infrastructure and contribute to the gain monitoring systems for the hodoscope. Edinburgh PI, PDRA's and students have been funded by overseas visitor funds from INFN. |
Impact | MesonEx proposal: JLAB Exp-11-005. Approved for 120 days beamtime. Scheduled for start of operation with CLAS12. Forward Tagger Technical Design Report: PPRP application for UK contribution to Forward Tagger: STFC grant No. ST/M001571/1. All collaborators applications succesful (INFN, Italy and NSF, USA) Publicity |
Start Year | 2009 |
Description | Forward Tagger Collaboration at CLAS12, Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | University of Glasgow |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We lead the development and construction of the fast timing hodoscope, a new particle ID system to operate close to the electron beamline at the Thomas Jefferson National Lab in the USA (JLAB). We carried out the detailed simulations necessary to establish the design and carried out the prototype testing to detail its performance. The UK contribution to the hodoscope construction funding is the only outstanding component, and is a central part of the JLab PPRP application currently under consideration. We are spokespersons for the flagship experiment using the device (MesonEx) with the CLAS12 detector at Jefferson Lab. This will be the first experiment following the JLAB upgrade (2016) with 120 days of beamtime. The experiment has the potential to be a discovery experiment for the long sought hybrid mesons. We contributed significantly to the writing of the proposal and carried out many of the computer simulations which established the suitability of CLAS12 for meson spectroscopy. We have developed new electronic readout boards which provide amplified analogue outputs from state of the art Silicon Photomultipliers (Hamamatsu S10362-33-100C). We have designed optical fibre coupling systems to connect the particle detectors to the SiPM. Use latest technology Flash-Analogue to Digtal Convertors (ADC) negating the requirement of traditional Time to digital convertor (TDC) systems. |
Collaborator Contribution | JMU have collaborated on the hodoscope design - specifically the design of the optical fibre routing and supports. INFN (Genoa) played important role in the development and testing of the readout electronics (amplifier boards for SiPM light sensors). NSU and JMU succesfully won funding from the NSF to contribute to the hodoscope construction costs. University of Glasgow will develop slow control infrastructure and contribute to the gain monitoring systems for the hodoscope. Edinburgh PI, PDRA's and students have been funded by overseas visitor funds from INFN. |
Impact | MesonEx proposal: JLAB Exp-11-005. Approved for 120 days beamtime. Scheduled for start of operation with CLAS12. Forward Tagger Technical Design Report: PPRP application for UK contribution to Forward Tagger: STFC grant No. ST/M001571/1. All collaborators applications succesful (INFN, Italy and NSF, USA) Publicity |
Start Year | 2009 |
Description | HASPECT |
Organisation | Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres |
Department | GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | The HASPECT collaboration aims to deliver next generation partial wave analyses for the new hadron spectroscopy data emerging from the major experimental facilities. We have contributed to the effort by developing event generators for photon induced reactions (EdinGen) and provide high level computer expertise to setup the framework. We analyse archived meson photo production data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab to constrain the models ready for the hybrid meson search in CLAS12. |
Collaborator Contribution | Nuclear theorist collaborators have developed the production amplitude parameterisations. Collaborators have analysed other CLAS data sets relevant to the programme. Developed complimentary analysis methods. |
Impact | Application to Horizon 2020 for financial support. Conferences and meetings organised regularly. |
Start Year | 2010 |
Description | HASPECT |
Organisation | Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres |
Department | GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | The HASPECT collaboration aims to deliver next generation partial wave analyses for the new hadron spectroscopy data emerging from the major experimental facilities. We have contributed to the effort by developing event generators for photon induced reactions (EdinGen) and provide high level computer expertise to setup the framework. We analyse archived meson photo production data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab to constrain the models ready for the hybrid meson search in CLAS12. |
Collaborator Contribution | Nuclear theorist collaborators have developed the production amplitude parameterisations. Collaborators have analysed other CLAS data sets relevant to the programme. Developed complimentary analysis methods. |
Impact | Application to Horizon 2020 for financial support. Conferences and meetings organised regularly. |
Start Year | 2010 |
Description | HASPECT |
Organisation | Julich Research Centre |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The HASPECT collaboration aims to deliver next generation partial wave analyses for the new hadron spectroscopy data emerging from the major experimental facilities. We have contributed to the effort by developing event generators for photon induced reactions (EdinGen) and provide high level computer expertise to setup the framework. We analyse archived meson photo production data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab to constrain the models ready for the hybrid meson search in CLAS12. |
