Thermo-regulating magnetic coverings for storing and releasing lost heat

Lead Participant: RADWRAPS LTD


Nearly half of all energy consumption is used to generate hot water and heat the homes we live in. A lot if this energy is wasted because of the poor energy control inside our homes.

The project is focused on the manufacturing of new product for saving heat both in houses and in industry. Our new product is magnetic decorative cover sheets with thermo-regulating properties. Thermo-regulating magnetic covers can be easily applied and wrap any steel surface saving heat energy at high temperatures and releasing it at low temperatures. A simple way of demonstrating this is with house radiators. Every boiler has different heating programs alternating heating and on-hold periods. Hot water in radiators heats the house when the boiler is on. However, when the boiler is off, there is no external heating. Application of magnetic cover sheets with thermo-regulating properties on the radiator surface makes it possible to store heat and autonomically release it when the boiler is off (usually during the night). This technology will keep the house warm during the whole day thus saving on gas or electricity bills. Magnetic sheets can be easily attached or removed from radiator surfaces, so no special installation is needed. The same approach can be applied in industry for heating in-door factory areas from the waste heat produced by hot water piplines.

The project is the combination of the cover sheets production technologies existing in Radwraps and research results achieved in the University of Liverpool for this new type of heat storage materials. Materials are composed of the encapsulated phase-change material for heat storage and a shell, which prevents the release of the encapsulated phase-change material and provide attachment to the surface of magnetic cover sheet. Great variety of the available phase-change materials will guarantee wide application area of the thermo-regulating magnetic cover sheets at different operating temperatures and conditions.

Our expected customers are home and business owners, state/council/government buildings, hospitals. Thermoregulating magnetic covers can be applied on back side of the refrigerators, stoves, pipes, radiators, boilers etc. which can give a high versatility for end-users to save heat. They are thin enough to roll and easy to trim (makes on the shelf product for ie B&Q/DIY warehouses).

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

RADWRAPS LTD £177,340 £ 124,138




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