Advanced Finite Element Techniques for Extreme Scale Multiphysics Problems in Aerospace Engineering
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Cambridge
Department Name: Engineering
1 Context
Simulation techniques play an essential role in the aerospace industry and have transformed the
engineering design process, moving the field closer towards the goal of right-first-time engineering.
However, the demand for greater performance and improved effciency driven by the threat of
climate change and other factors mean that more accurate, robust, and powerful simulation tools
are required; capable of system level simulation with multiple governing physical laws.
2 Research aims
The question this projects seeks to answer is: can state-of-the-art methods be formulated to enable
accurate, robust, and effcient simulations of extreme scale multiphysics problems with applications
in aerospace engineering? The aims of this project are to:
Develop state-of-the-art, mathematically rigorous solvers for multiphysics problems involving
heat transfer, solid mechanics,
uid mechanics, and electromagnetism. The novelty here lies
in the mathematics of the solution methods to better capture the underlying physics.
Investigate methods that are arbitrarily high-order accurate enabling accurate simulation of
intricate designs. In addition, high-order methods are well suited for modern high performance
computing architecture.
Employ algorithms with (near) linear complexity to allow efficient computation of solutions
to extreme scale problems. This enables system level simulation, as opposed to simulating
only individual/a small number of components.
Research robust,
exible, and efficient coupling techniques that are suitable for the large
disparities between the spatial and temporal scales present in aerospace problems, which can
differ by several orders of magnitude.
3 Novel methodology
The project will research, develop, and deliver novel multiphysics simulation schemes based on a
numerical technique called the finite element method; a natural setting to achieve the research aims.
This will involve mathematically formulating new methods with properties desirable for aerospace
applications, as well as mathematical proofs of these properties. The resulting schemes will be
implemented programmatically and their performance demonstrated by conducting various numer-
ical experiments and running benchmark tests. The schemes will be implemented in FEniCS-X; a
powerful, cutting-edge, open-source finite element library that allows rapid, effcient implementa-
tion of state-of-the-art methods. A key point is that the solvers will be implemented in a unified
framework that allows techniques to be applied that would not otherwise be possible. Additionally,
the project will contribute to the development of FEniCS-X as and when features are required that
do not already exist.
The performance of any fruitful schemes will be demonstrated by solving real aerospace problems.
All of the resulting code from the project will be made freely available and open-source in the interest
of scientific transparency and reproducibility.
4 Relevant EPSRC research areas
There are several EPSRC research areas that this project is relevant to, including:
Numerical analysis
Continuum mechanics
Fluid dynamics and aerodynamics
Non-linear systems
Mathematical physics
Simulation techniques play an essential role in the aerospace industry and have transformed the
engineering design process, moving the field closer towards the goal of right-first-time engineering.
However, the demand for greater performance and improved effciency driven by the threat of
climate change and other factors mean that more accurate, robust, and powerful simulation tools
are required; capable of system level simulation with multiple governing physical laws.
2 Research aims
The question this projects seeks to answer is: can state-of-the-art methods be formulated to enable
accurate, robust, and effcient simulations of extreme scale multiphysics problems with applications
in aerospace engineering? The aims of this project are to:
Develop state-of-the-art, mathematically rigorous solvers for multiphysics problems involving
heat transfer, solid mechanics,
uid mechanics, and electromagnetism. The novelty here lies
in the mathematics of the solution methods to better capture the underlying physics.
Investigate methods that are arbitrarily high-order accurate enabling accurate simulation of
intricate designs. In addition, high-order methods are well suited for modern high performance
computing architecture.
Employ algorithms with (near) linear complexity to allow efficient computation of solutions
to extreme scale problems. This enables system level simulation, as opposed to simulating
only individual/a small number of components.
Research robust,
exible, and efficient coupling techniques that are suitable for the large
disparities between the spatial and temporal scales present in aerospace problems, which can
differ by several orders of magnitude.