Collaborator Contribution | Nuclear theorist collaborators have developed the production amplitude parameterisations. Collaborators have analysed other CLAS data sets relevant to the programme. Developed complimentary analysis methods. |
Impact | Application to Horizon 2020 for financial support. Conferences and meetings organised regularly. |
Start Year | 2010 |
Description | HASPECT |
Organisation | Julich Research Centre |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The HASPECT collaboration aims to deliver next generation partial wave analyses for the new hadron spectroscopy data emerging from the major experimental facilities. We have contributed to the effort by developing event generators for photon induced reactions (EdinGen) and provide high level computer expertise to setup the framework. We analyse archived meson photo production data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab to constrain the models ready for the hybrid meson search in CLAS12. |
Collaborator Contribution | Nuclear theorist collaborators have developed the production amplitude parameterisations. Collaborators have analysed other CLAS data sets relevant to the programme. Developed complimentary analysis methods. |
Impact | Application to Horizon 2020 for financial support. Conferences and meetings organised regularly. |
Start Year | 2010 |
Description | HASPECT |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Department | Frascati Laboratory (LNF) |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | The HASPECT collaboration aims to deliver next generation partial wave analyses for the new hadron spectroscopy data emerging from the major experimental facilities. We have contributed to the effort by developing event generators for photon induced reactions (EdinGen) and provide high level computer expertise to setup the framework. We analyse archived meson photo production data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab to constrain the models ready for the hybrid meson search in CLAS12. |
Collaborator Contribution | Nuclear theorist collaborators have developed the production amplitude parameterisations. Collaborators have analysed other CLAS data sets relevant to the programme. Developed complimentary analysis methods. |
Impact | Application to Horizon 2020 for financial support. Conferences and meetings organised regularly. |
Start Year | 2010 |
Description | HASPECT |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Department | National Institute for Nuclear Physics - Torino |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The HASPECT collaboration aims to deliver next generation partial wave analyses for the new hadron spectroscopy data emerging from the major experimental facilities. We have contributed to the effort by developing event generators for photon induced reactions (EdinGen) and provide high level computer expertise to setup the framework. We analyse archived meson photo production data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab to constrain the models ready for the hybrid meson search in CLAS12. |
Collaborator Contribution | Nuclear theorist collaborators have developed the production amplitude parameterisations. Collaborators have analysed other CLAS data sets relevant to the programme. Developed complimentary analysis methods. |
Impact | Application to Horizon 2020 for financial support. Conferences and meetings organised regularly. |
Start Year | 2010 |
Description | HASPECT |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Department | National Institute for Nuclear Physics - Trento |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The HASPECT collaboration aims to deliver next generation partial wave analyses for the new hadron spectroscopy data emerging from the major experimental facilities. We have contributed to the effort by developing event generators for photon induced reactions (EdinGen) and provide high level computer expertise to setup the framework. We analyse archived meson photo production data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab to constrain the models ready for the hybrid meson search in CLAS12. |
Collaborator Contribution | Nuclear theorist collaborators have developed the production amplitude parameterisations. Collaborators have analysed other CLAS data sets relevant to the programme. Developed complimentary analysis methods. |
Impact | Application to Horizon 2020 for financial support. Conferences and meetings organised regularly. |
Start Year | 2010 |
Description | HASPECT |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Department | National Institute for Nuclear Physics - Trento |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The HASPECT collaboration aims to deliver next generation partial wave analyses for the new hadron spectroscopy data emerging from the major experimental facilities. We have contributed to the effort by developing event generators for photon induced reactions (EdinGen) and provide high level computer expertise to setup the framework. We analyse archived meson photo production data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab to constrain the models ready for the hybrid meson search in CLAS12. |
Collaborator Contribution | Nuclear theorist collaborators have developed the production amplitude parameterisations. Collaborators have analysed other CLAS data sets relevant to the programme. Developed complimentary analysis methods. |
Impact | Application to Horizon 2020 for financial support. Conferences and meetings organised regularly. |
