PATT Travel Grant
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Central Lancashire
Department Name: Jeremiah Horrocks Institute
Astronomers from the Jeremiah Horrocks Institute (JHI) at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) use a range of telescope facilities around the world. These include the SAAO (part of the JHI's established links with South African astronomy) and the JCMT (the JHI is part of the UK university consortium which funds the JCMT). Travel to these facilities is funded by STFC's PATT travel programme. Prior to this proposal, the JHI's researchers had been making separate applications for PATT travel expenditure for each trip they made. This proposal is to roll together those individual funding requests into a single block grant (a standard PATT Travel grant) which will be used to fund travel by JHI experienced observers to STFC approved facilities for the next two years.