National Environmental Isotope Facility (NEIF)
Lead Research Organisation:
Department Name: UNLISTED
Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.
People |
Maria Dos Santos Pereira (Principal Investigator) |

Hill P
Vascular plant success in a warming Antarctic may be due to efficient nitrogen acquisition
in Nature Climate Change

Jackson O
Rhizosphere carbon supply accelerates soil organic matter decomposition in the presence of fresh organic substrates
in Plant and Soil

King L
Nitrogen stable isotope ratios of lake macrophytes in relation to growth form and nutrient-limitation Nitrogen stable isotope ratios of lake macrophytes in relation to growth form and nutrient-limitation
in Fundamental and Applied Limnology

Klavsen S
Effect of light and CO2 on inorganic carbon uptake in the invasive aquatic CAM-plant Crassula helmsii
in Functional Plant Biology

Maberly S
Catchment productivity controls CO2 emissions from lakes
in Nature Climate Change

Maberly SC
Adaptation by macrophytes to inorganic carbon down a river with naturally variable concentrations of CO2.
in Journal of plant physiology

Maxfield P
Stable isotope switching (SIS): a new stable isotope probing (SIP) approach to determine carbon flow in the soil food web and dynamics in organic matter pools
in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry

McNamara N
Soil Methane Sink Capacity Response to a Long-Term Wildfire Chronosequence in Northern Sweden
Description | This grant is not a research grant. lsmsf010003 co-funds the NERC capacity of the Lancaster node of the Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility, one of NERC's Scientific Facilities (now forming an integral part of the NERC's National Isotope Capability known as the recently formed National Environmental Isotope Facility (NEIF). It is apparent from the applications supported by the node that it is fundamental to contributing to NERC's delivery of an integrated National Capability. In the last three years, the LSMSF Lancaster node has supported projects from across the Terrestrial and Freshwater (85%), Marine (10%), Polar (3%), Science Based Archaeology (2%) sectors, averaging 70% support to RP and RM grants. This reflects our utilisation of cutting edge stable isotope techniques to underpin current and future NERC science priorities and to cut across traditional sectoral divisions. Thus we are able to deliver world leading terrestrial and freshwater science, support national research directives and retain the flexibility to provide responsive and innovative support to a full spectrum of R & D projects and knowledge exchange objectives. All available LSMSF Lancaster capacity has been utilised by 17 different projects during this reporting year; the extraordinary demand reflecting the large number of applications (16) received by the node in 2018. There has certainly been a notable change in applications to the Lancaster laboratory in the last 3 years; changes that have seen a greater influx of Direct Access applicants to the node. DataMad currently shows 4 grants requiring LSMSF Lancaster support, with 2 of the latest grants from Manchester and Warwick Universities commencing in 2017. The nodes diverse analytical portfolio has been used to support 3 main areas of NERC Science Areas this year: Terrestrial & Freshwater sciences support still remains very high at 73%, Earth Systems at 23% and Marine Sciences at 4%. Student training has again been priority this year with 6 students receiving training in isotope methodologies. Peer reviewed publications in 2018 amounted to 2 published with already 3 more under review so all bodes well for the next reporting year. Metrics, recovered from our Laboratory Information Management System introduced last year show that the majority of analyses carried out this year have been bulk 15N's, 13C's (vegetation & soil) and N2O gases as predicted, although sample type is highly project dependent and varies from year to year. All three of these methods remain ISO17025 accredited having successfully been reawarded UKAS status in February 2018 by external assessors. Due to the inherent difficult in receiving any capital funding from SF & T over the past 5 years to replace our ageing instrumentation we have furthered our collaborations with the Lancaster Environment Centre isotope facility, who share our laboratory space. We have enhanced our existing analytical capabilities (with LEC) with a dual inlet Isoprime 100 coupled to a Pyrocube for C, N & S analyses on solids (combustion mode), H/O on solids and waters using pyrolysis mode. In addition we are developing the nitrate microbial denitrifier technology with our N2O trace gas IRMS capabilities. The advantages of this method over conventional silver nitrate methods is that much less N is required (tens of nanomoles), the end product is very low in terms of atmospheric background, and preparation time is reduced. |
Exploitation Route | NEIF is a nationally unique entity within the UK, offering an unrivalled service to universities, public services and private organisations. No other centre is capable of offering the same portfolio of stable isotope and molecular techniques, high level of expertise, scientific rigour and degree of adaptation towards the needs of scientists advancing the strategic research priorities of the NERC. Alternative provision of the analytical services offered by NEIF cannot be as cost effective and in addition the user community would lose all additional 'value-added' benefits such as tailored method development, knowledge/skills transfer and wider outreach activities with schools and the general public. The Facility is demonstrably used and clearly required if the NERC wishes to remain a serious contender on the world stage as a key player in many aspects of Earth Systems Science. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Education Energy Environment |
