Configuration and exmaple endpoints
Here are the configuration and example endpoints. The response type provides the XML schema name for the format of the responses provided by the endpoint.
Introduction to the configuration endpoints
The configs endpoint provides information on the URL parameters, and the searchable fields and sortable fields available for a specific endpoint.
For example, the configuration for the projects endpoint can be obtained by issuing a GET request to The following is an example of the response to the requested, with some items in the various lists truncated to save space.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<resourceConfig xmlns="">
<description>Query term, q=search_term</description>
<description>Page of result set, starting at 1, p=1</description>
<description>Size of page between 10 and 100, defaulted to s=20</description>
<description>Search fields - see fields section for field codes, f=pro.t&f=pro.orcidId</description>
<description>Sort field - see fields section for field codes, sf=score</description>
<description>Sort order A (ascending) or D (descending), so=A</description>
<description>Project Reference</description>
<description>Project Title</description>
<description>Project Abstract</description>
<!-- ... -->
Example endpoint
Example endpoint Description
Retrieves examples of all endpoints
Example endpoint URL
Example endpoint Response type
Configuration endpoint
Configuration endpoint Description
Retrieves information about the parameters for a resource endpoint, where <resource> should be replaced with the name of a GtR resource, for example funds, projects, persons, keyfindings etc.
Configuration endpoint URL<resource>
Configuration endpoint Response type