STFC Food Security Network+

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy


The STFC Food security Network+ brings together food researchers with STFC researchers and facilities to tackle food security challenges.

The SFN activities are divided into three Themes:
Theme 1: Sustainable Food Production. Developing food production systems that maintain healthy soils, reduce impact on the natural environment and provide reliable yield in the face of changing climate.
Theme 2: Resilient Food Supply Chains. Monitoring, modelling and design of food supply chains to enhance resilience, environmental and social benefits, and public health.
Theme 3: Improved Nutrition and Consumer Behaviours. Investigating how best to change consumer behavior to enhance nutrition and health whilst reducing waste and demands on land, energy and water.
Running across each of these themes is existing STFC expertise that can address important research questions within and between the food themes, and catalyse new research activity:
Expertise A: STFC Data Science. Astronomers and particle physicists routinely analyse Tbs of data in large international collaborations which share code and frameworks. This necessitates the use of novel algorithms to sift and/or extract the key information about the Universe.
Expertise B: STFC Technology. STFC researchers routinely push the boundaries of cutting edge technology for building space, CERN and STFC instrumentation e.g. precision engineering of lens systems to a fraction of the thickness of a human hair and hyper-fast and/or sensitive detectors.
Expertise C: STFC Facilities. STFC hosts world-leading beamlines including Diamond synchrotron and ISIS neutron and muon beams, used to determine molecular to subatomic structures. Furthermore, Hartree and UKATC play leading roles in data science and technology.

Network+ Factsheets provide more detail on each of the above topics: more information on the food themes aimed at STFC researchers; more information on STFC capabilities aimed at food researchers. There is a kick-off survey to raise awareness of the network, publicise the factsheets, increase the Membership and identify areas of greatest interest for meetings. The Network+ has a wide and inclusive Membership which is brought together by Annual Network+ Meetings. At these meetings the topics for smaller Sandpits are decided at which STFC and food researchers are brought together to brainstorm ideas for Small Scale Scoping studies. 8 Small Scale Scoping studies will be funded (<8k each) followed by 3 Proof of Concept studies (<40k each) and an Impact Sandpit at which ideas are pitched to a panel including Industry members and stakeholders in a Dragon's Den format.

Planned Impact

The main pathway to impact of the STFC Food Security Network+ (SFN) is to create a network to stimulate collaboration between STFC researchers and food researchers including those in industry, to tackle problems in global food security: (1) Increasing production, (2) Developing the supply chain, and (3) Changing consumer behavior.
There are structures and mechanisms already in place at the Investigator Universities to facilitate impact, including both public and business engagements, and commercialisation. The University of Manchester has a Business Engagement team to assist with industry links and UMIP to support commercialisation. The School of Physics and Astronomy has Dr. Alick Deacon, an STFC IPS Fellow who maintains industrial links and manages impact, Emma Nichols (funded through the Ogden Trust) to support public engagement activities, Dr. Mark Dickinson is the School's Academic Impact Champion, Dr. David Binks as the Schools liaison. There are also the Associate Deans at Faculty level (Lin Li for Business Engagement and Innovation). Sheffield and Liverpool also have IPS Fellows (Aldous Everard and Marco Palumbo, respectively).
Since the main goal of the SFN is to generate new ideas, we cannot be specific in how the impact is demonstrated in each of the three themes, however, we will stipulate that all funded Small Scale Scoping studies and Proof of Concept grants must contain a Pathways to Impact plan and adhere the general policy that all project findings will be made freely available for academic research, and publications should be written up in pertinent high-impact peer reviewed journals and presented at associated conferences.
We will seek to create impact through public engagement via the website, Factsheets, media and social media such as Twitter (three of the Investigators already have a significant following: @sarahbridle and @Katherine_Denby each have >500 followers and @profmarkreed has >3000). We will seek to present at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition.
We seek to collaborate with industry on the Small Scale Scoping and Proof of Concept studies. So far we have a number of Industrial contacts who have signed the community letter of support including ADAS, Delta-T Devices Ltd and Environment Systems Ltd. Furthermore we are working with people at a number of Industry gateway organisations, with STN Steering Committee members currently at Farming Futures, the Jamie Oliver Foundation, Hartree Center and the Agrimetrics center and with supporters from NIAB, NFU (National Farmers Union), N8 and IAgrE. As well as advertising the Annual Meetings through our website and Factsheets, we will work with N8 partners and the STFC to raise awareness of the annual meetings through the partners' institutions.
We will encourage the ideas arising from the SFN to reach industry through the contacts made at our meetings and also through the final "Impact Sandpit" which will culminate in a Dragon's Den style pitch to Industry and Industry gateway representatives. Successful projects will also seek match funding from industry partners. We will highlight successful examples of STFC food research with Impact as the network continues, encouraging spin-offs and patents where relevant. To ensure maximum impact, seminars from Mark Reed will help researchers understand how to accelerate their impact.
We hope outcomes from the network may also contribute to Policy and Public Debate, through sharing our Factsheets. Where our research can contribute to select committee enquiry, the most appropriate investigator will attend the meeting and we will look to submit written evidence. The University of Manchester has a general programme for aiding academics in engaging with policy (policy@manchester).


