Hollow core fibre technology for quantum related applications (CDT-QTE)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC)


This PhD project aims to pioneer the development and application of hollow core optical fibres in the realm of quantum technology. The project will focus on three key areas of quantum technology: quantum communications, sensing, and computing. The project will involve the design and fabrication of custom fibres tailored to these applications. These fibres will leverage the unique properties of hollow core fibres, including ultra-low nonlinearity and loss, low chromatic dispersion, high damage threshold, and solarization resistance. These characteristics make hollow core fibres an ideal medium for quantum technology applications, offering significant advantages over traditional solid core fibres. In the field of quantum communications, the project will explore how the low loss, low nonlinearity, low chromatic dispersion, and low and stable latency of hollow core fibres can enhance the security and efficiency of quantum key systems and of entangled photon distribution. This could revolutionize the way sensitive information is transmitted, offering unprecedented levels of security. For quantum sensing, the project will investigate how the interaction of light with the environment in a hollow core can improve the sensitivity and precision of quantum sensors. This could lead to breakthroughs in fields ranging from gravitational wave sensing to environmental monitoring. In quantum computing, the project will study how the unique properties of hollow core fibres can be exploited to create more efficient and scalable quantum information processing systems. The project will be conducted in collaboration with leading teams in quantum technology, providing the opportunity to work at the forefront of this exciting field.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/Y035267/1 31/03/2024 29/09/2032
2928366 Studentship EP/Y035267/1 30/09/2024 22/09/2028 Rene Reynolds Hamel