Waste heat recovery and reuse in foundation industries (WHR-FIND)

Lead Participant: ASTON UNIVERSITY


The cement, steel, and glass industry are energy intense industries, and about 1/3 of the input fuel energy is discarded as waste heat. Although, there has been development to recover the waste heat from these industries. But, due to lack of knowledge and understanding of the barrier and challenges of waste heat to power conversion technologies, their impact on the primary process, and the cost and benefits associated with the waste heat to power conversion technologies. In this project, we aim to investigate and characterize the major barrier and challenges, develop the tools and model to analyse the waste heat potential, conduct the techno economic feasibility assessment, analyse the cost-benefit of the waste heat to power conversion technologies through dedicated business models. The project will be completed in close collaboration with leading researchers in the area of waste heat to power conversion technologies, energy efficiency, and business model research.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ASTON UNIVERSITY £79,532 £ 79,532


10 25 50