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Bridle, S (2017) STFC Food Network+

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Pateman R (2020) Citizen Science for Quantifying and Reducing Food Loss and Food Waste in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems

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Menon M (2020) Do arsenic levels in rice pose a health risk to the UK population? in Ecotoxicology and environmental safety

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Shirley R (2020) An empirical, Bayesian approach to modelling crop yield: Maize in USA in Environmental Research Communications

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Malesios C (2020) A change-point analysis of food price shocks in Climate Risk Management

Description Contribution to House of Lords Food, Poverty, Health & The Environment Select Committee on Food Insecurity and Sustainability
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Jointly held parliamentary briefing on The Future of Agri-Tech
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Sarah Bridle served on the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund Transforming (ISCF) Food Production (TFP) Advisory Board
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description 21st Century Abattoir Review for FSA
Amount £9,960 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/T001585/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2019 
End 12/2021
Description Brian Ellison - STFC Proof of Concept to consolidate the science case and develop a data processing algorithm
Amount £40,000 (GBP)
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Description Manoj Menon - Beamline Time for 'Soil-Water-Root Interactions in Biochar-Amended Soils - in kind value
Amount £120,000 (GBP)
Organisation ISIS Neutron Source Facility 
Sector Learned Society
Country United Kingdom
Description Manoj Menon - Sustainable Partnership Award - Arsenic Detection and Distribution in Rice Plants Using High Resolution X-ray Imaging
Amount £40,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sheffield 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Description Mapping Arsenic Accumulation in Rice
Amount £19,531 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/S006036/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2019 
End 02/2020
Description Miying Yang - DISTINCT: IoT and big data for productive, safe and sustainable aquaculture -
Amount £50,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2020 
Description Piloting Zooniverse for food, health and sustainability citizen science
Amount £15,761 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/T001410/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2019 
End 12/2020
Description Roy Goodacres group - Daphne Jackson Fellowship for Mehrvash Varnasseri
Amount £0 (GBP)
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2019 
Description STFC Food Network+ Extension
Amount £978,016 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/T002921/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2020 
End 03/2021
Description Seb Oliver - PhD student project "Sim Farm 2030: An empirical, data-driven, model for wheat cultivars and optimisation for future climate scenarios"
Amount £74,100 (GBP)
Organisation Agricultural and Horticulture Development Board 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Description TRAnsforming Cold Food Chains in INdia through Space ScIence and TechNologies - TRANSSITioN
Amount £226,468 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/T001313/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2019 
End 03/2021
Description UK Manufacturing Symbiosis NetworkPlus (UKMSN+)
Amount £892,577 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/S036091/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2019 
End 08/2023
Description Wantao Yu - "Roadmap on technology and data sources for agricultural decision making'' which is funded by Agri-Tech in China: Newton Network+
Amount £63,000 (GBP)
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2018 
End 04/2019
Description Wantao Yu - Achieving Sustainable Intensification using Remote Sensing: Evidence from STB and Yangxin County, Shandong Province", which is funded by Agri-Tech in China: Newton Network+
Amount £31,000 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/N003527/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2018 
End 04/2019
Description Collaboration with DEFRA 
Organisation Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We worked with Defra to determine sandpit topics relevant to our mutual aims and to encourage projects that complied with these
Collaborator Contribution Defra worked with us to help determine sandpit topics relevant to our mutual aims and to encourage projects that complied with these. Defra contributed £32,000 to fund an additional 4 Scoping Projects and £6,000 to contribute to the running costs of our 2019 Sandpit events
Impact An additional 4 Scoping projects were funded
Start Year 2019
Description Exploring novel techniques to assess food price shocks 
Organisation Anglia Ruskin University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aled Jones, Scoping Project PI worked with Valeria Shumaylova on the Scoping Project named above and they published a paper based on the results of their work (which has been listed in our publications entry)
Collaborator Contribution Aled Jones, Scoping Project PI worked with Valeria Shumaylova on the Scoping Project named above and they published a paper based on the results of their work (which has been listed in our publications entry)
