Project U-Quant: Ultra-low SWaP quantum communication payload for tactical and space applications

Lead Participant: AEGIQ LTD


QKD provides a secure method for the sharing of encryption keys. Via free-space satellite links, long-distance key sharing can be achieved and global access to the benefits of quantum technologies is enhanced. Current state-of-the-art technology has limitations, such as the need for complex, large control systems, susceptibility to loss, or a low-key generation rate. U-Quant aims to bring together collaborators with expertise in single photon source and QKD control system development to provide the market with a low-loss, low-SWaP integrated QKD system that utilises the superior performance of true quantum light sources. This development will allow ultracompact product manufacturing to take place, providing the market with a low-cost, true-quantum technology that is suitable for integration into current satellite systems.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

AEGIQ LTD £289,902 £ 202,931


UNIVERSITY OF EXETER £206,867 £ 206,867


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