The Universe at Extreme Scales
Lead Research Organisation:
Plymouth University
Department Name: Sch of Computing, Electronics & Maths
Research in particle physics and cosmology connects the largest scales, those of the Universe as a whole, with then smallest, namely those of fundamental particles. By trying to understand how the Universe evolved after the Big Bang, we may gain insight into which particles are yet to be discovered, e.g. at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and vice versa.
Concerning the early Universe, it is commonly understood that it underwent a period of rapid expansion, called inflation. However, many open questions remain. For instance, what is the mechanism of cosmological inflation, and, can we link
inflation to quantum gravity, a theory that still eludes us? Interestingly, the recent observations of gravitational waves may
provide a guide here. Inflation predicts a gravitational-wave background with properties depending on the details of the
inflationary model. Hence if this background is observed, it may help us to further uncover details of the inflationary epoch
after the Big Bang. Gravitational waves may also shed light on other puzzles, namely those related to dark energy and dark
matter. Again, possible alternative theories to Einstein's general theory of gravity, which are designed to solve the dark energy/matter puzzles, may leave their imprint in gravitational waves.
In contrast to this, the LHC probes the smallest length scales, by colliding protons and nuclei at very high energies. In order to test the Standard Model (SM), our current highly successful theory of elementary particles, to the extreme, it is necessary to compute SM processes to high precision, and make predictions of physics beyond the Standard Model
(BSM). The former can be done using advanced techniques which go beyond the usual Feynman diagrams. For the latter, one may take the viewpoint that the SM is an effective field theory (EFT), valid up to a certain energy scale only. To understand which novel BSM interactions can give rise to the SM at low energies, without conflicting with high-precision
from the LHC, is an outstanding challenge. Two main classes of candidate theories are so-called near-conformal
gauge theories and Composite Higgs models, which both give rise to electroweak symmetry breaking and a light Higgs boson. They may even provide dark matter candidates.
These theories have a commonality with the theory of quarks and gluons, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), namely that they are strongly interacting. This implies that they cannot be solved easily analytically, but are amenable to numerical simulations on high-performance computing facilities. The study of QCD provides a link between the physics of the early
Universe and elementary particles. Namely, as the Universe cooled down after the Big Bang, it underwent a series of
phase transitions. During one of those, quarks and gluons combined into hadrons, i.e. the particles we observe today. The
QCD phase transition is currently being explored at the LHC, by colliding heavy ions, motivating quantitative predictions on
how the QCD spectrum changes with temperature. In fact, even understanding the QCD spectrum in vacuum is still partly unsolved and may guide toward BSM physics.
Quantum field theories (QFTs) describes physical processes across a vast range of energy scales, from fundamental interactions, as mentioned above, to low-dimensional and condensed matter systems. Many new phenomena and the detailed structure of QFTs are anticipated to lie beyond the confines of traditional perturbative methods or numerical
simulations. Dualities provide links between hitherto unrelated theories, making tractable questions previously considered
to be out of reach. With new dualities being discovered, the richness of QFT is larger than naively expected. Similarly,
dynamics out of thermal equilibrium, the process of thermalisation, or the evolution of quantum information, relevant for
black hole dynamics, benefits from new approaches, some of which are motivated by quantum information.
Concerning the early Universe, it is commonly understood that it underwent a period of rapid expansion, called inflation. However, many open questions remain. For instance, what is the mechanism of cosmological inflation, and, can we link
inflation to quantum gravity, a theory that still eludes us? Interestingly, the recent observations of gravitational waves may
provide a guide here. Inflation predicts a gravitational-wave background with properties depending on the details of the
inflationary model. Hence if this background is observed, it may help us to further uncover details of the inflationary epoch
after the Big Bang. Gravitational waves may also shed light on other puzzles, namely those related to dark energy and dark
matter. Again, possible alternative theories to Einstein's general theory of gravity, which are designed to solve the dark energy/matter puzzles, may leave their imprint in gravitational waves.