Description | The investment in the NEIF Lancaster laboratory intrinsically contributes to NERC's National Capabiltiy in delivery of its strategic research programmes (RP) and responsive science, which, by their very nature, have both economic and societal benefits at heart. Lancaster plays a key role in training young postgraduate scientists in the UK and ensures delivery of the training in line with NERC's strategic priorities and the skills base required by the research community. The LSMSF provides an excellent mechanism by which the flow of 'top talent' postgraduates can gain access to the cutting analytical tools and training that is essential for their research. The wide range of expertise of the node staff enables the facility to provide technical/instrumental and extensive 'hands on' training, tailored to suite the individuals needs and requirements. Students spend time in the laboratories of the LSMSF nodes, thereby gaining direct training and access to the analytical expertise of LSMSF technical staff. This is not available in the wider research community, nor offered by commercial laboratories, as evidenced by the designation of LSMSF as a NERC S&F. Furthermore, it is often the students themselves that formulate the proposals ultimately submitted to the steering committee and this is usually their first experience and training in drafting applications for competitive funding for science. Thus is further emphasises the value of S&F in providing a critical training dimension in the delivery of NERC science. Such training, at zero cost to the end user, is a great asset to the schooling of our next generation young research scientists and augments their skills portfolio for future employment. Although, the majority of our collaborations are with UK HEI based researchers and not directly with businesses or stake holders, the breadth and diversity of scientific information generated and published from this type of research is ultimately utilized by these sectors. Typical examples of our work are outlined as follows:- Trace gas methane isotope measurements: We have discovered that Iceland's Sólheimajökull glacier, which covers the active volcano, Katla, is releasing up to 41 tons of methane every day through its meltwater during the summer months - equal to the methane produced by more than 136,000 belching cows. The research, published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports, is the first major examination into whether melting glaciers could be a potential major source for methane as the climate warms, particularly those situated on or next to active volcanoes. There is a huge amount of methane lost from the glacial meltwater stream into the atmosphere and it greatly exceeds average methane loss from non-glacial rivers to the atmosphere reported in the scientific literature. It rivals some of the world's most methane-producing wetlands and represents more than twenty times the known methane emissions of all Europe's other volcanoes put together. We used a isotope ratio mass spectrometer to identify that the methane from Sólheimajökull was being produced by microbial activity in the bed of the glacier, sped up by the heat of the glacier's underlying volcano.The findings reveal a previously unknown source of methane emissions that could further disrupt the global climate system. Both Iceland and Antarctica have many ice-covered, active volcanoes and geothermal systems. The recent International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report highlights that current trajectories indicate global warming is likely to reach 1.5º C between 2030 and 2052, with greatest perceived climate sensitivity at higher latitudes. If methane produced under these ice caps has a means of escaping as the ice thins, there is the chance we may see short term increases in the release of methane from ice masses into the future. Nitrogen biochemical cycles: Nitrous oxide: The impact of lakes on nitrogen biogeochemical cycling in connected Lake-River ecosystems:- Natural lakes are discontinuities that potentially exert significant control over nutrient transfer through river networks. However, the biogeochemical role of natural lakes in a network context is poorly understood. Through the use of isotopes we are determining the impact of natural lakes on nitrogen biogeochemistry within river-lake networks that vary in nutrient status and degree of hydrological connectivity within the uplands of the English Lake District. Using a dual nitrate-nitrogen and nitrate-oxygen stable isotope approach, we have attributed reactive nitrogen drawdown within natural lakes to individual metabolic processes, and understood how the subsequent outflow of water from natural lakes influences nitrogen biogeochemistry within downstream river reaches. |
First Year Of Impact | 2018 |
Sector | Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals,Energy,Environment |
Impact Types | Societal Economic Policy & public services |