Start Year | 2010 |
Description | HASPECT |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The HASPECT collaboration aims to deliver next generation partial wave analyses for the new hadron spectroscopy data emerging from the major experimental facilities. We have contributed to the effort by developing event generators for photon induced reactions (EdinGen) and provide high level computer expertise to setup the framework. We analyse archived meson photo production data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab to constrain the models ready for the hybrid meson search in CLAS12. |
Collaborator Contribution | Nuclear theorist collaborators have developed the production amplitude parameterisations. Collaborators have analysed other CLAS data sets relevant to the programme. Developed complimentary analysis methods. |
Impact | Application to Horizon 2020 for financial support. Conferences and meetings organised regularly. |
Start Year | 2010 |
Description | HASPECT |
Organisation | University of Glasgow |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The HASPECT collaboration aims to deliver next generation partial wave analyses for the new hadron spectroscopy data emerging from the major experimental facilities. We have contributed to the effort by developing event generators for photon induced reactions (EdinGen) and provide high level computer expertise to setup the framework. We analyse archived meson photo production data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab to constrain the models ready for the hybrid meson search in CLAS12. |
Collaborator Contribution | Nuclear theorist collaborators have developed the production amplitude parameterisations. Collaborators have analysed other CLAS data sets relevant to the programme. Developed complimentary analysis methods. |
Impact | Application to Horizon 2020 for financial support. Conferences and meetings organised regularly. |
Start Year | 2010 |
Description | Neutron skin collaboration (Crystal Ball at MAMI0 |
Organisation | Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Department | Racah Institute of Physics |
Country | Israel |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The neutron skin measurement programme with the Crystal Ball at MAMI was initiated and is led by the Edinburgh group. Neutron skins are thought to form on heavy stable nuclei. Their properties give new information on the fundamental properties of strongly interacting matter. Some of the costs for isotopically pure target materials used funds requested from STFC. We lead the development of the theoretical framework to extract the neutron skin properties. |
Collaborator Contribution | Other groups joined our project and contributed funds to purchase new targets to expand the neutron skin measurement programme (additional tin isotope targets, contribution to calcium targets). There is a current funding request to the German-Israeli foundation to provide a frozen gas target system (Xenon) under review (Mainz-Racah). As well as constraining neutron skin properties this data would reduce systematic errors in dark matter detection limits. |
Impact | MAMI Proposal Nr A2-**/06. Approved for 600 hours beamtime. MAMI Proposal Nr A2-15/09. Approved for 900 hours beamtime. Watts invited as overseas Co-PI on new application of SFB application of MAMI facility to German funding agency Publicity First measurement of a neutron skin using an electromagnetic probe. Provides direct evidence that the neutrons in heavy nuclei have a more diffuse spatial distribution than that of protons. |
Start Year | 2006 |
Description | Neutron skin collaboration (Crystal Ball at MAMI0 |
Organisation | Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz |
Department | Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The neutron skin measurement programme with the Crystal Ball at MAMI was initiated and is led by the Edinburgh group. Neutron skins are thought to form on heavy stable nuclei. Their properties give new information on the fundamental properties of strongly interacting matter. Some of the costs for isotopically pure target materials used funds requested from STFC. We lead the development of the theoretical framework to extract the neutron skin properties. |
Collaborator Contribution | Other groups joined our project and contributed funds to purchase new targets to expand the neutron skin measurement programme (additional tin isotope targets, contribution to calcium targets). There is a current funding request to the German-Israeli foundation to provide a frozen gas target system (Xenon) under review (Mainz-Racah). As well as constraining neutron skin properties this data would reduce systematic errors in dark matter detection limits. |
Impact | MAMI Proposal Nr A2-**/06. Approved for 600 hours beamtime. MAMI Proposal Nr A2-15/09. Approved for 900 hours beamtime. Watts invited as overseas Co-PI on new application of SFB application of MAMI facility to German funding agency Publicity First measurement of a neutron skin using an electromagnetic probe. Provides direct evidence that the neutrons in heavy nuclei have a more diffuse spatial distribution than that of protons. |
Start Year | 2006 |
Description | Neutron skin collaboration (Crystal Ball at MAMI0 |
Organisation | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) |