In contrast to this, the LHC probes the smallest length scales, by colliding protons and nuclei at very high energies. In order to test the Standard Model (SM), our current highly successful theory of elementary particles, to the extreme, it is necessary to compute SM processes to high precision, and make predictions of physics beyond the Standard Model
(BSM). The former can be done using advanced techniques which go beyond the usual Feynman diagrams. For the latter, one may take the viewpoint that the SM is an effective field theory (EFT), valid up to a certain energy scale only. To understand which novel BSM interactions can give rise to the SM at low energies, without conflicting with high-precision
from the LHC, is an outstanding challenge. Two main classes of candidate theories are so-called near-conformal
gauge theories and Composite Higgs models, which both give rise to electroweak symmetry breaking and a light Higgs boson. They may even provide dark matter candidates.
These theories have a commonality with the theory of quarks and gluons, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), namely that they are strongly interacting. This implies that they cannot be solved easily analytically, but are amenable to numerical simulations on high-performance computing facilities. The study of QCD provides a link between the physics of the early
Universe and elementary particles. Namely, as the Universe cooled down after the Big Bang, it underwent a series of
phase transitions. During one of those, quarks and gluons combined into hadrons, i.e. the particles we observe today. The
QCD phase transition is currently being explored at the LHC, by colliding heavy ions, motivating quantitative predictions on
how the QCD spectrum changes with temperature. In fact, even understanding the QCD spectrum in vacuum is still partly unsolved and may guide toward BSM physics.
Quantum field theories (QFTs) describes physical processes across a vast range of energy scales, from fundamental interactions, as mentioned above, to low-dimensional and condensed matter systems. Many new phenomena and the detailed structure of QFTs are anticipated to lie beyond the confines of traditional perturbative methods or numerical
simulations. Dualities provide links between hitherto unrelated theories, making tractable questions previously considered
to be out of reach. With new dualities being discovered, the richness of QFT is larger than naively expected. Similarly,
dynamics out of thermal equilibrium, the process of thermalisation, or the evolution of quantum information, relevant for
black hole dynamics, benefits from new approaches, some of which are motivated by quantum information.
Planned Impact
Research carried out by the Swansea and Plymouth groups has significant impact, transforming people, the economy,
knowledge, and society.
People - As part of our research programme, we train and supervise postgraduate students, funded by STFC or otherwise.
This allows our students to develop a wide range of technical, numerical and problem-solving skills, which prepares them
for employment, in academia, industry or elsewhere. The Swansea group is part of the STFC Centre for Doctoral Training
(CDT) on Data-Intensive Science, jointly with Bristol and Cardiff. Via the CDT, we have ample contacts with external and
industrial partners, including large international companies, locally based SMEs, and government partners. Networking and
training activities by the CDT are generally open to non-CDT students as well.
Economy - Engagement with external stakeholders is delivered in various ways. The Environmental Futures & Big Data
Impact Lab, recently set up in Devon, is a £6.4m part-funded ERDF project delivered by the Universities of Exeter and
Plymouth, and other institutions in the Southwest. The central goal is to facilitate academics to work with Devon based
SMEs, on projects involving big data and safeguarding the environment. The Plymouth team contributes to the
management of the Impact Lab and advises on shaping the Big Data science group.
Research on lattice simulations of dynamics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) led to the development of BSMBench, an
HPC benchmarking suite. BSMBench provides an overarching software benchmarking suite which can test the response of
computing systems in a wide range of working environments. The impact of this work includes the creation of a start-up
company, documented use from IBM in their supercomputers and a publication in the world's most read Linux magazine,
making real impact in a global industry.
Knowledge - The Swansea lattice group is heavily involved with Supercomputing Wales, a new £15M investment by the
European Regional Development Fund. It has a particular mission to create highly-skilled research jobs and build
collaborative partnerships with the region's industries. This exciting initiative provides a step change in supercomputingenabled
research and development in Wales. A related initiative is the Swansea Academy for Advanced Computing
(SA2C), which provides researchers based in Swansea with training and support from dedicated Research Software
Engineers, enabling a continuous exchange of knowledge and sharing of best practice.
