Magnetospheric Physics at Southampton
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Southampton
Department Name: Sch of Physics and Astronomy
This Consolidated Grant application proposes research which will be undertaken at the University of Southampton, into the responses of two planetary systems (the magnetospheres of Earth and Jupiter) to the solar wind.
Our research into Earth's magnetosphere will address questions about the fundamental process that drives the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field, and why it appears to occur intermittently. We will do so by exploiting data from the newly-launched NASA mission MMS in order to probe signatures of this interaction in unprecedented detail, and to determine the physical processes controlling it. The nature of this interaction depends on the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field, which is associated with the solar wind. This orientation is highly changeable, but can be referred to as 'northward' or 'southward'. We will use satellite observations to test mechanisms that have been advocated for previously observed complex structure in the magnetosphere during periods when the interplanetary magnetic field is 'northward', and to test whether (and under what conditions) state-of-the-art simulations reproduce such activity.
With respect to Jupiter's magnetosphere, we will use powerful telescopes to image Jupiter's auroras at X-ray wavelengths. These "pictures" of the X-ray aurora will be compared with measurements by a spacecraft called Juno which is orbiting Jupiter and is sampling its magnetic environment. The combination of the X-ray observations and Juno measurements will allow us to link the physics of what causes the X-rays to local conditions in Jupiter's magnetosphere and in the solar wind. We want to understand what physical mechanisms drive Jupiter's X-ray auroras and why they sometimes appear to flash in a periodic way.
Our research into Earth's magnetosphere will address questions about the fundamental process that drives the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field, and why it appears to occur intermittently. We will do so by exploiting data from the newly-launched NASA mission MMS in order to probe signatures of this interaction in unprecedented detail, and to determine the physical processes controlling it. The nature of this interaction depends on the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field, which is associated with the solar wind. This orientation is highly changeable, but can be referred to as 'northward' or 'southward'. We will use satellite observations to test mechanisms that have been advocated for previously observed complex structure in the magnetosphere during periods when the interplanetary magnetic field is 'northward', and to test whether (and under what conditions) state-of-the-art simulations reproduce such activity.
With respect to Jupiter's magnetosphere, we will use powerful telescopes to image Jupiter's auroras at X-ray wavelengths. These "pictures" of the X-ray aurora will be compared with measurements by a spacecraft called Juno which is orbiting Jupiter and is sampling its magnetic environment. The combination of the X-ray observations and Juno measurements will allow us to link the physics of what causes the X-rays to local conditions in Jupiter's magnetosphere and in the solar wind. We want to understand what physical mechanisms drive Jupiter's X-ray auroras and why they sometimes appear to flash in a periodic way.
Planned Impact
The expected impact of this research falls into two main areas:
1) Economic and societal impact: Society is becoming increasingly dependent upon a technological infrastructure that is sensitive to the effects of space weather, as recognised by the inclusion of severe space weather on the UK Cabinet Office Risk Register. Therefore there is a societal need for the development of better space weather forecasts. The research proposed in this application is into the fundamental science that underlies space weather, and therefore will impact space weather forecasting in the longer term. This is particularly the case for Project 1, which includes a specific element that will test and validate state-of-the-art global scale simulations (which provide the backbone for space weather forecasts) against observations under a set of conditions for which the simulations do not appear to cope well. Therefore this part of our research will have direct impact on the development of the next generation of models for space weather forecasting, and hence society and our economy.
2) Public engagement and outreach: The study of planetary magnetospheres lends itself to outreach activities, and the University of Southampton's Space Environment Physics group has an active outreach programme. We will continue to undertake outreach activities associated with our research, in particular through the activities outlined in our proposed project on "Public Engagement with Research", which details how we will engage with the public with the two specific research projects outlined in this proposal. Another route to public engagement is through interaction with the media; both applicants have experience in this area, and recent STFC-funded research at Southampton has led to media coverage. We will continue to engage with the public in this way.
Details of how we expect to achieve this impact are given in the impact plan, and our project on Public Engagement with Research.
1) Economic and societal impact: Society is becoming increasingly dependent upon a technological infrastructure that is sensitive to the effects of space weather, as recognised by the inclusion of severe space weather on the UK Cabinet Office Risk Register. Therefore there is a societal need for the development of better space weather forecasts. The research proposed in this application is into the fundamental science that underlies space weather, and therefore will impact space weather forecasting in the longer term. This is particularly the case for Project 1, which includes a specific element that will test and validate state-of-the-art global scale simulations (which provide the backbone for space weather forecasts) against observations under a set of conditions for which the simulations do not appear to cope well. Therefore this part of our research will have direct impact on the development of the next generation of models for space weather forecasting, and hence society and our economy.
2) Public engagement and outreach: The study of planetary magnetospheres lends itself to outreach activities, and the University of Southampton's Space Environment Physics group has an active outreach programme. We will continue to undertake outreach activities associated with our research, in particular through the activities outlined in our proposed project on "Public Engagement with Research", which details how we will engage with the public with the two specific research projects outlined in this proposal. Another route to public engagement is through interaction with the media; both applicants have experience in this area, and recent STFC-funded research at Southampton has led to media coverage. We will continue to engage with the public in this way.
Details of how we expect to achieve this impact are given in the impact plan, and our project on Public Engagement with Research.

