Mission Room - Passenger Orientation Guide (POG)



This project is building an innovative Passenger Orientation Guide (POG) to help passengers navigate stations and trains. It will help reduce passenger anxiety and explain the specific bits of the station and train that relate directly to your journey. It will take the complexity out of your trip and explain it using simple but powerful immersive images.

The project has been funded by Innovate UK under the SBRI, First of a Kind programme that is designed to bring new technology in to the rail sector.

Based on some simple information that the customer provides about their journey and individual circumstances, POG will build a personalised visual 360 degree tour that will take you from the station entrance, to your platform, onto the train and to your own seat. It will be able to customise tours to take account of personal disabilities and simplify journey preparation.

The technology can be accessed in the home (via the web), in the station (via a touchscreen kiosk) or on your smart phone (as a mobile app).

The project is a collaboration between Mission Room Limited and TransPennine Express (TPE). The organisations have worked together on previous projects over the last 18 months that have focussed on using immersive technology to help develop staff skills for improving passenger service.

This technology demonstrator will focus initially on routes and trains running out of Huddersfield Station, one of TPEs main stations.

Mission Room is an immersive technology company that specialises in developing new technology for the rail sector. Established ten years ago, Mission Room has built a reputation for innovation and thrive on the challenge of making 360 degree technology useful.

TPE are an established train and station operator and are part of the First Group that run a number of rail franchises. The franchise operates all its services to and through Manchester covering three main routes and has recently upgraded much of its rolling stock to enhance customer experiences.

Once the technology has been proven on this project, it is planned to roll this out more widely across the rail network. By building a technology process as part of the solution, we will be able to quickly and cost-effectively apply it to other train and station operators. It is also planned to offer this to international rail operators to help boost export performance.

For more information contact [info@missionroom.com][0]

[0]: mailto:info@missionroom.com

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

MISSION ROOM LIMITED £308,250 £ 308,250




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