High-performance computing activities in Plymouth are organised via the HPC Centre. The lattice group share their HPC
expertise on the HPC cluster with new users. The group has developed a series of Courses for Professional Development
(CPD) aimed both at academia and private sector to extend the usage of these tools and facilities also outside the current
core areas.
Society - The Swansea and Plymouth groups are very active in public engagement and outreach, with the aim to inform the
general public and inspire younger people to take up science during their education.
Swansea University's Oriel Science has an established record of creative, inspirational and impactful public engagement.
Since the launch in September 2016, we have interacted with over 40,000 people, including 17,000 in our city-centre popup,
and received nearly £500k funding from Welsh Government, SU, STFC and EPSRC. We are currently establishing a
permanent Oriel Science venue in the city centre.
Besides this, both groups run regular activities for school pupils and the general audience, including Physics Christmas
Lectures, Particle Physics Masterclasses, astronomy shows in the Plymouth Planetarium, and the Festival of Physics. The
Swansea group will launch, in March 2019, the annual David Olive Distinguished Lecture series, with Robert Dijkgraaf,
Director of IAS Princeton, as inaugural speaker
knowledge, and society.
People - As part of our research programme, we train and supervise postgraduate students, funded by STFC or otherwise.
This allows our students to develop a wide range of technical, numerical and problem-solving skills, which prepares them
for employment, in academia, industry or elsewhere. The Swansea group is part of the STFC Centre for Doctoral Training
(CDT) on Data-Intensive Science, jointly with Bristol and Cardiff. Via the CDT, we have ample contacts with external and
industrial partners, including large international companies, locally based SMEs, and government partners. Networking and
training activities by the CDT are generally open to non-CDT students as well.
Economy - Engagement with external stakeholders is delivered in various ways. The Environmental Futures & Big Data
Impact Lab, recently set up in Devon, is a £6.4m part-funded ERDF project delivered by the Universities of Exeter and
Plymouth, and other institutions in the Southwest. The central goal is to facilitate academics to work with Devon based
SMEs, on projects involving big data and safeguarding the environment. The Plymouth team contributes to the
management of the Impact Lab and advises on shaping the Big Data science group.
Research on lattice simulations of dynamics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) led to the development of BSMBench, an
HPC benchmarking suite. BSMBench provides an overarching software benchmarking suite which can test the response of
computing systems in a wide range of working environments. The impact of this work includes the creation of a start-up
company, documented use from IBM in their supercomputers and a publication in the world's most read Linux magazine,
making real impact in a global industry.
Knowledge - The Swansea lattice group is heavily involved with Supercomputing Wales, a new £15M investment by the
European Regional Development Fund. It has a particular mission to create highly-skilled research jobs and build
collaborative partnerships with the region's industries. This exciting initiative provides a step change in supercomputingenabled
research and development in Wales. A related initiative is the Swansea Academy for Advanced Computing
(SA2C), which provides researchers based in Swansea with training and support from dedicated Research Software
Engineers, enabling a continuous exchange of knowledge and sharing of best practice.
High-performance computing activities in Plymouth are organised via the HPC Centre. The lattice group share their HPC
expertise on the HPC cluster with new users. The group has developed a series of Courses for Professional Development
(CPD) aimed both at academia and private sector to extend the usage of these tools and facilities also outside the current
core areas.
Society - The Swansea and Plymouth groups are very active in public engagement and outreach, with the aim to inform the
general public and inspire younger people to take up science during their education.
Swansea University's Oriel Science has an established record of creative, inspirational and impactful public engagement.
Since the launch in September 2016, we have interacted with over 40,000 people, including 17,000 in our city-centre popup,
and received nearly £500k funding from Welsh Government, SU, STFC and EPSRC. We are currently establishing a
permanent Oriel Science venue in the city centre.
