Planetary Science and Cosmochemistry at the University of Manchester
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Manchester
Department Name: Earth Atmospheric and Env Sciences
We seek to understand how our solar system's diverse environments formed and evolved, and how they operate today. We study samples that arrived at the Earth's surface (e.g. meteorites) or were brought back by space missions. We also use observations from missions to other bodies in our solar system, from which we can determine compositions and infer their history of volcanic activity and impact cratering. We compare our data to models, such as those that simulate atmospheres, the cooling of asteroids and volcanic eruptions. These models are based on the same ideas we use to understand our planet. So as well as learning about our solar system, we test our ideas and gain insight into how the Earth's environment responds to natural and man-made changes.
The compositions of the planets, including the Earth, were set as they formed in a disk of dust and gas that circled the growing sun 4.56 billion years ago. Clumps of dust grains were flash-heated into melt droplets that rapidly cooled: chondrules. Chondrule formation removed species that are driven off by heat ("volatiles", like water). By making "chondrules" in the lab and comparing them to meteorite samples we will understand the composition of the disk and try to identify the heating mechanism (lightning, shock waves, impacts). The first asteroids - planetesimals - were formed from chondrules and other grains, some of which had never been hot. Fast-decaying radioactivity heated planetesimals, and as planetesimals cooled they were bombarded until the disk had dissipated - this led to more volatile loss. By studying meteorites from these planetesimals we will track the history of heating and cooling and impact processing to understand the starting compositions of planets, to characterise the impacts that shaped the early solar system, and to learn whether radioactivity was equally distributed in the disk or shows evidence of having been introduced from a nearby star as the solar system was forming.
Some meteorites are rich in volatiles. We will learn how their volatile content evolved, and test whether they may represent a source that replenished the planets. We will also test minute particles of dust that float down through our atmosphere to see if they sample another source, such as comets. We will study whether microbes can live on carbon-rich material in some meteorites, and so whether this material could serve as fuel for life beyond Earth.
Since the planets formed, their crusts have been modified by impacts, by volcanic activity, and by water flows. Impacts provide a source of heat that can change the structures of rocks - some enigmatic rocks on the Moon offer the chance to study how this occurs and learn about a major process in the evolution of planetary crusts across the solar system. Lunar volcanic activity is evident in the volcanic pyroclastic deposits that now drape the surface around volcanic vents. Using images of these volcanic centres, and the structure of volcanic rocks brought back from the Moon, we will find out how rapidly the material was blasted out of the lunar interior. Since expanding gases power such eruptions, this in turn will provide insights into the concentration of volatiles inside the Moon. We will examine a recently discovered Martian meteorite that appears to be multiple fragments of different ages assembled by an impact. From this we will learn how the composition of the Martian surface has changed over time, and how this has affected its atmosphere.
Planetary atmospheres provide an exciting opportunity to test the ideas we use to understand our own weather and climate. The Martian surface shows traces of a time 4 billion years ago when it had a climate very like the Earth, we will study how clouds would form and lead to precipitation in this environment. On Saturn, we will test our understanding of how a planet's spin interacts with its atmosphere by modelling the formation of hexagonal cloud structures around its North Pole.
The compositions of the planets, including the Earth, were set as they formed in a disk of dust and gas that circled the growing sun 4.56 billion years ago. Clumps of dust grains were flash-heated into melt droplets that rapidly cooled: chondrules. Chondrule formation removed species that are driven off by heat ("volatiles", like water). By making "chondrules" in the lab and comparing them to meteorite samples we will understand the composition of the disk and try to identify the heating mechanism (lightning, shock waves, impacts). The first asteroids - planetesimals - were formed from chondrules and other grains, some of which had never been hot. Fast-decaying radioactivity heated planetesimals, and as planetesimals cooled they were bombarded until the disk had dissipated - this led to more volatile loss. By studying meteorites from these planetesimals we will track the history of heating and cooling and impact processing to understand the starting compositions of planets, to characterise the impacts that shaped the early solar system, and to learn whether radioactivity was equally distributed in the disk or shows evidence of having been introduced from a nearby star as the solar system was forming.
Some meteorites are rich in volatiles. We will learn how their volatile content evolved, and test whether they may represent a source that replenished the planets. We will also test minute particles of dust that float down through our atmosphere to see if they sample another source, such as comets. We will study whether microbes can live on carbon-rich material in some meteorites, and so whether this material could serve as fuel for life beyond Earth.
Since the planets formed, their crusts have been modified by impacts, by volcanic activity, and by water flows. Impacts provide a source of heat that can change the structures of rocks - some enigmatic rocks on the Moon offer the chance to study how this occurs and learn about a major process in the evolution of planetary crusts across the solar system. Lunar volcanic activity is evident in the volcanic pyroclastic deposits that now drape the surface around volcanic vents. Using images of these volcanic centres, and the structure of volcanic rocks brought back from the Moon, we will find out how rapidly the material was blasted out of the lunar interior. Since expanding gases power such eruptions, this in turn will provide insights into the concentration of volatiles inside the Moon. We will examine a recently discovered Martian meteorite that appears to be multiple fragments of different ages assembled by an impact. From this we will learn how the composition of the Martian surface has changed over time, and how this has affected its atmosphere.
Planetary atmospheres provide an exciting opportunity to test the ideas we use to understand our own weather and climate. The Martian surface shows traces of a time 4 billion years ago when it had a climate very like the Earth, we will study how clouds would form and lead to precipitation in this environment. On Saturn, we will test our understanding of how a planet's spin interacts with its atmosphere by modelling the formation of hexagonal cloud structures around its North Pole.
Planned Impact
Who might benefit from this research?
The beneficiaries of this research programme are the public, particularly school-age children, through education and outreach; high-technology instrument manufacturing companies with whom we collaborate and share improvements; researchers in other scientific disciplines and the public through technology transfer of specialist analytical capabilities to areas of societal benefit.
How might they benefit from this research?
Our goal is to excite and stimulate younger people, along with their parents and grandparents into an interest in science generally and planetary science in particular. Research group members designed and developed exhibitions, models and participatory activities involving cratering, how volcanoes and comets work, 'design a Mars rover', lunar samples, Mars meteorites, meteorite hand specimens and thin sections viewed through the microscope and a cloud chamber to show atmospheric phenomena. We particularly emphasize under-represented groups, participants meet female role models ranging from new postgraduate students to senior tenured academics who make up >50% of the outreach programme. We are evolving our engagement with Schools targeting Primary School Key Stage 2 children. As an age group that is crucial to inspire with interest in science to feed into their choices as they mature, we have designed and are implementing more engagement activities with Primary Schools.
We will continue to grow our public outreach, targeting to engage with at least 36 major public events over the next 3 years as well as engage with many schools, particularly primary Schools, and science societies. We seek to inspire more children to follow an interest in science and will measure our impact by how many take up science at GCSE and A level, through to University courses from the Schools we interact with.
Our research programme is based around designing and developing innovative analytical instruments and analytical techniques that can tackle novel science questions that can't be addressed elsewhere. We have a long history of innovation and spin-off in mass spectrometry, and have on-going and continuous development work of mass spectrometry components with Ionoptika Ltd, Kore Technology, SAI Ltd, Cameca, Thermo-Scientific Ltd, Isotopix and FEI. Cooperation with the companies improves their products and capabilities and gives us a competitive edge in innovation and updates.
The capabilities developed as part of our STFC programmes are also being transferred to other areas of societal benefit such as the detection and analysis of micrometer-sized radioactive particles released accidentally or deliberately into the environment which has led to cooperation and development of a joint programme with AWE (Aldermaston) and a funded NERC research programme. Climate and meteorological science is high on the political and academic agenda and this is an area of responsibility of the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, with the Met. Office Hadley Centre being the primary practitioner in climate modelling. We engage with the Met Office through our modelling of Mars and Saturn which is an extreme test of numerical schemes used for Earth weather science and may aid future model development. These findings will lead to future model improvements and evaluations of the MetUM suite of models; hence, via this route, other institutes who operate the MetUM will benefit indirectly, including: the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO; the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, and the Indian Ministry of Earth Science.
We are developing new cross-disciplinary research areas of societal interest using technologies developed in our STFC research programmes to radioactive waste management, the mobilization of heavy metals by microbes and space technology.
