Searching projects

The search project API endpoint searches all projects for a specific term.


HTTP method


Request parameters

Search API query parameters provides information about the request parameters.


Example results

NOTE: Some items in the various lists included in the results below have been truncated to save space.

    "headerData": {
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    "facetedSearchResultBean": {
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            "term": "mouse",
            "fields": "project.abs",
            "selectedFacets": "",
            "type": "",
            "detailedAndFilter": false,
            "termEncoded": "mouse"
        "totalResults": 3973,
        "didYouMean": [],
        "results": [
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                        "title": "Composition of a regulatory locus and the impact on phenotype and disease",
                        "status": null,
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                        "identifiers": null,
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                        "projectHierarchy": null,
                        "studentshipHierarchy": null,
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                        "researchSubjects": [],
                        "researchTopics": [],
                        "rcukProgrammes": [],
                        "hasClassifications": false
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                        "department": null,
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                        "count": 1034
                    // ...
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                        "applied": false,
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                    // ...
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                        "applied": false,
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                        "count": 0
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                        "count": 1958
                    // ...
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                        "count": 1
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                "displayName": "ORCID iD"
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                "displayName": "Project Abstract"
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                "displayName": "Project Reference"
                "fieldName": "pro.t",
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        "paramsWithoutPage": "term=mouse&selectedFacets=&fields=&type=&fetchSize=25&selectedSortableField=score&selectedSortOrder=DESC",
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