DiRAC-3 Operations 2023-26 - UCL - Additional Grant
Lead Research Organisation:
University College London
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy
This JeS form is a resubmission of part of the UCL DiRAC Operations grant request containing only the DI posts which have been approved for funding at 100% by STFC.
People |
Clare Jenner (Principal Investigator) |

Puchwein E
The Sherwood-Relics simulations: overview and impact of patchy reionization and pressure smoothing on the intergalactic medium
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Huško F
Active galactic nuclei jets simulated with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Borrow J
The impact of stochastic modelling on the predictive power of galaxy formation simulations
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Martin-Alvarez S
The Pandora project - I. The impact of radiation, magnetic fields, and cosmic rays on the baryonic and dark matter properties of dwarf galaxies
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Downing E
The many reasons that the rotation curves of low-mass galaxies can fail as tracers of their matter distributions
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Molaro M
Possible evidence for a large-scale enhancement in the Lyman-a forest power spectrum at redshift z = 4
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Sawala T
The Local Group's mass: probably no more than the sum of its parts
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Daley-Yates S
Heating and cooling in stellar coronae: coronal rain on a young Sun
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Satyavolu S
The need for obscured supermassive black hole growth to explain quasar proximity zones in the epoch of reionization
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Gaikwad P
Measuring the photoionization rate, neutral fraction, and mean free path of H i ionizing photons at 4.9 = z = 6.0 from a large sample of XShooter and ESI spectra
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society