Terahertz driven dielectric linacs
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Manchester
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy
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Planned Impact
The main beneficiaries of this research are the users of HEP colliders but they will not be the only beneficiaries. The development of high gradient accelerating structures and deflecting cavities for high resolution bunch length will have major implications on the many communities using accelerators. This would also extend to the users of FELs. The reduction in the size and hence cost of particle accelerators will have major effects on
1) Radiotherapy and future liancs for very high energy electron therapy and proton therapy allowing compact machines with much smaller gantries and the use of linacs in surgery
2) High energy cheap electrons would open up the possibility of deep electron beam curing. At present the limited energy of compact machines limit the technique to only a shallow layer from the surface.
3) Security cargo scanning linacs would benefit from compact high energy machine as it would allow nuclear resonance to produce reactions that could be used for material discrimination. The large size and cost of current rhodotron based systems is a major limitation in the current exploitation of this method.
4) If the size and cost can be sufficiently reduced then it may be possible for there to be many more accelerators such that every hospital and university would eventually have one.
It is likely that a high energy accelerator the size of a pencil could eventually be developed opening the possibility of novel industrial and medical uses that have not be considered before.
1) Radiotherapy and future liancs for very high energy electron therapy and proton therapy allowing compact machines with much smaller gantries and the use of linacs in surgery
2) High energy cheap electrons would open up the possibility of deep electron beam curing. At present the limited energy of compact machines limit the technique to only a shallow layer from the surface.
3) Security cargo scanning linacs would benefit from compact high energy machine as it would allow nuclear resonance to produce reactions that could be used for material discrimination. The large size and cost of current rhodotron based systems is a major limitation in the current exploitation of this method.
4) If the size and cost can be sufficiently reduced then it may be possible for there to be many more accelerators such that every hospital and university would eventually have one.
It is likely that a high energy accelerator the size of a pencil could eventually be developed opening the possibility of novel industrial and medical uses that have not be considered before.
People |
Darren Graham (Principal Investigator) |
Georgiadis V
Dispersion in dielectric-lined waveguides designed for terahertz-driven deflection of electron beams
in Applied Physics Letters
Hibberd M
Acceleration of relativistic beams using laser-generated terahertz pulses
in Nature Photonics
Hibberd M
Magnetic-field tailoring of the terahertz polarization emitted from a spintronic source
in Applied Physics Letters
Walsh DA
Demonstration of sub-luminal propagation of single-cycle terahertz pulses for particle acceleration.
in Nature communications
Description | We achieved the first THz-driven linear acceleration of relativistic electron bunches, paving the way to unprecedented control over relativistic electron beams, and ultimately delivering high-field gradients for compact THz-driven particle accelerators. |
Exploitation Route | We demonstrated several novel approaches which open new routes for advancing the field of THz acceleration. Our use of a rectangular waveguide geometry offering advantages for linearly polarised THz sources. Phase matching was exploited for the first time by tuning the driving THz frequency. We also report the first operation of a THz-driven structure with bunch charge in the pC regime, demonstrating acceleration of 60 pC bunches with over three orders-of-magnitude higher charge than previously shown. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Healthcare Security and Diplomacy Other |
URL | https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.04055 |
Description | Cockcroft Institute Capital bid 2018 |
Amount | £174,000 (GBP) |
Funding ID | ST/S002200/1 |
Organisation | Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 08/2018 |
End | 03/2019 |
Description | THz driven injection for high-quality high-gradient novel acceleration |
Amount | £126,658 (GBP) |
Funding ID | ST/T002735/1 |
Organisation | Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2019 |
End | 05/2021 |
Title | Acceleration of relativistic beams using laser-generated terahertz pulses |
Description | Dataset for the figures contained in the manuscript entitled "Acceleration of relativistic beams using laser-generated terahertz pulses". |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2020 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | https://zenodo.org/record/3903506 |
Title | Acceleration of relativistic beams using laser-generated terahertz pulses |
Description | Dataset for the figures contained in the manuscript entitled "Acceleration of relativistic beams using laser-generated terahertz pulses". |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2020 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | https://zenodo.org/record/3903505 |