Department | Division of Astronomy & Astrophysics |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The neutron skin measurement programme with the Crystal Ball at MAMI was initiated and is led by the Edinburgh group. Neutron skins are thought to form on heavy stable nuclei. Their properties give new information on the fundamental properties of strongly interacting matter. Some of the costs for isotopically pure target materials used funds requested from STFC. We lead the development of the theoretical framework to extract the neutron skin properties. |
Collaborator Contribution | Other groups joined our project and contributed funds to purchase new targets to expand the neutron skin measurement programme (additional tin isotope targets, contribution to calcium targets). There is a current funding request to the German-Israeli foundation to provide a frozen gas target system (Xenon) under review (Mainz-Racah). As well as constraining neutron skin properties this data would reduce systematic errors in dark matter detection limits. |
Impact | MAMI Proposal Nr A2-**/06. Approved for 600 hours beamtime. MAMI Proposal Nr A2-15/09. Approved for 900 hours beamtime. Watts invited as overseas Co-PI on new application of SFB application of MAMI facility to German funding agency Publicity First measurement of a neutron skin using an electromagnetic probe. Provides direct evidence that the neutrons in heavy nuclei have a more diffuse spatial distribution than that of protons. |
Start Year | 2006 |
Description | Neutron skin collaboration (Crystal Ball at MAMI0 |
Organisation | University of Glasgow |
Department | Physics and Astronomy Department |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The neutron skin measurement programme with the Crystal Ball at MAMI was initiated and is led by the Edinburgh group. Neutron skins are thought to form on heavy stable nuclei. Their properties give new information on the fundamental properties of strongly interacting matter. Some of the costs for isotopically pure target materials used funds requested from STFC. We lead the development of the theoretical framework to extract the neutron skin properties. |
Collaborator Contribution | Other groups joined our project and contributed funds to purchase new targets to expand the neutron skin measurement programme (additional tin isotope targets, contribution to calcium targets). There is a current funding request to the German-Israeli foundation to provide a frozen gas target system (Xenon) under review (Mainz-Racah). As well as constraining neutron skin properties this data would reduce systematic errors in dark matter detection limits. |
Impact | MAMI Proposal Nr A2-**/06. Approved for 600 hours beamtime. MAMI Proposal Nr A2-15/09. Approved for 900 hours beamtime. Watts invited as overseas Co-PI on new application of SFB application of MAMI facility to German funding agency Publicity First measurement of a neutron skin using an electromagnetic probe. Provides direct evidence that the neutrons in heavy nuclei have a more diffuse spatial distribution than that of protons. |
Start Year | 2006 |
Description | Nuclear Data Mining Initiative for Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | Florida International University (FIU) |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We contributed to the successful grant application to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which underpins the data mining initiative. This had 20 named applicants. We used the data mining framework to access archived data from the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. We found a new way to access previously unobserved nuclei on the r-process path. This programme will be developed in the future. Contributed to the writeup and analysis for the recent publication in Science (described below). We also have other active analyses. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners setup the data analysis centres and framework to access archived data from Jefferson Lab. |
Impact | Analyses from the programme have been reported in the press and published in one of the leading scientific journals - Science |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nuclear Data Mining Initiative for Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We contributed to the successful grant application to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which underpins the data mining initiative. This had 20 named applicants. We used the data mining framework to access archived data from the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. We found a new way to access previously unobserved nuclei on the r-process path. This programme will be developed in the future. Contributed to the writeup and analysis for the recent publication in Science (described below). We also have other active analyses. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners setup the data analysis centres and framework to access archived data from Jefferson Lab. |
Impact | Analyses from the programme have been reported in the press and published in one of the leading scientific journals - Science |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nuclear Data Mining Initiative for Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | Ohio State University |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We contributed to the successful grant application to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which underpins the data mining initiative. This had 20 named applicants. We used the data mining framework to access archived data from the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. We found a new way to access previously unobserved nuclei on the r-process path. This programme will be developed in the future. Contributed to the writeup and analysis for the recent publication in Science (described below). We also have other active analyses. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners setup the data analysis centres and framework to access archived data from Jefferson Lab. |