The beneficiaries of this research programme are the public, particularly school-age children, through education and outreach; high-technology instrument manufacturing companies with whom we collaborate and share improvements; researchers in other scientific disciplines and the public through technology transfer of specialist analytical capabilities to areas of societal benefit.
How might they benefit from this research?
Our goal is to excite and stimulate younger people, along with their parents and grandparents into an interest in science generally and planetary science in particular. Research group members designed and developed exhibitions, models and participatory activities involving cratering, how volcanoes and comets work, 'design a Mars rover', lunar samples, Mars meteorites, meteorite hand specimens and thin sections viewed through the microscope and a cloud chamber to show atmospheric phenomena. We particularly emphasize under-represented groups, participants meet female role models ranging from new postgraduate students to senior tenured academics who make up >50% of the outreach programme. We are evolving our engagement with Schools targeting Primary School Key Stage 2 children. As an age group that is crucial to inspire with interest in science to feed into their choices as they mature, we have designed and are implementing more engagement activities with Primary Schools.
We will continue to grow our public outreach, targeting to engage with at least 36 major public events over the next 3 years as well as engage with many schools, particularly primary Schools, and science societies. We seek to inspire more children to follow an interest in science and will measure our impact by how many take up science at GCSE and A level, through to University courses from the Schools we interact with.
Our research programme is based around designing and developing innovative analytical instruments and analytical techniques that can tackle novel science questions that can't be addressed elsewhere. We have a long history of innovation and spin-off in mass spectrometry, and have on-going and continuous development work of mass spectrometry components with Ionoptika Ltd, Kore Technology, SAI Ltd, Cameca, Thermo-Scientific Ltd, Isotopix and FEI. Cooperation with the companies improves their products and capabilities and gives us a competitive edge in innovation and updates.
The capabilities developed as part of our STFC programmes are also being transferred to other areas of societal benefit such as the detection and analysis of micrometer-sized radioactive particles released accidentally or deliberately into the environment which has led to cooperation and development of a joint programme with AWE (Aldermaston) and a funded NERC research programme. Climate and meteorological science is high on the political and academic agenda and this is an area of responsibility of the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, with the Met. Office Hadley Centre being the primary practitioner in climate modelling. We engage with the Met Office through our modelling of Mars and Saturn which is an extreme test of numerical schemes used for Earth weather science and may aid future model development. These findings will lead to future model improvements and evaluations of the MetUM suite of models; hence, via this route, other institutes who operate the MetUM will benefit indirectly, including: the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO; the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, and the Indian Ministry of Earth Science.
We are developing new cross-disciplinary research areas of societal interest using technologies developed in our STFC research programmes to radioactive waste management, the mobilization of heavy metals by microbes and space technology.
- University of Manchester (Lead Research Organisation)
- Natural History Museum (Collaboration)
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) (Collaboration)
- University of New Mexico (Collaboration)
- The Royal Society (Collaboration)
- DIAMOND LIGHT SOURCE (Collaboration)
- UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD (Collaboration)
- Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) (Collaboration)
- Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (Collaboration)
- Chinese Academy of Sciences (Collaboration)
- Lunar and Planetary Institute (Collaboration)
- Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (Collaboration)
- Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (Collaboration)

Pernet-Fisher John
50 years on: legacies of the Apollo programme

Che X
Age and composition of young basalts on the Moon, measured from samples returned by Chang'e-5.
in Science (New York, N.Y.)

Gilmour J
An irrational approach to isotopic analysis.

Snape J
Ancient volcanism on the Moon: Insights from Pb isotopes in the MIL 13317 and Kalahari 009 lunar meteorites
in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Piralla M
Apatite halogen and hydrogen isotope constraints on the conditions of hydrothermal alteration in carbonaceous chondrites
in Meteoritics & Planetary Science

Burgess R
Archean to Paleoproterozoic seawater halogen ratios recorded by fluid inclusions in chert and hydrothermal quartz
in American Mineralogist

Bowles N
CASTAway: An asteroid main belt tour and survey
in Advances in Space Research

Lewis J
Chondrule porosity in the L4 chondrite Saratov: Dissolution, chemical transport, and fluid flow
in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Nottingham M
Complex burial histories of Apollo 12 basaltic soil grains derived from cosmogenic noble gases: Implications for local regolith evolution and future in situ investigations
in Meteoritics & Planetary Science
Description | We placed key constraints on thermal metamorphism within the lunar crust. Our work robustly assesses potential heat sources, demonstrating that impact craters >~60 km can generate impact melt sheets that will heat the surrounding crust to the temperatures and duration indicated by the metamorphic rocks within the Apollo collection. Importantly, our work highlights that thermal metamorphism also likely occurred within the Moon's lower crust (> ~25km). This demonstrates that while thermal metamorphic rocks make up a small component within the existing Apollo and meteorite collections, they are likely a ubiquitous feature throughout the wider lunar crust. Additionally, for the first time, our work reports trace element chemistry for individual mineral phases within metamorphosed rocks; this enables the identification of the pre-metamorphic rock types to be classified. Our work demonstrates that a range of lunar highland rock types have been affected by thermal metamorphism, including rock types that are not present as pristine samples within the Apollo collection. We have constrained the halogen (chlorine, bromine, iodine) composition of the martian interior based on analysis of martian meteorites. Further, we have revealed the 1000-fold variation in halogen composition reported previously in martian meteorites, mainly results from terrestrial/martian alteration. The martian mantle halogen composition is notably comparable to that of the Earth's mantle. This similarity may be something of a coincidence given the higher degassing state anticipated for the martian mantle, however it raises the possibility of a common accretionary material or process for halogen delivery to terrestrial planets. We showed how the xenon compositions of gas trapped in the Winchcombe meteorite and samples returned by the Hayabusa 2 mission from asteroid Ryugu were related to those found in other volatile rich samples and showed signs of gas loss early in the solar system; our work demonstrated that determination of the age of xenon loss from this material would be possible. We developed a new approach to extracting information from the analysis of xenon in individual zircon grains which, with colleagues, we validated against samples of a terrestrial impact site and then expanded to a study of lunar material. We completed analyses of a unique martian sample and used them, in tandem with our previous work, to develop a model constraining the evolution of the martian atmosphere over the last 4 billion years. |
Exploitation Route | Our unique instrument base means in some respects we are the only group able to take our work forward. We have taken and are taking forward our work on Ryugu and Winchcombe samples and have completed age determinations. We are now extending this work to samples returned by the OSIRIS-REx mission and embarking on a detailed comparative study of similar volatile-rich material. Our work on zircons can be extended to new sample suites to investigate the evolution of the lunar regolith. The approach we developed to xenon isotope deconvolution is now applied routinely to our analyses . Understanding how the diversity of lithologies within the lunar crust are modified is crucial for advancing our understanding of planetary crustal formation and modification. The results from this study provide additional insights that directly help tests the mechanism for planetary scale metamorphism, with implications for the other terrestrial planets and large differentiated asteroids. Halogens are abundant in Mars' crust and our new mantle estimates provide a baseline for assessing the timing and rate of degassing of and early atmospheric evolution. In particular, the abundance of iodine in the martian mantle is an important constraint for estimating the timing of atmospheric closure on Mars using the I-Xe dating system. |
Sectors | Environment Culture Heritage Museums and Collections Other |
Description | This award has enabled the continued exploitation of our unique instrument base, which has led to our involvement in the OSIRIS-REx preliminary examination team and ongoing collaboration with the Hayabusa 2 analysis team. Methods we have developed have the potential to find impact beyond the immediate domain of planetary science, notably in Earth sciences, and we are continually investigating opportunities to take this forward through collaboration. Our work in this award continues to be disseminated to the general public through our ongoing outreach programme under the Earth & Solar System brand. This continues to bring the insights derived from meteorite analysis into the origin and evolution of our Solar System to thousands of members of the general public, and includes social media (facebook, X [previously twitter], instagram, wordpress and events (including schools, museums and festivals). Details can be found via In addition, during the period of the award, we also raised public awareness of the outcomes of this award (and of planetary science in the UK in general) through weekly episodes of the Cosmic Cast podcast on You Tube ( . Since launch in 2019, the podcast has a > 20,000 total views. The YouTube platform meant that awareness can reach audiences that might not normally engage with planetary science content via You Tube's 'recommended' algorithm. Through this and our other social media channels, we are reaching a global audience, with our output being viewed by people we would never be able to engage through in-person activities (including from the USA, South Africa, and India). Our results contribute to the further development of strategies for exploration of the Solar System, notably the current renaissance in exploration of the lunar surface and the first sample return missions to the Moon since the 1970s. Group members are closely involved in teams that are guiding the development of these programmes. |
First Year Of Impact | 2018 |
Sector | Education,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections,Other |
Impact Types | Societal Policy & public services |
Description | CAPTEM (Curation and Analysis Planning Team for Extraterrestrial Materials) Genesis Subcommittee - SC |
Geographic Reach | Multiple continents/international |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Description | NASA CAPTEM Apollo sample allocation committee - KJ |