Besides this, both groups run regular activities for school pupils and the general audience, including Physics Christmas
Lectures, Particle Physics Masterclasses, astronomy shows in the Plymouth Planetarium, and the Festival of Physics. The
Swansea group will launch, in March 2019, the annual David Olive Distinguished Lecture series, with Robert Dijkgraaf,
Director of IAS Princeton, as inaugural speaker

Aoyama T
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model
in Physics Reports

Bazavov A
Light-quark connected intermediate-window contributions to the muon g - 2 hadronic vacuum polarization from lattice QCD
in Physical Review D

Davies C
Hadronic-vacuum-polarization contribution to the muon's anomalous magnetic moment from four-flavor lattice QCD
in Physical Review D

Davies C
Windows on the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
in Physical Review D

Drach V
Singlet channel scattering in a composite Higgs model on the lattice
in The European Physical Journal C

Drach V
Composite electroweak sectors on the lattice
Description | BT research |
Organisation | BT Group |
Department | BT Research |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | I am co-supervisor of a PhD student working on projects with BT research. They are interested in building machine learning model to predict customer churn. |
Collaborator Contribution | The school has provided a PhD position. BT research are providing the datasets. |
Impact | We have run a number of MSc and UG projects with data from BT research. |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | CERN Particle physics masterclass 2021 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | International Masterclasses in particle physics give secondary school students the opportunity to discover the world of quarks and leptons for themselves, by performing measurements on real data from CERN, to meet active particle physics researchers, and to link up with like-minded students from other countries |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | |
Description | CERN masterclass 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | International Masterclasses in particle physics give secondary school students the opportunity to discover the world of quarks and leptons for themselves, by performing measurements on real data from CERN, to meet active particle physics researchers, and to link up with like-minded students from other countries. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | |
Description | CERN masterclass 2023 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | International Masterclasses in particle physics give secondary school students the opportunity to discover the world of quarks and leptons for themselves, by performing measurements on real data from CERN, to meet active particle physics researchers, and to link up with like-minded students from other countries. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
URL | |
Description | Organized the festival of Physics in Plymouth |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Festival of Physics 2022 ----------------------------------------- On Saturday 22nd October, the University of Plymouth hosted the Festival of Physics organized by the South West branch of the Institute of Physics. This was a day long event for the general public. The event started with a very brief overview of the physics and engineering teaching in the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics. The audience learned about the recently updated Mathematics with Theoretical Physics degree, including the new final year module on Quantum Computing and another new module on Astrophysics. The new opportunities for students from the upcoming opening of the New Engineering and Design Facility were emphasized. The first talk was by Dr Samuel Morrell, an astrophysicist at the University of Exeter, with the title of "What has Astronomy Ever Done for Me?" Next, Dr. Sarah Boulton (University of Plymouth), spoke about: "Tsunamis: Past and present, from the UK to Japan." During the lunch break there were some physics demonstrations, including a particle physics card game. Also over lunch there was an Astronomy show and video about CERN shown in the newly renovated Immersive Vision Theater, run by Craig McNeile. After lunch there was talk on "Sonorous Seas: Whales, Dolphins and the Sounds they Make," by Dr. Peter Dobbins. The final talk about Mars was by Dr. Vincent Smith from the University of Bristol. Overall 85 people attended the event and everyone enjoyed the event. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Outreach on X-rays for school students |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Activity 4: Craig McNeile and Vincent Drach- Mysterious Space X-Rays Cygnus X-3 is a mysterious object in deep space. It behaves differently to standard objects, such as stars, and we don't know exactly why. The Swift satellite has measured X-rays from Cygnus X-3 and some of the data is available to us, so we can use the python programming language to explore the data. (This material was developed by Tariq Rashid, CoderDojo Cornwall). |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Particle phyaics Master Class |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | We ran a particle physics master class on one day at the University of Plymouthk |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | |
Description | Robotics, Physics and Data Science: the foundation of future economic growth |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Other audiences |
Results and Impact | McNeile organized the event: "Robotics, Physics and Data Science: the foundation of future economic growth," as part of the 2021 research festival at the University of Plymouth. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | |