DUNE: Pre-Construction Phase
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Liverpool
Department Name: Physics
Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.
Planned Impact
See central Je-S form submitted by the University of Cambridge.

Acciarri R
Construction of precision wire readout planes for the Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND)
in Journal of Instrumentation
Description | This award supported specific research towards a long baseline neutrino experiment in the USA. The main achievements through this award comprise: the design and construction of a novel Cathode Plane Assembly for the SBND experiment at Fermilab, USA, able to hold up to 200kV in liquid Argon; the construction of Anode Plane Assemblies for SBND; the execution of physics simulations covering neutrino interactions and measurements of neutrino oscillations in the Short Baseline Programme at Fermilab and in the future DUNE long baseline project; the development of Data Acquisition architectures and systems for neutrino detectors. |
Exploitation Route | The outcomes have bee published and presented to the international physics community and are available to scientists planning neutrino and dark matter experiments where the technologies developed here are directly applicable. The high sensitivity liquid Argon detectors developed here have potential to be used in national security as they can detect neutrinos, particles produced copiously in any nuclear reactor and also by special nuclear materials. |
Sectors | Security and Diplomacy Other |
Title | GENIE neutrino interaction generator toolkit |
Description | GENIE is the leading neutrino interactions modelling and event generator suite that incorporates a variety of phenomenological models and experimental measurements. It was implemented for studies of DUNE (as LBNE is known since 2015). The toolkit was also develop further in order to provide more robust predictions. |
Type Of Technology | Physical Model/Kit |
Year Produced | 2017 |
Impact | Improved neutrino interaction generator allows current and future experiments to have better Monte Carlo simulation and control better their related sources of systematic errors, thus improving the precision and accuracy of their physics results. |
URL | http://www.genie-mc.org |