3 Novel methodology
The project will research, develop, and deliver novel multiphysics simulation schemes based on a
numerical technique called the finite element method; a natural setting to achieve the research aims.
This will involve mathematically formulating new methods with properties desirable for aerospace
applications, as well as mathematical proofs of these properties. The resulting schemes will be
implemented programmatically and their performance demonstrated by conducting various numer-
ical experiments and running benchmark tests. The schemes will be implemented in FEniCS-X; a
powerful, cutting-edge, open-source finite element library that allows rapid, effcient implementa-
tion of state-of-the-art methods. A key point is that the solvers will be implemented in a unified
framework that allows techniques to be applied that would not otherwise be possible. Additionally,
the project will contribute to the development of FEniCS-X as and when features are required that
do not already exist.
The performance of any fruitful schemes will be demonstrated by solving real aerospace problems.
All of the resulting code from the project will be made freely available and open-source in the interest
of scientific transparency and reproducibility.
4 Relevant EPSRC research areas
There are several EPSRC research areas that this project is relevant to, including:
Numerical analysis
Continuum mechanics
Fluid dynamics and aerodynamics
Non-linear systems
Mathematical physics
Planned Impact
1. UK economy
The primary aim of the CDT in Gas Turbine Aerodynamics is to train the next generation of academic and industrial leaders to ensure that the UK retains and improves its global position in both the gas turbine industry and gas turbine research. At present the UK gas turbine industry is second only in size to that of the US. The UK gas turbine research community is currently world leading, attracting substantial funding from outside the UK. The Whittle Laboratory in Cambridge, in terms of international awards, is the world's leading turbomachinery laboratory. The Osney laboratory in Oxford pioneered many of the most important technologies used in gas turbine heat transfer and cooling and Loughborough pioneered research in combustor aerodynamics and aerothermal processes impact design.
By establishing the MRes as the international gold standard in gas turbine training and education, foreign industries will find the UK a more attractive place to train its future industrial leaders.
The closely integrated industrial and academic community which the CDT facilitates will be ideal for feeding blue skies technologies from academia back into the industry. This proved very successful in the Cambridge-MIT Silent Aircraft project. A similar model will be used in the CDT to promote high impact long term research.
The step improvement in the industrial impact of research, outlined in the objectives, is intended to make the UK the most effective country in the world for companies to fund research in this field.
2. CDT students
The integrated multidisciplinary nature of the MRes education has no parallel anywhere in the world. Its composition is specifically designed to give the students a broad and integrated view of the gas turbine industry as well as training for the following PhD research.. This has three specific aims: to give the students an understanding of the way in which components integrate within a gas turbine; to give the students an understanding of the importance of multidisciplinary design; to give the students a broad understanding of the different sectors of the gas turbine and turbomachinery industry. This will include gas turbines for aerospace, marine, large scale power generation, small scale power generation, pumping and turbomachinery for domestic use.
The small projects will give the cohort practical, in-depth experience in the three main components of a gas turbine and in gas turbine integration. Each project will involve a design challenge aimed at bringing the cohort together to solve problems. This will also provide them with experience of industrial design as well as research challenges.
The students will receive training, mentoring and practical experience in developing research projects through industrial collaboration. It is important that the next generation of research and industry leaders gain experience in developing research projects that can achieve both academic excellence and industrial impact.
3. The wider research community
The CDT plans to reach out to the broader research community. These will involve collaborations with the external aerodynamics community, working on shared design challenges such as engine airframe integration. It will also involve collaboration with other universities working on gas turbine research. Examples include Surrey University on gas turbine secondary air systems, Imperial College on fluid structure interaction and Southampton University on gas turbine noise.
With the formation of the Aerospace Technology Institute, (ATI) this is an ideal time for the UK gas turbine community to engage on a national level in developing the UK's research and graduate education strategy. The CDT will play an active role in working with the ATI.
The increased number of gas turbine PhD students will raise the standard of applicants to post doctoral and academic positions across the UK aerodynamics community.