Impact Publication - Malesios C, Jones N, Jones A, (2020). A change-point analysis of food price shocks. Climate Risk Management, This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description Exploring novel techniques to assess food price shocks 
Organisation University of Cambridge
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aled Jones, Scoping Project PI worked with Valeria Shumaylova on the Scoping Project named above and they published a paper based on the results of their work (which has been listed in our publications entry)
Collaborator Contribution Aled Jones, Scoping Project PI worked with Valeria Shumaylova on the Scoping Project named above and they published a paper based on the results of their work (which has been listed in our publications entry)
Impact Publication - Malesios C, Jones N, Jones A, (2020). A change-point analysis of food price shocks. Climate Risk Management, This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description Forecasting Agricultural Crop Yields at National scales (FACYNation) 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Scoping project PI worked with Edward Pope (Met Office), Yoseph Araya (Open University), Pete Hurley (University of Sussex), Bjoern Soergel (University of Cambridge, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Collaborator Contribution Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Scoping project PI worked with Edward Pope (Met Office), Yoseph Araya (Open University), Pete Hurley (University of Sussex), Bjoern Soergel (University of Cambridge, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Impact Publication - Shirley R, Pope E, Bartlett M, Oliver S, Quadrianto N, Hurley P..... Bacon J, (2020). An empirical, Bayesian approach to modelling crop yield: Maize in USA. Environmental Research Communications, This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description Forecasting Agricultural Crop Yields at National scales (FACYNation) 
Organisation Open University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Scoping project PI worked with Edward Pope (Met Office), Yoseph Araya (Open University), Pete Hurley (University of Sussex), Bjoern Soergel (University of Cambridge, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Collaborator Contribution Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Scoping project PI worked with Edward Pope (Met Office), Yoseph Araya (Open University), Pete Hurley (University of Sussex), Bjoern Soergel (University of Cambridge, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Impact Publication - Shirley R, Pope E, Bartlett M, Oliver S, Quadrianto N, Hurley P..... Bacon J, (2020). An empirical, Bayesian approach to modelling crop yield: Maize in USA. Environmental Research Communications, This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description Forecasting Agricultural Crop Yields at National scales (FACYNation) 
Organisation Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Country Germany 
Sector Learned Society 
PI Contribution Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Scoping project PI worked with Edward Pope (Met Office), Yoseph Araya (Open University), Pete Hurley (University of Sussex), Bjoern Soergel (University of Cambridge, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Collaborator Contribution Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Scoping project PI worked with Edward Pope (Met Office), Yoseph Araya (Open University), Pete Hurley (University of Sussex), Bjoern Soergel (University of Cambridge, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Impact Publication - Shirley R, Pope E, Bartlett M, Oliver S, Quadrianto N, Hurley P..... Bacon J, (2020). An empirical, Bayesian approach to modelling crop yield: Maize in USA. Environmental Research Communications, This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description Forecasting Agricultural Crop Yields at National scales (FACYNation) 
Organisation University of Sussex
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Scoping project PI worked with Edward Pope (Met Office), Yoseph Araya (Open University), Pete Hurley (University of Sussex), Bjoern Soergel (University of Cambridge, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Collaborator Contribution Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Scoping project PI worked with Edward Pope (Met Office), Yoseph Araya (Open University), Pete Hurley (University of Sussex), Bjoern Soergel (University of Cambridge, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Impact Publication - Shirley R, Pope E, Bartlett M, Oliver S, Quadrianto N, Hurley P..... Bacon J, (2020). An empirical, Bayesian approach to modelling crop yield: Maize in USA. Environmental Research Communications, This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation ADAS
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation Open University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation RAND Europe
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC)
Department Hartree Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation University of Greenwich
Department Natural Resources Institute Greenwich
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation University of Hertfordshire
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation University of Hull
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation University of Lincoln