Impact | Analyses from the programme have been reported in the press and published in one of the leading scientific journals - Science |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nuclear Data Mining Initiative for Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | Tel Aviv University |
Country | Israel |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We contributed to the successful grant application to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which underpins the data mining initiative. This had 20 named applicants. We used the data mining framework to access archived data from the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. We found a new way to access previously unobserved nuclei on the r-process path. This programme will be developed in the future. Contributed to the writeup and analysis for the recent publication in Science (described below). We also have other active analyses. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners setup the data analysis centres and framework to access archived data from Jefferson Lab. |
Impact | Analyses from the programme have been reported in the press and published in one of the leading scientific journals - Science |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nuclear Data Mining Initiative for Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Country | United States |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | We contributed to the successful grant application to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which underpins the data mining initiative. This had 20 named applicants. We used the data mining framework to access archived data from the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. We found a new way to access previously unobserved nuclei on the r-process path. This programme will be developed in the future. Contributed to the writeup and analysis for the recent publication in Science (described below). We also have other active analyses. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners setup the data analysis centres and framework to access archived data from Jefferson Lab. |
Impact | Analyses from the programme have been reported in the press and published in one of the leading scientific journals - Science |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nuclear Data Mining Initiative for Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | University of Glasgow |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We contributed to the successful grant application to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which underpins the data mining initiative. This had 20 named applicants. We used the data mining framework to access archived data from the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. We found a new way to access previously unobserved nuclei on the r-process path. This programme will be developed in the future. Contributed to the writeup and analysis for the recent publication in Science (described below). We also have other active analyses. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners setup the data analysis centres and framework to access archived data from Jefferson Lab. |
Impact | Analyses from the programme have been reported in the press and published in one of the leading scientific journals - Science |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nuclear Data Mining Initiative for Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | University of New Hampshire |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We contributed to the successful grant application to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which underpins the data mining initiative. This had 20 named applicants. We used the data mining framework to access archived data from the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. We found a new way to access previously unobserved nuclei on the r-process path. This programme will be developed in the future. Contributed to the writeup and analysis for the recent publication in Science (described below). We also have other active analyses. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners setup the data analysis centres and framework to access archived data from Jefferson Lab. |
Impact | Analyses from the programme have been reported in the press and published in one of the leading scientific journals - Science |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nuclear Data Mining Initiative for Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | University of Pennsylvania |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We contributed to the successful grant application to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which underpins the data mining initiative. This had 20 named applicants. We used the data mining framework to access archived data from the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. We found a new way to access previously unobserved nuclei on the r-process path. This programme will be developed in the future. Contributed to the writeup and analysis for the recent publication in Science (described below). We also have other active analyses. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners setup the data analysis centres and framework to access archived data from Jefferson Lab. |