Geographic Reach | Multiple continents/international |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Impact | This is a standing review panel, charged with evaluating proposals requesting allocation of all extraterrestrial samples contained in NASA collections. The Lunar Sample Subcommittee provides peer review of: Requests made to the Apollo Sample Curator for allocation of Apollo samples. Sample requests are reviewed with the goals of maximizing the scientific, engineering, or educational return of the lunar sample collection while preserving samples for future study. Requests for public display of Apollo samples by museums. The Lunar Sample Subcommittee provides technical assessments of: Sample curation procedures. Technical assessments are provided for all aspects of sample curation, including sample and hardware handling processes, contamination control, documentation, and facilities design, care, and use. |
URL | |
Description | NASA ExMAG Lunar Subcommittee |
Geographic Reach | North America |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Description | UK Space Agency Exploration Advisory Committee member 2017-2020 |
Geographic Reach | National |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Description | Noble gas and halogen compositions of OSIRIS-REx samples and carbonaceous chondrites |
Amount | £920,490 (GBP) |
Funding ID | ST/Y002369/1 |
Organisation | Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2024 |
End | 03/2027 |
Description | Planetary Science at The University of Manchester |
Amount | £2,079,552 (GBP) |
Funding ID | ST/V000675/1 |
Organisation | Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2021 |
End | 03/2024 |
Description | URF Enhancement Grant |
Amount | £84,946 (GBP) |
Funding ID | RF\ERE\210158 |
Organisation | The Royal Society |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 01/2022 |
End | 03/2023 |
Title | 3D meteorite models |
Description | 3-D models of Antarctic Meteorites collected by the Lost Meteorites of Antarctica Project. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18026 CT scan |
Description | CT scan of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18026. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18026 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18026. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18029 CT scan |
Description | CT scan of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18029. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18029 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18029. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18030 CT scan |
Description | CT scan of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18030. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18030 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18030. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18032 CT scan |
Description | CT model of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18032. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18032 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18032. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18034 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18034. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18035 CT scan |
Description | CT model of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18035. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18035 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18035. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Hut |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18038 CT scan |
Description | CT model production of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18038. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | HUT 18038 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18038. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | Lunar Noble Gas Dataset - KJ |
Description | As published in Curran, N., Nottingham, M., Alexander, L., Crawford, I.A., Fueri, E. & Joy, K.H. 'Database of Noble Gases in Lunar Samples in Preparation for Mass Spectrometry on the Moon' Planetary and Space Science 182, 104823, Mar 2020 "We have collected noble gas data from published literature to form a database. The database contains details of noble gases in a range of lunar rock samples with a diverse set of antiquity ages, exposure ages, and maturities. The data from these samples provide a "snapshot" in time through various periods of lunar history which can be used to further understand the history and evolution of the regolith and lunar surface in general. The database is intended to be a resource for the lunar and planetary science communities, and provides scientists with a summary of the currently available noble gas datasets. Furthermore, the database provides a framework for understanding the behaviour and budget of noble gases for future lunar exploration." |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Not known |
URL | |
Title | Noble Gas Evolution of the Martian Atmosphere in the last 4 Gyr Recorded by Regolith Breccia NWA 8114 |
Description | Supplementary information and research data to accompany Noble Gas Evolution of the Martian Atmosphere in the last 4 Gyr Recorded by Regolith Breccia NWA 8114 by Crowther et al. Files include supplementary text, tables, figures and movie, along with research data and notes about data reduction methods. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Only as associated with parent publication. |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18005 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18005. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18007 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18007. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18009 CT scan |
Description | CT scan of Antarctic meteorite OUT 18009. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18009 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18009. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18010 CT scan |
Description | CT model of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18010. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18010 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18010. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18011 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18011. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18012 CT scan |
Description | CT scan of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18012. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18012 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18012. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18014 CT scan |
Description | CT scan of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18014. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18014 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18014. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18015 CT scan |
Description | CT scan of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18015. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18015 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18015. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18018 CT scan |
Description | CT model of Antarctic meteorite OUT 18018 |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18018 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18018. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18019 CT scan |
Description | CT Scan of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18019. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18019 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18019. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18021 CT scan |
Description | CT scan of Antarctic Meteorite OUT 18021. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | OUT 18021 Photographs (RAW format) |
Description | Suite of photographs (RAW format) used for 3-D model production of Antarctic Meteorite HUT 18021. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | Samaritan - new method of analysing isotope data |
Description | Traditionally isotopic data is analysed using ratios, but this has some disadvantages - error correlations are introduced, error distributions can be non-normal (as previously noted in this project). Also, decomposition of an analysis into contributions from several components can sometimes be based on more than one combination of measured ratios. As an alternative, this report presents a method for analysing isotope data that avoids using isotope ratios. |
Type Of Material | Data analysis technique |
Year Produced | 2018 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Used in two research papers: Xenon systematics of individual lunar zircons, a new window on the history of the lunar surface Identifying primitive noble gas components in lunar ferroan anorthosites |
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Title | Zircon and monazite U-Pb dating - Ries impact crater |
Description | Raw LA-ICP-MS zircon and monazite data for samples from basement rocks of the Ries crater. The analytical method used, instrument set up, and data processing workflow are described in the published paper "U-Pb dating of zircon and monazite from the uplifted Variscan crystalline basement of the Ries impact crater" (doi: 10.1111/maps.13798).For each studied sample, this folder contains:- a .csv file with raw ICP-MS data- an .xml file with ICP-MS metadata- a LaserLog.csv with laser log file- a .lase file with laser metadata |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | n/a |
URL | |
Description | Apollo 17 ANSGA consortium |
Organisation | University of New Mexico |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Joy collaboration with the Apollo 17 ANSGA consortium led by Dr Chip Shearer (University of New Mexico). |
Collaborator Contribution | Research consortium studying newly opened Apollo 17 sample |
Impact | Publications at the 2022 conference Bell S.K., Joy K.H., Nottingham M., Tartèse R., Jones R.H., Kent J.J., Shearer, C.K. and the ANGSA Science Team Initial Petrographic Analysis of Apollo 17 73002 Continuous Core Thin Sections Using QEMSCAN Mapping Techniques [Abstract #1947]. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Beijing Planetary Center |
Organisation | Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences |
Country | China |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Data interpretation of lunar sample geochemistry data. |
Collaborator Contribution | Analysis of lunar samples (lunar meteorites, samples collected by the Chang'e 5 mission), data interpretation from lunar samples. |
Impact | Bao Z., Shi Y., Wang P., Peng W., Joy K.H., Norman M.D., Kennedy A., Fu X., Nemchin A., Che X., Fa R., Wang C., Kang Y., Sun H., Want Z., Shang W. & Lui D. Pb-Pb Age of Gabbroic Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa 5000 LPSC 2022 [Abstract #1727] Che X.C., Snape J.F., Tartèse R., Head J., Jolliff B., Joy K.H., Long T., Nemchin A., Norman M.D., Neal C.R., Xie S., Whitehouse M.J., Bao Z., Shi Y. & Liu D. Mineralogy and Petrology of Basaltic Fragments in Chang' e-5 Sample CE5C0400 LPSC 2022 [Abstract #1362] Shi Y., Joy K.H., Peng W., Bao Z., Nemchin A.,Che X., Li Z., Norman M.D., Tartèse R., Head J., Jolliff B., Snape J.F., Neal C.R., Whitehouse M.J., Fan R., Xie S., Wang P., Kang Y., Sun H., Want Z., Zhang W., Liu D. Petrology and Mineralogy of Chang'E-5 Breccias [Abstract #1308] Che X., A. Nemchin, D. Liu, T. Long, C. Wang, M. D. Norman, K. H. Joy, R. Tartese, J. Head, B. Jolliff, J. F. Snape, C. R. Neal, M. J. Whitehouse, C. Crow, G. Benedix, F.Jourdan ,Z.Yang1, Chun Yang, J. Liu, S. Xie, Z. Bao, R. Fan, D. Li, Z. Li, S. G. Webb (2021) Age and composition of the youngest basalts on the Moon returned by the Chang'e-5 mission. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.abl7957. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | CAS institute |
