Publication API
The publication API allows you to fetch publications by publication identifier or to get a paged list of all publications.
Getting a list of publications
You can use the publication API to retrieve a paged list of all publications.
list publications Endpoint<page-number>&fetchSize=<number-of-items-on-a-page>
Where <page-number>
is the number of the page you require (which will default to 1 if not provided)
and <number-of-items-on-a-page>
is the number of items you want to be returned on a page
(which defaults to 25 is not provided). See How pagination works
for more details on working with paginated results.
list publications endpoint HTTP Method
list publications endpoint Example
list publications endpoint Example results
NOTE: Some items in the various lists included in the results have been truncated to save space.
"headerData": {
"lastRefreshDate": "18 Apr 2024"
"publicationsBean": {
"publications": [
"id": "D682874B-71F7-4EC2-AE29-6E40CBAE975E",
"resourceUrl": "",
"outcomeId": "5e677adf62b133.06440086",
"title": "How does brand loyalty interact with tourism destination? Exploring the effect of brand loyalty on place attachment",
"parentPublicationTitle": "Annals of Tourism Research",
"authors": [
"id": "d7c92a675b6502a97a707b04cca69bc1",
"resourceUrl": "",
"firstName": null,
"otherNames": "Liu Y",
"surname": null,
"email": null,
"orcidId": null,
"displayName": "Liu Y",
"fullName": "Liu Y"
"date": 1577836800000,
"digitalPublicationUrl": "",
"pubMedId": null,
"pubMedUrl": null,
"isbn": null,
"issn": "0160-7383",
"publicationUrl": "",
"abstractText": null,
"volume": null,
"issue": null,
"totalPages": null,
"edition": null,
"chapterNumber": null,
"chapterTitle": null,
"pageRef": null,
"series": null,
"type": "Journal Article/Review",
"firstAuthorName": "Liu Y",
"grantRef": null
// ...
Getting publication by publication identifier
To retrieve the details of a publication you need to pass the publication's identifier to this endpoint.
get publication Endpoint<publication-identifier>
Where <publication-identifier>
should be replaced with the identifier for
the publication you want to retrieve.
get publication endpoint HTTP Method
get publication endpoint Example
get publication endpoint Example results
NOTE: Some items in the various lists included in the results have been truncated to save space.
"headerData": {
"lastRefreshDate": "18 Apr 2024"
"publicationsBean": {
"publications": [
"id": "D682874B-71F7-4EC2-AE29-6E40CBAE975E",
"resourceUrl": "",
"outcomeId": "5e677adf62b133.06440086",
"title": "How does brand loyalty interact with tourism destination? Exploring the effect of brand loyalty on place attachment",
"parentPublicationTitle": "Annals of Tourism Research",
"authors": [
"id": "d7c92a675b6502a97a707b04cca69bc1",
"resourceUrl": "",
"firstName": null,
"otherNames": "Liu Y",
"surname": null,
"email": null,
"orcidId": null,
"displayName": "Liu Y",
"fullName": "Liu Y"
"date": 1577836800000,
"digitalPublicationUrl": "",
"pubMedId": null,
"pubMedUrl": null,
"isbn": null,
"issn": "0160-7383",
"publicationUrl": "",
"abstractText": null,
"volume": null,
"issue": null,
"totalPages": null,
"edition": null,
"chapterNumber": null,
"chapterTitle": null,
"pageRef": null,
"series": null,
"type": "Journal Article/Review",
"firstAuthorName": "Liu Y",
"grantRef": null
// ...