Impact | Analyses from the programme have been reported in the press and published in one of the leading scientific journals - Science |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nuclear Data Mining Initiative for Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | University of Richmond |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We contributed to the successful grant application to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which underpins the data mining initiative. This had 20 named applicants. We used the data mining framework to access archived data from the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. We found a new way to access previously unobserved nuclei on the r-process path. This programme will be developed in the future. Contributed to the writeup and analysis for the recent publication in Science (described below). We also have other active analyses. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners setup the data analysis centres and framework to access archived data from Jefferson Lab. |
Impact | Analyses from the programme have been reported in the press and published in one of the leading scientific journals - Science |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nuclear Data Mining Initiative for Jefferson Lab |
Organisation | University of Virginia (UVa) |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We contributed to the successful grant application to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which underpins the data mining initiative. This had 20 named applicants. We used the data mining framework to access archived data from the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. We found a new way to access previously unobserved nuclei on the r-process path. This programme will be developed in the future. Contributed to the writeup and analysis for the recent publication in Science (described below). We also have other active analyses. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners setup the data analysis centres and framework to access archived data from Jefferson Lab. |
Impact | Analyses from the programme have been reported in the press and published in one of the leading scientific journals - Science |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nucleon Polarimeter Collaboration |
Organisation | Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Setup the first large acceptance nucleon spin polarimeter. First used with the Crystal Ball at MAMI to provide experimental observables which are crucial to establishing the excitation spectrum of the nucleon. Proposed (as PI) the commissioning experiments and both experimental beam times. Awarded a total of 1500 hours beamtime by the Programme Advisory Committee. Our team analysed the data to establish the operation of the large acceptance polarimeter. Wrote the first paper. |
Collaborator Contribution | Glasgow provided a PhD student who contributed to the analysis of the first experimental data and maintained the photon tagger. Pavia contributes tracking detectors (Multi Wire Proportional Chambers - MWPC), used in the polarimeter. UCLA provided the Crystal Ball Detector. MAMI provided the photon beam and infrastructure. Tuebingen will provide simulations and person power for new experiment ('15) which will use the polarimeter equipment to constrain the existence of exotic multiquark particles. |
Impact | Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 022501 (2014) MAMI proposal Nr A2-03-09. Approved for 1000 hours beam time. MAMI proposal Nr A2-01-06. Approved for 600 hours beam time Plus numerous published conference proceedings |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nucleon Polarimeter Collaboration |
Organisation | Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz |
Department | Mainz Microtron MAMI |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Setup the first large acceptance nucleon spin polarimeter. First used with the Crystal Ball at MAMI to provide experimental observables which are crucial to establishing the excitation spectrum of the nucleon. Proposed (as PI) the commissioning experiments and both experimental beam times. Awarded a total of 1500 hours beamtime by the Programme Advisory Committee. Our team analysed the data to establish the operation of the large acceptance polarimeter. Wrote the first paper. |
Collaborator Contribution | Glasgow provided a PhD student who contributed to the analysis of the first experimental data and maintained the photon tagger. Pavia contributes tracking detectors (Multi Wire Proportional Chambers - MWPC), used in the polarimeter. UCLA provided the Crystal Ball Detector. MAMI provided the photon beam and infrastructure. Tuebingen will provide simulations and person power for new experiment ('15) which will use the polarimeter equipment to constrain the existence of exotic multiquark particles. |
Impact | Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 022501 (2014) MAMI proposal Nr A2-03-09. Approved for 1000 hours beam time. MAMI proposal Nr A2-01-06. Approved for 600 hours beam time Plus numerous published conference proceedings |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nucleon Polarimeter Collaboration |
Organisation | National Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Department | National Institute for Nuclear Physics - Pavia |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Setup the first large acceptance nucleon spin polarimeter. First used with the Crystal Ball at MAMI to provide experimental observables which are crucial to establishing the excitation spectrum of the nucleon. Proposed (as PI) the commissioning experiments and both experimental beam times. Awarded a total of 1500 hours beamtime by the Programme Advisory Committee. Our team analysed the data to establish the operation of the large acceptance polarimeter. Wrote the first paper. |