The primary aim of the CDT in Gas Turbine Aerodynamics is to train the next generation of academic and industrial leaders to ensure that the UK retains and improves its global position in both the gas turbine industry and gas turbine research. At present the UK gas turbine industry is second only in size to that of the US. The UK gas turbine research community is currently world leading, attracting substantial funding from outside the UK. The Whittle Laboratory in Cambridge, in terms of international awards, is the world's leading turbomachinery laboratory. The Osney laboratory in Oxford pioneered many of the most important technologies used in gas turbine heat transfer and cooling and Loughborough pioneered research in combustor aerodynamics and aerothermal processes impact design.
By establishing the MRes as the international gold standard in gas turbine training and education, foreign industries will find the UK a more attractive place to train its future industrial leaders.
The closely integrated industrial and academic community which the CDT facilitates will be ideal for feeding blue skies technologies from academia back into the industry. This proved very successful in the Cambridge-MIT Silent Aircraft project. A similar model will be used in the CDT to promote high impact long term research.
The step improvement in the industrial impact of research, outlined in the objectives, is intended to make the UK the most effective country in the world for companies to fund research in this field.
2. CDT students
The integrated multidisciplinary nature of the MRes education has no parallel anywhere in the world. Its composition is specifically designed to give the students a broad and integrated view of the gas turbine industry as well as training for the following PhD research.. This has three specific aims: to give the students an understanding of the way in which components integrate within a gas turbine; to give the students an understanding of the importance of multidisciplinary design; to give the students a broad understanding of the different sectors of the gas turbine and turbomachinery industry. This will include gas turbines for aerospace, marine, large scale power generation, small scale power generation, pumping and turbomachinery for domestic use.
The small projects will give the cohort practical, in-depth experience in the three main components of a gas turbine and in gas turbine integration. Each project will involve a design challenge aimed at bringing the cohort together to solve problems. This will also provide them with experience of industrial design as well as research challenges.
The students will receive training, mentoring and practical experience in developing research projects through industrial collaboration. It is important that the next generation of research and industry leaders gain experience in developing research projects that can achieve both academic excellence and industrial impact.
3. The wider research community
The CDT plans to reach out to the broader research community. These will involve collaborations with the external aerodynamics community, working on shared design challenges such as engine airframe integration. It will also involve collaboration with other universities working on gas turbine research. Examples include Surrey University on gas turbine secondary air systems, Imperial College on fluid structure interaction and Southampton University on gas turbine noise.
With the formation of the Aerospace Technology Institute, (ATI) this is an ideal time for the UK gas turbine community to engage on a national level in developing the UK's research and graduate education strategy. The CDT will play an active role in working with the ATI.
The increased number of gas turbine PhD students will raise the standard of applicants to post doctoral and academic positions across the UK aerodynamics community.
Studentship Projects
Project Reference | Relationship | Related To | Start | End | Student Name |
NE/W503204/1 | 31/03/2021 | 30/03/2022 | |||
2107049 | Studentship | NE/W503204/1 | 30/09/2018 | 29/06/2023 | Joseph Dean |
Description | The aim of this project is to develop state-of-the-art methods for accurate, robust, and efficient simulations of extreme scale multiphysics problems in a single, unified framework based on the finite element method. These problems involve heat transfer, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and electromagnetism; all coupled together. So far, a novel method has been developed for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations which conserves mass exactly. Some of the other mathematical properties of the method have also been rigorously proved. The method has been implemented in FEniCSx (an open-source finite element library) and verified by conducting several numerical experiments. Some preliminary investigations into the performance of the method at large scale look promising. In addition, some small contributions have been made to the development of FEniCSx. |
Exploitation Route | Simulation techniques play an essential role in science and engineering. The novel techniques developed by this PhD project could be applied to a vast range of multiphysics problems such as the magnetohydrodynamic analysis of liquid walls for nuclear fusion reactors. In addition, the mathematical formulation of the methods and their implementation could be developed further to improve accuracy and performance. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Energy Other |