Robust Automated Discovery (RAD)

Lead Participant: GEARU LIMITED


**In some respects, laboratory work has changed little from the lab benches of the 1800s; certainly, the image of laboratories packed with scientists in white coats still holds today. As for many industries, the emergence of COVID-19 has had a major effect on research-intensive industries, and we need to mitigate for this in the future. In 2020, researchers at the University of Liverpool developed a new technology: a mobile robotic chemist that is able to work by itself, 24 hours a day, making decisions about which experiments to do next using artificial intelligence (see BBC News feature, June 2020). Based on this technology, a new spin-out company, Mobotics, was formed. In this project, Mobotics will partner with Johnson Matthey, a UK science and chemicals company, and global leader in sustainability, along with ABB Robotics and the Centre for Process Innovation. By combining their skills in chemistry, robotics, software, and artificial intelligence, this multidisciplinary team will create a resilient solution that will allow companies in the future to operate their research remotely, even in periods of lockdown or social distancing. We will also demonstrate the concept of a "backup lab" -- that is, a mirrored robotic facility in another site that can be controlled securely over the internet. This will allow companies to be more resilient to disruption in the future, not only related to COVID-19 or other diseases, but also in terms of problems with supply chain, infrastructure, or 'spikes' in demand. This programme builds on areas of core UK strength where we hold an international lead and will catapult this new technology into a range of sectors, including pharmaceuticals, home and personal care products, and clean energy (e.g., new battery materials). Societal benefits will include greater flexibility for staff and the ability of researchers to work from home where needed. Longer term, this technology also has the potential to make research more inclusive -- for example, for people with disabilities who might not be able to work within a more conventional laboratory environment.**

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

GEARU LIMITED £317,895 £ 222,526


JOHNSON MATTHEY PLC £59,795 £ 29,898


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