Collaborator Contribution | Glasgow provided a PhD student who contributed to the analysis of the first experimental data and maintained the photon tagger. Pavia contributes tracking detectors (Multi Wire Proportional Chambers - MWPC), used in the polarimeter. UCLA provided the Crystal Ball Detector. MAMI provided the photon beam and infrastructure. Tuebingen will provide simulations and person power for new experiment ('15) which will use the polarimeter equipment to constrain the existence of exotic multiquark particles. |
Impact | Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 022501 (2014) MAMI proposal Nr A2-03-09. Approved for 1000 hours beam time. MAMI proposal Nr A2-01-06. Approved for 600 hours beam time Plus numerous published conference proceedings |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nucleon Polarimeter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Setup the first large acceptance nucleon spin polarimeter. First used with the Crystal Ball at MAMI to provide experimental observables which are crucial to establishing the excitation spectrum of the nucleon. Proposed (as PI) the commissioning experiments and both experimental beam times. Awarded a total of 1500 hours beamtime by the Programme Advisory Committee. Our team analysed the data to establish the operation of the large acceptance polarimeter. Wrote the first paper. |
Collaborator Contribution | Glasgow provided a PhD student who contributed to the analysis of the first experimental data and maintained the photon tagger. Pavia contributes tracking detectors (Multi Wire Proportional Chambers - MWPC), used in the polarimeter. UCLA provided the Crystal Ball Detector. MAMI provided the photon beam and infrastructure. Tuebingen will provide simulations and person power for new experiment ('15) which will use the polarimeter equipment to constrain the existence of exotic multiquark particles. |
Impact | Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 022501 (2014) MAMI proposal Nr A2-03-09. Approved for 1000 hours beam time. MAMI proposal Nr A2-01-06. Approved for 600 hours beam time Plus numerous published conference proceedings |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Nucleon Polarimeter Collaboration |
Organisation | University of Glasgow |
Department | Physics and Astronomy Department |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Setup the first large acceptance nucleon spin polarimeter. First used with the Crystal Ball at MAMI to provide experimental observables which are crucial to establishing the excitation spectrum of the nucleon. Proposed (as PI) the commissioning experiments and both experimental beam times. Awarded a total of 1500 hours beamtime by the Programme Advisory Committee. Our team analysed the data to establish the operation of the large acceptance polarimeter. Wrote the first paper. |
Collaborator Contribution | Glasgow provided a PhD student who contributed to the analysis of the first experimental data and maintained the photon tagger. Pavia contributes tracking detectors (Multi Wire Proportional Chambers - MWPC), used in the polarimeter. UCLA provided the Crystal Ball Detector. MAMI provided the photon beam and infrastructure. Tuebingen will provide simulations and person power for new experiment ('15) which will use the polarimeter equipment to constrain the existence of exotic multiquark particles. |
Impact | Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 022501 (2014) MAMI proposal Nr A2-03-09. Approved for 1000 hours beam time. MAMI proposal Nr A2-01-06. Approved for 600 hours beam time Plus numerous published conference proceedings |
Start Year | 2008 |
Title | Quantum entanglement in GEANT4 particle simulation package |
Description | We developed in collaboration with University of Manchester the first implementation of quantum entanglement into the GEANT4 software. This is currently in use in our InnovateUK programme, but as it is developed as part of the GEANT4 package it will eventually be open source and available to all GEANT4 users. The package was improved and finalised in late 2017 |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2017 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | The software allows the effects and benefits of quantum entanglement to be explored in PET imaging. Th initial studies were done using an earlier STFC follow on fund award. This has now been developed to a better standard using the innovateUK support. |
Description | Dissecting the proton; Invited talk at Edinburgh Radiological society |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Health professionals |
Results and Impact | Public lecture attended by around 60 consultant and trainee radiologists working in East of Scotland Setup collaborations with Scottish imaging community. Working on some new ideas for imaging forming basis of MPhys student projects at Edinburgh University |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2010 |
Description | The quantum world; talk at Edinburgh secondary school |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Around 60 pupils aged 16-18 attended talk introducing quantum physics. Discussion session following the talk and email discussions with students for some time afterwards. Initiated discussion leading to high school students coming and performing physics experiments at the University laboratories. Exchange of ideas about exciting lab experiments to enthuse students in this area. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2010 |