Reidy J
Multiscale Observation of Two Polar Cap Arcs Occurring on Different Magnetic Field Topologies
in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Krcelic P
Fine-Scale Electric Fields and Joule Heating From Observations of the Aurora
in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Fryer L
3D GUMICS Simulations of Northward IMF Magnetotail Structure
in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Coxon J
Hot Plasma in the Magnetotail Lobes Shows Characteristics Consistent With Closed Field Lines Trapped in the Lobes
in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Coxon J
Distributions of Birkeland Current Density Observed by AMPERE are Heavy-Tailed or Long-Tailed
in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Lockwood M
Semi-annual, annual and Universal Time variations in the magnetosphere and in geomagnetic activity: 3. Modelling
in Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate

Lockwood M
Semi-annual, annual and Universal Time variations in the magnetosphere and in geomagnetic activity: 1. Geomagnetic data
in Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate

Lockwood M
Semi-annual, annual and Universal Time variations in the magnetosphere and in geomagnetic activity: 2. Response to solar wind power input and relationships with solar wind dynamic pressure and magnetospheric flux transport
in Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate

Hosokawa K
Aurora in the Polar Cap: A Review
in Space Science Reviews
Description | We made findings in three key areas. First, high resolution observations of a magnetic structures at the boundary between the Earth's magnetosphere and the solar wind (called the "magnetopause") were examined, and the characteristic structure of a "crater flux transfer event" was linked to the presence of an active reconnection separatrix at its border. Second, we extended our previous work into the timescales of the response of the magnetosphere to upstream driving conditions, by investigating the speed of the response of "Birkeland currents", which link the magnetosphere and ionosphere, to changing upstream conditions, and quantified the timescale on which this happens. Third, we investigated the plasma structure of Earth's magnetosphere during periods in which the interplanetary magnetic field is directed "northward", both through case studies and statistically - we developed an algorithm to identify periods of uncharacteristically "hot" plasma which forms in the magnetosphere under such conditions, and confirmed previous findings that this hot plasma is associated with internal processes in Earth's magnetosphere. The funding of this project also supported the compilation of a review paper into the dynamics of Earth's magnetosphere during periods of "northward" interplanetary magnetic field. |
Exploitation Route | The timescales on which the Earth's magnetosphere responds, and the processes which occur when the interplanetary magnetic field are northward, remain controversial topics. We anticipate the work done on this project will inform future science carried out as part of the European/Chinese SMILE mission. |
Sectors | Other |
Description | Space Plasma and Magnetospheric Physics at Southampton (2021-4) |
Amount | £523,708 (GBP) |
Funding ID | ST/V000942/1 |
Organisation | Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2021 |
End | 03/2024 |
Description | Display at Farnborough Air Show (public weekend) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Display in Futures & Innovation zone of Farnborough Air Show on days when the show was open to the public. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Glastonbury festival 2019 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Group members ran a stand in the science tent at the Glastonbury festival, engaging with attendees of the festival. Part of the stand consisted of activities related to the consolidated grant research project on northward IMF dynamics, funded using public engagement funding awarded as part of the consolidated grant. A tally of individual interactions was kept - we engaged with at least 538 members of the public over the course of the festival. The people we engaged with were predominantly in the age band of 18-30, though approximately 20% were over 30 and 10% were children. The gender split of interactions was approximately 50/50. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | SPRINT launch |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Industry/Business |
Results and Impact | 60 representatives of SMEs either in the space sector, or with interest in using technology/knowledge/expertise transfer from the space sector, attended a networking event. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | |