Publication API

The publication API allows you to fetch publications by publication identifier or to get a paged list of all publications.

Getting a list of publications

You can use the publication API to retrieve a paged list of all publications.


Where <page-number> is the number of the page you require (which will default to 1 if not provided) and <number-of-items-on-a-page> is the number of items you want to be returned on a page (which defaults to 25 is not provided). See How pagination works for more details on working with paginated results.

HTTP Method



Example results

NOTE: Some items in the various lists included in the results have been truncated to save space.

    "headerData": {
        "lastRefreshDate": "18 Apr 2024"
    "publicationsBean": {
        "publications": [
                "id": "D682874B-71F7-4EC2-AE29-6E40CBAE975E",
                "resourceUrl": "",
                "outcomeId": "5e677adf62b133.06440086",
                "title": "How does brand loyalty interact with tourism destination? Exploring the effect of brand loyalty on place attachment",
                "parentPublicationTitle": "Annals of Tourism Research",
                "authors": [
                        "id": "d7c92a675b6502a97a707b04cca69bc1",
                        "resourceUrl": "",
                        "firstName": null,
                        "otherNames": "Liu Y",
                        "surname": null,
                        "email": null,
                        "orcidId": null,
                        "displayName": "Liu Y",
                        "fullName": "Liu Y"
                "date": 1577836800000,
                "digitalPublicationUrl": "",
                "pubMedId": null,
                "pubMedUrl": null,
                "isbn": null,
                "issn": "0160-7383",
                "publicationUrl": "",
                "abstractText": null,
                "volume": null,
                "issue": null,
                "totalPages": null,
                "edition": null,
                "chapterNumber": null,
                "chapterTitle": null,
                "pageRef": null,
                "series": null,
                "type": "Journal Article/Review",
                "firstAuthorName": "Liu Y",
                "grantRef": null
            // ...

Getting publication by publication identifier

To retrieve the details of a publication you need to pass the publication's identifier to this endpoint.


Where <publication-identifier> should be replaced with the identifier for the publication you want to retrieve.

HTTP Method



Example results

NOTE: Some items in the various lists included in the results have been truncated to save space.

    "headerData": {
        "lastRefreshDate": "18 Apr 2024"
    "publicationsBean": {
        "publications": [
                "id": "D682874B-71F7-4EC2-AE29-6E40CBAE975E",
                "resourceUrl": "",
                "outcomeId": "5e677adf62b133.06440086",
                "title": "How does brand loyalty interact with tourism destination? Exploring the effect of brand loyalty on place attachment",
                "parentPublicationTitle": "Annals of Tourism Research",
                "authors": [
                        "id": "d7c92a675b6502a97a707b04cca69bc1",
                        "resourceUrl": "",
                        "firstName": null,
                        "otherNames": "Liu Y",
                        "surname": null,
                        "email": null,
                        "orcidId": null,
                        "displayName": "Liu Y",
                        "fullName": "Liu Y"
                "date": 1577836800000,
                "digitalPublicationUrl": "",
                "pubMedId": null,
                "pubMedUrl": null,
                "isbn": null,
                "issn": "0160-7383",
                "publicationUrl": "",
                "abstractText": null,
                "volume": null,
                "issue": null,
                "totalPages": null,
                "edition": null,
                "chapterNumber": null,
                "chapterTitle": null,
                "pageRef": null,
                "series": null,
                "type": "Journal Article/Review",
                "firstAuthorName": "Liu Y",
                "grantRef": null
            // ...