Closed-Loop Compostable Bio-based Packaging Materials



The severity of the plastic pollution problem world-wide is undeniable. It is estimated that more than 8bn tonnes of virgin plastic has been produced since the 1950s(Geyer,Jambeck,Law\_2017). Of the global plastic waste generated so far, an estimated 10% has been recycled, 14% incinerated and the remaining 76% has ended up in landfills, dumps or the natural environment(Geyer\_2020). While efforts to increase recycling rates are underway, the rate of production growth and technical challenges outstrip current waste management capacities and capabilities. A recent study found that UK and US citizens produce the most plastic waste per person, at 99 and 105 kg/person/year, respectively(Law\_et\_al\_2020). This is equivalent in weight to each UK citizen using 10,000 plastic bottles per year, or nearly 200 plastic bottles per week.

Shellworks was founded in July 2019 by three Imperial College/Royal College of Art graduates to tackle this issue. Our ambition is to disrupt the global plastics market with our bacteria-derived compostable packaging material which leverages agricultural waste, a renewable and plentiful feedstock, as a key raw material. Our innovative material is truly biodegradable and home-compostable.

We have already successfully reached pilot-scale of our products with key target customers in the cosmetics industry, validating both performance and market demand. However, our work is not complete. We now understand that producing a more sustainable material does not translate into more sustainable packaging unless we can ensure an appropriate end-of-life. In order to alleviate the burden on recycling facilities for sorting compostable versus non-compostable materials, Shellworks has raised the bar and is now focused on delivering further innovations to "close the loop" and optimise the products' end-of-life phase.

With Innovate UK support for this project, and in collaboration with a new partner Impact Solutions, we will further improve our material to achieve optimal degradation and develop scalable end-of-life processes. Through the R&D developed as part of this project, we will be able to guide consumers and ensure we have a robust end-of-life product management. In doing so, we will unlock a key barrier for all compostable materials entering the UK market, ensuring that the country's existing waste management infrastructure can cope and deliver environmentally optimal outcomes.

This project supports the UK's ambition to become a world leader in sustainable packaging, tackling global plastic waste and climate crises, and is in close alignment with the targets of the UK Plastic Pact.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SHELLWORKS GROUP LTD £400,064 £ 280,045




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