An exploratory study of the first bi-axial pulsating roAp star, KIC\,10195926
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Central Lancashire
Department Name: Jeremiah Horrocks Institute
Asteroseismology uses sounds in stars to probe their interiors. Just as ultrasound is used to see the face of a foetus before it is born, astronomers can "see" inside the stars by studying their light variations caused by pulsations within them. This research will provide unprecedently 3D views of the pulsation modes and abundance distributions in the rapidly oscillating peculiar A star KIC10195926.

Elkin V
Time-resolved spectroscopy of the rapidly oscillating Ap star KIC 10195926?
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Description | We report an analysis of high time resolution spectra of the chemically peculiar Ap star KIC 10195926 obtained with the Subaru telescope. We find that the star has low overabundances of rare earth elements compared with other rapidly oscillating Ap stars. We found only upper limits for pulsations from spectral lines of rare earth and other chemical elements. Pulsation was found only for the narrow core of the Ha line with an amplitude of 171 ± 41 m s-1 and with the frequency corresponding to photometric frequency obtained from Kepler observations. |
Exploitation Route | This project was definitive. No further work of this kind will be done on this star, although other stars will be studied in a similar way. |
Sectors | Education |