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation University of Sussex
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description Technology and climate change: a review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential 
Organisation University of York
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Collaborator Contribution Scoping Project PI Elta Smith (RAND Europe) worked with Sonal Choudhary (University of Sheffield), Lisa Emberson (University of York), Marcin Glowacz (University of Greenwich), Courtney Hood (RAND Europe), Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield), Rakesh Nayak (University of Hull), Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln), Ed Pope (Met Office), Christian Reynolds (University of Sheffield), Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester), Martin Hardcastle (University of Hertfordshire), Tom Kirkham (STFC Hartree Centre), Seb Oliver (University of Sussex), Stephen Serjeant (The Open University), Angela Walsh (STFC Hartree Centre) A publication was produced that has been entered in the publications section
Impact Publication - Hood, C, Darcy Bounsall, Sarah Bridle, Sonal Choudhary, Lisa Emberson, Marcin Glowacz, Martin Hardcastle... Elta Smith. (2019). Technology and climate change A review of STFC Food Network+ projects and future potential. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between AgriFood researchers and STFC Physics researchers
Start Year 2019
Description The Role of Biochar in Climate-Smart Agriculture 
Organisation Carbon Gold
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Collaborator Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Impact See Publication - A review on biochar modulated soil condition improvements and nutrient dynamics concerning crop yields: Pathways to climate change mitigation and global food securit. This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description The Role of Biochar in Climate-Smart Agriculture 
Organisation Diamond Light Source
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Collaborator Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Impact See Publication - A review on biochar modulated soil condition improvements and nutrient dynamics concerning crop yields: Pathways to climate change mitigation and global food securit. This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description The Role of Biochar in Climate-Smart Agriculture 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Collaborator Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Impact See Publication - A review on biochar modulated soil condition improvements and nutrient dynamics concerning crop yields: Pathways to climate change mitigation and global food securit. This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description The Role of Biochar in Climate-Smart Agriculture 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Collaborator Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Impact See Publication - A review on biochar modulated soil condition improvements and nutrient dynamics concerning crop yields: Pathways to climate change mitigation and global food securit. This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description The Role of Biochar in Climate-Smart Agriculture 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Collaborator Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Impact See Publication - A review on biochar modulated soil condition improvements and nutrient dynamics concerning crop yields: Pathways to climate change mitigation and global food securit. This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description The Role of Biochar in Climate-Smart Agriculture 
Organisation University of York
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Collaborator Contribution PI Manoj Menon (University of Sheffield) Scoping Project PI worked with Sylvia Toet (University of York), Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester), Joseph Hufton (University of Sheffield), James MacPhail (Carbon Gold, UK), Genoveva Burca (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source) Shashidhara Marathe (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source), Oxana Magdysyuk (STFC ISIS Neutron & Muon Source),Claire Pizzey (Diamond Light Source) on the above named Scoping Project and produced a publication listed in our publication section
Impact See Publication - A review on biochar modulated soil condition improvements and nutrient dynamics concerning crop yields: Pathways to climate change mitigation and global food securit. This is multidisciplinary across Agrifood research and STFC physics research
Start Year 2018
Description 'Continued Ammonia Monitoring for Agriculture' radio interview 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This scoping project was lead by STFC's Brian Ellison who spoke on the BBC Farming Today programme
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description A series of talks at institutions across the Country 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Prof Sarah Bridle has been invited to talk at ~10 institutions across the country to explain to Physicists how the Network works and to engage them in order to help develop collaborations across the STFC Physics and AgriFood communities
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018
Description BlueDot Festival 2018 and 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We had a stand showcasing work on food and climate change at the BlueDot Festival in 2018 and 2019.

