Personalised videocrowds for social music streaming on CastRooms

Lead Participant: CASTROOMS


CastRooms is a social streaming platform for music lovers.

CastRooms streams live music events from musicians, DJs, promoters and record labels to fans who enable their webcams. We show a videocrowd of fans that is visible to the performer and other attendees which is unlike any other streaming platform.

CastRooms is already a highly-engaging shared experience that brings the energy of live shows to the internet. Since starting in 2022 we've been running test parties with performers and fans to develop the platform. Our tests show that performers love playing on the platform and that fans have long average dwell times and already give us a high Net Promoter Score.

This Creative Catalyst project adds a new, deeper level of personalisation to the fan experience. It will increase already-strong levels of fan engagement by adding unique social features. We want to make it easier for fans to enjoy live shows online with their people - existing friends, faces from previous shows, people they just met.

Our goal is to make live shows on CastRooms so special for fans that DJs and musicians can make money from ticketed live events online like they do in the real world.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CASTROOMS £48,650 £ 48,650




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