
Lead Participant: AGILE CHARGING LTD


BEVscan aims to improve the user experience throughout the secondary EV market by providing the buyer and seller of a used EV with robust data regarding the health of the car battery.

The value of second-hand electric vehicles is inherently linked to the battery SoH (State of Health). BEVscan will assess the feasibility of measuring SoH when an electric vehicle is due to be sold using key metrics such as overall battery degradation, number of historical charge cycles (on different types of charger) and a number of other key indicators that highlight the profile of current and future battery performance. It combines the development of an on-board hardware device plugging into the OBD with a software solution to interpret the findings to provide consistency of results across brands.

Key objectives of BEVscan include:

1. Detailed research to determine all available data streams available across OEMs/models to design a consistent benchmark standard for SoH.
2. Hardware feasibility study to determine the best approach to gathering data, optimise readings and determine independent verification of the SoH.
3. Test software proof of concept to determine most effective communications approaches for sharing data to cloud and secure storage approaches
4. Detailed market assessment to validate routes to market

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

AGILE CHARGING LTD £216,838 £ 151,786




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