Feasibility study into the potential to replicate bio-bean UK's industrial scale coffee recyclying operation in Belgium/the Netherlands

Lead Participant: BIO-BEAN LIMITED


This project seeks to ascertain the feasibility of replicating bio-bean UK's industrial scale spent coffee recycling factory operation in Belgium/the Netherlands. It will do this by mapping the companies that are the potential major sources of large volumes of spent coffee grounds (SCG) in North West Europe and enabling meetings to take place between bio-bean and these companies. It will identify potential locations for a bio-bean Belgium/Netherlands site through engagement with in-country property agents. It will shortlist potential North West Europe located major customers for the bio-bean products to be produced by the Belgium/Netherlands factory and enable meetings to take place with these potential customers. Finally, it will produce a report with simple financials into the viability of such a factory operation.

bio-bean's expansion into a European site represents significant growth for the company and the further utilisation of an undervalued and underutilised raw material and is therefore considered highly innovative.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

BIO-BEAN LIMITED £29,987 £ 20,991


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