Our focus was on educating the public on how primary food production, food processing and consumer food choices contribute to greenhouse gas (GG) emissions. We showcased examples of innovations to improve sustainability in these areas: Aeroponic Vertical Farming from LettUsGrow, Climate Food Challenge online game, Climate Food Flashcards, edible insects from Crunchy Critters , Farming for the Future game, carbon footprints of food.

Alana Kluczkovski led the writing and coordination of an evaluation paper which been accepted into the special "Healthy Sustainable Diets" issue of the Journal 'Sustainability' and is due to be published in March 2020
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
Description Coordinated meeting of Network Members to Harwell 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact On 28th September we ran an STFC Food Network+ (SFN) visit to the STFC Harwell Campus. About 45 people attended, including more than 10 from industry (Pepsico, Mondelez, Unilever). In the morning we had talks introducing food challenges to STFC researchers (Tim Williams, Ian Noble, Jason Halford) and talks about STFC Facilities aimed at food research and industry (Sarah Rogers on ISIS, Tony Parker on CLF, Claire Pizzey on Diamond and Brian Matthews on the Scientific Computing Department). We had excellent feedback from the multiway speed meeting after lunch. Katharine Hollinshead (from STFC) and Harriet Trewin (from BBSRC) gave talks on funding opportunities after lunch. We had a brainstorming session on how the STFC Facilities could contribute to food challenges.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Digital Innovation in Livestock Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Along with N8 Agrifood and CIEL the SFN co- hosted this event in September to explore the latest in precision farming for enhanced performance, health and welfare of livestock. This event brought together researchers working on livestock, engineering, image analysis and large-scale data, digital innovation and socioeconomics, with businesses, engineers, vets, farmers,policy makers and NGOs. The workshop helped to catalyse and develop collaborative research projects between industry and N8 universities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Food Industry/KTN Meeting at Pepsico 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The SFN coordinated this meeting with our dedicated KTN subgroup to bring together STFC Physics colleagues with colleagues from major food industry companies (Pepsico/Nestle/Mondelez/Diageo/Unilever) in order to start collaborations across these two communities. This has resulted in a series of projects being taken away to work on with at least 4 having dedicated teams working cross-community to progress these.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Hilary Rogers - Interview on Scoping the feasibility of low-cost GC and GCxGC platforms for using volatile organic compound markers to assess quality of fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the supply chain. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Hilary Rogers gave a radio interview at the "Good morning Wales" Radio Wales programme on 09/03/1 with respect to the progress made on their Scoping Project as named above
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Invited talk at the Global Food Security Programme Coordination Group 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Prof Sarah Bridle was invited to talk at the Global Food Security Programme Coordination Group meeting in January to present on the Network, our progress to date and how GFS and partners could help the network to deliver its objectives.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Poster Presentations at N8 AgriFood Conferences 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The Network has presented posters along with pitch presentations at multiple N8 AgriFood Conferences. This allowed us to engage with a wide variety of AgriFood academics and policymakers and to sign-up many new members for the Network as people we can make future collaborations with.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018,2019
Description Poster and Pitch Presentation at KTN Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The Network presented a poster along with a pitch presentation at the KTN Emerging Imaging Technologies in Agri-Food Workshop in January. This allowed us to engage with a wide variety of AgriFood academics and small businesses and to sign-up many new members for the Network as people we can make future collaborations with.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition is the UK's annual display of its most cutting edge science and technology, Our exhibit focused on how primary food production, food processing and consumer food choices contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. We were highlighting some key examples of innovations to improve sustainability in these areas.

Visitors to our stand found out about different methods of sustainable farming and learned about the relationship between their dietary choices and greenhouse gases. They also had the chance to take the Climate Food Challenge; an interactive game testing knowledge of the varying levels of green house gas emissions produced by different foods.

In total, we estimate that there were 4033 adults, 1107 teenagers and 1147 children who engaged with the exhibit.

To coincide with the exhibition our team issued a press release, investigating the environmental impacts of a traditional bbq, and how you can reduce the green house gas emissions. This has since been picked up by the Telegraph, the sun and INews as well as generating an interview with Sarah on BBC Radio Wales and with our colleague Ximena Schmidt on ITN and a mention on BBC Breakfast

