Future Flight Project

Lead Participant: ZEROAVIA LTD


The Future Flight Project, is a collaboration between the Institute for Research in Schools (IRIS) and ZeroAvia which gives students across the UK an opportunity to learn about Carbon Net-Zero aviation through developing their research, teamworking, problem solving skills and knowledge.

This project directs students to carry out initial, individual research to discover the current impact that commercial aviation is having on the planet and how carbon emissions can be reduced.

Students will learn the theory behind hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen aircraft alongside the basic fundamentals of aircraft design and operation.

The students will conduct Initial research and then develop innovative solutions to adapt an existing aircraft to accommodate hydrogen tanks for carbon-free flight; they will use OpenVSP (free software developed by NASA) to model their aircraft adaptations and virtually test their aircraft to gauge its performance.

This project will test students' ability to interpret data from software, make conscious design decisions and give them experience working towards a real life challenge faced by ZeroAvia's technical teams.

Students will have to consider the impact of external vs. internal tanks by various means of cost benefit analysis including drag, ticket price and range.

The project will develop students' holistic thought processes when making decisions to achieve aircraft adaptations that minimise environmental impact and consumer cost.

Participants will be able to complete the project alone and discuss OpenVSP results, concepts and ideas amongst classmates to allow collaboration and peer support.

The students will finalize their projects via a poster to document their research and stretch tasks also include the opportunity for students to 3D print their aircraft design models.

The project will include regular webinars and face to face visits with the technical team at ZeroAvia and culminates in an IRIS conference, where students have the opportunity to present their research and results to other students interested in STEM from all over the UK.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ZEROAVIA LTD £12,852 £ 12,852




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