Organisation | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Country | China |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | New collaboration with CAS Institute for Geochemistry looking at lunar meteorite petrology, resulting in student visiting for 6 months - output Zeng et al 2018 - and ongoing collaboration on lunar sample science |
Collaborator Contribution | New collaboration with CAS Institute for Geochemistry looking at lunar meteorite petrology, resulting in student visiting for 6 months - output Zeng et al 2018 - and ongoing collaboration on lunar sample science |
Impact | Zeng, X., Joy, K.H., Li, S., Pernet-Fisher, J.F., Li, X., Martin, D.J.P., Li, Y. & Wang, S. Multiple lithic clasts in lunar breccia Northwest Africa 7948 and implication for the lithologic components of lunar crust Meteoritics & Planetary Science 1945-5100 Zeng X., S. Li, K. H. Joy, X. Li, Y.Li, R. Li, S. Wang (2020) Occurrence and implications of secondary olivine veinlets in lunar highland breccia Northwest Africa 11273. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Vol. 55, 36-55 Zeng, X., Joy, K. H., Li, S., Lin Y., Wang N., Li X., Li Y., Hao J., Liu J., Wang S. (2020) Oldest immiscible silica-rich melt on the Moon recorded in a ~4.38 Ga zircon. Geophysical Research Letters. Vol 47, issue 4, e2019GL085997 |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | CHETEC INFRA |
Organisation | Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) |
Country | Hungary |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are supporting xenon analysis of individual grains from primitive meteorites and the interpretation of results towards measuring the initial Pu/U ratio of the solar system |
Collaborator Contribution | Our partner has provided characterized samples, arranged neutron irradiation and visited to prepare samples for analysis. |
Impact | No outcomes yet |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | CRPG Nancy on SIMS analysis of Apollo samples - KJ |
Organisation | Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques |
Country | France |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | We worked collectively on sample analysis and interpretation of chemistry data to understand lunar geological processes |
Collaborator Contribution | We worked collectively on sample analysis and interpretation of chemistry data to understand lunar geological processes |
Impact | Pernet-Fisher J. F., E. Deloule, Joy K. H. (2019) Evidence of chemical heterogeneity within lunar anorthosite parental magmas. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta. Vol 266. pp 109-130 Joy, K. H, R. Tartèse, S. Messenger, M. E. Zolensky, Y. Marrocchi, D. R. Frank, and D. A. Kring (2020) The isotopic composition of volatiles in the unique Bench Crater carbonaceous chondrite impactor found in the Apollo 12 regolith. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 540 116265 |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Collaboration on planetary volatile loss |
Organisation | University of Oxford |
Department | Oxford Hub |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Analysis of experimentally produced silicate glasses doped with halogens to assess levels of loss during heating. |
Collaborator Contribution | Preparation of starting materials and heating experiments to reproduce conditions during planetary acretion. |
Impact | Abstract of initial results has been submitted to Goldshmidt conference 2022. |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Collaboration with Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang, China on lunar meteorite samples - KJ |
Organisation | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Country | China |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | We worked collectively on sample analysis and interpretation of chemistry data to understand lunar geological processes |
Collaborator Contribution | We worked collectively on sample analysis and interpretation of chemistry data to understand lunar geological processes |
Impact | Zeng X., S. Li, K. H. Joy, X. Li, Y.Li, R. Li, S. Wang (2020) Occurrence and implications of secondary olivine veinlets in lunar highland breccia Northwest Africa 11273. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Vol. 55, 36-55 68. Zeng, X., Joy, K. H., Li, S., Lin Y., Wang N., Li X., Li Y., Hao J., Liu J., Wang S. (2020) Oldest immiscible silica-rich melt on the Moon recorded in a ~4.38 Ga zircon. Geophysical Research Letters. Vol 47, issue 4, e2019GL085997 |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | ExCELL/PRISM NASA mission proposal |
Organisation | Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) |
Country | United States |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Contributions by KJoy and J Pernet-Fisher on preparing mission proposal with Dr Scott Anderson (PI) at SwRI for NASA Prism call 2021 - mission proposal to the Moon |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributions on preparing mission proposal with Dr Scott Anderson (PI) at SwRI for NASA Prism call 2021 - mission proposal to the Moon |
Impact | Mission proposal submitted to NASA PRISM call 2021 |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Hayabusa2-initial-analysis volatile team |
Organisation | Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency |
Country | Japan |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | We are responsible for providing xenon isotopic analysis, I-Xe data and halogen data from analysis of samples returned from asteroid Ryugu, to which we were given access through membership of this team. |
Collaborator Contribution | Our partners returned samples from asteroid Ryugu as part of the Hayabusa 2 mission, performed initial characterisation, prepared pelletized samples for analysis, coordinated analysis among all team members and coordinated the publication plan. |
Impact | The first results were reported in an LPSC abstract... |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | NASA SSERVI |
Organisation | Lunar and Planetary Institute |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Network of lunar scientists, we contribute lab analysis and interpretation |
Collaborator Contribution | Hosted students for intern programs |
Impact | Students have published research papers and also presented results at conferences (career development) Collabroation with team members Joy, K. H., Snape, J. F., Nemchin, A. A., Tartèse, R., Martin, D. M., Whitehouse, M. J., Vishnyakov, V., Pernet-Fisher, J.F. & Kring, D. A. (2020). Timing of geological events in the lunar highlands recorded in shocked zircon-bearing clasts from Apollo 16. Royal Society Open Science, 7(6), 200236. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | UK Fireball Alliance group |
Organisation | Natural History Museum |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Joy collaboration with the UK Fireball Alliance group (UKFAll) and FRIPON camera network. Leadership on Winchcombe meteorite analysis and consortium (Daly et al. 2021 Elements article). |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributions of many collaborators to network |
Impact | Multi-disciplinary - meteorite analysis, meteor observations, public engagement Colas et al. (2020) FRIPON: a worldwide network to track incoming meteoroids. Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 64 A53 Daly L., King A. J., Joy K. H., and Rowe J. (2021) Ending 30 Years of Hurt: The Winchcombe Meteorite Fall. Elements Magazine DOI: 10.2138/gselements.17.5.363 Delivered an invited talk at the FRIPON network annual meeting (2021) on Winchcombe meteorite recovery efforts and lessons learnt. |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | UK Luna sample collection curation |
Organisation | The Royal Society |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Joy and Bell collaboration with the Royal Society curator Dr Keith Moore as part of the Royal Society Luna sample curation activities. Lab support, data collection. |
Collaborator Contribution | Sample provision. |
Impact | Article in Astronomy & Geophysics (Bell et al. 2022 A&G) and technical report. S. Bell, Joy K. H., Moore K. (2022) 50 Years of Luna legacy. Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 63, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 1.14-1.20, Bell S.K., Joy K.H. & Moore K.(2022) Cataloguing the UK's Moon Rocks: Luna Samples from the Soviet Union LPSC 2022 [Abstract #1957] |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography of chondrites |
Organisation | Diamond Light Source |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Creation of research project, sample selection and interpretation of results |
Collaborator Contribution | Diamond Light Source: Synchrotron X-ray computed microtomography analysis of samples Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias: Data handling and analysis, interpretation of data, diffusion calculations |
Impact | Abstract and conference talk at the Royal Astronomical Society Meeting, Analysis of Returned Extra-terrestrial Materials: Current Capabilities and Future Opportunities, 2020: Non-destructive, quantitative measurement of olivine compositions in chondritic material, from synchrotron X-ray microcomputed tomography. Abstract and conference talk at the Meteoritical Society Meeting 2022: Jones R. H., Pankhurst M. J., Oddershede J., Barbee O., Morgan D., *Thorley D. M., DLS i13 beamline team (2022) Non-destructive measurement of crystallographically oriented Fe-Mg zoning profiles in chondrule olivine via X-ray computed tomography combined with diffraction contrast tomography (XCT/DCT). 85th Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Abstract #6117. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Altrincham Astronomical Society - Dec 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Jamie Gilmour gave a talk on 'Meteorites and the Early Solar System' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Appearance on BBC North West Tonight 19/02/21 by Sarah Crowther |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Media (as a channel to the public) |
Results and Impact | Following the landing of the Perserverance Rover on Mars, there was a recorded interview for BBC North West Tonight. Talked about the landing on Mars, and the possibility we might get returned samples in the future. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Artemis 1 launch, Katherine Joy, 29 August 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Katherine Joy promoted lunar exploration on BBC Breakfast News. An email was received afterwards from UKSA |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Ashton on Mersey High School - SC. Mar 19. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | 2 members of the research group gave a talk on part of a Girls into Physics event at the School. Key Stage 3 - Years 7-9 - Ages 11-14;Key Stage 4 - Years 10 & 11 - Ages 14-16. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Asteroid Day (KJ Jul 2020) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | KJ live-streamed talk on ESA Asteroid Day- Antarctic Meteorites. Here are the current stats for the Asteroid Day LIVE session - 83.2K people reached. Also included on the Online National Space Center facebook live feed |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | BBC 1 & BBC News - Breakfast - Jan 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther undertook 2 live interviews about Super Blood Wolf Moon, one about 06:40, one about 08:50. Breakfast is broadcast on both BBC 1 and BBC News from 06:00 to 08:25, and continues on BBC News until 09:00. Clips from this and/or an interview with Radio 5 Live on the same day were also played on BBC Radio 2, 4, and 6 Music. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | BBC Breakfast - Bluedot Festival - SC, Jul 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Sarah Crowther took part in a special broadcast from Bluedot Festival at Jodrell Bank, to mark 50th anniversary of Apollo 11. Sarah showed the STFC Apollo samples and talked about those. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | BBC Breakfast Antarctic Meteorite hunters (KJ May 20) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | KJ interview on BBC Breakfast |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
