DiRAC-3 Operations 2023-26 - UCL - Additional Grant
Lead Research Organisation:
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy
This JeS form is a resubmission of part of the UCL DiRAC Operations grant request containing only the DI posts which have been approved for funding at 100% by STFC.
People |
Clare Jenner (Principal Investigator) |

Cheng AF
Momentum transfer from the DART mission kinetic impact on asteroid Dimorphos.
in Nature

Batelaan M
Moments and power corrections of longitudinal and transverse proton structure functions from lattice QCD
in Physical Review D

Harnois-Déraps J
mglens : Modified gravity weak lensing simulations for emulation-based cosmological inference
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Edwards B
Measuring Tracers of Planet Formation in the Atmosphere of WASP-77A b: Substellar O/H and C/H Ratios, with a Stellar C/O Ratio and a Potentially Superstellar Ti/H Ratio
in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

Gaikwad P
Measuring the photoionization rate, neutral fraction, and mean free path of H i ionizing photons at 4.9 = z = 6.0 from a large sample of XShooter and ESI spectra
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Mellor T
MARVEL analysis of high-resolution spectra of thioformaldehyde (H 2 CS)
in Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy

Betts J
Machine learning and structure formation in modified gravity
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Bazavov A
Light-quark connected intermediate-window contributions to the muon g - 2 hadronic vacuum polarization from lattice QCD
in Physical Review D

Sherletov A
Lattice Studies of 3D Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills

Badger S
Isolated photon production in association with a jet pair through next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD
in Journal of High Energy Physics