A significant amount of work went into evaluation of the interactions and potential impact from this event - Alana Kluczkovski led the writing and coordination of an evaluation paper which been accepted into the special "Healthy Sustainable Diets" issue of the Journal 'Sustainability' and is due to be published in March 2020
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description SFN Annual Meeting 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The Annual Meeting consisted of a series of talks by expert speakers on topics spanning the STFC and Agri-Food sectors along with interactive sessions and networking opportunities. We had talks from different funders/government groups (InnovateUK, STFC, BBSRC, NERC, FSA, GFS) as well as from small businesses, STFC Facilities and international colleagues. We interspersed these with breakout sessions and brainstorming activities and took the information gathered at these away to feed into our future Network activities. Most importantly, lots of new introductions were made and the event offered opportunities for knowledge share on the STFC Physics and AgriFood communities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description SFN Annual Meeting 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The Annual Meeting consisted of a series of talks by expert speakers on topics spanning the STFC and Agri-Food sectors along with interactive sessions and networking opportunities. We had talks from different funders/government groups (InnovateUK, STFC, BBSRC, NERC, FSA, GFS) as well as from small businesses, STFC Facilities and international colleagues. We interspersed these with breakout sessions and brainstorming activities and took the information gathered at these away to feed into our future Network activities. Most importantly, lots of new introductions were made and the event offered opportunities for knowledge share on the STFC Physics and AgriFood communities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description SFN Launch Meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The SFN launch meeting consisted of a series of talks by expert speakers on topics spanning the STFC and Agri-Food sectors along with interactive sessions and networking opportunities. We had talks from different funders (InnovateUK, STFC, BBSRC) as well as from small businesses, STFC Facilities and international colleagues. We interspersed these with breakout sessions and brainstorming activities and took the information gathered at these away to feed into our future Network activities. Most importantly, lots of new introductions were made and the event offered opportunities for knowledge share on the STFC Physics and AgriFood communities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description SFN Showcase 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact This Showcase allowed our 2018 Scoping Projects the opportunity to discuss their project outcomes and intended next steps and gave them the opportunity to engage with government and funding bodies (InnovateUK, STFC, BBSRC, NERC, FSA, GFS) and industry representatives in order to help them with next steps in their research and to influence future opportunities
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description STFC Food Network+ Website 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Setting up this website has allowed us to engage with a much wider audience than we could have reached otherwise. We regularly receive new member requests through the website from a wide variety of people from industry/academia and funding bodies. We use the website to promote events and opportunities both directly managed by our Network and for colleagues in other Networks as well as wider funding bodies. We have made contact with people through this that we've then gone onto work with on funding applications or talk at their institutions
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description STFC Independent Panel for Strategic Review of Delivering Economic and Societal Impact for the UK - 21st Century Challenges 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Network Lead for Impact and Industry Sonal Choudhary was invited by Katharine Hollinshead to speak at this event on the following:
An overview of the aims, activities and achievements of the Network plus:
· How the Network has gone about translating the capabilities of the STFC community into projects aimed at addressing the needs of the agritech industry
· Learning points in engaging other communities to develop new partnerships
· How the network has gone about engaging with key stakeholders, showcased capability helped to position the STFC community as a valued partner
· How additional funding is being leveraged
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Sandpits 2018 and 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The Network has held 2 x two day sandpit events to encourage people from across the country (STFC/Academics/Industry) to work together collaboratively using STFC physics technologies to solve AgriFood problems. This activity resulted in multiple pitches for funding of which two were awarded at each event and with the option for the others hone their presentations and submit for the open funding call the Network has also been running. This activity has also helped forge connections between the two target communities which we anticipate developing in future.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
Description Stand at Food Industry Innovation Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Discussion based workshop on alternative food proteins where we got to interact with academic and industry colleagues in order to promote our network and encourage new members
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Talk at Nuclear Community Meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Prof Kieran Flanagan (SFN Co-Investigator) gave a talk at the Nuclear Community Meeting to explain to Nuclear Physicists how the Network works and to engage them in order to help develop collaborations across the STFC Physics and AgriFood communities
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Toward a global banana map - Blog Post 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Scoping Project leaders Dan Bebber and Varun Varma have written a blog article highlighting the work they undertook on their 'Remote sensing led monitoring and forecasting of global banana production' With STFC Physics colleagues Seb Oliver and Raphael Shirley. The project team have developed a prototype method to map and track global banana plantation areas at high resolution and over time, with very high accuracy. Their methods combine in-depth knowledge from partners in banana-producing countries with machine learning algorithms applied to Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and multi-spectral satellite data. This has only just been published so the impact is as yet unknown
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Using drones to save coffee plants from disease - Radio Interview 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Oliver Windram has been leading this SFN scoping project looking into how drone technology and, specifically, multispectral imaging could help protect coffee plants from coffee rust, a fungal disease that can wipe out entire plantations, and testing it out in the coffee growing areas of Thailand. SFN Co-Investigator and Co-I on the project Katherine Denby spoke on the BBC World Service on the 29th March about the project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019