Description | BBC Breakfast Interview - SC, Jan 2020 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | BBC Breakfast live interview with Dr Sarah Crowther about pernumbral lunar eclipse and Wolf Moon, broadcast 11/01/2020. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | BBC News - July 18 - SC |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther interviewed on lunar eclipse on Afternoon Live |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
URL | |
Description | BBC News online (SC Dec 2020) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | SC provided quotes for BBC news article about Hayabusa-2: |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | BBC News online 2 (SC Dec 2020) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | SC provided quotes for BBC News article about Hayabusa-2. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | BBC North West Tonight - Feb 21 - SC |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interview with Sarah Crowther regarding the Perseverance rover landing on Mars and future sample return. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | BBC Radio 4 - Legacy of the Apollo Programme, RJ, Jul 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Rhian Jones talked on BBC Radio 4 programme 'Inside Science' about analysing moon rocks -11th July 2019. Interview with the team Rhian was working with at Diamond (Matt Pankhurst, Ryan Ziegler) as they did X-ray tomography work on lunar samples and meteorites. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | |
Description | BBC Radio 4 - Moon Rocks - KJ, Jul 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Katherine Joy on moon rock - The Life Scientific To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing, Jim Al-Khalili talks to geologist Katherine Joy about the second wave of lunar exploration. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | BBC Radio 5 Live - Afternoon Edition - Jan 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther took part in a panel discussion about space exploration, using the chang'e 4 landing on the Moon as the starting point. Other panelists were Sir Martin Reece and Dave Rothery. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | BBC Radio 5 Live - Breakfast - Jan 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther took part in live interviews about Super Blood Wolf Moon, about 08:20. Clips from this and/or the interviews I did on BBC Breakfast on the same day were also played on BBC Radio 2, 4, and 6 Music. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | BBC Radio Humberside - SB, Jan 2020 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | BBC Humberside, Sally Fairfax show - interview with PhD student Samantha Bell about the talk that she was giving at the Hull and East Riding Astronomical Society on Lunar Rocks: 50 Years of Science. Broadcast 20/01/2020. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | BBC Radio London - The Vanessa Feltz Breakfast Show - Jan 2019 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther took part in live phone interviews about Super Blood Wolf Moon, about 07:35 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | BBC Website - Antarctica: Metal meteorite quest set to get under way, KJ, Nov 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Article entitled 'Antarctica: Metal meteorite quest set to get under way' published on BBC New Website 29/11/19, detailing Dr Katherine Joy's upcoming Antarctic meteorite expedition. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | BBC Website - UK Antarctic meteorite hunt bags large haul - KJ Feb 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Report on Dr Katherine Joy's Antarctic meteorite haul |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | BBC article - Mar 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interview with Katherine Joy as part of an article entitled 'Tech trials to find Antarctica's 'missing' iron meteorites' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
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Description | Bayreuth University Student field trip -VAS, Sept 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | Dr Vera Assis Fernandes gave a talk to graduates on 'Earth-Moon impact bombardment history: how does it fit with that of the inner Solar System?' whilst they were undetaking a field trip to Rieskrater. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Blessed Thomas Halford Catholic College - AS Mar 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | AS was asked to provide tutorials for The Brilliant Club to Key Stage 3 pupils - Years 7-9 - Ages 11-14. The Brilliant Club is an award-winning charity that exists to increase the number of pupils from underrepresented backgrounds progressing to highly-selective universities. They do this by mobilising the PhD community to share its academic expertise with state schools |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Bluedot Festival 2019 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | The research group has always taken part in the Bluedot Festival by running family friendly activities in their own tent. Run over three days, approx 2000 visitors to the group's tent. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | |
Description | Bluedot Takover of The Refuge Easter Weekend - Apr 18 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | 2 members of the research group took part in a family event, demonstrating the meteorites. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
URL | |
Description | Bluedot festival podcast - KJ, Jul 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Katherine Joy tok part in a podcast recording at the 2019 Bluedot Festival: 'Lunar Heritage and Lost Meteorites'. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | |
Description | Bluedot festival talk - RT, Jul 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Romain Tartese gave a talk at the 2019 Bluedot festival: 'What did early life on Earth look like?'. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL |èse:-what-did-early-life-on-earth-look-like |
Description | Bluedot festival talk - SC, Jul 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Sarah Crowther gave a talk at the 2019 Bluedot festival 'Moon, Meteorites and More...' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | |
Description | Borrow the Moon - videos for the STFC Lunar Rocks and Meteorites Loan Scheme |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Members of the research group took part in filming about the NASA Moon rock discs and meteorites STFC outreach scheme. The videos are online as promotional material for the lending scheme. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018,2019,2020 |
URL | |
Description | British Science Festival - VA, Sept 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Vera Assis Fernandes gave a talk on the cultural and societal impacts of these Apollo space missions and reflects on how our relationship with the world at the University of Warwick. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | |
Description | CNN Website - Heart-shaped meteorite up for auction on Valentine's Day - Jan 2019 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther was asked several questions from CNN about a heart-shaped meteorite and then they used the comments in their online article about the meteorite. Published 31st January 2019. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | |
Description | Cafe Scientifique - Jul 19 - JPF |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr John Pernet-Fisher gave a talk on 'MOON LANDINGS 50 YEARS ON' to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landings by looking at the history and future of space exploration. Part of a regular, free, open event with various talks exploring the latest ideas in science and technology. Hosted by the Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | |
Description | Chester Astronomical Society - Sept 18 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Jamie Gilmour gave a talk on 'Meteorites and the Origin of the Solar System' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Cockermouth Cafe Scientifique |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | I presented a general introduction to solar system formation and then explained our work in this context. This took around 20 minutes. There was then an hour long question and answer session. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | |
Description | Community Festival 2017, 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | 6 members of the research group ran "Touching the Moon and Mars: Hold pieces of the moon collected by astronauts as well as meteorites from Mars". - 2017 4 members of the research group ran activities as part of the festival at the Manchester Museum - 2018 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017,2018 |
URL | |
Description | European Researchers Night 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | 2015 - Science Uncovered - European Researchers Night at The Manchester Museum. Event was part of European Researchers' Night in partnership with the Natural History Museum. Science Uncovered featured 50 researchers running workshops and discussions around their work. 250 visitors. nine research group members involved. 2016 - 10 members of the group took park. 450 visitors. 2017 - 7 members took part, 501 visitors 2018 - 8 members took part, 350 visitors |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2015,2016,2017,2018 |
URL | |
Description | European Researchers' Night 2019 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Several members of the research group hosted activities as part of European's Researchers' Night at the Manchester Museum. European Researcher's Night is a Europe wide initiative, in which thousands of researchers all across Europe meet the public and share their work in a social setting. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Furness and South Lakeland Astronomical Society - Oct 18 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Jamie Gilmour gave a talk on 'Stranger Things' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Geology of the Moon lecture on YouTube |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Media (as a channel to the public) |
Results and Impact | As part of the Geological Society Year of Space, Dr Katie Joy streamed the event live on 15 July 2021. She described lunar landscapes and rocks and how the moon formed. 167 logged on to the Zoom from 14 countries, including the UK, US, Canada, Brazil and Japan. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
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Description | Gizmodo - Apr 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interview with Katherine Joy as part of article titled 'The Meteorite Hunters Who Trade in Precious Space Debris' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
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Description | Global Radio news bulletins on 19/02/21- contribution by Sarah Crowther |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Media (as a channel to the public) |
Results and Impact | Interview with Global Media and Entertainment Group about the Perserverance Rover landing on Mars. Recorded on 19/02/21 to be played on news bulletins on Heart, Smooth and Capital Radios in the North West, and their national station LBC throughout the day. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Group Blog |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Public Engagement blog reflecting the research interests of the group, and to share and discuss research findings. The blog is for sharing science and what the group and other research groups discover as we do science in real time. 2020 stats - visits from 153 different countries and 9124 total visits. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021 |
