Advanced Organic Manufacturing Process

Lead Participant: GROUND 9 LTD


What you choose to wear on your feet has never been more important. The way shoes are traditionally made accounts for significant greenhouse gas emission. More than 25bn pairs of shoes are manufactured every year, most of them ending up in landfill with some types of footwear taking up to 1000 years to decompose SOURCE: [Foot Work: What Your Shoes Are Doing to the World][0], by Tansy E Hoskins. The challenge is how do we accelerate a wider public adoption of organic footwear and more importantly impact a reduction in this sector's concerning carbon footprint.

It's a problem being addressed by many shoe makers, coming up with a range of organic products including shoes made from recyclable plastics, however capitalising on this movement, this project seeks to develop and introduce a totally new advanced manufacturing process . It aims to bring to market a unique and faster process, that utilises a raw organic source, grown here in the UK to produce a quality, sustainable eco-shoe, comparable to conventional footwear, achieving both style and comfort, integrally important to shoe shoppers. Furthering the potential of the bio-gradable shoe is the way forward if we are to truly embrace sustainability within this sector.

Unique fibre blending and the further development of a new technique and approach, deployed in the way the shoes are produced is the focus of the innovation and approach. A passionate team of qualified experts with years of experience in shoe development and experiment will, through this project address this challenge which needs considered attention, especially in the context of future proofing UK sustainability goals

The project will fuel collaborations with retailers and manufacturers, already keen to get involved with the 'Eco-Friendly shoe, concept and trend. They're proudly announcing their commitments to looking at how they can attract and strive to develop sustainable designs, production methods, and distribution channels.

The ETA ( Ethical Trading Initiative), who work diligently to help solve global supply chain issues, now has major brands such as, H&M Group, Primark and ASOS Group as members. Other big brands like Nike and Adidas are equally demonstrating their new-found eco-friendly ethos, introducing their own versions of a sustainable trainer.

It's an exciting time for shoe manufactures and retailer who collectively can achieve great things, all working towards achieving commercially viable environmental change that helps in the fight against climate change and makes society a better place.


Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

GROUND 9 LTD £48,051 £ 48,051




10 25 50