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Description | Group Facebook Page |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | News/info about the group's activities aimed at the general public. At end of Jan 2021 we have 18789 engaged users and 4705 'likes'. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021 |
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Description | Group Instagram page |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Group Instagram page - 505 followers as of Jan 2021 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018,2019,2020,2021 |
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Description | Group Twitter Page |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Twitter page for the general public detailing the group's news, etc. At the end of Jan 2021 we have 2110 followers |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021 |
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Description | Group Twitter Page - Cosmic Cast |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | An engagement focused website promoting the Cosmic Cast podcast, plus earth & planetary science. As of Jan 2021 - 315 followers. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019,2020,2021 |
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Description | Halley Research Station, British Antarctic Survey, Antarctica - Jan 2019, KJ |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Talk on 'Lost Meteorites of Antarctica' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science YouTube 2020 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | To celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the group make a YouTube video talking about the women in science that have inspired them. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | Hits Radio Tom Green show |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Appearance by Sarah Crowther on the Tom Green show, 16/04/21. The radio presenter had picked up a story about NASA trying to punch an asteroid that was going to hit Earth and wanted to talk about it. It was a story about NASA's DART mission. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Huddlesfield Astronomy Society - Apr 18 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Talk on 'Meteorites: Messengers from Space' by Rhian Jones |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Hull and East Riding Astronomical Society - SB, Jan 2020 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | PhD student Samantha Bell gave a talk on 'Lunar Rocks: 50 Years of Science' at Hull and East Riding Astronomical Society, on the 20/01/2020. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Hunting for Space Rocks in Antarctica - Online article, interview and radio broadcast - Feb 19 - KJ |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Katie Joy talking about her 2019 meteorite hunting trip to Antartica. +350,000 people reached online via video link on facebook |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Insight - BBC 1 Breakfast - Nov 18 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Katherine Joy interviewed about InSight mission on BBC Breakfast on the 27/11/18 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Interview with Sarah Crowther for BBC Sky at Night magazine, Bluedot Festival, 23 July 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther did an interview with BBC Sky at Night Magazine which was posted on their YouTube Channel. The interview was about the Chasing Asteroid talk which she'd given earlier in the day, about Asteroids and the Hayabusa, Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions. The interviewer had attended Sarah's talk, and had a lot of interesting questions about the material covered in the talk and the wider field. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | Jodrell Bank - Girls Night Out Moon Special - KJ, Oct 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Katherine Joy gave a talk on 'Lunar Exploration' at the bi-annual Girls Night Out event at Jodrell Bank. Girls Night Out is a twice-yearly event celebrating women and girls in STEM. It takes place every autumn and spring and the evening has a different theme each time. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Jodrell Bank - Girls Night Out Moon Special - Oct 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | The group took part in running activities at The Girls Night Out event at Jodrell Bank. Girls Night Out is our twice-yearly event celebrating women and girls in STEM. It takes place every autumn and spring and the evening has a different theme each time. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Live radio broadcast from Bluedot Festival at Jodrell Bank, interview on 5 Live Drive with Sarah Crowther, 22 July 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah did a live interview with one of the presenters of 5 Live Drive about Bluedot Festival, our activities and an upcoming talk. She also spoke about the Winchcombe meteorite. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Live with Scientists (JM Nov 2020) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | JM gave a Q&A on the Lost Meteorites of Antarctica as part of online event - Space month - Live with Scientists. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | Live with Scientists (SC Nov 2020) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | SC gave an online talk on Moon, Meteorites and More... |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | Lost Meteorites of Antarctica blog - KJ |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Blog from Katherine Joy's fieldtrip to the Antarctic to collect meteorites. Including answering questions from school children. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019,2020 |
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Description | Lum Head Primary School - ML. Mar 19. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Volcano Lesson and Experiments - Key Stage 2 - Years 3-6 - Ages 7-11 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Macclesfield Astronomical Society - RJ - May 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Talk on Asteroids: Exploration and Exploitation. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Macclesfield Astronomy Society - Aug 18 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Talk by Rhian Jones on 'The Paris Meteorite Exhibit' 7/8/18 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Manchester Astronomical Society (SC Nov 2020) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | SC gave a talk on Moon, Meteorites and More... to the Manchester Astronomical Society. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | Mauldeth Road School - SC Jan 2020 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Dr Sarah Crowther & Prof Jamie Gilmour visited a school to talk about 'Our Solar System'. Working with Key Stage 2 pupils. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
Description | Media TV Show BBC Earth Series 07/08/23 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Prof Katie Joy was involved in a video searching for meteorites in Antarctica on BBC Earth series |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
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Description | Nature - These young scientists will shape the next 50 years of Moon research. KJ Jul 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Profile of Dr Katherine Joy and her work at the University of Manchester. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Nature Video - ML, Jun 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interview with ML - 'Space experts react to the Apollo 11 Moon landings'. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | New Scientist - 7 bizarre objects from the festival's worth of trash left on the moon. VAS Aug 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Vera Assis Fernandes quoted in a New Scientist article '7 bizarre objects from the festival's worth of trash left on the moon'. Published 8/7/2019 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | New Scientist - Nov 18, KJ |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Katherine Joy gives information about her upcoming trip to Antarctica to collect meteorites |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
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Description | New Scientist Article (KJ May 2020) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Article about KJ Antarctic meteorite hunt - 'The amazing Antarctic discovery that could tell us how Earth was made'. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | New rocks for understanding the early Solar System: Meteorites, and asteroid sample return |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Presentation describing new research on the Winchcombe meteorite, and the Ryugu and Bennu sample return missions. Lively discussion after the presentation. Adult audience of about 25 in person and 20 online. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Northwest Geological Society (JM) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | JM online talk about the Lost Meteorites of Antarctica to the NW Geological Society. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
Description | Online Community Festival (SC June 2020) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Three members of the research group did a live event on Volcanoes as part of the annual University of Manchester Community Festival. Live videos were streamed on the Manchester Museum's Twitter and Periscope accounts, and are archived on Periscope. Part 1 - Part 2 - Some social media stats provided by the museum and university: Volcano demonstration part 1: 679 viewers Part 2: 524 viewers TOTAL: 3691 VIEWERS |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | Online presentation by Sarah Crowther with pupils from Stretford High School, Manchester |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther gave a short talk about her role to year 9 pupils who were due to choose their GCSE subjects. This was part of the school's activities promoting careers in STEM. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Online school activity, Diversity Role Model School Staff Training (DfE) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Educational training about EDI & anti-bullying/discrimination targeted at school staff, at a single school in England. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Online session with pupils from Crumpsall Lane Primary School, Manchester. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther led a Meet the Professional Q&A session on 27/04/2021 as part of Science and Engineering Education Research and Innovation Hub (SEERIH) Smarter Choices initiative, which focuses on developing children's science capital and awareness of STEM Careers, and includes resources developed to inspire 7-14 year olds. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
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Description | Petrology workshop for Sandbach U3A - EW, Apr 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Introduction to Petrology workshop ran by 6 member of the research group. The group have been studying the geology of the UK and requested a session to look at rocks through petrological microscopes as they did not have the facilities to do this themselves. The workshop complimented their studies well and questions sparked interest in lunar and meteorite petrology. The group leader said that they would be very interested in returning for another session and possibly looking at a workshop involving extra-terrestrial samples. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Physics, Pizza and Prosecco Night - Nov 18 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Organised by Trafford's Ogden Trust rep at Urmston Grammar School. "Speed dating" style event where pupils get to meet females in different careers and discuss career options. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
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Description | Podcast - The Cosmic Cast |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | A weekly group podcast "A light-hearted look at news and views from the world of planetary science!". |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019,2020,2021 |
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Description | Public event (community festival) 25 June 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Session led by Sam Bell, Sarah Crowther and Megan Hammett on campus. also attended: Barbara Bonechi, Daisy Lumley-Curtis (undergrad) Sanghamitra Vijay Anand (undergrad). The University's Community Festival welcomes visitors from the local community into the University. We had a hands-on activity stall with meteorites and the Meteorite Hunt activity. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | Public event - Blue Dot Festival at Jodrell Bank, 21 July 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | We had a stall in the Space Camp area of the festival, where visitors could look at meteorites and Apollo samples from the moon, and do the Meteorite Hunt activity. Approximately 600 people took part in the Meteorite Hunt activity. Visitors asked lots of interesting questions which sparked interesting discussions with team members. We also did a Volcanoes - What makes them go bang? show on the Big Bang Stage. This was a three day event and The Space Rocks stall was open all 3 days, with sessions led by Ed Baker, Sam Bell, Sarah Crowther, Megan Hammett, Catherine Harrison, Rhian Jones, Jane MacArthur, Peter Mc Ardle, Maeve McLaughlin, Mark Nottingham, Divya Ravy and Josh Snape. People asked for materials for their child's school, we gave them some of the STFC activity booklets and supplied the institution email address. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | Public event -The Story of the Winchcombe Meteorite at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, 6 July 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Session led by colleagues at the Natural History Museum with the help of Sam Bell, Sarah Crowther, Helen Grant, Megan Hammett, Catherine Harrison, Rhian Jones, Mark Nottingham,J ohn Pernet-Fisher and Josh Snape. Visitors were able to see pieces of Winchcombe and other meteorites, and talk to staff about how meteorites are found, how we study them, and what can we learn from them. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | Q&A with Sarah Crowther - Astronomy and Geophysics. Apr 19. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | A personal interview with Sarah Crowther, as a result of being awarded the Annie Maunder medal by the RAS. In News and Reviews in Astronomy and Geophysics. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Radio interview - Feb 21 - SC |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther was interviewed about the Perseverance rover landing on Mars and future sample return. This was for Global News who created new bulletins for Heart, Smooth and Capital radio stations in the north west and the national stations LBC. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Research Group YouTube Channel - Cosmic Cast |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Group YouTube channel presenting The Cosmic Cast. Content is about the 'goings on from the world of earth and planetary science'. As of Jan 2021 - 229 subscribers |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019,2020,2021 |
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Description | Research Group YouTube Channel - Earth and Solar System |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Group YouTube channel providing general outreach videos. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
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Description | Royal Astonomical Society Public Talk - SC, Nov 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Sarah Crowther gave 2 public talks on 'Moon, Meteorites and More...' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Royal Society Summer Exhibition Schools event |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Talk on Meteorites Antarctica as part of the Royal Society Summer Exhibition, by Katie Joy 2/7/18 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
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Description | Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition - Living on the Moon! exhibit - Jul 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition This was a collaboration with the Open University, Natural History Museum, Oxford University and Birkbeck. The Living on the Moon exhibit at the Royal Summer Science Exhibition 2019 was an interactive experience illustrating progress in lunar science over the last 50 years since the Apollo 11 Moon landings. The exhibit illustrated the journey from Moon landing, to lunar sample science, to the current generation of Moon rovers looking for water on the Moon, providing a look forward to the next 50 years and a vision of a permanent human presence on the Moon. Visitors to the exhibit were invited to handle lunar samples, including the UK's largest lunar meteorite (1.3kg) on loan from Graham Ensor for the exhibition (see Figure 1a) as well as Apollo sample discs on loan from STFC (see Figure 1b; 'Borrow the Moon' programme). Visitors were able to analyse a lunar meteorite under the microscope and have access to the interactive virtual microscope. Combined together, these activities gave visitors a chance to discuss with scientists what we have learned about the Moon from the study of rock samples. Visitors were able to find out about current planned missions to revisit the Moon to answer outstanding science questions, such as the location of water and other resources, and explore the plausibility and challenges of enabling a sustainable human presence on the Moon through utilisation of local resources. Visitors were able to see a demonstration of how 3D printing might be used to produce structures and components on the Moon using local materials (see Figure 2a). Visitors were invited to take part in a virtual reality experience of driving a rover on the Moon. ~13,000 visitors to the event. Over 6000 visitors to the research groups stall. Students and teachers to the Summer Science Exhibition reported back that they had learnt knew scientific knowledge, had a greater understanding of the world around them, had learnt about a greater range of scientific careers, and gathered new ideas for lessons. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | SEES Discover Day - July 18 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Discover day for pupils considering attending university. Jamie Gilmour and Rhian Jones took part. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
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Description | School Visit (Ramsbottom) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Around 150 pupils at Woodhey High School attended a presentation on meteorites, stardust and the early solar system. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | School activity 29 June 2022. Sarah Crowther and Megan Hammett led an event on campus - Girls into STEM Role models |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | The faculty held this event for to encourage girls to get into STEM. The event was attended by girls in Year 5 (age 10) from local widening participation schools and also open to the daughters/granddaughters of staff who are the same age. The event aimed to challenge misconceptions and raise aspirations around STEM, and provide insights into being a scientist or engineer. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | School visit (Manchester) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Meteorites and the Solar System session at St Kentigern's Primary School. 60 pupils, 3 classes of children took part in this Widening Participation activity. Year 4 - Age 8-9,Year 5 - Age 9-10 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | School visit 16 June 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther held an online session with Mauldeth Road Primary School. As part of their Year 5 Aspirations week, Mauldeth Road School invited different professionals to talk to the children about their jobs, and how and why they got there. 60 Year 5 pupils, aged 9-10, (2 classes) had studied my profile from the SEERIH Smater Choices project ( in advance, and then I joined them for an online Q&A session. They asked lots of great questions about space, meteorites, my job and my other interests. The teacher reported that "It was such a great experience for the children to find out about you as a scientist and then get to meet you in person. They were really engaged with the question writing process because they knew they were going to be able to ask you some of the questions themselves. " This is a school we have engaged with before. And after the event the teacher emailed to ask if I could so something similar next year. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | School visits Jan 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | 4 members of the research group talked about Martian channels using ArcGIS to 4 schools |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Science Spectacular 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Science Spectacular - Manchester Science Festival at the Manchester Museum. A family science day means a chance for all budding scientists to enjoy over 40 interactive experiments and demonstrations. Five research group members involved. Approx 1500 visitors. 2016 - 7 research members involved, 1421 visitors 2017 - 7 members, 1500 visitors 2018 - 7 members, 1500 visitors |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2015,2016,2017,2018 |
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Description | Science and Exploration of the Moon - Talk by KJ at the at the National Space Center, Leicester - Mar 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | This event focused on celebrating Apollo 9, the third manned mission in the United States Apollo space program and the first flight of the Command/Service Module with the Lunar Module. Dr Katie Joy gave a talk on Science and Exploration of the Moon |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | ScienceX 2018, 2019 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | 4 members of the research group ran family friendly activities at the Trafford Centre, Manchester as part of ScienceX event 2018 8 members of the research group ran activties at the Trafford Centre, Manchester as part of ScienceX event 2019. 90 groups, a total of 286 people, did the Meteorite Hunt. ScienceX is a festival like no other: bursting with fun, exciting activities for children, and open to all. Discover what the world of science and engineering is really about, with the help of robots, racecars, and much, much more! intu Trafford Centre will again host this thrilling weekend, where you can get hands-on and play at being a scientist or engineer for a day. Conduct your own experiments, try out the latest amazing technology and meet the experts who help shape the world around us. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018,2019 |
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Description | ScienceX event, Central Library, 25/10/2021 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | the Faculty of Science and Engineering's flagship public engagement event - which aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers attracted more than 5,000 visitors. Contributions by Megan Hammett, Maeve NcLaughlin, Peter Mc Ardel, Catherine Harrison, Divya Ravy, Cat Hayer, Ben Esse, Juliette Delbrel; Patricia Clay; Sarah Crowther; John Pernet-Fisher; Sam Bell; Tom Harvey; Marissa Lo. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
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Description | Shropshire meteorite fall? Katherine Joy, 20 April 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Communication of meteorite science on BBC Radio 4 PM show |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | Shuttleworth College, Burnley, Lancashire |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Talk by VAF on Hunting for meteorites in the Antarctic Plateau: La Paz icefields 2004/5 Miller Range 2009/10 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
Description | Sky at Night Magazine - June 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interview with Katherine Joy as part of an article entitled 'Planetary exploration: living off the land' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
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Description | Sky at Night article - SC - Mar 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interview with Sarah Crowther: 'the science of space rocks' It is an interview about the type of work we do, and Bluedot Festival. Published on line 12/04/19. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Space ROCKS - Daily Mail Article on KJ's Antarctic meteorite hunt - Feb 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | 'Space ROCKS: Expedition bags haul of 'lost' meteorites trapped under the Antarctic ice which could reveal fascinating clues about how our solar system began' - Article in Daily Mail about Dr Katie Joy's Antarctic Meteorite hunt. Link to group blog in article. 28/02/19 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Space Rocks! Stockport Libraries Summer Reading Challenge, 10 Aug 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | The session was held at Heatons Library, Stockport, led by Rhian Jones and Divya Ravy. Event organised by The Heatons Library as part of the Summer Reading Challenge. Targeted at children ages 5-12. Display of meteorites including a microscope. Hands-on craft-style activities based on STFC booklets. Distribution of STFC educational materials. Attended by many families with children ages 1-16. The event generated a lot of interest in the subject and requests were made for further information. One teacher who attended is following up with a request to our outreach team. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | St Anne's CE Primary School (SC Jan 2021) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | SC gave an online talk on the solar system to year 3-6 pupils of St Anne's CE Primary School. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
Description | St Johns CofE Primary School - Nov 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Three members of the research group did a talk on 'The Solar System' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Stockport Grammar School - Nov 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Jamie Gilmour gave a talk on 'Meteorites and the Early Solar System' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | TV Show (Channel 5) 01/08/23 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Prof Katie Joy was an expert participant in the TV show Wonders of the Moon on Channel 5 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
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Description | Talk at Bluedot Festival, Jodrell Bank - Chasing Asteroids, Sarah Crowther, 23 July 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | About 50 people attended Sarah Crowther's Dot Talk about Chasing Asteroids as part of the Bluedot Festival. The talk was about the importance of Asteroids and the Hayabusa, Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions. People asked a number of relevant and interesting questions after the talk. Requests for further information were made afterwards. Sarah did an Interview with BBC Sky at Night Magazine at the festival as a result of this talk. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | Talk by SC at Woodhey High School, Ramsbottom, as part of British Science Week. Mar 19. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Dr Sarah Crowther gave a talk on The Solar System to pupils in Key Stage 3 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Talk on Antarctic meteorites to Costa Brava Astronomers on 04/10/21. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Dr Katie Joy spoke to the same group in 2016 and was invited back to speak with them again. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Talk to Appalachian State Univ.. Moon as an Archive of Solar System Bombardment 04/03/2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Dr Katie Joy gave a talk to staff and students from The University of Iowa. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Talk to Derby & District Astronomical Society. Moon, Meteorites and More, 04/03/2022. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther gave this talk to a group of people and also Zoom particiapants |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | Talk to Mineralogical Society of America Distinguished Lecturer Programme. Lost meteorites of Antarctica 02/03/2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Dr Katie Joy gave this talk to University of Iowa staff and students |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Talk to Mineralogical Society of America Distinguished Lecturer Programme. The Moon as an Archive of Solar System Bombardment. 04/03/22 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Online talk by Dr Katie Joy to University of Iowa staff and students. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Talk to Tameside Trust |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Dr Katie Joy presented on planetary science to Years 9 and 10;Key Stage 3 - Years 7-9 - Ages 11-14;Key Stage 4 - Years 10 & 11 - Ages 14-16 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Talk: Exploring Asteroids 08/11/2021 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | This talk by Rhian Jones was in person and to The West Didsbury Astronomical Society |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Talk: Mars rocks in the (virtual) microscope, Prof. Rhian Jones 01/06/2021 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | A talk given by Prof Rhian Jones on 01/06/2021 to The Macclesfield Astronomical Society. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | The Brilliant Club Placement (AS Sep 20) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | AS took part in the The Scholars Programme run by The Brilliant Club. AS provided one online tutorial a week to a group of 10 year 7-9 pupils. All students who took part submitted their final assignment and all passed. The students asked questions about how a university works compared to a school and developed a great understanding of the university teaching system and the breadth of subjects available to study. A few students said that doing the course sparked an interest in geoscience for them. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
Description | The Conversation Podcast - KJ, Jul 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Katherine Joy took part in a podcast entitled 'To the moon and beyond 4: What's the point of going back to the moon?' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | The Guardian - Chang'e 4 mission - Dec 2018 KT |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Katherine Joy provides expert comment on Chang'e 4 mission in The Guardian |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
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Description | The Importance of the Moon: Past, Present and Future with Jim Green - May 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | As part of the 2019 European Lunar Symposium, Dr Jim Green did public talk on The Importance of the Moon: Past, Present and Future. Talk was live streamed on TwitterFull talk video also on YouTube Channel. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | The Marvellous Moon. The Supermassive Podcast, 25/02/22 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Katherine Joy was part of a team to explain what past and future lunar missions can tell us. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | The Metro - Nov 18, KJ |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Katherine Joy talks about the upcoming fieldtrip to Antarctica to collect meteorites |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
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Description | The Week Junior - Meteorite haul for British scientists |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Print article on 'Meteorite haul for British scientists' with Dr Katie Joy. 08/03/19. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Thirteen media - KJ 'Back to the Moon' Jul 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | PBS Nova broadcast featuring Dr Katherine Joy - S46 E11: Back to the Moon Fifty years after humans first set foot on the Moon, new scientific discoveries are fueling excitement for a return to the lunar surface-this time, perhaps, to stay. Join the scientists and engineers working to make life on the Moon a reality. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Trinity College Dublin, Earth Sciences Feb 2019 - KJ |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Talk on the 'Lost Meteorites of Antarctica' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | UKPF Online Seminar (KJ June 2020) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | KJ talk on The Lost Meteorites of Antarctica |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | University of Manchester Social Media at Bluedot Festival, Jodrell Bank, July 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Sarah Crowther was interviewed as part of the University's social media campaign at Bluedot Festival. Questions ranged from what my talk was about to festival essentials and what song gets me going in the morning! The interview was compiled with similar interviews with other people, and posted on the University's social media accounts as a number of short clips @officialUoM Twitter followers 90.7k @officialuom Instagram followers 89.3k |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | Urmston Grammar School - SC, Oct 19 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Dr Sarah Crowther took part in an event for year 8 girls from schools across Trafford, and their parents, to encourage them to consider studying physics at school. Pupils from several schools attended, including, but not limited to, Urmston Grammar, Loreto Grammar and Wellington School. Speed networking event where pupils could chat with women working in various fields not typical for females. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Visit to Bishopton Brownie Group |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Other audiences |
Results and Impact | 25 Brownies attended this online meeting on 22 March 2021, which was presented by Sarah Crowther and Emma Waters as part of an International Women's Day Careers Evening. They spoke about their jobs and answered questions from the Brownies (aged 7-10). There were many questions from the girls about volcanoes and space. When the girls were asked what they wanted to do when they grow up a couple said they would like to be scientists. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | West Yorkshire Astronomical Society - Oct 18 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Jamie Gilmour gave a talk on 'Meteorites and the Early Solar System' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Whizz Pop Bang Magazine (KJ) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | KJ interview for Whizz Pop Bang children's magazine - Interview with a lunar geologist. Led to creation of lesson plan resources on the magazine's website. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | Women in Physics & Chemistry (SC Dec 2020) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | SC gave an online talk on Women in Physics & Chemistry to year 10 /11 pupils from Loreto Grammar School, Altrincham |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |